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Litzy (plmnko)

Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Emerald breathed a sigh of relief as Litzy seemed to have control of the situation, furthermore she felt like she ran out of eggs to impregnate others with as well, checking up on Rukara, the larvae had finished feeding and were using her as a impromptu bed, the two licking at her wet flower were now inside her womb again, leaving noticeable bulges in rukaras belly, the one in her mouth was still there, albeit not moving now as it slept, and the four on her breasts were coiled around her arms and legs, Rukara was too exhausted to do anything but slowly drift off to sleep herself...
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Emerald and Rukara looks to be very tired to try to do something with them and the little babies are resting, Litzy just smile by the beautifull view of her lover surrounded by their childs. Litzy decide to stay and looks them grow, with too much time she decide to eat and prepare the house for the little ones, also fill some big empty bucklets with water to have enough water for all, not sure if the bees drink this or only Jelly.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Night was coming so Litzy had to prepare quickly, ultimately she found Emerald asleep in her bed, tired from all the things happening today and Rukara was asleep as well with the larvae resting inside and outside of her, leaving Litzy on her own.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Litzy notice how the night is getting closer, quickly she eat her dinner and leave a little over a table close Emerald, then she close every door and window to avoid any sudden attack. She then clean a little the house and train her flying skills to prepare all for the babies like hidding any dangerous object and store the food in a safe place away of their reach, she was not sure but maybe a bee could get sick if they eat comething different than Jelly.

Finally she take a break, taking a bath and resting nude in the sofa as she check her body with a more close observation. Touching her antenas to know what they can do, she milk herself and store a bottle filled with her royal jelly, maybe they will need it later or she could eat it with her toasted bread in the breakfast. Then she let her tentacles and ovopositor leave free, she taste, caress them and learn what she can from them. Finally she train more her flying skills to make her wings stronger and maybe teach her childrens to fly, once all made she went nude to rest close Rukara and the little bees.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Litzy drifted off to sleep with Rukara beside her...


The next morning Emerald was up cooking breakfast, Rukara was still asleep, the larvae having left her body thankfully.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

After a peacefull night, Litzy wake up to notice than Emeral is making the breakfast, a good sight as the poor mantis girl has been resting a lot lately. Litzy kiss Rukara in the forehead and caress the little larves, trying to see if one of them want to stay a moment with her.

After that she will sit in the table and looks Emerald prepare the breakfast.

Good morning Emerald, how do you pass the night?

Litzy then get up and tried to help her, after end she will ask. Do you know how much time a bee take to grow?
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Emerald prepared the food for Litzy, herself and rukara easily "Quite quickly, apparently" she said, rukara came in, dressed in her normal clothes now, yawning and sitting at the table "what are we gonna do today Litz...?" she said.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Uhm... they should had giving me a hug or something... but i suppose than is better if they find their place in this world. Said Litzy feeling than her first bee was special, maybe she should return and beat them all in order to save her, but the question is how she will do it.

Then Rukara get inside and Litzy blushed. Well i found some new castles, but they are so dangerous and creepy, maybe we should go with Tendril and end to explore that place... Litzy said trying to avoid some topics and over all she want to avoid to think in that picture... for the moment
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Rukara shrugged "I managed to find some loot when you went exploring on your own, just check the status orb and you`ll get what i mean" Rukara said, Emerald was visibly confused "Status orb...?", obviously meaning she was a NPC.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Sure, let me check it. Litzy said looking for an instant to Emerald and not sure how she could answer her.

Litzy decide to just shave her head and smile before go and check that orb
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

[Litzies stats:]
HP: 5
AP: 4
Magic: Lv.3 Charm Magic, Lv.1 Water Magic, Lv.1 Fire Magic
Perks: Queen Expand Bee, Incubator, Addiction (Tentacle Cum), Lv.1 Flight

[Rukaras stats:]
HP: 5
AP: 5
Magic: Lv.1 Thunder Slash
Perks: None
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Wow... Rukara learned a magic... thats awesome Litzy said to herself and then read her profile, receiving a big sorprise


Addiction...Lv.3 Charm Magic... Incubator...!? Why im the only one with dirty perks?

She think as she look her data trying to know why she have Charm lv3 and what give her "Queen Expand Bee"

she dont have heal lv2 too?
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Forgot to list that sorry

Looking at the "Sources" subsection for perks and magic, Litzy oot the following:

[Charm Magic Lv.3]: From the jelly you lactate from your breasts due to your Expand Bee nature

[Queen Expand Bee]: From impregnating several people and mantaining dominance over them while doing so.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Once sattled her doubts, Litzy decide to prepare all for their journey. They will go to see Tendril and inform about all what they saw in these days, maybe in that moment Litzy could have the courage to say what happened to her.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

They took a long trek across the desert...

[Encounter check for desert failed]

Litzy, Rukara and Emerald made their way along the long winding desert path, however they encountered a roving band of three bandit lamias, the leader one was wearing what looked like a desert coloured scarf "Well...Look what we found, three girls ripe for the picking~" she said, she had what looked like a halberd while the other two simply weilded swords and shields.

[Litzy fails to hit, Rukara gets a AP hit on Lamia B, Emerald gets a AP hit on the Leader Lamia,Leader Lamia gets a normal hit on Litzy, Lamia B fails to hit, Lamia C gets a normal hit on Litzy]

[Litzy and Rukara fail to hit, Emerald gets a normal hit on Lamia B, La Leader fails to hit, Lamia B gets a normal hit on Rukara, Lamia C gets a normal hit on Emerald]

[Rukara, Litzy and Emerald fail to hit, Leader Lamia gets a normal crit on Litzy, taking her out the battle, Lamia B fails to hit, Lamia C gets a arousal hit on Rukara]

Litzy 0/5 HP, Down and Out, cant participate.

Rukara 4/5 HP, 4/5 AP, Badly grappled, -2 to attacks.

Emerald 3/4 HP, 4/4 AP, Grappled, -1 to attacks.

Leader Lamia 5/5 HP, 4/5 AP

Lamia B 3/4 HP 3/4 AP

The battle began quite quickly, all six of them launching into combat quickly, Litzy found herself being picked on by the leader Lamia, who immediately trapped Litzy in her coils and suddenely stabbing the halberd into her shoulder, weakening her, a quick jerk managed to make her bleed more as she felt her endurance run out almost instantly, the lamia held Litzies head up "Your gonna have some fun tonight..." the lamia whispered, her tongue hanging out, before she can react the lamia had used a rope and expertly bound Litzy, gagging her, cuffing her ankles together and keeping her wrists above her head, leaving her unable to fight, Litzy could only helplessely watch as her team mates fought against the remaining lamias, Rukara already in the tight coils of another Lamia.

Ill do the rolling off-post for a bit to see what happens to the party
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

With the fight happening so fast, Litzy and her team were unable to focus their power on the correct way, soon Litzy just get defeated even after send her spells against her foes. The painfull wound on her body stunned her the enough to let the lamia leader tie her and put her away of the battle. Litzy tried to recover her strengh, as she see unable to do anything how her friends continue fighting
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Watching the battle unfold infront of her, Litzy could clearly make out who was winning as her remaining friends fought against the lamias, Emerald had managed to jump out of the lamias coil and launch several rapid attacks against the leader, however Rukara was unfortunately trapped in the coils of two lamias, who were declothing her and smothering her body with kisses and licks, Emerald was too busy duelling with the lamia leader to notice this, but a swift series of attacks brought the already weakened second lamia down making her let go of Rukara, who managed to get a direct hit with her sword on the other lamia coiled around her as well, despite the party being weakened, they had managed to win.

Emerald 2/4 HP, 3/4 AP

Rukara 4/5 HP, 1/5 AP

Litzy 3/5 HP, 2/4 AP

Emerald came over and helped the tied up Litzy out of her binds, the lamias hadnt dropped anything by time they escaped via digging into the ground.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Tied and exausted, Litzy can only see how her friends fight without stop, At least they won and even when they are tired, Litzy follow them to reach to see Takus house
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

After a quick rest, the party managed to pass through the marsh without anymore troubles, finding themselves at the abandoned town now, they went into the lobby of Tendrils castle, preparing themselves for another dungeon run, Litzy remembered that Tendril was on [Floor 10], after quickly healing thanks to a elixir slime spring,, they prepared themselves, Emerald sharpening her arm blades on the cobblestone wall and Rukara preparing her sword in the same way.
Re: Litzy (plmnko)

Luckily the team dont had to fight more as they went toward the derest. After a while they reach the mansion where Tendril live, close there the group recover themselves in a slime spring, all ready get inside the mansion, Litzy and the others start to go up until the Floor 10 where Tendril should be.