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ACT [Marionette-h-gameworks] Dark Parasite

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Re: Dark Parasite

you are aware of the fact that games such as LoL which included something like skins, rp/xp point boost. Which when on sale costs as much as a micro transaction.Thus spawning the era of phone games, which we sadly are in.

Again, this is more on people ruining things. They see how LoL is successful and they think "I should do the same, BUT LET'S BE EVEN GREEDIER"

Except for a few ridiculously priced ones, the skins in LoL are all cosmetics so they have no gameplay effects, that sort of thing is fine, it's how F2P game is meant to survive (it's either luxuries like skins or convenience like IP boost which is for faster unlocks)

The point is that you can still get all the core content of the game for free in a fairly reasonable time. Or something like TF2 where your default equipments are the most versatile, while different weapon offers variation in playstyle rather than power up.

No, that is not the horrid shit the worst F2P stoops to.

Like I said, just look at Dungeon Keeper Mobile to see how shitty it gets while trying to skirt the line. (24 hour to mine a block for example)

Or how about Plant vs Zombie 2, pay for certain plants or don't expect to use them outside of events.

Heck that sort of mindset has infected even the non-F2P games.
Pre-order exclusives
Day one DLC
Online passes
Re: Dark Parasite

Good man!:D:D
How'd you want to implicate it? Just as an instant birth after scene or will there be a penalty or something. Sorry that this is off topic.
Ideally it will have some penalty but doing that increase the number of works needed by a lot so I'm not sure yet ... I also still need to finish the currently planned content first .. so I can't really promise anything ^^;
Re: Dark Parasite

Ideally it will have some penalty but doing that increase the number of works needed by a lot so I'm not sure yet ... I also still need to finish the currently planned content first .. so I can't really promise anything ^^;

Fair enough, best not to promise too much before getting out what has already been promised :D
Re: Dark Parasite

I searched the patreon but can't find the recent Demo. Did it real exists or Version 1.2 is most recent at this moment?
Re: Dark Parasite

I'd just like to chime in on the "micro-transactions" thing and say that MODERN micro-transactions, if used properly, are the best thing that's happened to gaming in a long time.

Playing a game for free and being able to continue playing it for free is infinitely better than dropping $60 on a game that you play for 20 minutes and realize sucks or you don't like.

Having the *OPTION* to pay a miniscule $1 or something like that (in some cases even less) to get some sort of in-game bonus that is NOT required to beat the game is amazingly good business practice, as most people will spend $1 20 times over long before they'll spend a bulk shot of $10.

But in terms of ethics and actual financial drain on the populace, it's infinitely better than (again) paying $60+ for a game that you might not even end up liking. Now, if you design your game to be literally unbeatable unless you're a god at gaming without paying $1 or whatever to get a boost or special powerup, that IS unethical and bad to do.

But having a game that is wholly free, and paying micro-amounts of money is purely optional, is literally one of the best things to happen to gaming in a long time, financially, ethically, and everything else.

And to set the record straight, "micro-transactions" have been around since the beginning of gaming; Arcades were the original "micro-transaction". Paying anywhere from $0.25 to even up to $3 for just a few minutes of gameplay was the norm for a good 20+ years. I can personally say I've probably dropped thousands of dollars on arcade games back when I was a teenager/in college, and I didn't get to own those games afterwards; I was literally paying that money just to get to PLAY them.

So compared to that, a wholly free game with optional payment is a godsend and I honestly have no idea why people think micro-transactions 1) began with mobile games or 2) why they are a bad thing if used ethically and not forced on a player as the only means of being able to complete the game.
Re: Dark Parasite

So compared to that, a wholly free game with optional payment is a godsend and I honestly have no idea why people think micro-transactions 1) began with mobile games or 2) why they are a bad thing if used ethically and not forced on a player as the only means of being able to complete the game.

I think most people just associate micro-transactions more with the companies that do them wrong than the ones that do them right. Plenty of games do them right but slip out of people's memory because they don't stand out as unreasonable or bothersome, while the ones that do them wrong are generally made to be as intrusive as possible.

Almost nobody complains about LoL's micro-transactions because you only have to pay money for cosmetics and it's not hard to pay in-game-earned currency for characters. People don't complain about micro-transactions even for non-F2P games if they're done right either, like Mortal Kombat X's insta-fatalities or WoW's $60 level 90 boost because those don't detract from anything if you don't get them.

The ones that people complain about are the ones you see in a lot of mobile games or ones that make you pay for features that are typically free. For the former you'll see a lot of games that are pretty much gimped right at the start, made to start somewhat quickly before slowing down to an agonizing drag unless you pay money. A pretty big example of that would be Shattered Planet, which is good and steady on PC where you buy it for about ten bucks, but on mobile it's free. The catch to the mobile version is that your progression is unbelievably slow, giving you almost no resources or experience compared to the PC version unless you buy the boosts that just outright give you both. For the most infamous recent example of paying for features that are typically free you can just look at Evolve's "pay an extra $40 or get 3/5ths of this game" business model and see why that fell apart pretty quick.

Micro-transactions aren't innately bad but they're very easily abused, and people remember the abuses more than the good stuff.
Re: Dark Parasite

Micro-transactions aren't innately bad but they're very easily abused, and people remember the abuses more than the good stuff.

Sadly, I think this goes for a lot of things in life. I remember a study a while back showing that it's innately easier to get people riled up/pissed off about something than it is to get them to support something/say it's good.
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