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Litzy (plmnko)

Re: Litzy (plmnko)

She stopped for a bit, then looked at litzy "G-Gathering information...? Wh-where was this?" she asked, blushing more now "D-Did she live in a desert area?", her voice was gradually becoming more and mroe excited.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Still thinking in her problems Litzy just nod and answer confused ...Yes, i meet her in the desert, she was really tired and maybe she was close to fall uncounciest in the sand. Its weird... did you find that mage girl in a house in the middle of the desert, to? Litzy said thinking than the programers could been using the same world game only changing some things like npcs.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

She looked stunned for a minute then nodded "Y-Yes...i found a mage girl..." she looked around, blushing more now "Wh-what did you say your name was?" she said very quickly.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

How the girl start to act was soon afecting the poor blonde girl, who stop to eat and a little confused answer Amazing so you find your lover in the same place Litzy was now more sure than the game programers were very lazy or try than the players have a cruch for an npc. Sure, my name is Litzy, why you are blushing? the girl said worried for the poor girl in front of her.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

"...Litzy....Its me Rukara....Your not a NPC...im not a NPC....w-we were playing multiplayer and we didnt notice...." Rukara said, she looked at Litzy, then slowly put her arms around her, smiling and crying tears of joy.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Nearly speecheles Litzy just was completely stunned by the sudden new. Ru-kara, are you Rukara? The blonde girl just cant believe it, she never expected this, even her more wild dreams were nothing like this, shocked she hug this girl and start to cry softly. Its not a dream... right? Rukara, i have too much things to say you... but i... im just so happy Litzy said pressing her hand at her partner, she still cant believe this miracle and now she is sure than she should have many things to ask, but her mind is in blank and just decide to stay at Rukara side.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Rukara smiled and shook her head "N-No..its not a dream...ive found you..." Rukara said, holding Litzies hand, she gently pet Litzy to calm both of them down.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Smiling, Litzy just stay with Rukara and look at her for a time before cuddle and rest at her side for a while. I love you said ashamed as she look happily to Rukara blushed and then after a moment said. Then that about your father was just a lie or the game give you a story? Said randomly to try to stop herself to kiss her lover, as she was slowly getting close, as her body looks to feel the Rukara's true lips.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

"I Love you too..." Rukara said back, then she answered Litzies question "Game backstory...I played the game for a bit so they decided to give me one" she said, "My real life isnt really that interesting..." she said, she noticed Litzy getting closer as she blushed more, trying to stop herself doing the same.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Litzy just cant believe than she will do this in front of all, her head was just in front of Rukara I... want to be... your lover here, too... The blonde girl said before try to press her lips on Rukara and wait her answer as she hug her, maybe a little worried for how all could see them.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

The canteen was pretty empty so they did have some privacy thankfully, Rukara smiled "I Intend the same too..." answering her question, then they both shared a loving kiss in each others arms, both happy in the game world and their real world.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

I want to continue playing, but i dunno if you want to end this thread

Litzy was completely in bliss as for first time she kiss her lover in the real world, it feel a little different than in the game, even then Litzy was completely focused on kiss as best as she can, meanwhile her body is fully on fire, she want to stay like this, kissing and caressing her lover for hours, but she know than she cant do this, not now. Her body just decide to continue this passionate kiss for some minutes and then she remain looking to Rukara. Maybe... we should continue this inside the game, we could talk and know each other in a more private place.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Nope, not ending yet, still much to explore ma boi

Rukara did the same, passionately kissing Litzy for a long time, wanting to remain with Litzy just as much as she did, eventually they both withdrew the kiss as Litzy asked to continue this in the egg, Rukara smiled "Yes...it is more private there..." she said, after they both finished their lunch they went to their seperate egg pods, holding each others hands.

Litzy woke up with Rukara back in the checkpoint [Sub-level 10], rukara smiled and hugged Litzy again, nuzzling her head against her breasts.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Once ended the kiss, Litzy eat as fast as she can but with manners as she want to also stay focused on Rukara, she want to just cuddle with her, caress her body and undress her to see her real body and see how different was from the game, but really she would love it, she also suppose than they could go together to any place in the real world. Litzy stop to imagine and end her lunch, she then take Rukara hand as both walk to their machine, not really caring if someone see them.

After get inside her machine, Litzy wake up with Rukara at her side, she pet her and smile to her, without fear of truly lost her by the corruption or any bug, she was free now to just feel love and enjoy every moment.

Lets continue what we start outside, you can do what you want with me... The mage said as pets her friend, slowly her hands go down and caress her friend back I could answer any question, but maybe we should put the real world aside and focus on ours Litzy soon start to undress her lover waiting what she want to do now.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Rukara smiled as she was undressed as she did the same to Litzy "Do you have anything in mind specifically?" she asked, as with her tentacles and shadow she could do anything for Litzy.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

I would love to avoid the shadows and just focus in your body, but the tentacles are welcome. Litzy said as she end to undress her friend looking Rukara corrupted body without her clothes, without waste time she kiss her friend on her lips, her hands caress each inch of her friend torso in a slow motion, she then sproud her own tentacles and do the same with Rukara lower holes, caressing her lower lips, others gropling her breasts and caressing her rear. This time she even pleasure the Rukara's tendrils with her own tentacles and kiss them too, tasting them before give another deep kiss to her partner, her whole body was ready to be used, she then start to press her tendrils on her friend holes and even two playfully fondle the red head body before get close her mouth to maybe wait for her to open her mouth.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Rukara smiled and returned Litzies kiss, tentacles were wrapped around her body and they coiled around Litzies tentacles in turn, Rukara gave out cute moans as she felt Litzy grope her and rub her lower lips, Rukara withdrew her kiss so her tentacles rubbed against Litzies flower as she kept her arms around her, kissing her neck, the two remain in pleasure and bliss for what seemed to be a eternity, both reaching orgasms several times, eventually they both calm down and redress themselves "Well....lets have a think on what we want to do now" Rukara said, looking around the checkpoint, Litzy could see one of her tentacles poking out of the back of her trousers, dangling and occasionally twitching, from what she learned Rukaras tentacles seem to be a form of arousal just by touching them, and the prospect of messing with this on the unsuspecting Rukara seemed too tempting...
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

That moment soon turned into one of the best moments than Litzy had in her life, she was there loving Rukara without any worry and she just try her best to pleasure her until the two were exhausted after maybe many hours of sex. After rest together Litzy and Rukara dress themselves again, Litzy notice how Rukara can maybe see the orbs too, it make her wonder if this game has more players, something hard to deny after what has happened.

Soon she notice the little tendril, slowly she get close ready to touch it, but maybe Rukara needa rest after all that sex, so Litzy just ask her instead without touch it. This tentacle behind you looks like a tail, what will happen if i touch it? After heard the answer, Litzy will turn eeverywhere. This place is huge, i wonder how many subfloors are, do you think than we are close to the last one Litzy said after save and check for a door or some stairs.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Rukara looked back "Huh?..." she said, the tentacle indeed did look like a tail, it ended in a heart shape like a succubus tail "I Dunno, do what you want" she said, yawning.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Litzy smile and softly try to touch and feel it, maybe even pull it a little. Its a very cute tail, how it feel, do you like it? Said as she pet and caress the cute succubuss tail.