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Lover of the Seraphim


H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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The following is another pre-entry into my upcoming Sci-Fi war story. A little exploration into the gender roles of Arcandian society as well as a new character and the start of one of the story's subplots. I felt the best way to deliver this was an erotica story that would not fit in with the story proper. As this is a one-shot feel free to comment on this page.

Lover of the Seraphim

The sign above the pneumatic doors read “Lily’s” in bright neon blue letters, the S flickering but no one had bothered to repair it. The dull gray bulkhead walls were covered in shelves displaying everything from sports memorabilia to old engineering equipment long since deemed obsolete, to give the dingy little bar in the mid decks of ‘The Scarlet Iris’ some flavour.

The place had been around for as long as Vikki could remember, named after an engineer who had been killed by someone else’s stupidity and carelessness in the hanger bay over a decade before. The dead woman’s picture hung above the racks of booze behind the bar’s counter, and the older engineers that frequented this place often raised their glasses to the image in memory. Just like one was doing now, but Vikki ignored the aging man, taking a sip from the harsh whiskey in her glass instead.

She came here to get away from the uniforms and discipline, knowing hardly anyone ever came here in uniform. This place was for the ship’s engineers and civilians, and while they were many other small establishments they could pour their salaries into, Lily’s held a certain aged charm that was appealing, even for a paratrooper like herself. Vikki always made sure to come dressed in civvies, which tonight consisted of simple ankle boots and fading blue jeans accompanying a black t-shirt covered by a dark brown leather coat. Her black hair was let loose, falling over one side of her face to obscure the scar above her right eye and down her jaw. The pants were tight enough to accentuate what little curves she had, she was feeling a bit frisky tonight and wouldn’t mind taking someone back to her quarters. Or visit someone else’s quarters; she wasn’t picky.

Her eyes wandered across the bar, picking out a few of the men as potential candidates for her desires. The topless guy in the corner drinking wine was hot, with a sleek build and toned muscles. The tightness of his pants also revealed a very impressive package, but the way the engineer sitting beside him had her hands running over his body ruled him out.

Bringing her glass to her lips she tipped her head back and drained the whiskey, feeling the burn as it splashed down her throat. She tapped the glass on the counter top, made from the scavenged parts of an old fighter that had crashed and burned in the hanger, her mind feeling light and her lips dry despite the liquid that had just passed them.

As the doors let out their familiar hiss Vikki glanced over to see if any of her potential playmates for the night was deciding to cash in before she made a move or if someone else was coming in.

It was a newcomer, and a Fleet Pilot to boot. She was off duty judging by how she wore her light blonde hair loose to cascade around her shoulders, and the dark blue dress tunic open to reveal the stark white shirt underneath. The woman stumbled slightly and she giggled as she made her way to the bar, sitting herself beside Vikki, her rich cologne swirling up her nostrils.

Vikki raised an eyebrow, letting her eyes run over the pilot’s obvious curves. It’d been a while since she’d been with another woman, and this pilot was almost intoxicating. The pilot turned and noticed Vikki’s eyes crawling over her form. The nametag over her breast read ‘Saunders’, and her lips curled upwards in a soft smile.

“Can I buy you a drink sugar?” Saunders asked, leaning forward slightly, the smell of strong alcohol on her breath.

“DauTrum’s whiskey,” Vikki replied, letting a throaty purr enter her voice feeling a slight urge between her legs.

“Good choice. Name’s Carmen,” the pilot said before turning to the bartender to order two glasses of the harsh Arcandian whiskey.


The walk back to Carmen’s quarters was tricky, both women holding each other up and trying to contain their laughter as they entered the pilot dorms of the ship, stumbling through the corridors reeking of booze and unable to keep their hands off each other.

Passing through the doorway into Carmen’s quarters, a quant bedroom with a small head off to the side, Vikki pushed the pilot against the closet, hearing the door shut behind her as their lips met hungrily. Their mouths opened and their tongues danced as Vikki pried her boots off with her feet.

Carmen grasped Vikki’s shoulders and began to push her towards the bed at the back of the room, while the paratrooper pulled the pilot’s tunic off, tossing it to the side and grasping her breasts, squeezing tightly. Carmen moaned hungrily into the kiss and nearly tore the leather jacket off her lover letting it fall to the floor before peeling off the t-shirt. Clad in only a simple black bra, Vikki let her fingers glide up Carmen’s chest, unbuttoning the dress shirt and pulling it down to add to the growing pile of discarded garments.

Pushing the pilot down to the bed, Vikki grasped the laughing woman’s shoes and pulled them off, throwing them over her shoulder across the room to land in a heap in the corner.

“Oh, and these can come off too,” Vikki slurred, grasping the bottoms of Carmen’s pants, earning a squeal that mixed with the laughter, the pilot barely having time to unbuckle her belt and undo the buttons at her waist before Vikki pulled the pants free, falling back on her ass.

Quickly getting back to her feet Vikki reached behind her back and unhooked her bra while Carmen undid her pants and pulled them down her hips along with her panties, running her tongue hungrily down her thigh, earning a moan of desire from the paratrooper’s lips as she was stripped stark naked.

Pushing Carmen back onto the bed Vikki straddled her bending low to kiss her neck while unzipping the military bra the pilot was wearing, letting her hands explore Carmen’s breasts without any clothing in the way. The pilot let out long moans, her erect nipples pressing into Vikki’s palms as the paratrooper let her lips travel downwards to the soft mounds, sliding her hands down Carmen’s sides.

Arching her back, Carmen let another soft groan, Vikki’s tongue swirling in circles over her breasts, trapping a nipple between her teeth. Hot skin pressed against Vikki’s stomach, and Carmen reached down to pull her panties down over her hips, letting her lover remove them entirely, before pulling Vikki back up to kiss her deeply, slithering her tongue into the other woman’s mouth.

Their naked bodies pressed against the other, glistening with a sheen of sweat as they rubbed against each other.

Breaking the kiss, Carmen grinned up at Vikki, and crawled down the bed, kissing her way up Vikki’s stomach towards her crotch.

Vikki made a small moist trail up Carmen’s thighs, before gently running her tongue through the pilot’s slit, earning a small moan from between her own legs before two fingers slid deep inside her cunt, sliding between her petal and pulling a groan from the trooper.

Vikki’s teeth gently grazed her lover’s clit, her tongue flicking back and forth across the nub, feeling Carmen’s finger thrust in and out of her while her lips sucked at her own pearl. Groans filled the room as the two women pleasured each other, drawing each deeper and deeper into their own desires and lust, their hands running over each other’s scorching skin.

As Carmen curled her fingers, Vikki felt herself pushed into the depths of pleasure, an orgasm rolling under her skin like liquid fire in her veins, juices gushing across the pilot’s tongue which made her teeth clench slightly pulling Carmen into the throws of ecstasy with her. Muffled groans floated in their ears as they gave and took from each other in their moment of lustful bliss.

As climaxes faded, and the fires turned to embers, Carmen lazily crawled over the sweat soaked sheets of her bed to lay next to Vikki, looking into her violet eyes. They watched each other for a moment before sharing a gentle kiss, tasting each other on their lips before wrapping each other in their arms.

As Carmen drifted off to sleep, Vikki ran her fingers through her lover’s long blonde strands, a soft smile on her lips, before she gave in to the booze swirling around in her system and let her eyes drift closed, and let sleep claim her.