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Litzy (plmnko)

Re: Litzy (plmnko)

"No, no siblings..." Rukara said, then she looked at Litzy, and blushed in response to her question, looking away as well "W-Well...I D-Do kinda have a soft spot for someone..." she said, trying to hide the fact she was in love with Litzy.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Uhm... thats good, it must be a very lucky person... ehm... how is him? Its cute... someone than i know? Said Litzy maybe a little dissapointed than Rukara already have someone in her heart, she tried to look normal but she just cant stop to look down trying to endure the next answer, no doubt than Rukara could have anyone with her beautifull body, cool mood and over all she have a kind heart and she was really inteligent, there were more things than Litzy love of her friend but she cant think of them for the moment...
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

"Th-thats the thing...its not a him but...its a her..." she said, still trying to hide it, eventually she just came out with it in the least subtle way possible, gently smiling, she brought herself closer to Litzy, and gently planted a kiss on her lips, blushing even more than before.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

...A her!? Litzy turn to Rukara again, wondering herself if it was her or someone more, maybe it was the lab succubus or someone than she save years ago, Litzy has not been too much time with her and she has placing her friend in many dangerous moments.

Blushed she stay stunned looking to Rukara who smile to her and slowly get closer, Litzy cant move, her heart increase his moves as the redhead is now some inches of her face. The mage cant say more than a soft whimper, asking herself without stop if that person was her, Ru... She get stoped by that warm kiss, nearly melting she just move her lips and then place her hand over her friend head, she give a lovely kiss out of any lust, she was now sure of why she tried all to stay close Rukara again, the kiss end and she just hug the swordswoman now crying of happiness as her love was not a waste. I love you too... Rukara, i want to be always with you Litzy said dont really caring than this was just a videogame, she just remain cuddling with Rukara, feeling her soft body until Rukara try something more or both rest the enough to leave.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Rukara remained in a tight hug with Litzy for a while, not wanting to move as she held Litzies hand, she was still blushing "S-Should we get going now...?" she asked.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

The moment was incredible for Litzy, she tried to stay close Rukara even when she dont know exactly what they could do now. Blushed she nod and tried to give a long kiss at Rukara, her hand placed on her friend shoulder as the other tried to hug her and mantain her closer.

Yes...Lets go... Said Litzy a little sad to move when she was having a good time with Rukara, she get up and help her lover, Litzy will invite her to take her hand as they walk, she still dont know what to do now but she suppose than she only need to continue being herself and show her love to Rukara in any moment.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Rukara returned Litzies kiss with no qualms about it, along with hugging her in return, they both stood up and held each others hand as they continued walking to the spire, the normal "You`ve been playing for quite a while" prompt came up as it saved Litzies game for her, letting her choose to stop playing for a bit or continue on.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

The magic moment get broken by the usual screen, Litzy was really loving this moment than decide to continue playing more and then continue walking happily at Rukara side.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Eventually they reached the spire, the spire itself was quite intimidating as it was a giant tower with black spikes growing out of the sides as if they were organic, there was the normal array of spheres lined up against the wall near the entrance, "Ill reckon this towers gonna be darkness based judging from the decor..." Rukara said, yawning.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

The strange place looks to be really intimidating, Litzy press softly her body on Rukara as she look the strange spheres. this place looks to be really dangerous, i wonder what we will find inside. Litzy said before walk toward the spheres to save and then get inside the building with Rukara
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

As they went inside, Rukara drew her sword, and they were in a lobby like area, so this place must be another dungeon...

[They can descend or ascend]
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

As Litzy notice than this could be a place with many floors like the mansion, she remember what tendril said about the creatures rulling this continent, maybe they were at the palace of one of them, so they must move with caution. Lets go down first
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Rukara nodded as they went into the tower, the floor and walls and ceiling were made of a fine black marble, so polished you could see your own reflection, there was the occasional spike coming out of the ground and there were pillar supports dotted about the room, they descended down the staircase to [Sub-level 1], it was much darker than usual but wall lanterns guided the way "Might want to be careful Litzy, this seems like the kind of place to have traps..." she said, looking around, unlike the castle, the room was wide and open, the way to the next staircase down seeming clear...
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

The whole place looks completely different than the mansion, Litzy was a little scared to see how clean this place was, it just out of place and she was with Rukara opinion about the traps in this place. I will try to be alert for any trap Said looking where she step as she take the downstairs
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

[Trap avoidance roll...passed]

[Trap avoidance roll...passed]

The two kept a close eye on their surroundings, delicately stepping and looking for anything out of place, Litzy managed to avoid pressing a pressure plate and Rukara avoiding triggering a trip wire, they managed to make it to the staircase, but their way was blocked when a shadow formed on the floor, slime dripped up and floated up out of the shadow like a lava lamp, it formed tentacles with malicious intent and attacked!

[Litzy gets a normal hit, Rukara gets a arousal hit, Portal Shadow gets a normal crit on rukara!]

[Litzy gets a arousal hit on Portal Shadow, Rukara gets a arousal hit on Portal Shadow, Portal Shadow fails to hit]

[All combatants fail to hit]

[Litzy gets a arousal crit! Rukara gets a normal crit! Portal Shadow fails to hit]

Portal Shadow 7/11 HP 5/11 AP

Rukara 2/5 HP, 5/5 AP, Grappled, -1 to attacks.

The battle began with a flying start as they managed to deal a lot of damage to the shadow already, cutting off large chunks of its tentacles, however it managed to stab one its tentacles into Rukara, ellicting a cry of pain from her as it drags her closer to it...
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Thanks to Rukara warning, Litzy manage to notice a trap on the floor, easily she avoid to activate it even when she remain with the doubt about what happen if she activate it.

Soon they were more close of the stair but suddenly a strange creature appear, both girls made their best to defeat it, but this creature was still with a lot of energy even after receive many hits. The poor Rukara soon is damaged by one of the black tentacles as they push her close the creature, something than Litzy will not allow, without waste time she tried to free her lover hitting this creature until it free her.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

[Litzy gets a arousal hit, Rukara gets a normal hit, Portal Shadow fails to hit]

[Litzy fails to hit,Rukara gets a arousal crit! Portal Shadow gets a normal hit on Rukara]

[Litzy fails to hit, Rukara gets a normal hit, Portal shadow gets a normal hit on Rukara, taking her out of the fight...]

Portal Shadow 5/11 HP 1/11 AP

More blows are struck on the strange shadow, however Rukara gets overzealous and gets a tentacle to the stomach, winding her, the shadow seizes a opportunity, its tentacles grabbing a hold of her and dragging her into the center, whimpering Rukara tries struggling out but is unable to get free due to the binds, she is slowly lowered into the shadow, her clothes dissolving the instant they touch the "surface", Rukara cries out for Litzy before she is fully sunken in, and the shadow turns its attention to Litzy...
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Trying to free her partner, Litzy dont stop to wound this creature, using all her strengh and just when she was close to free her lover this is taken and get inside the strange creature. Litzy shout her name and start to cry as she cant do nothing more to see her dissapear in that place.

Get her back! Said Litzy as she continue her attempts to beat this thing expecting to recover her friend in the process.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

[Both combatants fail to hit]

[Litzy gets a arousal hit, ending the fight!]

In a swift whack of her staff, the shadows give out a quiet screech, Litzy can hear muffled cries and she sees Rukara "climbing" out of the shadow, a tentacle covering her eyes and in her mouth, trying futiley to arouse her, Rukara was growling in a muffled tone as she tore the tentacles off of her eyes and the one out of her mouth, she then climbed out of the shadow and onto the solid ground again, as the shadow dissippated into pieces and left Rukaras clothes on the ground, which she promptly put back on, now not embarrased with Litzy looking at her while naked.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

After a not so long battle, Litzy manage to give a last blow to the creature and soon she see it start to lost the control of his body, soon Rukara appear from the shadows, as she looks to be fighting to try to escape, at the Instant Litzy run to try to help her, but Rukara already reach the floor as the monster disappear, the mage give her time to dress herself and then hug her, glad than she was fine and they still are together. After calm herself they continue toward the stair getting ready for any possible trap or monster.