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Litzy (plmnko)

Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Almost on cue, two jellyfish floated out of seperate pools, both look eagerely interested in the two and attacked!

[Litzy causes normal hit on JF A, Rukara fails to hit,JF A fails to hit, JF B causes a arousal hit on Litzy]

[Litzy causes normal hit on JF A,Rukara causes arousal hit on JF A, JF A causes a normal hit on Litzy, JF B fails to hit]

[Litzy gets a arousal crit on JF A, defeating it via AP! Rukara fails to hit, JF B causes a normal hit on Rukara]

Litzy 5/6 HP, 4/5 AP, Grappled, -1 to attacks.

Rukara 4/5 HP, 5/5 AP, Grappled, -1 to attacks.

JF B 5/5 HP, 4/4 AP

The battle gets off to a flying start when Rukara and Litzy cut the first jellyfish down to size, even as it tries to grapple them, however the second one manages to keep a tentacle around both of them, although the battle was going well...
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Thanks to join their forces in a only foe, both girls manage to defeat a creature really fast, Litzy was really glad for this and quickly a little problem start to grow when the remaining jellyfish grapple both of them, not really happy to be like this, the blonde mage give her best to hit this creature until it get defeated using her staff to hit this creature until it free them, as they were very close to try a fire spell
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

[Litzy causes a arousal hit, Rukara fails to hit, jellyfish fails to hit]

[Jellyfish gets a arousal crit on Litzy! Rukara and Litzy fail to hit]

[Litzy gets a normal crit! Rukara fails to hit, Jellyfish causes a arousal hit on Litzy]

[Litzy reaches orgasm!]

Jellyfish 2/5 HP, 4/4 AP

Litzy 5/6 HP, 5/5 AP, Orgasm, -1 to all rolls, Tight hold, -3 to attack rolls

The battle continues raging on, the jellyfish proving to be surprisingly sturdy, however it starts to remember Litzies patterns and its tentacles wrap tightly around her wrists, keeping her from attacking, before she can cast magic or struggle shes greeted with a tentacle down her throat, thrusting itself in and out repeadetely while sending waves of pleasure through Litzies body, eventually causing her to give out as her legs quiver and her juices run down her thighs, the jellyfish then dangles her upside down from her ankle as it forces her to suck on its tentacle more, Rukara is violently struggling all the while to try and help Litzy.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

The battle slowly was getting worse for Litzy, she manage to land some hits on the creature but then a tendril is placed inside her mouth, the taste and moves were turning her aroused more of what should be normal, maybe her body remember this taste and was giving up to the creature, but her mind continue controlling her body even when this strange substance make her cum. Trying to escape Litzy start to struggle and take away this tendril before something worse happen to both of them

[escape, then normal hits]
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

[Litzies struggle attempt fails, Rukara fails to hit, Jellyfish gets arousal hit on Rukara]

[Litzies struggle attempt suceeds, Rukara fails to hit, Jellyfish fails to hit]

[Litzy fails to hit, Rukara gets a normal hit, Jellyfish fails to hit]

[Litzy gets a normal hit, winning the fight!]

Litzy was starting to get dizzy, and could only watch while her friend was pinned against a wall by tentacles, in her defiance she managed to get out of her binds and attack the tentacles at the same time Rukara did, scaring off the jellyfish and winning the battle, they then found themselves back in the same room as before, but the sign now changed to "9"
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Once recovered from her orgasm, Litzy et up and send a direct hit to the creature turning his attention away of her friend who was close to be raped, Rukara looks to notice this and soon give the last hit to the creature killing it and leaving both in front of the exit. Soon they notice the door with the number 9 and decide to rest a little before get inside, all this last battle has made Celine think than they have a long path before end this challengue. Are you alright Rukara? this was not a easy battle but im sure than we can beat all these doors. Once they get ready Litzy get inside with her friend to the next room
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Once they go inside they find themselves in the lab again, this time in a experimentation room, they then see a new sort of tripod on the ceiling, its legs clamped down on it, it opens its hole it normally has and almost 20 tentacles come out and attack!

[Rukara gets a arousal crit, which turns into a regular crit, Litzy fails to hit, Ceiling Pod gets arousal crit on Rukara]

[Litzy gets a arousal hit which turns into a regular hit, Rukara gets a arousal hit which turns into regular hit, ceiling pod gets arousal hit on Rukara]

[Litzy gets normal crit! Rukara fails to hit, Ceiling pod fails to hit]

Ceiling Pod 8/15 HP, N/A AP

Rukara 5/5 HP, 1/5 AP, Badly grappled, -2 to attack.

The battle starts off greatly when Rukara manages to slash away most of the mechanical tendrils, Litzy managing to do the same, however at sudden notice tendrils grab a hold of Rukara and lift her into the air as she thrashes about, more coiled around her wrists as they tore away at her jeans and panties, eventually it simply resided to hang her upside down as one of its tendrils roughly inserted itself into her pucker, ellicting a vivid blushing from Rukara as she cried out in pleasure.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Once they get inside, both girls notice a strange round machine, Litzy was starting to remember her brutal defeat the last time in the mansion, she always had a really bad luck with these strange robots. However she was with Rukara and they are 2 against one, this fact make her forget her worries and tried to make this thing paid for what the others robots do to her. Her attacks looks to never miss against a creature focused only on Rukara, the poor redhead take the worse part of this battle being undressed and prepared to be raped in front of Litzy, something than the magic user will not tolerate, her attacks continued trying to free her friend as she try to destroy this thing.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

[All combatants fail to hit]

[All combatants fail to hit]

[Litzy fails to hit, Rukara gets a normal hit, Ceiling Pod gets arousal hit on Rukara]

[Rukara reaches orgasm!]

[Litzy gets a normal hit, Rukara fails to struggle, Ceiling Pod gets arousal hit on Litzy]

[Litzy gets normal hit, Rukara struggles out sucessfully, Ceiling pod gets a arousal crit on Litzy!]

[Litzy gets a regular hit on ceiling pod, Rukara gets a normal crit!, Ceiling Pod fails to hit]

Ceiling pod 2/15 HP

Rukara 5/5 HP, 5/5 AP, Orgasm, -1 to all rolls.

Litzy 6/6 HP, 1/5 AP, Badly Grappled, -2 to attacks.

Rukara was still dangling by her ankle and had a tendril in her ass but she could still fight, cutting away another tendril from the ceiling pod, however the tendril starts to thrust, causing Rukara to moan repeadetely and eventually making her climax, screaming in pleasure as she spurts her juices onto the tendril, panting afterwards she was dropped back onto the ground, however Litzy was the next target as tendrils lashed out and grabbed her, forcing her to hang from her wrists this time, as a tendril tore her pants and panties off too, rubbing her crotch area repeadetely as she was left hanging like her friend before, although Rukara still wasnt out as she cut away tendril after tendril, weakening the pod even more.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Unable to save her friend, Litzy cant do more than watch wen this creature continue using her friend, Litzy know than Rukara is not in real danger, but her mind was filled with fury against this machine. She continue fighting without stop, her anger make her fail some hits and then a load moan make her notice than Rukara has orgasmed and then the creature turn his attention toward Litzy. The young blonde mage continue fighting, as these tendrils wrap her and undress her lower body, she was not scared but she know than this thing will rape her without stop if she dont do something. Quickly she start to struggle as she try to endure the pleasure, trying to use her rod and body to break free.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

[Litzy struggles out sucessfully! Rukara gets a normal hit, Ceiling Pod gets a normal hit on Rukara]

[Litzy gets a normal hit, ending the battle]

Litzy managed to get herself out of her binds at the same time Rukara managed to hit the tendrils, with a powerful rod strike the tendrils go limp as the Ceiling Pod scrambles and runs away, the two are teleported back to their "waiting" room, the number now at 8, Rukara was fully clothed again thankfully, as was Litzy, Rukara was panting, blushing still.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

After win the battle both girls returned to the waiting room, worried for Rukara Litzy invite her to rest a moment and calm her with hug. Sorry for dont stop it, all happened very fast, but at least we are making a great team work. Once Rukara get recovered they get inside the next room.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Rukara nodded, then they went into the door again, this time finding themselves back in the castle, the enemy this time around being two rope demons in tandem, Rukara prepared her sword and looked at Litzy, hoping the battle wouldnt be a repeat of last time.

[Both R. Demons have 4/4 HP and 5/5 AP, however if you fall victim to a Unbreakable Hold (5 hits without struggling) You cannot participate in combat anymore]
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Litzy soon saw the two strange living ropes, its was the first time than she see one of these and in some way amaze her than a unliving object can take a humanoid form. Quickly she prepare herself to fight the same creature than Rukara will choice, maybe a fire spell could defeat them at the instant but she was not sure so only her first attack will be a fire spell.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

[Litzy casts fire magic on R.D B, causing 2 points of damage due to type bonus! Rukara gets a regular crit on R.D B, killing it outright! R.D A causes arousal hit on Litzy]

[Litzy casts fire magic on R.D A, causing 2 HP due to type advantage! Rukara gets a normal crit finishing it off!]

In a flurry of slashing and fireballs, the rope demons are cut down to size easily, ending the quickest battle in the arenas history, bringing them back to the waiting room with the sign as 7.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

The fight end really well this time, even Litzy not expected what happened once her fireballs hit the creatures turning into ashas as Rukara end their "lives", soon they returned to the lobby and Litzy just blink a moment and look to Rukara. Nice work... lets continue. Said before pass to the next door with her friend
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

They went through the next door and found themselves in a desert, [Bonus Round] showed up, Rukara was then catapulted backwards and faded from sight, a small roulette showed up, spun and eventually settled on the number 6 "Just the Wind, you have no negative modifiers for this fight apart from your partner", after this message had faded Litzy saw what she was fighting now, a much larger feeder worm, one of the first enemies she thought, only now it was tougher and larger.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Bonus round? This just so weird... Litzy was really thinking than this strange arena could be very long and dangerous in the last numbers, but at least she was with Rukara and they were facing only a foe, this should be easy. Wuickly Litzy start to hit him normaly not really sure than a desert creature would be weak against fire.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Yeah i said Litzies on her own for this fight

The battle began.

[Litzy got a normal hit, G. F Worm got arousal hit]

[Litzy fails to hit, G. F Worm got arousal hit]

[G. F Worm spends turn to summon F. Worm! Litzy fails to hit]

[Litzy gets a normal hit, G.F Worm gets normal hit, F. Worm can only get A. hit!]

F. Worm 2/2 HP, N/A AP

G. F Worm 4/6 HP, 5/5 AP

Litzy 6/6 HP, 2/5 AP, Tight Hold, -3 to all attacks.

The Giant worm lumbers its way towards Litzy, even as she hits it once, it swings its red tendrils which coil around her ankles, dragging her towards it as it hungrily drools on the ground, however it seems to strain but then it opens its mouth as a worm jumps out, tiring the giant worm for a second, however the worm in response ducks under Litzy and cuts away her upper clothing, exposing her bra while it tries to cut away more of her clothing.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Suddenly she turn to notice than she was alone. This just cant be worse and quickly she tried to end this fight, but soon she notice than the creature was really skilled in the art of grapple his foes, even then Litzy fight as best as she can, her attacks wound the creature a little until this grapple her the enough to have the time to summon a lesser minion. The poor blonde girl could feel how her body was close to be used again, something than she will try to avoid at all cost, quickly she struggle to get free of this creature and then continue her attacks against him, she was nearly sure than her chances are lower now than this is a 2 vs 1 fight.