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Litzy (plmnko)

Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Putting them on, Litzy felt herself change slightly, she felt her previous cat features from before go away, only to be replaced, her eyes changed to a golden colour and she felt herself change again, looking at a window in the room, she realises shes grown antannea, she felt a burning sensation in her loins too, driving her to pleasure and making her feel as if she developed something else down there...
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Eh? What..? not that... Litzy start to get scared once she notice than she had earned what looks like antannea, nearly at the instant she understand than she is turning into some kind of bee or similar. Then the pleasure in her secret place start to make her get aroused too much, she pull down her panty and get on her kness, as she start to masturbate herself wishing than this end soon.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

After Litzy finished calming herself from the arousal, she noticed something prod out of her nethers, it was a ovipoisotr, she was obviously now some kind of human version of the giant bees shes encountered before.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

This maybe is not the worse choice, even when being a neko was maybe better at last she is not an undead and who know maybe this change will dont stay too much time or could help her a little in her journey. Litzy tried to see if she have more changes in her body like wings or skin color before dress her slime bra and tank top, not so sure if her panty will fit now. Then she will put the bags in place and continue her pat.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Despite the ovipositor giving her a bit of a jolt, it thankfully retracted back into her lower lips afterwards, so her panties didnt have a noticable bulge in them, there seemed to be no other changes for her thankfully.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Even when she was glad to be able to control her ovopositor, she maybe would love at least a pair of wings, as is weird than a bee dont have wings, even if is human. Anyway, she leave the room and looks for an exit of this place before something even worse could happen
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Leaving the room...

[Awareness check failed]

Litzy stepped out and started going down another corridor, however she didnt notice what looked like a guard in time, the guard looked at Litzy and took notice "Stop right now!" she sounded, it was a woman with long brown hair, her eyes were a golden colour like Litzies, however she was wearing a torn tanktop and black shorts and literally nothing else, what was of interest though was the fact she was hovering off the ground and she seemed to have small fangs "Trying to escape slave?" she asked, obviously thinking Litzy was already a part of the mansion, maybe Litzy could place this to her advantage.....
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

The sudden change on her has made her be unable to notice the guard until be too late. Litzy was not sure what to do and even she was ready to fight what looks to be a vampire girl. Then the woman call her slave, maybe it was fault of her collar, the blonde girl could have problems deny that fact so she decide to try to act as an inocent slave.

Litzy shake her head in a shy tone said. Im not trying to escape, its just than nearly all are resting after a hard day and i dont want to disturb them with my problem...

I still have a lot of eggs and im looking for someone healthy, strong, beautifull and full of energy, so i can place them on her...

Litzy give a cute smile and send a charm spell on the guard to make her accept have a time with her, sure than even if she misscast she could use that side effect to make her words looks like they were true.

You looks to have all the needed, miss guard. I will be glad if you help me to carry my babies for a while~
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

[Magic test failed]

Obviously the strange bug guard wasnt buying it "Your a slave, your goals come before ours", she landed on the ground and grabbed Litzies wrist, putting her arm around Litzies waist, she licked her lips, thats when Litzy noticed she had small fangs "Say...no tag here...your missing a master arent you?" the guard asked, intimidating Litzy by running her tongue sensually across Litzies wrist, "Your obviously trying to leave...." she whispered, stopping herself from licking Litzy, she walked to a wall and pinned Litzy there, leaning her face close to Litzies "If you do something for me, then i never saw you leave your pen" she said, blackmailing litzy with the threat of being enslaved again.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

The plan dont looks to work and now Litzy must decide between accept the offer and then turn into a slave or face this woman, but if she dont beat her she will have more problems, looking than both are dangerous path, she was close to decide to make other, but her eyes notice the girl fangs, maybe she could have poison there so she decide to accept her request.

Of course than i will help you Miss guard. Litzy said a little worried for what could come, maybe she could need to fight if this get bad.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

The guard smiled "Nice choice..." Litzy felt the guard slide her glove off and she gently sank her teeth into Litzies wrist, Litzy felt slightly woozy as the guard was sucking her blood "Mm...this isnt normal...." the guard said, eventually finishing, she carried Litzy to a spare room and laid her on a bed, mounting her, the guard removed Litzies tank top, exposing her bra which the guard undone and tossed aside easily "Oh my...you`ve got quite the package" she teased, she lowered herself and licked litzies exposed breast, starting to suckle on it after a while, then she sank her teeth into Litzies breast as well, drawing and sucking more blood, finishing there the guard sat Litzy up and sat beside her, wrapping her legs around Litzies waist and removing litzies collar, she then licked Litzies shoulder "Your blood tastes so good....slave" she whispered, nibbling on Litzies ear "You could have some fun with me....if you want to lay your eggs" she said again, biting Litzies neck and sucking more blood, the whole experience was weirdly sensual to Litzy, arousing her as this strange woman drank her blood, the guards hands gently kneaded Litzies breast while her other hand rubbed Litzies slit.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

With a little whimper, Litzy get worried about how her glove is removed to let this girl suck her blood until the young mage start to feel dizzy, soon she was taken to a room where the girl continue feeding of her blood, not sure than she could have the strengh to fight now, Litzy focus on pleasure this girl and fill her with her eggs, maybe this could make this woman weak enough to dominate her. Litzy start to caress the woman back, breasts and slowly taking away her little cloth pieces and continue with the guard lower lips, then when she suppose than the guard was ready, Litzy pull down her panty and then let free her ovopositor, caressing the girl erogenous zone before start to penetrate her slowly and passionatelly.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

The guard obviously took notice of this, holding Litzies wrist "Come on now, let me satisfy myself first..." she said, pulling out of her bite she had blood on her face, she nibbled on Litzies ear again, rubbing her slit more and more, Litzy felt her plunge her two fingers into her wet slit as she bit into Litzies neck again and fed further on her blood...she felt herself become more complacent and submissive, she started to near passing out as well.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Please let me put my eggs on you...please Litzy said weakly as the vampire continue draining her, she try a last attempt to make this girl more friendly and gentle with her trying to use a final charm spell, the blonde mage could feel than this could be her last chance to turn into a slave again.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

[Magic Test passed]

Feeling the charm magic finally take effect, the guard stops for a moment, "Wh....oh...fine"... the girl said, lying on the bed "I Feel generous today anyway...." she muttered.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Finally Litzy have a moment to recover herself, she dont know how much time she have before this woman recover the control, so she just smile and said a cute thanks in return. She place over her and start to pleasure the girl, caressing her and undress her the enough to start again to try to impregnate her, her soft hands rub the vampire body, kissing her lips and neck, cleaning her lips of her blood and givind a deep kiss as she use her fingers to caress the girl lower lips, then give her best to pleasure the woman clitoris and then opened the vampire lower lips and penetrate her in the best try than she could as it was her first time, trying to imitate the bees moves and casting a charm spell to calm her even more if possible.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

The guard willingly accepted Litzies pleasuring of her, letting her declothe her to reveal she wasnt even wearing panties or a bra, never the less she deeply kissed Litzy back, letting the two roll around in ecstasy for a while, however she seemed to be confused when Litzy spread her lips, Litzy felt her ovipositor come through her crotch, this visibly startled the vampire as Litzy thrust it inside her flower, making her moan and blush even more vividly, Litzy continued kissing the guard and thrusting, the pleasure building up for her more quickly as she reaches orgasm, she feels three large bulges travel through the ovipositor and enter the girls womb, making her cry out in pleasure and reach orgasm as well, panting, she barely has time to respond as Litzy feels more lust burning inside her...

Litzy found herself turning the guard over so she was kneeling, then preparing her ovipositor once more, thrusting it into her asshole and making her yelp in pleasure, the same process is followed as Litzy gropes and fiddles with the guards breasts while roughly fucking her asshole, eventually reaching another orgasm as she feels three more eggs pass into the girls stomach, after this the two had to rest themselves, Litzy withdrew her ovipositor as the girl panted and blushed "Wh-what was that..?" she muttered to herself, Litzy could see the three eggs inside her womb, making her stomach bulge in certain places from the eggs pushing against her womb and stomach.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Litzy just let her instincs like bee girl and her experience of being used by them take the control, her body act by itself, doing what looks as a good work to pleasure the guard, having full control of the moment and using the girl as if she were recreating how she was impregnated, but this time taking the bee role.

Both cum with the time, each egg placed increase her needs to place other, at the end Litzy placed a lot of them inside the vampire and both were exhausted, but Litzy dont have time to waste, she must continue breaking the guard mind, turn her into more than a friend so she could use her to get out of here, she kiss the woman belly where the eggs have produced buldges and then cuddle lovely at behind her, her charm spell get activate, as she hug her and said a cute thanks to her. Not sure to ask about if she could go away, so she stay there for a moment more.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

The guard moaned as she felt Litzy rub one of the lumps in her belly left by her impregnation, weakly smiling in response to Litzies thanking of her.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

It looks like you enjoy it, should i place more or we could pass the time together until they born? It will be an honor if you want to name one. Litzy said as she rub the girl body and over all her pregnant belly, trying to earn more time and if she accept she could try to make her pass out. The bee girl tried then to make her get horny and charmed with magic, bitting softly her eardrove and kissing her neck, then making her hand go down and caress the guard lower lips using two fingers. It dont hurt you, right? For your moans im sure than you enjoy it a lot like myself, i have still a lot of eggs and you have still space for many more. Litzy then tried to make her taste a little of her breast belly, as she know than it could be addictive.