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Litchfield, South Carolina

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Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

Tesla shrugged.

"Who knows why, maybe you pissed them off without realizing it, or you got on their radar. They're Nazi's really, and I'm not even joking. They want world domination, and they'd love to see humans fighting abnormals. They probably thought they could control your power, or they were going to try and kill you. As for him ... I think there was a truck back near the roads that I could liberate or borrow for a bit. Should be big enough for him, though we'll need to try and keep his wounds from bleeding much more. It's a long trip up to the closest Sanctuary, and he's barely alive as it is. As for changing ... I doubt going back to your room is a good idea."
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

"crap...well i guess you go get the truck i'll find anything i can to try and slow the bleeding....and unless you wanna rob some random girl my size i'm going in a bathing suit."

She started scrounging looking for towels or even a first aid kit in whatever was nearby even search the dead soldiers for anything she could rip off them as makeshift bandages. Traveling in a bathing suit wasnt her preference but she wasnt going to prioritize modesty over the ogres life.
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

Tesla nodded once, taking off at a run. While he was gone, Zaleia found a few scraps of clothing she could make into bandages, and even found a small first aid kit that would help, it having been abandoned during the 'quake'. By the time Nikola returned with the truck, she'd have the chance to patch their friend up pretty well. With Nikola's help, they got him into the back, and were on their way.

As they drove, Nikola spoke to her.

"So, I'm taking it from the look on your face earlier you weren't happy to hear about Ms. Windy City?"
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

She wasnt exactly trained in firstaid she simply worked at covering the injuries the ebst she could and when the truck finally came Nikola did most the heavy lifting but they finally got the big guy in the truck and hopefully not bleeding to death. Sitting in the cab and taking a moment to brath she glanced over at Nikola's comment still sporting a little bit of a frown.

"If she knows where i am to send someone after me she could have damn well shown up herself...i dont even remember the last time i saw her its been so long. I've been on my own and she has been doing whatever the hell she is doing. If she wants to keep doing her own thing thats fine but she doesnt need to butt her ass into my stuff."
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

Nikola paused a moment.

"Well, if what she told me I understood correctly, and am filling in the blanks properly is accurate, I don't think she could have come herself without endangering you further, or others. Shortly after my contact with her, the Cabal stormed the area. They may be tracking her as well, and there were also outbreaks of Lazarus near where I met her. If she's become infected ... if it affects her, it will eventually kill her. If she was infected, she wouldn't want to pass it on to you."

For the first time since she'd met him, the vampire didn't seem to be teasing, or flirting, or being a general asshat. For once, he seemed legitimately concerned, and caring. It probably wouldn't last, but it was there.
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

Her frown softened to more curiosity and also concern. arms crossing over her chest she sat quiet for a little bit just thinking on things really. possibly pondering what she was really going to do.

"I know you dont wanna talk about how you dont get along with these sanctuary people or whatever is going on with you but how do i know they are gonna help me? Also what is this Lazarus thing your talking about? how dangerous is it?"
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

To that Nikola smiled just a little.

"They will, it's what they do is help abnormals out. Besides, being targeted by the Cabal for their nefarious purposes is enough at this point, I know Helen. She won't just let anyone she can help out end up captured by the Cabal and turn them away. As for Lazarus, it's a bio-engineered virus the Cabal made. It causes abnormals to go insane with blood lust and attack anything in their path before slowly killing them. At the moment, there is no treatment or cure for it, though I may have some ideas on that. As for how dangerous, well considering it kills you and makes you try to kill everyone around you, pretty dangerous I'd say."
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

"Alright well..just get us there i guess...i'll take my chances with them if i ahve to. but whenever we get close just let me know."

With that she shifted a bit to face the window deciding she might take a little cat nap while they had time. everything just got weird and she wasnt sure she was ready for it to be so strange.

"cant ever just take it easy can we."
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

Nikola only nodded at her request, though he did snort at her comment, appearing to try not to laugh at it.

Time passed slowly, as the vampire kept driving, and finally he spoke, probably startling her since he'd been so quiet for so long.

"We're about ten minutes out now. I'm going to let you drive through the gate, I won't be entering the place with you. I don't mind if you tell them you saw me though, their reactions should amuse you. For now though, no meetings."
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

Zale straightened in her seat looking around to actually take in the area they were going through. Nodding her head slowly she turned back to Nikola for a moment.
"well you dont mind...but do you want me to? talking preference here. i'll go with that. if you dont want me to i wont if you want me to i will."
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

He thought for a moment then nodded.

"May as well, they'll find out eventually I'm sure. Besides, you should be amused by their reactions, that alone is worth it. Next time I see you, if I do, you'll have to tell me how shocked they looked."

Pulling over off to the side, he opened the door to get out, and to let her slide over.

"The Sanctuary is the big series of buildings two blocks that way, you can't miss the place it's so big. Once you reach the primary gates to the underground parking, there should be a few guards. Tell them you have a badly injured Crostepheran in the back that needs medical attention and you were both attacked by the Cabal. They'll let you in. Good luck to you, and hopefully we do meet again. Outside of the Cabal and a few other nitpicky things, I think our first date went pretty well."

With a chuckle, he took off, leaving her to probably shake her head at how bold he was. Then again, being what he was, he probably could get away with it more often than not.
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

"well take care. thanks for being our chauffeur. our next date you better at least take me out to eat"

She chuckled quietly as she took the driver seat closing the door after he got out and making sure everything was set. She doesnt drive a car too often so does a quick recount before setting the truck into drive. She covers the two blocks som,ewhat slowly looking for the parking entrance before turning into it and when she finds the guards mentioned she tells them just what she needed for the moment having been attacked by cabal and the very injured crostepheran in the back of the truck. She would take it from there ho[pefully not having any trouble.
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

Nikola smiled back at her, one that might make her a bit uneasy, before he was gone.

She got no issues from the guards, who ushered her in to one of the 'loading bays' in the back, and by the time she had parked there was a medical team waiting for her. Unloading the crostepheran and rushing him off, she was greeted by a brown haired woman who was maybe an inch taller than she was, and certainly friendly enough.

"Welcome, and thank you for bringing him here. I'm Clara, and you would be?"
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

Pulling into the garage and parking as instructed she hoped out and walked over to watch the medical staff as they took care of the big guy. Turning to look to the new woman as she approached and addressed her she gave a half smile before extending her hand to the woman

"Just call me Zale. I couldnt really leave him there on the beach after he tried helping me. Are they gonna be able to help him? its not to late is it?"
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

Clara nodded.

"I think so, I mean his wounds were bad, but not as bad as the last one I saw get brought in, and that guy lived. Took him a few months to recover fully, but he did. Zale huh, pretty name. What exactly happened though, all I got told was you two encountered the Cabal, which is never a good thing. You're lucky to get away from them, most people don't. I uh, I had a few dealings with them a few years back with them chasing me. It isn't fun, trust me on that."
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

"welllll...what happened was kinda like... was at the beach and well he just came up out of the ground with them chasing him..some fighting happened some running and then eventually it got to him being in the truck and me driving here for you guys and your help. soo yeah there ya go"

she sighed a bit frowning at remembering the loss of her surf lessons it was actually something fun she had before.
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

Clara nodded after a moment.

"Well, it sounds like quite an adventure. How long have you known this place was here though, seems you got here pretty fast. You live around here?"

If nothing more, she was certainly curious, and if she was bothered by the fact Zale was still in a swimsuit, she certainly didn't show it.
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

"live around here? nope.. actually i dont LIVE anywhere. I was staying in a town a little ways out from here until those cabal guys attacked...going abck probably isnt an option anymore. and as for knowing this place was here? i didnt. I got directions here from someone else. His name was Nikola."
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

Clara stopped dead in her tracks, turning to look at Zale with a calm, yet surprised expression.

"Run that by me again, that last part? Did you say Nikola, as in Nikola Tesla?"
Re: Litchfield, South Carolina

she smirked a little catching the reaction from the woman. Nikola had been right about getting some amusing reactions if she mentioned his name.

"yea i think thats what he said his name was. killed some of those cabal goons. helped me get the big guy nito the truck and drove us most of the way here. Once we got so far he gave me directions the rest of the way and took his leave."
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