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Lone Wolf's Hunger (Sinfulwolf)

Re: Lone Wolf's Hunger (Sinfulwolf)

Kiah: HP = 38/56, PP = 68, EP = 38, Status = Injured

Kiah attacks whilst using good distraction tactics!
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 3 + 2 + 25 - 9 = 21 damage.

Attack (Brute) : Hit.
Damage: 1 + 22 - 5 = 18 damage.

Attack (Blondy) : Hit.
Damage: 3 + 17 - 9 = 11 damage.

The cloaked brute stepped back from Kiah's feint, leaving his eyes downward and his torso open to her blade. His reactions proved quick for one of his size, however, and he managed to interpose his arms between her sword and his more vital areas. He took a slash across his arms and forehead, cutting away the hood to reveal a shaved head and a lumpy, unpleasant face, but he survived the blow well enough. Suddenly rushing forward while her weapon was high, the man's elbow caught Kiah on her jaw, snapping her head to the side and leaving her momentarily disoriented from the powerful blow, but before the thuggish man could follow up on the punch, her mysterious ally leaned back and lashed out with a fit, kicking the larger man in the side. Unfortunately, the blow barely phased their mutual opponent, and he spun towards the interfering man with an enraged scowl, and she heard the blond man mutter; "Well... Shit."

Her opponent's back was to her at this point, and he was advancing on the stranger with an enraged expression even as the other man backed towards the tangle of limbs that made up the awakened captive and the imperial's third member.
Re: Lone Wolf's Hunger (Sinfulwolf)

Jaw throbbing, a thin line of blood running down her chin from a split lip, Kiah narrowed her eyes. No better moment than the present. Moving forward as quickly and quietly as she could, she aimed the tip of her blade for the man's back, between his shoulder blades. Using both hands, she pushed the blade forward, hoping to end him here and now.
Re: Lone Wolf's Hunger (Sinfulwolf)

Kiah: HP = 38/56, PP = 68, EP = 38, Status = Injured

Stealth: Success.
Kiah attacks whilst using good distraction tactics!
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 2 + 1 + 25 = 28 * 2 = 56 - 9 = 47 damage.

Kiah gains 4 experience.

Kiah's sword pushed through flesh and past bone until it was buried all the way to the hilt in the bald man's back, the only sign of recognition that he made to the deathblow being a quick inhalation of breath. He stood frozen in place for a moment, and then fell face first onto the ground, the blond man tracking his fall and then watching for a moment as blood pooled around him and began to seep through the cracks in the floor. After a moment, he said; "Huh.... Well, that's done with."

The third member of the opposing party had gone stiff when the large man had died, and the formerly cloaked woman clambered away from him and used the wall to climb back up to her feet. She glanced between the dead brute and the unconscious cloaked man for a moment, occasionally looking at Kiah or the man that had come to her aid, but now the succubus was free to do as she liked, though retrieving her sword from the dead man's back was likely a good start. The fall had pushed it part of the way out, and the visible portion blade was stained dark red with the blood that was running down its length.
Re: Lone Wolf's Hunger (Sinfulwolf)

"Well, this has been interesting," Kiah said loud enough to be heard as she pulled her sword free, wiping the blade clean on the dead man's cloak before sliding it back into her scabbard.

Nudging the corpse with her booted foot, she thought of returning to bed with Angelina, her tail wagging slightly within the shadows of her cloak at the thoughts of the naked Elf wrapped in her arms, soft lips caressing the woman's curves.

For now though, she let her violet eyes look upwards, towards the cloaked woman, and the blonde man. Sometimes she hated her own curiosity, besides, they looked cute.

"So who are ye then?" she asked to the pair of them.
Re: Lone Wolf's Hunger (Sinfulwolf)

Kiah: HP = 56, PP = 68, EP = 38, Status = Fine

The blond man and the cloaked woman watched Kiah pull her sword free of the dead brute, the latter with a slightly fearful look and the former with a grimace. Both seemed quite happy to see her sword go away after she'd wiped the blade off on the dead man's cloak, and both then opened their mouths to speak at the same time, but the man went silent and gestured for the cloaked woman to continue. "I'm.... Anna. Th... Thank you... For what you just did. I... Don't think I can repay you for it," said the woman, as she pulled her hood off fully and smoothed back some of her dark, frizzy hair.

"And I.. Am Dovikulus Alvarien! Sir Dovikulus Alvarien, of the Great Imperial House Alvarien!" the blond man said proudly, but then he smirked and chuckled as he added; "Never did care much for titles though, and we're not in bloody Badaria anyway, so you can call me Dove. Or whatever you prefer." He offered Kiah a slight bow, and glanced at the cloaked woman and offered one final amendment; "She and I aren't known to one another. I just don't like old has-beens bullying people about, particularly when they're outside of the territory of their former empire."

He gazed at Kiah for a moment while the cloaked woman, Anna, looked at him somewhat incredulously. "I saw you come in this afternoon, actually. And you're obviously a capable sort...." he said, trailing off at the end while sizing Kiah up meaningfully.
Re: Lone Wolf's Hunger (Sinfulwolf)

"I'm sure I'll think of a way. I'm Kiah," the succubus said to the woman with a slight nod of her head. Slowly she shifted her gaze to the blonde man, catching the way he eyed her up. The corner of her lip pulled upwards slightly, her demonic blood heating up slightly and sending a jolt to her loins. She raised an eyebrow and gave him a meaningful look, though her next words were to the woman.

"So what have you done to draw a fallen empire's wrath?"
Re: Lone Wolf's Hunger (Sinfulwolf)

Kiah: HP = 56, PP = 68, EP = 38, Status = Fine

Kiah's reply to Anna's statement caused the hawk-nosed woman to grimace, but she nodded solemnly. The man who opted to be called Dove tilted his head and smirked back at Kiah, opting to remain silent as Kiah addressed the cloaked woman rather than respond to his unfinished statement. It was Anna who didn't immediately recognize that she'd been spoken to, and there was a brief silence before the woman perked up and cleared her throat awkwardly. "Uhhh... I killed a nobleman.... A tyrant that slaughtered and enslaved half of my village," she said, and Dove's smile became a grimace.

"That was you that killed the Arden then?" he asked, turning towards her, and after a moment's hesitation Anna nodded. "Mmmm... Can't say that I blame you for that then. I'd heard about what they were doing, but... Well, after the grey death came down and the legions disbanded, my family didn't exactly have the number of retainers that we used to. Walter!" his last word was spoken in a shout issued down the hall, and an older man in a crisp uniform came out of the same room that the man himself had exited from a moment earlier. "Yes sir?" the new man said, and Dove immediately replied; "Clean up this mess, and bring this man into our room. He and I must have words. Ahhh, one moment..."

Dove crouched down and retrieved a crest from the man that he'd knocked out, and then moved over to the man who was lying on his back on the floor. The passive figure stiffened at the sight of the crest, causing the nobleman to chuckle and mumble to himself; Don't program like they used to..." Holding the crest up, he said aloud in a commanding tone; "Assist my servant in moving this man and the body. Follow his instructions exactly." The figure on the ground rose to his feet and emotionlessly replied; "Yes Inquisitor." The use of that title caused Anna to cringe and Dove to scowl darkly, but that expression eased away as he turned back to Kiah, addressing her; "Well, I'll be cleaning up this mess for a while now. I have something of a proposition for you, however. Perhaps we can speak later, over breakfast perhaps?"
Re: Lone Wolf's Hunger (Sinfulwolf)

Through the brief explanation, then Dove's small display, Kiah merely crossed her arms over her chest, leaning heavily on one foot. Occasionally she let her eyes drift to Anna, but mostly watched this shirtless nobleman. Besides, he had a nice chest.

When he expressed his invitation however, Kiah smiled slightly. She was certainly intrigued; this town was getting interesting. She may have to skip out earlier than she planned though. Too much attention was never good.

"It's a date. You buying?" she asked with a small smile, before moving towards the woman.

"Come dear, let's get you somewhere safe for the rest of the night. Grab your things come to my room," Kiah suggested. Hopefully Angelina wouldn't be too averse to another woman seeing her breasts this evening... and everything else as well.
Re: Lone Wolf's Hunger (Sinfulwolf)

Kiah: HP = 56, PP = 68, EP = 38, Status = Fine

"Of course," Dove replied graciously when Kiah sought clarification on who'd be paying, "A proper gentleman always pays for a lady!" There was just enough humor in his voice and the ensuing smile to hint that the man was somewhat less the prude than his words might suggest, but he then turned to the business of cleaning up the mess, leaving Kiah to sort out the woman she'd just rescued.

Anna's gaze snapped from the dead man that they'd settled on, who was even then being lifted off of the floor by his former comrade, and offered Kiah an attempt at a smile that never really got past a grimace. "Alright.... Yes, maybe.... Maybe that would be best," she said in turn, "I'll just be a moment..." She went into her abandoned room and rifled about in a set of drawers, her back to Kiah as her body blocked any view of what she was doing. Then she went over and picked up a small pack similar to the one that Kiah herself favored and came back out of the room, carefully skirting the small pool of blood that had formed around the dead thug's corpse.

"I'm ready," Anna said unnecessarily, and then she followed Kiah back to the room that the wandering half-demon shared with Angelina. The fiery haired elven woman was still fast asleep, half curled up now that her cuddle partner was gone and apparently unaware of their added company. It wasn't uncommon for Kiah's partners to sleep quite heavily after she was done with them, their spirits rebuilding after falling prey to her hunger, and in her experience rousing them was often quite difficult. Anna blushed slightly at the sight of the sleeping elven woman, and glanced questioningly at Kiah. "It's a little small for three... But I suppose it's better than the alternative," she offered quietly, purposefully keeping her voice low as if worried about disturbing the sleeping elf.
Re: Lone Wolf's Hunger (Sinfulwolf)

Kiah led Anna to her room, and once inside with the door closed, let her eyes linger on the nude elf for a few moments longer than was necessary. She do badly wanted to crawl back into bed with the fiery haired lover.

"You can have the chair over there. I know it sounds kind of mean, but hey, better than being alone right now. Besides... did you want to cuddle? Kiah said with a smirk as she slowly removed her clothing, wanting to feel the elf's skin against her own again, to taste the remnants of their love making on her pulsing soul.

"Don't hesitate to wake me if you need anything... or you think danger is coming. I'm not shy about being prodded in the back when sleeping naked. In case you couldn't guess," the succubus continued, keeping her wings folded tight against her back, and brushing at the wolfen ears protruding from her hair.

Carefully she slipped back into the bed and pressed herself against Angelina, wrapping an arm around the elf and holding her close.
Re: Lone Wolf's Hunger (Sinfulwolf)

Kiah: HP = 56, PP = 68, EP = 38, Status = Fine

Anna shrugged at Kiah's apology, "It's better than running out of town and sleeping in the woods, which is what I'd be doing otherwise. I'll take what I can get at this point." Her offer to cuddle was met by a semi-forced half smile, and she shook her head in response, "I think I'll pass on that one for tonight." Anna then watched Kiah disrobe, her eyes mostly devoid of the lustful hunger that Kiah's naked body often inspired in those around her, though there was at least a hint of interest mixed in with the shock when she spotted the unique aspects of Kiah's physiology. Her guest opened her mouth to speak, but then closed it again as Kiah climbed into bed with Angelina, briefly exposing much of the elf to the chill night air, causing her to shiver and erupt into goosebumps.

"I won't hesitate, don't worry... I'm not going to let someone that helped me out like you did get their throat slit in their sleep. Not that I expect that that's going to happen mind!" Anna said as she settled into the chair, wrapping her heavily worn cloak around herself as tightly as she could. Angelina murmured softly in her sleep and pressed against Kiah's warmth, the scent of their union on her body and soul still plain for the half-demon to sense.

The night passed uneventfully, and in the morning a soft knock at the door awakened Kiah. Sunlight streamed into the room, revealing Angelina still curled up next to her, though the elf was beginning to stir, and Anna leaning over in the chair beneath her cloak. The other woman's eyes snapped open at the knock, and she gazed towards the door with well-hidden alertness, the only tip off that Kiah could detect being a sudden tenseness in her posture. The knock was repeated, and Angelina's eyes flitted open a moment later, before she let out a pleased coo and nestled deeper into Kiah's embrace. "Good morning Kiah~" she purred softly, "I wonder who's at our door?"

The knock came again, and this time it was followed by a familiar voice, that of Dove's butler, "Miss? Are you up and about yet?" It was about then that Angelina turned and looked over at the door, confused, and finally spotted Anna over in the chair. The elf didn't even give a start before reaching her hand under the pillow, her pleased expression vanishing as she became just as aware as the other woman. "Who is that?" the fiery-haired elf demanded sharply, glaring at the human sitting not fifteen feet away but directing the question at Kiah.
Re: Lone Wolf's Hunger (Sinfulwolf)

Kiah emerged from sleep smoothly, not suffering from the grogginess that most did. An after effect of sleeping on one's own in lands often patrolled and raided by Orcs and other dangerous things. As Angelina fired off her question, hints of anger spilling from her lips, Kiah couldn't help but smile.

"Had an interesting night while you slept. She's here to stay safe, nothing more," Kiah told the Elf gently, stroking her side and laying a soft kiss on her neck. The taste of stale sweat was strong on her lips and she let her fingertips drift across the fiery haired woman's stomach.

"Just a moment, there's a few of us indecent in here," Kiah called out to the butler, hidden behind the wooden portal, more for Angelina's sake than her own. The butler surely knew what she was already, and nudity was not a matter of self consciousness for the succubus.

She emerged from under the blankets, carefully shifting to not reveal more of Angelina's flesh than was needed and nodded towards Anna. "Slept well I hope?" she asked gently, none of the sensual tones she spilled into the Elf's ear present as she calmly dressed herself once more, adjusting tail, wings and breasts within the tight confines of leather and cloth.
Re: Lone Wolf's Hunger (Sinfulwolf)

Kiah: HP = 56, PP = 68, EP = 38, Status = Fine

Angelina still scowled at Anna, but the human woman largely payed the elf no mind, and she apparently opted to do the same. She climbed out of bed a moment after Kiah, watching Anna while the human kept her gaze locked onto the door, and dressed along with the half demon succubus. "Take your time madame," the butler replied politely through the door, and did not knock again.

"Well enough," Anna replied gently, slowly rising out of her chair. After retrieving a dagger from beneath her pillow, Angelina glanced at Kiah and said; "I certainly wouldn't mind a more in depth explanation." It was then that Anna offered; "I'm Anna, and your friend there... Kiah, right? She helped me out of a spot of trouble last night. You were sleeping like a newborn babe when we came in, and she graciously allowed me to sleep in that chair." Angelina accepted that after a moment's pause, and offered the human a nod.

With Kiah and her fiery-haired lover dressed and the three of them all roused, there was little to do but open the door and greet Dove's butler, Walter. The man stood a respectful distance off, and offered Kiah a nod when she opened the door. "Good morning madame," he said, "My lord Alvarien waits for you downstairs, and has extended his invitation to Lady Anna... And to Lady Angelina. You are free to join him at your leisure." He offered the three of them a low bow, but didn't depart yet, waiting to hear Kiah's response if she had any.
Re: Lone Wolf's Hunger (Sinfulwolf)

Kiah stood before the door, only then realizing that the butler wouldn't have known of the third woman in her room, and had to stifle the small laugh at the man's barely noticeable hesitation whilst speaking.

"Tell him I'll be there in a moment. The presence of these two is up to them," she said instead, gesturing slightly to the two women still in the room.

After addressed Walter, Kiah turned to Angelina. "I know you didn't exactly sign up for this, so I understand if you want to run off, though I must admit to enjoying your... company. I did kill some Imperial witch hunters or some such last night, protecting this lass here," Kiah told her Elven lover gently, part of her really hoping the woman wouldn't run off. She had been traveling alone so long that to find someone who not only wasn't afraid of her more demonic traits, but actually seemed to enjoy the sex that came with it was something Kiah would definitely miss.
Re: Lone Wolf's Hunger (Sinfulwolf)

Kiah: HP = 56, PP = 68, EP = 38, Status = Fine

"Very good ma'am," Walter replied smoothly, and then turned about to march down the hall, quickly disappearing down the stairs. Angelina took the news that Kiah had dealt with Imperial's the night before with a look of great surprise... And a very brief look of intense hatred. She glanced at Anna after getting herself under control and said; "If that was the trouble that followed you... Then you have my sympathy. Inquisitors are monsters, and if one was after you...."

Angelina shook her head, but then turned back to Kiah and managed a slight smile. "Far be it for me to pass up free breakfast," she said, and though she smiled, her voice was mirthless. "Lead on." Anna shrugged at the elf after a moment, having been apparently waiting for her to finish her statement, and then turned to Kiah and said; "Same for me really. I'm probably gonna be going on afterwards, but I won't pass up a free meal!"

With that, there wasn't much left to do but lead on unless Kiah had anything else to say to her other two companions, and they were free to head on downstairs. Unless she gave them reason to do otherwise, the two women followed her down to the tavern's main room, which was considerably more empty than it had been the day before. The men Kiah had seen talking at the bar were still there, but now they were both slumped over it, clearly unconscious. Dove and Walter were the only other ones in the room besides the man behind the bar, the former seated in the same booth that he'd occupied last night and now fully dressed, this time in a dark green vest worn over a black long sleeved shirt, both of them buttoned to the top with gleaming brass buttons that sported an intricate design, likely a family seal of some sort. The tiny image of a roaring, flame spewing dragon was no less impressive for its size, however, particularly given the level of skill needed to work metal in such a fine scale. When he spotted Kiah, the nobleman waved her over with a welcoming smile and said; "Good morning!"
Re: Lone Wolf's Hunger (Sinfulwolf)

"Morning," Kiah said, seating herself across from Dove, leaning back in her chair expecting her two momentary companions to seat themselves on either side of her. She looked up at Walter for a moment, then to the two passed out men, their faces pressing down on the bar, before letting her violet eyes swing back to Dove.

She spent a few moments admiring his outfit, though flashes of what lay beneath still slipped through her mind, her succubus blood warming at the memories. With no show of what played across her mind's eye she looked towards the nobleman and smiled.

"So... food and proposition then?" she asked, folding her arms across her chest.
Re: Lone Wolf's Hunger (Sinfulwolf)

Kiah: HP = 56, PP = 68, EP = 38, Status = Fine

"Sounds like a plan!" Dove replied with a smirk while Angelina and Anna took seats next to Kiah, the three of them facing the man. "Walter, go and get the tavernkeep over here if you would! Try to be quiet about it, those two at the bar look like they could use the rest," he continued, at which the butler bowed lightly and set off over to the tavern. When he was gone, Dove turned back to the three of them and said; "Feel free to get whatever you like ladies, it's on me!"

Walter returned the the man that had been behind the bar, whom Kiah didn't recognize given that it had been a woman the night before. "What can I get you folks? We've got a full kitchen. Eggs, bacon, sausage, stew, pancakes, fresh salmon, hash, waffles, porridge, you name it. Cooked to order too," the barman, and Dove gestured to the three of them to order first. "Pancakes with a side of bacon. Low syrup," Anna replied immediately, causing Dove to raise a curious eyebrow. Angelina hesitated a moment, giving Kiah an opportunity to order, but whether the succubus waited or not, the elf eventually said; "Pancakes... With strawberries if you have them. And some hash on the side." After Kiah had gotten whatever food she wanted, Dove gave his own order; "Bacon hash and eggs, scrambled. And get us each a coffee too!"

Once the bartender had left, Dove went on to say; "So, on to my proposition! You see, for a while now I've been looking for a number of things... I have this little project I'm doing, you see. Something important. And one of the pieces is here... Or at least near to here. You all saw that tower on your way in? The one off in the distance? There's something in there that I want. A book, with a green cover and blue text in a dead language. It shouldn't be hard to find if you can get to the library, but that place has supposedly been abandoned for years, so it could very well be in pretty rough shape. And... The locals seem to think that it's haunted. They've been talking about seeing things moving up there, of strangely colored lights in the night.... You've probably heard those sorts of stories before, and they're probably just nonsense, but if you're not interested I'll understand. I'd be willing to pay anyone that got me that book a nice fat sum."

Their coffee arrived just as he finished, and Dove smiled at the bartender that delivered it and offered him a quick thank you. Once he was gone, Dove continued; "So... Any takers? If you're not into money, I can do favors instead. The Alvarien name is respected even out here, and I could probably do a good bit more for any of you back in the old empire."
Re: Lone Wolf's Hunger (Sinfulwolf)

"Bacon, waffles, and two eggs, over easy," Kiah told the inn keep just before Angelina's own order, and turned her attention to Dove once more.

She carefully held her chin as she remained leaned back in her chair, eyes not once wavering from the man before her. She could feel her ears twitching slightly beneath the hood once more pulled up. She turned the proposition over in her mind, as each portion was laid out before her.

Finally, Dove was finished, and the coffee had arrived. Gently taking it up and blowing over the dark fluids, Kiah raised the mug to her lips and sipped gently. It was rubbish and tasted burned, but she really couldn't expect too much good out here in middle of no where. From the smells though she did have good food to look forward to at least.

"I'm certainly interested," Kiah said, before taking another slow sip of the coffee.

"Can you say what the book is exactly? she continued to Dove, before letting her eyes glance to her sides, trying to gauge the interest of the other two women.
Re: Lone Wolf's Hunger (Sinfulwolf)

Kiah: HP = 56, PP = 68, EP = 38, Status = Fine

Sipping his bad coffee, Dove managed to grin and blanch at the same time, but then he gestured to Walter who immediately produced a bottle of light blue liquid, which he tipped a small amount of into his master's cup. "Care for some sweetener ladies?" he asked quietly, such that the innkeeper wouldn't hear. Anna immediately nodded, her face still scrunched up from the sheer foulness of the brew she'd just taken a sip of, but Angelina seemed quite content with her cup given that she was taking deep sips. "No thank you," she said politely, "I don't mind it this way."

After Kiah had accepted or declined, Dove spoke while stirring his cup; "Well, I'm glad to hear you're interested." Angelina, after taking another sip of her coffee, said; "I would like to hear more before I decide, but I'm interested so long as your offer of payment is genuine." Anna nodded and added; "Doesn't hurt to listen... But I'm not going to promise anything." Dove nodded to the two, and then answered Kiah's question; "Well, it's in a language that not many people understand... But basically it's a book on tapping into sources of power. Ley lines, holy places, that sort of thing. The copy I had was destroyed in the invasion, and I'd be more likely to catch an angel in a net than get the Academy to let me borrow or copy theirs. The only other place that had a copy was the Incantarium in the Necropolis, and I'm not sending anyone into that death trap... Even if they were stupid enough to try."
Re: Lone Wolf's Hunger (Sinfulwolf)

Kiah nodded towards the offer of the blue bottle, and leaned forward to let Walter pour it in. The black fluid within turned lighter, a shade of dark brown. Though had to raise an eyebrow at the softest tint of blue within a drink that normally was anything but.

As Dove began to speak once again, answering her question, Kiah leaned back and sipped at the coffee. It was still shit, but whatever had been slipped into it certainly made it go down easier.

"And one just happened to be here? Don't get me wrong, I'm way too curious to hand this job up, but what did that tower used to be?" Kiah asked. Something seemed... off, about this whole thing.

She really hoped she wasn't walking into a trap. That'd just spoil her day, and after such good sex the night before, that would piss her off.