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Lia (Ranger9000)

Re: Lia (Ranger9000)

Lia would head out into the forest after preparing herself with what she figured that was needed for a few hours journey through the woods. After going into the woods, it would seem that there was nothing really out of place. A few simple animals like deer were present among smaller game like rabbits and racoons. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary however.

Was it really just a myth about the forest being a haunted place? Not likely, as no sooner than did Lia think that as something felt like it had moved along the side of her leg. The fairly tall grass did not help in these regards as it was difficult to see what it was that was moving. Maybe Lia's mind was merely playing tricks on her and it was her fear of the unknown that was manifesting itself in her head.

Lia would take a few seconds to compose herself, and the same feeling of something brushing across her leg had occurred. No, this was not in her mind at all. Something was moving, but Lia could not tell exactly what it was until one of the vine blights had wrapped itself around her leg. Lia was under attack, but exactly what was it that was attacking her?

As one vine started to wrap around her leg, another one was becoming visible as well.

Lia: 5/5 FP, 0/10 AP

Blight 1: 3/3 FP
Blight 2: 3/3 FP
Re: Lia (Ranger9000)

Lia had been just about to get disappointing at the lack of finding anything interesting, when she felt something brush across her leg. The sensation nearly caused her to jump out of her skin, and she was about to dismiss it when she felt it again.

By the time she looked down and saw that it was some sort of living vine, the blight had already wrapped around her leg. Seeing another one out of the corner of her eye, Lia tried to act quickly, trying to pull her leg out of the vines grip well striking at the same vine with her polearm, hoping that it be enough to drive off the thing so she could focus on the other.
Re: Lia (Ranger9000)

Lia would do what instinctually came to her once she realized that the feeling around her leg was not just some random brush.

Lia Escape: 7 - 9 - Fail
Lia Attack: 5 - 4 - Hit
Vine 1 Attack: 7 - 7 - Miss
Vine 2 Attack: 5 - 7 - Miss

Lia would not seem to be able to get her leg free. Though quickly moving to remove the problem as well was certainly a valid plan. Lia would strike out with her polearm and cause some damage to the vine that currently was wrapped around her leg. The vines were not able to make any further advance on Lia now that she was aware of their presence.

Lia Escape: 8 - 7 - Success
Lia Attack: 7 - 6 - Hit
Vine 1 Attack: 12 - 6 - Critical
Vine 2 Attack: 8 - 3 - Critical

Lia would get herself free and land another cut on the vine that originally had assailed her. This was where Lia would make the mistake of becoming overconfident possibly as the vine she was damaging became desperate. With little more than a quick hiss while it flew through the air, the vine would wrap itself wholly around Lia's leg. The force of which would knock her right to the ground. Losing track of the other vine, Lia would soon find out where it was as it had worked its way around her arms.

Lia was in quite the predicament now. The vines were certainly harmless enough from a standpoint of trying to damage her, however there was a building sensation from the points that the vines were starting to target. The vine that was restraining her arms was already starting to work over her breasts. The vine that was restraining her leg was very obviously working its way upward toward her pussy, though it did not quite yet get there.

Lia could either struggle to get herself free, or find herself at the mercy of these vines and possibly whatever else it was that was controlling them.

Lia: 5/5 FP, 1/10 AP

Vine 1: 1/3 FP
Vine 2: 3/3 FP
Re: Lia (Ranger9000)

"Gah!" Lia exclaimed as the vines knocked her to the ground. They hadn't really done her any harm but just as she was thinking that one of the vines started groping her well the other was trailing up her leg, "Get off you pervy vines, I know where this is going!

Lia would try to shake the bonds the vines were wrapping her up in, hoping to get free enough to use her halberd again on the already damaged vine. She hoped it would work, losing to two tiny vines on he first trip in would be just embarrassing!
Re: Lia (Ranger9000)

Lia would find herself in quite the spot. Two simple vine blights had managed to put her into a rather compromising position. Both knocking her to the ground and starting to grope her, Lia would at least for now attempt to free herself.

Lia Escape: 7,8 - 7,7 - Completely Free
Lia Attack: 7- 9 Vine 1 - Miss

Vine 1: 11 - 9 Lia - Grabbed
Vine 2: 5 - 9 Lia - Miss

Lia would realize the desperation of her situation were she not to act, and act on it immediately. Finding strength she may not have known she had, she was able to manipulate the vines in a way that she was able to get herself completely free from their grasp. Noticing her weapon was right beside her, she would pick it up and attempt to attack.

The vine would evade the attack, and also was able to start wrapping around her legs again. The second vine was fairly easily swatted aside when it attempted to go for her arms again.

Lia Escape: 5 - 5 Free
Lia Attack: 7 - 9 Vine 1 - Miss

Vine 1: 9 - 7 Lia - Grabbed
Vine 2: 6 - 5 Lia - Grabbed

Lia again would find herself able to get free from the vines. She was again unable to finish off the damaged vine, and was again grabbed. This apparent stalemate was broken by the other vine being able to again grab hold of her body this time.

With one vine wrapping its way up her legs and the other wrapping around her torso, it would seem that Lia was going to be assaulted sexually. Would Lia again find a way out? Maybe she should just give in and let the vines work her over a bit?

Lia: 5/5 FP, 1/10 AP - Grabbed by both vines

Vine 1: 1/3 FP - Grabbing legs
Vine 2: 3/3 FP - Grabbing body
Re: Lia (Ranger9000)

Lia was not entirely sure how to be taking this so far, given it was almost more of a stalemate. She would break free, and then totally fail to actually cause any damage.

Still, she wasn't going to give up just yet! She wanted to prove that she could be a good fighter! So she'd make one more try to break free once again, still trying to finish off that damned damage vine.

If the vines managed to fully grab her again, and she hadn't managed to defeat atleast one of the vines before then, she would probably give up. She hoped that wouldn't have to be the case though.
Re: Lia (Ranger9000)

Lia was not really in any imminent danger from these vine blights, though being a novice was starting to show itself. Not really aware of how to pace herself in battle, Lia might just get herself tired out to the point that she would let the vines have their way with her were this battle to drag itself out any longer.

Lia Escape: 10, 8 - 5, 10 - Counter Vine 1 (dead), Fail
Lia Attack: 7 -5 Vine 2 - Hit

Vine 1: Dead
Vine 2: 6 - 8 Lia - Miss

Lia would realize rather quickly that she was still able to freely attack as the vine had only wrapped itself around her torso and her hands were still free to attack. A mistake of sorts that Lia was capable of capitalizing on as she simply lowered her weapon down and the force of gravity alone was enough to sever the vine that was wrapping around her legs. What was left of it simply withdrew into the depths of the forest around her.

With only the vine surrounding her torso left, Lia would bring her weapon upward and clip the remaining vine. Unfortunate that the attack was not enough to either free her or simply defeat the vine, it at least did not allow for the vine to strengthen its hold over her either.

Lia Escape: 9 - 6 - Success
Lia Attack: 7 -5 Vine - Hit

Vine: 6 - 7 Lia - Miss

Lia was clearly invigorated by the defeat of the first vine and started to build up some momentum as she was able to both get herself free and land another attack on the remaining vine. With the vine alone now, it was unable to find any real angle to attack Lia from and simply looked to be awaiting Lia's next attack.

Lia Attack: 9 - 9 Vine - Hit

Vine: (dead)

The vine would not have to wait long as Lia would cleave downward and leave the vine shredded into pieces. This vine was not going to be retreating anywhere as it was little more than a few piles of leaves. Now Lia had a different issue. The figure that had summoned those vine blights was now getting close. Wearing what looked to be a robe of some kind, using a wood staff with a green colored gem near the top, and the figure behind the robe being almost impossible to make out. The figure would start to speak and the voice was one that would make Lia think that the figure was at least male.

"I see you entertained my little toys. Even managed to kill one of them completely, well done. Who I am is unimportant right now. You have no business here, so just turn around and keep walking."

The robed figure would point in the direction which Lia had come from, the farm she had started at. Lia was certainly too far away to be able to attempt an attack without charging forward, though it was fairly readily apparent that Lia was outclassed in every way at this point. The figure was not seemingly hostile toward Lia at this point either.

What would Lia do now?

Lia: 5/5 FP, 1/10 AP
Re: Lia (Ranger9000)

Lia gave a small cheer as the second vine was taken out, she had done it! Though that cheer was short lived as a robbed figure walked into the clearing.

Panting a little as she looked over at the new figure, she saw the figures gem topped staff, and the way he was speaking, she wondered if she had come across a mage. Given how much trouble she had with the vines, she could only assume the mage would be even stronger then them.

Anyways, she had done what she set out to do, she won her first battle, so she saw no reason to stay here.

"And thank you for providing me something to train with," She said as she started to inch away from the mage and toward the edge of the clearing back toward the farm, "I'll just take my leave, though uhh, can I get you're name before I go?"

Whether her question was answered or not she would keep backing away, keeping her eyes on the mage, hoping to not get ambushed. Once she got far enough away she would turn around and leave, heading back to the farm and cheering her own victory over the vines.
Re: Lia (Ranger9000)

Lia would ask for the name of the figure that was before her. While doing so, she would take the offer of turning around and leaving. The figure would speak while Lia was backpedaling away from it.

"My name is as unimportant as your name is right now. Though I would suggest you watch where it was you were going.."

With this, it would become clear at least for now that the robed figure was not hostile toward Lia. Even more so that a warning would be given to Lia before she would back herself right into a tree.

As Lia would start to head back from her first excursion into the forest, she would learn a few basic things. Learning a few basic landmarks, Lia would be less likely to become lost were she to go deeper into the forest at a later time. With Lia now on the fringes of the forest, she could see that there were still a few hours left before the night would fall. Lia used maybe an hour so far and there were at least 3 hours left before the sun would set.

With two days left before the tournament would begin, Lia may not want to pass up the chance to get more work in. Maybe she could visit the horse barn again to see if she could learn more about the horses? Possibly the itch to adventure some more was still there and Lia would go back into the forest and head in a different direction from where she knew the robed figure to be.

Taking advantage of the supplies in the backpack she had taken with her, Lia would scribble down a rough idea of where she was in the forest.
Rough map

1. Robed Figure

Lia: 5/5 FP, 1/10 AP
Re: Lia (Ranger9000)

Lia was relieved that the mage didn't attack her, and quickly made her way back to the edges of the forest. Once she arrived there she let out another small cheer at the success before looking up to see how much time had passed.

She was surprised at how little time she had actually been in the woods, only nearly an hour. She figured that well she was here, she might as well try to get as much training in as she could, tomorrow she could see the horses well she worked off what was probably going to be some soreness from just being so active today.

So she would scribble down a basic map, and take a break to eat some of the food she brought with her and get her wind back. Before she'd try heading north and seeing what she would run into.

(Lia rests for 30-1 hour, then goes north/northeast)
Re: Lia (Ranger9000)

(I think the map is turned 90 degrees, so you would be going east as the forest edge is south of the farm if I remember correctly)

Lia now at the fringes of the forest would look up and realize that there was still plenty of time before night would fall. Deciding that she could certainly get more accomplished today, she would camp out for a while and take some time to relax herself. The sensation of the vines brushing across her breasts earlier started to subside and Lia would attempt to explore further north from where she had originally gone into the forest.

Maybe trouble was looking for Lia, or Lia was simply looking for trouble? Within a short while she would see what looked like a makeshift camp. The only thing that looked out of place was the fact that the tents and everything else around it were about half the size of what Lia would normally see. The campfire in the middle of the three tents was still lit, and without getting too close she could notice that there were two small creatures sitting on a log with their backs turned to Lia.

Goblins? Imps? Lia would not need long to notice their inhuman colored skin. Fairly greenish in texture, she would realize that it was definately a wandering group of monsters that were starting to make camp for the night. Lia had options. Attempt to surprise the two that were resting, or simply leave them be and continue on in a way that would hopefully not disturb them?

Lia: 5/5 FP, 0/10 AP
Re: Lia (Ranger9000)

Lia saw the camp, three tents, a campfire, and two small creatures there. Night was falling quickly, and she hadn't been spotted yet. The problem was, she only saw two of the creatures, there was atleast a third somewhere, if not more depending on how many could fit in the tents.

She considered her options, and in the end, decided taking them on was probably a bad idea. She had enough issues with the two vines earlier, and the possibility of fighting two more enemies, along with an extra that could show up at any time if not more.

So with that, she tried to back away, and try to head back to the farm. She figured she could mark the camp location and maybe come back tommorow.
Re: Lia (Ranger9000)

Lia would attempt to retreat from the camp as she realized having the numbers disadvantage would catch up to her as she wisely was able to discern that there was at least one other part of the group that was not there. Being careful to retreat without being detected, Lia made the mistake of snapping a twig. The sound was certainly enough to attact attention.

Certainly way too far away from the camp to have been detected by them, she however was detected by one of the wandering goblins. Maybe three feet tall, armed with a fairly simple dagger, and a shield almost as big as the goblin itself the goblin would turn its attention toward Lia.

"Who goes near our camp? You need to pay the toll!"

With this, Lia would need to figure out just what this goblin was on about.

Lia: 5/5 FP, 0/10 AP
Re: Lia (Ranger9000)

"And what toll is this?" Lia said as she pulled her polearm around on the goblin that spotted her, the girl silently cursing her failure at stepping on the twig. She wondered just how hard it would be to fight past this goblin before the others figured out she was here.
Re: Lia (Ranger9000)

"Shiny, Kedi want shiny things. Give me one shiny and you go."

Not exactly the brightest, even by goblin standards. This goblin seemed to desire shiny things. Probably a dram coin would be enough to simply make him go away. Judging by the distance she was from the camp and the time of night, it might be an option to simply attack the goblin as well. The likelyhood of being seen was very low, however the commotion being heard was another issue altogether.

Lia certainly had options for how she wanted to deal with this particular situation. If she took a few seconds, she might think of something else entirely.

Lia: 5/5 FP, 0/10 AP
Re: Lia (Ranger9000)

Lia didn't really see much of a need to fight this time, the commotion could go really poorly for her, so she said, "Okay I got something shiny here," and reached into her bag, pulling out a coin and tossing it to the goblin, "Now, I'm going to go."

With that Lia would start to leave, checking to make sure the goblin wasn't going to do anything further.
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Re: Lia (Ranger9000)

(Lol, I do it myself but Nym isnt in this thread lol..)

Lia would try to simply make the goblin go away. Giving it a 1 dram coin, Kepi would jump for joy and start to head back for his encampment. It would quickly set into Lia's mind that staying there would only invite more goblins to show up and be given shiny things. So to avoid that situation Lia would head back toward the entrance of the woods.

Lia would find little of relevance while she was heading back this time, and she was certainly being more cautious to avoid being clumsy and making loud sounds.

As she started to head back to the horse barn, she would sit herself down and scribble on her map where she thought the goblin encampment was approximately. With this, she could simply return the polearm to the horse stable and call it a night, or potentially try to take care of a few other minor things before night would fall.

Lia: 5/5 FP, 0/10AP
Re: Lia (Ranger9000)

(Whoops lol)

"Well, I'm slowly getting the layout of this place atleast," Lia would mutter to herself as she started her way back to the edge of the woods. With the goblin rather easily bought off, she didn't have much to worry about she was pretty sure, and it was getting late.

She'd head back to the barn, and take what remaining time she had in the night to see what she could learn about the horses, though judging by the sky, she might not have time for that when she got back there, in which case she would just drop her weapon off and go to turn in, eager for tomorrow.
Re: Lia (Ranger9000)

Lia would turn in for the night. Returning the weapon from the barn, she would notice that Levon was finishing things up on his end. Both of them knew there was little time left in the day to be productive so their idle banter did not amount to much.

As Lia slept, she was awoken by some manner of a commotion in the cow barn. It would seem that it was morning, but Takhoui was tending to the cows. Or at least trying to.. everything was out of sorts. Lia would need to figure out just what exactly was going on as Takhoui had no business being in the cow barn for one, and why exactly was she already working so early in the morning?

Lia certainly got back in time last night, so she couldn't possibly have gotten herself in trouble for something. Levon would certainly be able to confirm this if it came down to it.

First things first, Lia would have two things that immediately came to mind. Why was Takhoui in the cow barn, and more specifically why was she such a screw up on top of that? If Takhoui was in the cow barn, where was Lia supposed to be instead?
Re: Lia (Ranger9000)

Lia woke up to a surprise, her morning job having been taken over by one of the other peasants. She hadn't the slightest idea what was going on right now, so she decided to try to figure out what Takhoui was doing.

She'd get herself picked up and go to check on on Takhoui, looking to see what she was doing and if she was available, she'd ask, "Takhoui? What are you doing here? Did the work schedule change or something?"