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Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"Yea, he wont shut up about it" George said, shaking his head and very confused by everything. "So that settles it then, there's no explanation for how that explosion happened the way it did. While me and my guys were going over your place, we patched up the worst of the damage, a few bricks and some plaster only take a few moments anyway. I suppose you're completely free to go, just... Give us and the police a call if you remember anything you think is important Miss River"

Sighing and reaching to light a cigarette, a nurse gave him a glare to which he told her very politely to go fuck herself with an EKG machine, and lit up in the lobby, apparently this being normal for him as no one complained.

It was early in the morning, the city was starting to wake up and bustle around her, and she had a ticket for a free cab ride home if she wanted, thinking about things had to wait however, as her phone started ringing in her bag, the number being her boss at the Courier office. Apparently she had a job today... "Oi! River! Rush delivery to the southern finger in the 5, pays good, but you only got 3 hours. You interested?" The gruff man on the phone was her boss, Mantel, and boss was a loose term, he was more her on call coordinator, and new better then to bother her with anything less then high paying jobs.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

“I wouldn‘t discount the guy entirely. I saw something just like that in the room above mine, i thought it was just my mind playing tricks on me until you described it just now.“ River told the man, her own expression mirroring George‘s. “I‘ll do some snooping, gimme your card and i‘ll let you know if I find anything.“ she told him, ignoring the cigarette herself, though she took a step back to avoid inhaling any of the smoke herself.

She took the card and the cab ticket, glancing at each and considering the lazy ride home before her phone rang.

“Yeah, I got it. Pick it up at the office? I‘ll head straight there, but i got a pack of gear to leave there while i‘m on it. Long story, i‘ll tell ya later.“ she replied, giving the fire chief a nod and heading out once she got confirmation.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"You got it River, just get her fast you know the job comes first with these, so lets get a hustle on lass" He said offhandedly, something heard pouring in the background. Well, shit, Fredericks had been drinking again, not surprising, but it always made her orders a little more... interesting. Hell, last time he'd been drunk and a job had come up, she'd delivered a crate full of red noses to a circus for the clowns and of course the directions had been bad, the order had been too large, and they weren't due for another week. At least the pay had been good... although rediculous...

The cab ride to her place of business, Freddies Freight, God why did that name piss her off... o yea, because it was rediculous! Why else. The sign was old and weathered, the red and yellow painted lettering chipping away here and there, and the heavy oak door with the brass knocker as uninviting as always, was the sight that greeted River as always led her through the door, like always, and into the lobby of Mr. Frederickson, who was drinking like always, but the gruff old man with his peg leg and heavy shades seemed to be in the real world enough right now that the small package on the desk was probably legit.

"Jobs easy, but the pay is higher then usual, major rush job. Don't open the package, and don't ask questions, standard run to the other end of town, and the package is to be delivered On Foot. They were incredibly specific about this, so I bumped the fee up 25%. This is a 900$ payday, you have 2 hours, I suggest you get moving because morning rush is still a major pain in the ass River."
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River gave the man a smile, slipping her pack off and grabbing one of the loaners, giving the package a casual inspection, hefting it slighty before slipping it in and onto her back, securing it. "Always is, or we'd be out of business, eh? What's the full address?" She said with a chuckle. Gruff and alcoholic as the man was, she was used to it, and he always made sure she had enough work to keep a roof and food going.

"My pack has some electronics, go ahead and stash it wherever ya want, just be careful about tossing it about." She told him, already heading out the door. She knew she could make the distance in two hours, so it was just a matter of keeping a good pace and dealing with any issues that showed up. She started at a jog, Pulling out some headphones and giving herself some music, the fast steady beat audible over the sounds of the city without drowning them out. Once the cord and player were tucked away, she sped up, slipping through the crowds and traffic as she made her way South.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

And River was off and moving, slipping through the people and the traffic with relative ease, before she tripped and tumbled to her feet, rolling before bouncing back up and continuing to move, the package still safe as she listened to her music and kept pounding pavement.

In fact, she didn't really have ay real issues until she took a back alley shortcut in down town, and for the record it was a relatively safe and well lit route, until she saw her arch nemesis waiting for her...

There he stood, a terrifying creature with fur as white as snow... Mrs. Wakowski's Pomeranian... normally, such a thing wouldn't be an issue, but the little bastard always had this habit of doing what it was doing now, which was biting her pant leg and savagely shaking it's head. And of course punting a small dog in full view of it's owner was the best way to get sued that she could think of! What would she do against such a terrifying foe!?
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Stopped dead for the moment, River sighed, looking down to the pomeranian, then up to Ms. Wakowsky with an annoyed expression. The thing didn't want to let go. Again. Flipping a knife out of her pocket and opening it, she grabbed the dog by the collar to hold it still, and neatly slicing the section of her pant leg off it was grasping, keeping a hold on it's collar so it couldn't latch on to her again. Lifting it up, she carried it over to the woman and passed it over. "Leash, Your damn. Rat. Lady. Or next time, you can watch me drag the thing to a photo booth, then the pound." She said slowly and sternly, then turned and jogged off, not willing to waste any more time.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Mrs. Wakowski, both seemingly affronted, and also glad that River hadn't shanked her dog like she almost expected, took the pomeranian and turned her nose up before stomping off. There wasn't all that much distance left to cover, but now there was the unique and annoying challenge of moving through the last half mile of street to the address which was packed to utter capacity by people in suits talking on cellphones or not looking where they were going, just letting the throng carry them along.

There were always a couple options open, but now surrounded by skyscrapers that towered above her in a shining example of silver and steel, the glass of thousands of windows twinkling in the morning sunlight. The address turned out to be a massive housing complex, and the top floor no less, Penthouse perhaps? Judging from the door man in his red liverie and the gilded entrance, most likely.

So the job probably paid very well indeed, though she only had about 10 minutes left to both convince the doorman to let her in, as the instructions demanded this be delivered by her hands directly into the customers, and get to the top floor. Crunch time.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Already looking completely out of place in the sea of business attire, River hopped on top of a garbage can to peer over the crowds. Not enough floorspace to sprint, about five to get there and five to climb. Too much glass and sheer surface here on the high end of town, streets to wide to jump roof to roof, so that's out of the question. Best use the front door and hope she was expected.

Hopping off the trash can and to the side of a bus shelter, she climbed up and jumped over the crowds to the street, the traffic stopped for a red light and her landing accompanied with the blare of a horn. Rolling off the car as she landed, River sprinted off between the cars just as the light was turning green up ahead. the vehicles to either side shifted into motion and started to pull ahead, so she hopped onto the back of a truck, riding it's side until it chose to turn off. From there, it was two buildings of running on the side of the street, and a sidewalk pressing through the crowd before she was through the worst of it, jogging up the steps and stopping at the doorman. "Package for Mr. Corvinus, note said to deliver it personally." She said, glancing inside impatiently.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

The door man, although seemingly polite, and even smiling as River approached, turned his smile into a slight scowl when she said who the package was for, apparently unwilling to disturb, or as River soon found out, even admit that such a person lived here.

"Listen miss, I'm sure you're good at your job, in fact, watching you move down the street, I'm certain of it, but no such person lives here. I'm sorry for the wasted trip, there is no Corvinus here."

The doorman, did in fact seem rather sorry for her, but also unwilling to let her pass on simply her need to get inside alone, she'd either need to convince him to let her in, or find another way. To her left, River could see an alley behind a fence, possibly with a fire escape.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"Must be a visitor then, they were quite insistent on the place, and the time. I have... 4 minutes to get up there. Can ya let me through anyways, and let loose the dogs if i'm not back in ten, maybe? I got other packages to run, i'll be quick." She said, peering over at the alley for a sec, then at the front door, checking to see if the door was actually locked, or if the doorman was just a fancy formality.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Bonus for being in dress, Bonus for not being rude, Bonus for offering an ultimatum. Rolls.

River, 7/10 after all applicable bonuses

Doorman Nat 1. He's having a shit day, and River is cute.

"Alright miss, please make it quick, it seems you know where you're going. Please have the person at the address call down to the front desk to let us know where you are. We take the security here very seriously." He said after thinking for just a moment, looking River up and down before sighing and shaking his head.

Waving his hand to a uniformed man behind a marble desk, there was a short buzz and a very obvious Clack of several locks releasing at once, and a quick look at the door would reveal double paned, shaded glass, most likely bullet resistant and shatter proof to boot. The door man wasnt kidding.

The lobby of the building she was in was just as grand as it's gilded steel and glass exterior, everything from the floor to the ceiling either made of solid slabs of marble, or in artfully arranged steel framework that although plain, did nothing to detract from the Grandeur here, and the elevator was at the back. After a short glance from the lobby guard, who was armed with at least a handgun, and possibly more given the cut of his uniform, River was effectively ignored, and could proceed watched, but unmolested.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"Thanks, and will do." River said with a nod, slipping into the unlocked door quickly, raising an eyebrow at the holstered weapon as she jogged to the back of the building. Knowing the elevator would take too long, she went for the door to the stairwell instead, perfectly willing to hoof it all the way up and arrive winded. She hit the right floor, a glance at the rooms nearby telling her which way the numbers went, and jogged to the proper door, knocking and resting a hand on the doorframe until it opened, checking her watch while she waited, taking the package from her pack.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

The mad dash up the stairs, and there were a fuckload of them, was the only thing that managed to get River to the appropriate door on time, although she was pleased to note that Mr. Corvinus owned the entire top floor, and there was only one door. The door itself was made of banded and heavily polished hard wood, carved in several intricate and impressive designs that showed a great deal of effort had gone into making it, and judging from the mistakes that could be noted here and there, most likely by hand.

The door itself was so solid as to hurt River's hand upon knocking and easily supported her weight as she waited for the occupant to open the door with the package in hand. After a moment, the door gave another loud clack of a heavy lock unbolting before opening slightly, and then fully, a middle aged man with raven black, close cropped hair peering at her from shocking grey eyes. His build was painfully athletic, and his clothing, seemingly all made of a soft navy silk was trimmed with silver, the three piece suit looking like it was worth more then River made in a year.

So you're the Girl, how interesting, and you made it on time despite the handicaps presented. I'm impressed. As soon as you knocked I called ahead, if you will step inside, we can complete the transaction, and your payment, as well as talk about a business proposition I wish to make of you.
He said quietly, before stepping to the side and inviting River in with a gesture to a penthouse that was luxurious it had to be fucking illegal.

From the hardwood flooring to the massive shaded windows that offered a view of the entire city, and the rich furnishing as well as several pedestaled and expensive pieces of rare art, it was obvious that Mr. Corvinus was a man of extravagant Wealth, Influence, or both. Such meetings were not by chance, and judging from his demeanor, he had asked for her specifically based on her reputation.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River's eyes widened slightly at the sheer price tag of the place, nodding as she walked in. "Always up for more work. Bother ya for a glass of water, perhaps? And where do you want your package?" She asked, sticking near the entrance unless she was offered a location. Her gaze drifted to the window covering most of one wall, staring out over a nearby building and across one of the parks, letting out a low whistle of appreciation. "Nice view." She added with a chuckle.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Come on in, Sit, stay awhile and hear me out, but more importantly, before I get to this job offer, I need to know things about you specifically, there are aspects of this position that have some risk, I need to know you can handle them, and don't have any unavoidable problems in your past or bloodline. I know it sounds a little strange, but trust me, despite the slightly invasive questions, the salary is well worth the work. Corvinus said after handing River a glass of water and offering her a place on a couch in the center of the main room with a gesture.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

The woman took the offered glass with a nod. "Sure. Don't really know what you think you'll find, but I'm game." She said with a chuckle, taking the offered seat and leaning back in it, downing about half the glass in a single go before coming up for air. "What do you want to know?"
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Smiling and taking a seat across from her, Corvinus poured himself a glass of scotch from a nearby decanter and sipped on the powerful drink slowly, seeming very happy with the taste and smiling. Let's get the basics out of the way I suppose~

Any problems with Drugs, Dogs, or an unusual aversion to silver? I know some people have an allergy to the metal, and some of what you'll be transporting will have it, I'd hate to have such a reaction occur on the job. Also, Any particular hobbies? Or skills that lend themselves to your work? And have you ever had experience in combat, as I said, there's some risk to this position. Though I assure you, it's nothing illegal. There's also the question of any significant others in your life that could get in the way. Although it seems strange, I can tell you that a single individual has more thinking freedom in a tight situation, and less qualms about hard decisions.

His voice seemed calm and respectful, and as far as River could tell, he hadn't lied to her yet, as far as SHE could tell, she wasn't a human lie detector, but her bullshit meter was pretty good, living where she did.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"Most drugs would end up with me dead, the work I do. Booze every so often, but less than most people I know. Dogs, no real issues, cept for the ones that hate me more. Decent experience avoiding them, though they always know im around. Silver..." She ticked off quickly, then paused a moment. "Nothing that I know of. Hobbies include music, camping, the occasional movie or video game when I feel lazy, not too much that helps in my work. It's a hobby to start out with, of a sort. I do know how to fight, though I'm much better at avoiding them, I think."

She paused again, taking a drink and stretching out one leg after the other as she continued. "What was next again? Ah, right, relationships. Nothing too personal, handful of fairweather friends, Mother died a few years ago, just after I moved here. I'm pretty well a person that wouldn't be missed, and yes, I'm perfectly aware of the kinds of jobs that makes me perfect for. You sure it isn't anything illegal you're trying to peg me for?" She asked. He seemed honest so far, but he had to have come into this lifestyle somehow, and a silver tongue goes far in such situations...
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

That is all excellent, perfect really, although not being missed, that really is a shame miss River, maybe well work on that a little. have no fear, nothing you will be doing is illegal, the wealth I've come into is a family legacy of sorts, Old money and all that, but I prefer people who actually know the meaning of 'Work' in my employ then hopeless sycophants with resumes. I'll be outright then, you'll be making the occasional delivery for me specifically, and all you need to do is make sure what I give you winds up where it needs to go without being intercepted by any third parties. Some days it will be simple, others it will probably be needlessly complicated, but the pay, as stated, is a monthly salary of 17,000 U.S. Dollars whether you have jobs that month or not. There is one stipulation, and that is that we get you moved out of that hovel you live in as soon as possible. For the protection of both yourself, and anything I have in your care. If it's acceptable, I would prefer you moved here, to The Tower, there's plenty of space, and under my word, it will be without expense. They say that everyone has their chance at a break some point in their lives. This, Miss River, Is yours. Will you accept?

So it was to be similar work, though it seemed of a much higher pay grade and class, that was a 6 figure yearly salary just to be his personal mail maid, and with her living expenses payed in full no less if she chose to accept his offer to live in this building.

Sliding a cellphone across the table, as well as an envelope, presumably with her pay for this job, Corvinus smiled. Although Im sure it would be nice to spend weeks thinking this over, I would prefer your answer within 24 hours. Simply hit send on this phone, you'll reach me day or night.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"Long decisions are not really something I go for either." River said, placing the empty glass on the table, but not reaching for either the cell or the letter just yet. "As it stands, I'd be an idiot not to take a job like that. But label me curious, so I have one question before I make my decision: How deep did you dig around on me, before you decided to give me this offer? Obviously you've been to or seen pictures of my place, at least." She asked, keeping her eyes on his reaction.