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Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Nah, umm, damn, I'm part of another team and we don't handle normal security. In exchange for all the creature comforts and enough pay to keep us, this particular team doesn't exist, so our cell numbers are on a constant rotation. At request, we can have someone added to the network so they can reach us. Just think, if this night had gone smoothly, you'd be blissfully unaware and able to go about as if nothing was out of the ordinary. As for just keeping moving, honestly? That's for the best, hate to say it, but the rediculous horror movie mistakes are usually what get people into trouble.

The car, heh, yes, it's safe, and I'll be coming with you and so will Hervo, he's already proven that this thing is technically solid and reactive, so the likelihood of it bothering anyone in a vehicle is slim. More to the point, our usual problems know better then to mess with any of Corvinus' cars. He doesn't take all that kindly to it. What else, uhh, bullet proof, UV shielded, armoured, big engine, they're really rather nice machines.
Jessica said, starting to relax a little herself and smiling. However, she turned to Cylus with a look of disgust on her face before shaking her head and just keeping it to herself, apparently not overly fond of the man.

Best advice I can give you right now River? You have people you can trust to look out for you all over in this new job of yours, don't hesitate to call on them ok? She said, walking out and starting towards the car unless River stopped her for something else.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River followed the vampire out to the car, shrugging. "Shit like this, I would rather know, to be honest. may not sleep as easily for a while, but at least it gives me some chance to prepare. And help and allies is all well and good, but not something I prefer to rely on. Even with the best intentions, sometimes shit just isn't possible, you know? Ask for help if you can, but be ready to deal with it yourself, regardless." She replied, climbing into the car and sinking into the seat, looking around the cab out of curiosity.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Well... I can pick up this car and throw it... So maybe if you wind up in a pinch, best call for someone who can help you with a similar problem, there are other monsters out there then just us nibblers of necks. Jessica said, chuckling softly as she slid into the drivers seat. Hervo was only a few steps behind, and sat beside in the back before the car started and they made their way back to the Tower at a pace that had to be so illegal that even police couldn't believe the sight of that sleek car tearing across the city like a bullet.

With a roaring engine and shrieking tires, Jessice threw the car into a slide and peeled into the garage of The Tower, sliding around the poles and laughing the whole way before the car spun to a stop in a parking spot. GODS I LOVE CARS! She cried out, clearly enjoying the short, intense drive.

Hervo, you KNOW where you need to go, I suggest you hurry, and no sass, consider me pulling rank, no go. River, you need to go see Corvinus, I'm sure Chuck is at the front door like always, waiting to tell you where to go. When in doubt, find Chuck.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River lasted in her usual lounging position for about the first five seconds of the car ride, flipping the seatbelt on and gripping the handholds in the car immediately after Jessica hit the first corner. She stayed that way, braced in her seat, until the car was turned off, parked in the underground garage. She shot Jessica a glare at her declaration, but declined to comment against the woman who could apparently throw a car at her.

Brow still furrowed, she nodded at the directions. Sure thing. Does anybody think it's a bad idea to let one person know where everyone in the building is, then put them in probably the least defended place on the grounds?" She commented, stepping out of the car.

After any replies from that, she strode off to the front door, smiling wryly. "Hey there, Chuck. Bossman upstairs again? I guess I need to pay him a visit."
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Worst? Or Best. And Chuck can take care of himself, you should talk to him a little more, maybe you'll be surprised by our humble doorman. Jessica said with a wink as Hervo grumbled something unintelligable, and made a beeline for the nearest elevator, bitching about paperwork.

Chuck was found in, of course, his usual location, and he greeted River the same way he always had, with a smile and a short wave. "He is Miss River, and from what I heard, he had dinner and drinks ordered as well. Seems to need quite the word with you. Everythings cleared and okay down here, so you're free to head up." He said smiling.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"Just River please. Miss makes me feel like I should be wearing a sundress or something." The woman answered with a chuckle. "Dinner and drinks, eh? Yeah, apparently I have earned myself down another layer in all this madness, we'll see how well it goes." She continued, giving the man a shrug as she stepped past and inside. "And Jessica apparently thinks we should hang out more, so I'll see you around later."

River strode through the lobby with a purpose, heading straight for the elevator and hitting the button for the top floor. It was time for some answers.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Chuck laughed brightly and smiled. "Of course River, Though, maybe you'll wear something as cute as a sun dress, I'm sure you'd look lovely" He said with a wink, still laughing.

The ride to the top seemed a little terser then normal, as if the air was a little heavier for every foot higher she made it, until she was in the penthous hallway leading to the door. And there was the door, and Corvinus standing in front of it, his arms folded in front of him as he waited. Seeing River, he smiled as he always had, waved as he always had, and invited her in. So here we are again. Apparently, there was a bit of an incident. You know, with the speed news travels around here, I was a little miffed to be the last to hear about it. Cylus said I wasn't the only one upset. And that you'd be up here, demanding answers to this and that. Well, if i want to keep you, then you need to trust me. Make no mistake, I had really hoped you'd never be exposed to this side of your work, but that doesn't seem to have been the case *sigh* Come in, please, sit, and enjoy some food, I hope italian is fine. He said, his voice the same as always. Did nothing ruffle this man? Apparently not, because if River accepted the invitation inside, she'd see that the table had been set, nothing fancy, no candles or music, but a large steaming plate of pasta sat in the middle, and a host of different sauces had been prepared as well.

There was your standard spaghetti sauce fair, there was an alfredo and shrimp sauce set aside, and something yellow that smelled of fish and lemon butter. There was also a warm loaf of bread and a knife, and a bottle of red wine and glasses. I hope you don't mind. I was cooking a meal for myself, and when I heard, I prepared two portions instead, and because I didn't know if you like one sauce over the others, I prepared three. It was really no trouble, so please have a seat, eat if you like, pour a drink to settle your nerves, and I'll answer your questions. I'm a bit hungry myself, so. He said warmly, pulling out the chair for her, before moving to take his own and pouring himself a glass of wine.

A few seconds later, he had a rather healthy portion of spaghetti and alfredo on his plate, and a fork in his hand. Sit, ask, I'll let you know if it's something I can't answer yet, and based on your questions, there very well could be, but this is your 1 chance to have some hard truth where others would be stalwartly denied. He said quietly, twirling the pasta on his fork as his eyes flashed.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River stepped out of the elevator to find Corvinus waiting outside, same as he had been every time she'd visited so far, past the first. "An incident is a rather bland way of putting it, but yes." She answered with a shrug, stepping inside. "And everyone I know of that heard before you was practically there."

Sitting down when offered, she looked over the table of food, reaching out and grabbing some of the pasta, and trying some of the sauce on different portions of the plate. "I appreciate the effort, but really, I'd eat pretty much anything. Sometimes you don't get a menu, ya know?" She explained, pouring herself some wine and drinking some of it immediately.

She had a bit of her pasta as she listened, then shrugged lightly. "How do I even know where to begin? This seems to me like the kind of stuff I could have used a warning for, if whatever it is you do here draws attention from more than just corporates in suits. Jessica can apparently throw a car around, what if someone like her had come after me? You already figured it may happen, that's why you sent Hervo along. I get the whole 'need to know' mentality, but this is the kind of thing that can very easily keep me from doing my job, which is exactly what I told Cylus. So, How about you get started with some sort of blanket explanation, and I can ask things from that?"
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Corvinus stopped mid bite to stare at her for a moment, before finishing it and putting down his fork. Sighing and pulling up a remote, he pushed a button, and the table they were on changed. It's glass top all through it's center was actually a large monitor and on it were displayed a literal slew of DNA strains, each unique, before they shifted into more recognizable forms. Wolves, bats, foxes, and several other animals all appeared, as well as a few other things that River had never seen before, and Corvinus started to list them off for her. Vampires, Lycanthropes (That earned a rather broad gesture at most of the more canine looking breeds, and even a couple cats, all in all about half of the pictures there) Ghosts, Ghouls and the shambling undead, Spectres, and a few far more rare breeds, such as Pheonix, Telekinetics, and Mages. All of these are real, and Telekinetics and Mages? Not human, they just look the part. To be fair, There are vampires and lycanthropes directly in my employ, as well as 1 Telekinetic, and 3 Mages. The various notes are available on sublevel 86, a terminal room. You can look them all up later, but only in that location, and expect some funny looks and a bit of a wait, we don't let most down there. But given your job, you may want to have them available. Each creature is unique, even all the different lycanthropes, and to say there's one weakness for all of them would be foolish. The usual headshot will work for a few, some have more traditional weaknesses like Silver or Electrum or other metallic substances. What you encountered acts like a Wraith... This thing here. He said, tapping a picture of what looked like a cloak made of shadows with bright red eyes.

As far as I know of, or anyone really, they don't have a weakness, they're just tremendously short lived, sporadically popping up and causing trouble before winking back out. This one has been around for far too long, they only live about a week, this one is going on a month now and only getting bigger. Why it's bothering you I have no idea, but it's taken a shining. So I sent Hervo. Who I should clarify now IS human, he's not a mage or anything else. He's what we call a Thaumaturge, he draws power from the energy released by bloodletting for his magic. The more their is, the more he can do. When he's forced to use his own, it's more powerful, but limited by the supply. I'm glad I sent him. But if you really want something useful, a slightly more specific question would help... he finished, sipping on his wine and continuing to eat, letting her go over the images.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River listened carefully as she ate, shifting the plate sideways slightly to get a better look at the hidden monitor in the table. "I guess if you have a private little wiki set up downstairs, I can check there and not waste so much of your time. There's a few I don't want to wait for, though. Top of that list is how the general public doesn't realize all these creatures aren't walking the streets with them. How in the hell does this stay hidden?" She asked, astounded.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Corvinus sighed, not particularly liking this part of the explanation, but going into it anyway. It's been kept under wraps in two fashions, One physical, one not as much so. You ever heard the phrase, The Bigger the Lie? Well, it applies here. You didn't even want to believe in what you had seen at first, preferring to push it from your thoughts until it became an unavoidable truth. People do much the same with things they think simply CANNOT Exist. However. There are cases where that isn't enough and at that point, it's organizations like mine, that provide most of the services in keeping that part of the populace Docile and Content with the status qou, that are forced to act. In the ABSOLUTE rarest of occasions, someone dies, yes it happens, no we don't like it, and yes we try to avoid it at any cost. But it happens when someone gets ahold of something they shouldn't and starts threatening to unearth a force that the people these days aren't ready to handle or except. You've met Jessica? Could you IMAGINE how bad it would get, if she was cornered? By Humans? Trust me, it would be a bloodbath. This is one of those unfortunate circumstances where the good of the many is considered over the life of one. You... Are a special case, there's a machine down on the level I've spoken of, containing this information, that I want you to look at, and consider using. However, it... Well, you'll understand when you get there. You see, with Magic, it's possible to alter a memory, but it's incredibly tricky, and can cause permanent damage, so.. it's not really an option, which is why heavy handed methods are more effective. What I want you to keep in mind is this, 1 in 10 people you see on the street of this city? Probably has the power to wipe the humans around them out in an instant if they chose to. But the problem with that is, that we are still the minority, we cannot live in a world alone, and in cases like Mages, Telekinetics, or especially vampires? It would kill us outright. It's safer, and smarter, to stay hidden, to do our best to cohabitate. There are those that disagree, and make no mistake, we stamp them out like the cockroaches they are, that they would endanger ALL of us over their own egos is unforgivable. Corvinus said, holding River's gaze the entire time as he spoke, and there was a pain there in his eyes that was impossible to fake, he didn't like this part of his job, that much was obvious.

Sighing softly, he poured himself more wine, and continued. I am, as you are probably curious about, completely human, that was never a secret, but my family has a long line of the supernatural in their blood, and it was simply my turn in a long line to handle the family business. Here's the long and short of it. You are being trusted with all of this, solely because of what you will find downstairs. The machine I mentioned, and it was something I DID NOT want to reveal to you this soon, but the situation has forced my hand. Regardless of whatever else happens? That machine will let you choose whatever path you want to walk, but it only opens the real door once.

Corvinus had apparently finished his speech for now, though he leaned back and sipped on his glass, watching River, gauging her reaction, waiting to see if she had more to ask, or something to say. And once again his statue of a face was hard and unreadable as stone.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

The woman stayed silent during the explanation, her plate emptied about halfway through and slowly sipping on her wine. "Same machine that has all the info on it?" She asked, receiving a shake of the man's head in response. "Kay, then I have two places to check after this, I guess."

She was silent for a moment after that, refilling her wine and downing nearly half of it again, just as fast. "So, what makes me so special, then? I get the whole 'Don't wanna kill ya, so giving you the 411 instead', but from the sounds of it, it's deeper than that, isn't it?"
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Now if I told you that, that would be cheating. The answer is downstairs, as I said. So there's that. And well, you don't seem the type to try and sell the info or out us on a large scale, so we have no reason to need to kill you. It's never a want Miss River. I truly hate that part of our job, I've come to view all of those around me, human and otherwise as people. I don't like being reminded that they're different from myself. Corvinus said, finishing his wine and meal.

Scooping up the plates, he placed them in the sink before sliding a keycard across the table, and closing the terminal. Turning his back, he poured himself a much stronger drink, and kept his back turned. Further down the rabbit hole miss River... Always deeper into the unknown. Go get your answer, and enjoy your evening.
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Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

The woman remained in her seat as Corvinus cleaned up. "Gotta do what you gotta do, I get that." She said slowly, standing at his last remark, picking up that he was dismissing her again. "Get my answers, enjoy my evening. Why do I get the feeling I'm going to have to pick one or the other?" She mused out loud, downing the last of her wine and leaving the glass on the table as she left, striding back out to the elevator and hitting the button for sublevel 86.

She figured she's rather take the little answers before the big one, from the sounds of it there was something else important waiting for her at the other place, and something in her wanted to put it off a little longer. Reluctance to leave the blissful ignorance she had apparently been living in, perhaps.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Corvinus didn't look at her as she left his apartment, nor did he move from that place for the rest of the night as he smashed his senses with copious amounts of alcohol, doing something rather undignified for once it seemed as he passed out a scruffy mess under the watchful eyes of miss Bronn.

Sublevel 86... That was the new destination, and it wasn't listed on the panel. in fact, once River hit the code for it, she would find the elevator stopped and everything shut down for a moment. When it fired back on, there was a message in bright yellow where the floors had been listed. "System on Lockdown, Traveling to Subsection Red. High Risk. 1 Hour holding in effect upon arrival..." Before the elevator hurtled down at an insane pace.

When it came to a shrieking halt, and the doors opened, River was greeted by the sight of a young girl, sitting on a chair and staring at her, before something brushed River's mind. I will be Gentle... She said softly, before the last hour of her memories were forcibly sifted through without any regard to River at all. Then her name was recovered, and small parts of her past as she was forced to her knees with a headache that threatened to make her eyes bleed.

And then it was over, and she was fine. The girl, probably 7, was sitting there, smiling in a blue dress as she kicked her legs. Im Henrietta~ Welcome to the Wonderland! She said giggling, before the door opened behind her and she just kept smiling. Apparently River was allowed to continue.

Passed the girl, River would see a computer, a HUGE computer, the monitor roughly 9 feet across and 6 tall, just waiting silently for someone to use it, and further to the left, was a small... well, there was no telling what it was, it looked like a microscope of some kind that fed into the terminal. It was also the only other machine in the otherwise narrow room...
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River stepped out when the doors opened, spotting the little girl. "Hey, elevator said an hour wait, should I have brought a book?" She asked. She raised an eyebrow at the girl's response, just before the mental interrogation started.

She gasped at the initial shock and pain, clutching at her head and gritting her teeth until it was over and the pain had passed. She stood again, glaring at the little girl a moment before taking a deep breath and walking past, not saying another word.

She eyed the rather large monitor and the smaller machine off to the side as she strode up. Having been given no other instructions, she simply pressed a key when she got there, figuring it would boot up on it's own otherwise. She ignored the smaller machine for the moment, thinking the info on what is was lay within the larger machine.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Striking a key produced a list, though this time without the kid friendly pictures that Corvinus' small setup did. She was free to pick from a set of expanding files with simple headings, use the machine, which seemed to have the startup sequence here, or make a more direct search for something specific.

The listing available were Lycanthropes, Vampires, Telekines, Mages, and "UNLISTED. Amalgam. Unknown." The last one almost seemed like an error, but it was there nonetheless. Time to get her info it seemed.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

((for the readers out there, if such exist: We moved to a chat from here, will paraphrase to catch up. CW requested leaving a lot of the depth out, as he doesn't want the thought he put into the setting used elsewhere without his permission.))

River spent the better part of an hour at the screen, passing quickly through files and soaking in the knowledge the terminal provided, large pages on most of the supernaturals passing under her gaze, as well as a few videos. Some of the info was still cut off, most notably demons, angels, and liches, but she was also able to learnt hat apparently, Chuck the doorman, her companion Hervo, and most notably Corvinus himself all seemed to be outside the norm of even these substantial circumstances. Another interesting tidbit she gleaned was Henrietta's last name, Corvinus.

She discovered her own status as an Amalgous, a human whose DNA was particularly open to change, making it easy for her to take on supernatural aspects herself, as well as the function of the other machine in the room, a one way ticket into such a creature. There was only one other like her, a virtually unknown man that apparently had been tailing her as well.

Her 'entrance' into Mage or Telekine was conditional upon some sort of approval from the Council of Mages, and the man she spoke when she tested the waters in that direction... They didn't get along. Unwilling to choose a direction just yet and stymied on the remaining information in the terminal, she left, following a request from Corvinus to bring the Telekine up with her for another chat.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

[Tue Feb 26 2013 04:20:43 PM] Shrike7: River blinked slightly as the man cut the connection, shaking her head a bit. "Ugh." She said simple, glancing over at the DNA Scope briefly. She decided to push that decision back a little longer, however, and turned to leave. "Did you hear from your father while I was in there?" She asked the girl sitting outside, pausing halfway to the elevator.
[Tue Feb 26 2013 04:22:45 PM] Courage_Wolf .: Henrietta turned and blinked a few times "Father? No, Uncle. Uncle, my parents are dead, have been for a long time now. But yea, I know what's going on River, I am sorry about earlier, It's my job to make absolutely sure that ALL of uncle's secrets stay secrets no matter what. He says I'm.... What was it.... Too dispassionate? I tend to forget that other people don't like it when I pry. but here I don't have to worry about it." She said happily, smiling. "Shall we go then?"
[Tue Feb 26 2013 04:24:56 PM] Shrike7: "Ah, caught the last name, and I assumed. Don't worry about it, let's go then." She said, walking with the girl to the elevator and heading back up. "How old are you?" She asked during the trip, curious.
[Tue Feb 26 2013 04:26:28 PM] Courage_Wolf .: Henrietta smiled and nodded, hopping out of her chair and calling up the elevator. Once again all the odd changes took place, before she hit the button for the top floor. "I'm 8 and a half. but I'm a little different, so I can't play with other kids yet" She said as they rode up towards the penthouse again.
[Tue Feb 26 2013 04:27:40 PM] Shrike7: "You have a big job, for someone your age." She said in a respectful tone, meaning it.
[Tue Feb 26 2013 04:31:40 PM] Courage_Wolf .: She beamed at the praise, before the door opened in the hall and Corvinus dropped to a knee and held out his arms. "Give your uncle a hug!" He shouted, Henrietta bouncing down the hallway and jumping into his arms where he scooped her up and spun her around. "You been doing a good job?" "Yup! Can I have a new dollhouse" "Sure thing sweets. Come on though, we need to talk to River now. K?" "Okay!" she said, hopping down before running into the room and bouncing on the couch. Corvinus then turned to River. "Shall we get this over with then?"
[Tue Feb 26 2013 04:38:56 PM] Shrike7: River stood back for the interaction, nodding when the man turned to her. "Aye, may as well." She replied, following him in again. "Met with someone called the Overwatch, as well. We didn't really hit it off, but I think I learned a fair bit." SHe commented as she found a spot to sit.
[Tue Feb 26 2013 04:39:59 PM] Courage_Wolf .: "Ahh yes, he's.... Well, to be blunt he's a snob with a god complex. But he's not the only one. The Council themselves are a little more fair minded. Now about John Doe...."
[Tue Feb 26 2013 04:40:54 PM] Shrike7: "Huh. Yeah, that file was pretty well a blank page, why was it so important you spoke to me after i read through it?"
[Tue Feb 26 2013 04:47:35 PM] Courage_Wolf .: "Simply because there is a fairly good chance that mister John Doe is your Direct relative, as in your brother. And he's been on your scent for a long while now. We found you through him, and every attempt to get near him has ended in complete disaster. Even Jessica barely escaped one encounter alive when he tricked her into the sun.
[Tue Feb 26 2013 04:52:44 PM] Shrike7: "Could be on my father's side, never knew the man." She said with a nod. "And if he already knows all of this, maybe he's getting support from someone a little less normal?" She suggested, shrugging. "From the sounds of it, you need to know exactly what to do to stand much of any chance against a lot of these... what is the right term? creatures, races, mutants? Jessica surely falls under that variety, from what I have seen."
[Tue Feb 26 2013 04:54:36 PM] Courage_Wolf .: Corvinus looked at River a little worried, his gaze stern "People, Miss River, just people. Extraordinary? Yes, but with their own needs, thoughts, hopes and dreams. please don't speak of them as anything other then... And I agree that someone seems to be backing him, or has taught him a great deal... You need to be careful if you meet him, he's proven to be both intelligent and vindictive when he wants to be..."
[Tue Feb 26 2013 05:03:20 PM] Shrike7: "I'm aware of that corvinus, I'm a pretty equal-opportunity person. But you have to agree there is a gap inherent between all that and a normal person, a lot of that terminal was segregated into threat levels, for instance. I just want a quick way to name that gap, is all." She explained. "What do you think the man wants with me?"
[Tue Feb 26 2013 05:06:39 PM] Courage_Wolf .: "I have no idea Miss River, and to be honest, Jessica and Chuck prefer the term Races. Henrietta likes special, and Hervo... well, he's just odd. Henrietta, stop playing with the crystal sweetheart" The last was directed at the crystal decanters of various liqours floating aruond the room. With a pout, she floated them back and went back to listening. kinda. "I'm supposed to make sure you stay safe now too. But... I'm not allowed outside. Soo... Only when you're here with Chuck. Chuck is nice, he's had a lot more practice then me."
[Tue Feb 26 2013 05:11:55 PM] Shrike7: "This place seems secure enough, I'm sure it won't be too much of an issue here." She responded, turning back to Corvinus. "Why is what I've got such an important thing? For the most part, a lot of the races can make more of their own pretty easily, from the sound of it."
[Tue Feb 26 2013 05:17:35 PM] Courage_Wolf .: "No idea honestly, we have no clue as to how or why Amalgous started popping up. There are others, just outside our influence for now. As for making others, well... we keep our ears to the ground on that one. Explosive population growth would be bad... Basically it's strictly forbidden. as is proper feeding if it can be avoided. hence the places like the factory and other dispenseries. There are places where Lycanthropes can go on the full moon as well"
[Tue Feb 26 2013 05:21:12 PM] Shrike7: "I see, huh." She answered, leaning back. "Got an unrelated question for you. Sounded like you were putting a lot on the line just to maybe get me access to become a mage. I'm curious why."
[Tue Feb 26 2013 05:22:25 PM] Courage_Wolf .: "Honestly? because I knew it would piss them off, And because if that's what you want, then that's what you get. I have enough influence to not have to worry about them in their little club. I don't approve of the way they do things, but I'm also not in a position to change it. So.... I may have shamelessly used this opportunity to kill two birds with one stone..."
[Tue Feb 26 2013 05:24:50 PM] Shrike7: River laughed, grinning. "I like that. Chances are I'll save you your favour and not take the ochance though, don't think I like them enough to associate. But to be honest, I haven't decided yet." She answered. "How come you haven't done much the same? Like I said, a few of these clubs have rather simple entrance exams, right?"
[Tue Feb 26 2013 05:26:35 PM] Courage_Wolf .: Corvinus chuckled softly "It's because Uncle likes to be able to move around a lot, so he stays like he is. he doesn't like fighting either. he has people who like him a lot to do that for him" "Quite right little one" Henrietta responded and he answered, smiling. "It's as she says, easier for me to play politician then creature of the night. No man should live forever..."
[Tue Feb 26 2013 05:30:21 PM] Shrike7: "Suppose I ge tthat." River said slowly, nodding. "So what happens now?"
[Tue Feb 26 2013 05:31:47 PM] Courage_Wolf .: "Hopefully you stay with us so we can watch out for you, and you do your job and make some money, if you choose to use the machine down below, well, that's your choice. However, I can't promise that someone else wont make the decision for you. Say you were to be accidentally bitten... Regardless Now you're on the same page as most of the higher ups and know what you're dealing with."
[Tue Feb 26 2013 05:32:52 PM] Shrike7: "I hadn't thought of that. Do we have penecillin for wereweolf bites?" She asked, chuckling.
[Tue Feb 26 2013 05:35:02 PM] Courage_Wolf .: "No, there's nothing to be done at that point. If you were normal, there is something experimental, but you're so receptive that it would never have a chance to stop it. And any vampire that really took a shining to you, they can be... quite insistent....."
[Tue Feb 26 2013 05:36:01 PM] Courage_Wolf .: "It's half the reason there are so many people watching out for you, to try and prevent this, because the choice could be so easily forced on you otherwise.... "
[Tue Feb 26 2013 05:36:46 PM] Courage_Wolf .: "here? in this city? you have the advantage of knowing the ground, and hiding in plain sight. but that only gets you so far. John Doe has gotten by on simply being one step ahead of us at every turn... I suspect a mole"
[Tue Feb 26 2013 05:38:46 PM] Shrike7: River nodded, stretching back in her heat an folding her hand behind her head. "Makes sense. but that comes back around to one of my first questions. Why me? Why am I so important that you care at all? I get the whole 'I'm interested because whoever that guy is is interested', but there is something more than that, isn't there? All this effort, there has to be,"
[Tue Feb 26 2013 05:42:09 PM] Courage_Wolf .: "It's because you are dangerous. A person easy to turn, new to the game, easy to lie to... How simple would it be to twist such a person to acting in a manner solely benefiting you? Truly? I simply figured better us to step in first. It's a preemptive measure." As Corvinus said this, Henrietta smiled and River could feel Corvinus' mind for a moment, that these words were the absolute truth because for just this moment, he was completely open to her, and there was real concern there. Not just for River, but everyone else under his control here in the tower. It was an interesting experience, but it only lasted a moment, and then it was gone, and Corvinus was drinking again, his hands shaking. "I really do find that unpleasant."
[Tue Feb 26 2013 05:42:46 PM] Courage_Wolf .: "Makes me feel naked..."
[Tue Feb 26 2013 05:46:24 PM] Shrike7: "I agree, all the layers stripped off, whether or not you wanted them there in the first place." She said slowly, letting out a deep sigh. "It's been a long day, I think I'm going to sleep on all of this. Anything you have planned for tomorrow, at least as it applies to me?" She asked, standing slowly.
[Tue Feb 26 2013 05:47:29 PM] Courage_Wolf .: "No, no, that's enough for now, go and rest, I'll send Chuck up in the morning to talk to you. I need to leave for a trip in the morning. MIss Bronn is going to skin me alive for drinking this much before a trip. Have a good night Miss River"
[Tue Feb 26 2013 05:48:36 PM] Shrike7: "Chuck? Any reason why?" She asked, heading for the door and pausing for his response.
[Tue Feb 26 2013 05:50:30 PM] Courage_Wolf .: "Because Chuck is my right hand man. He just likes greeting people himself. He's also a fairly accomplished Mage miss River." Corvinus said chuckling as he hit the Rum hard.
[Tue Feb 26 2013 05:51:35 PM] Shrike7: "Huh, okay. Good luck with the hangover, talk to ya later." She replied, ducking out and heading to her room.
[Tue Feb 26 2013 05:52:27 PM] Courage_Wolf .: Corvinus nodded and waved, Henrietta calling out a cheery "Goodnight!" As River returned to her own room, blessedly without any incident.

Once in her room, River was perfectly free to fire up her own laptop, or just to crash. There was always the option of getting something sent up to eat as well if she wanted, she hadn't eaten much so far but maybe all of this had stressed her too much to take another meal after the pasta she had eaten with Corvinus.

Regardless of her choices, the bed called more loudly then anything else, to let her sleep and digest all of this, before her head cracked. She was fairly certain she wasn't going insane, this was all a little too nuts to be a set up.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River keyed into her room slowly, stepping past the bags of stuff she had bought earlier that day with little more than a glance. Plenty of time to deal with that tomorrow. She sat down heavily on the edge of her bed, Sighing gently as she changed out of her day's clothes, the scent of stale sweat clinging to them as she kicked it all into a corner, making a mental note to get a proper laundry bin her next shopping trip.

Walking naked to the bathroom, she started a hot shower, standing under the water as the room filled with steam, absently picking at a fingernail as her dipped head let her eyes follow the used water down the drain. Her mind was anywhere but, however, working silently through the events of the past two days and that mass of knowledge she read through in the archives.

Corvinus' words pulled at her as she stood there. The images and few videos of the other Races she had seen pulled at her. If she didn't make a decision, there was a very real chance of one being made for her, despite her reluctance, her want to stay 'normal'. She thought of Jessica, the wild ride through the streets and her boast about throwing a car, seemingly confirmed with the video River had seem of her later. Wolves, mages, a dozen thing she had heard from stories, or not at all, and she had to choose.

Eventually, she turned off the shower and dried off, throwing on a pair of baggy shorts and a t-shirt and laying down in bed. Her mind refused to stop working however, so she got up again after fifteen minutes, pacing about the place until her gaze settled on her shopping bags that day. Sighing, she pulled out the driving wheel, hooking it to her laptop and that to the television, taking a seat in a chair and downloading a dated racing game, playing that for an hour or so before she was finally tired enough to sleep, passing out on the chair with the wheel still on her lap.