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Last Post Wins

Re: Last Post Wins

Well, in Christian mythology, it all goes back to the Fall. See, God made the frist two humans, Adam and Eve, and gave them an entire garden of Paradise to live in and care for. However, God didn't want Adam and Eve to eat the fruit of a certain tree in the Garden; this tree would give the two knowledge of Good and Evil, When the two (technically Eve) were deceived by Satan in the form of a serpent into eating the fruit of the Tree, God cursed Adam and Eve and all their descendants, that's the entire human race. The result being that evil now exists in the world where it did not previously.

Of course, there have been many other interpretations of this story throughout history, as well as much discussion of its rather unfortunate implications. I particularly like Pullman's interpertation, that being that the Fall was a good thing for mankind, in that it allowed humanity to begin to grow and learn.

Of course, you have other stories, such as Pandora and the Box. In that story from Roman (Greek?) mythology, Pandora is asked to safeguard a Box containing all the evils and woes of humanity. She is told not to open the Box under any circumstances. Of course, she does, and unleashes all the evils and sadnesses now in the world. Its said that at the very end, Hope is released from the Box, as well. Some would call that the final, cruelest evil.

Notice how its always women who cause the bad things to happen? Stupid women.
Re: Last Post Wins

You have to wonder about Christian mythology, though. Their god is all knowing, so before the pair even ate the apple, the God knew they would eat it. Seems a bit sadistic to set up a rule that you know the people will end up breaking just so that you can punish them.
Re: Last Post Wins

Because the Christian religion was like a whore back before they decided to set down what would be cannon and what would be heresy. Basically, if it would help you convert to Christianity along with several others with similar beliefs, the Christians would make alterations to their religion. For example, I forget which God it was (Mithras I think), but the origin of Christmas as a holiday was when the Christians wanted to bring in the worshipers of that good. That basically decided that the 25 of December could be used to celebrate Jesus' birth and therefore the worshipers of the other good wouldn't have to give up that holiday. (And the chrismas tree was to pull in tree worshipers)
Re: Last Post Wins

Well, originally Christianity was an apocalyptic revision to Judaism (Jesus preeched about the end of the world and such and that all Jews needed to be Jewier) that just happen to catch on. Later the people involved to randomly allow pagans to join as well for no apparent reason.
Re: Last Post Wins

You have to wonder about Christian mythology, though. Their god is all knowing, so before the pair even ate the apple, the God knew they would eat it. Seems a bit sadistic to set up a rule that you know the people will end up breaking just so that you can punish them.
That's actually what Milton tried to tackle in Paradise Lost. He basically said that, even though God knew they would eat the fruit, they still had free will and still choose to eat the fruit. If God had created them completely loyal, without free will, it wouldn't have been 'right' in some sense of the word. So, Adam and Eve still choose to eat the fruit even if God had known they would.
Re: Last Post Wins

Ah, but if god knew that they would eat it no matter what, it doesn't matter if they chose to do so. It's basically like declaring that it is illegal to breathe. All you're really doing is putting down an unreasonable law for the sole purpose of allowing you to punish someone.
Re: Last Post Wins

My Roommate has an odd habit of staring at my computer screen whenever I'm doing stuff.
Re: Last Post Wins

My skill sets only include skills from the Tentacle Whispering, Loli, and Reincarnation categories.
Re: Last Post Wins

Because That's the way I set up my character when I first joined the 'Life' server. I'm a Loli Tentamancer with a Firebird bloodline.