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Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"Glare all you like, wont change anything, phones grow on trees around here, and I'd rather take my anger out on inanimate objects the a person. So that aside, if that's all true, and I have no reason to believe otherwise, then we can probably assume that it was John that jammed your phone, and that explains a great deal about why it took longer then normal to find you. Which means we can assume that he knows what he is, that he wanted this to happen, and that he was the one sustaining the Wraith. Fine, that's all fine I suppose. You have any idea how this has changed you? Because we don't... Any strange feelings or thoughts? Every little bit helps." He said softly as the good doctor moved forward and had his sample in seconds, withdrawing from the room as quickly as possible.

"If this is permanent, we'll know within minutes, if there's a chance it can be fixed, the answer will take a good deal longer, we have no idea how your DNA will react with... This" He added, gesturing with annoyance, more at the entire situation then at River.

"Well, damned to hell, nothing to do now but wait for the Carlysle." He muttered, leaning back in his chair and rubbing his temples slowly as if he had a headache.

About 5 minutes passed before Chuck's phone rang, and he answered, nodding and saying "Understood" before ending the call and putting it away. "Complete bond, this isn't changing River, I'm sorry but this is so far integrated into your core that there is no pulling it out, your DNA took to it completely. That means a few rules, and some tests for certain, but we have no way of training you, or even really controlling you should something go wrong. Which means, that officially this little meeting is over, you will be left in Jessica's care until Corvinus has a chance to see you in your room. Just... Tell us if something changes, we'll help you as best we can. I swear" He said softly, before standing and striding out of the room, probably to handle any damage control that this had all caused, like the tear across central and the armed men.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"That is the barest slice away from taking it out on a person, go and punch a wall later, man." She answered him, calming somewhat as he continued. her expression softened as he asked her to relate any changes since, rubbing at her temples again.

"It feels like... Like some part of it was left behind. It doesn't seem... Intelligent, I guess, more like some feral part of me that get's it's own voice. Just like your own little rise with the phone, I just get more -press- in certain directions. It hates the light, feels pain and hides form it, but we figured that part out already. I can dim them, like the big beasty could before. Apart from that, I don't really know, the covering sorta faded when I put real clothes on, so I can still blend, thankfully. And when it's like this the light hurts less." She explained, opening her mouth to continue, then simply ending with a shrug, not coming up with anything else.

She went a little pale when Chuck announced that the thing was permanent, jaw working slowly as she tried to come up with some excuse, some reason why they'd be wrong. Again, no words came forth, and she simply nodded, sitting there in her chair with a dazed look on her face as the mage stood and left, leaving her alone with her vampire companion. "Well..." She said finally, standing. "Back to the room, I guess. Can I get ya to stop by the cafeteria and get me something full of meat and grease, maybe?" She asked softly, heading for the elevator regardless.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

I'll do ya one better, I'll fry up a big fucking pan of chicken and have them send it up along with some good rum and coke. Besides, I'm hungry as well, could go for a bag of AB, good stuff Jess said grinning and giving River a squeeze.

Hey, Think of it this way! We can be monsters together! They will tell tales of us to frighten small children into eating their brocolli~! She said chuckling softly, trying to lighten River's mood a bit as they walked. When they hit the Cafeteria level, Jess just left the order with the guard there who nodded, taking care of it without a second thought for Jess, probably because of the rank she held even in trouble.

As they reached her room, Jess winked and ran off, simply opening up the elevator maintenance door and presumably jumping up the shaft rather the waiting for the magical skybox, and a short while later, returned with an old green bottle and a bottle of coke. Can't get drunk much for shit, so I ALWAYS have the good stuff, promise. Besides, when you can get around like we can, why NOT have real caspian rum, seriously. she said smiling, offering the bottle as she joined River in her room.

The food, fat greasy chicken as requested was up quickly, still steaming hot and on a large platter with french fries and breaded shrimp and a half dozen other fried terrible for you foods, as well as a large blood pack in a bowl of hot water for Jess, which amusingly enough, had a straw just like a juice pack would. Stabbing the straw in and sipping slowly with a soft sigh of pleasure, she poured them both stiff drinks. I'd toast to something, but fuck it. Comfort food and Booze!
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River stayed mostly silent, offering a half-hearted chuckle at the jesting Jessica made, smirking slightly when the woman opted for the faster way down after they reached the level for her place.

Stepping into her apartment alone, River looked around with a sigh, going for the new laptop and booting it up, a process which took all of a second and a half, much to her surprise. It had already been keyed to her fingerprints for a login, so she swiped a finger across the scanning bar on one side, the desktop popping up immediately. She loaded up a browser and went to her music site, loading up her loud playlist and getting the music going, a feat that normally took three or four minutes on her relic accomplished in seconds.

Jessica came back a short while later with booze, food mere moments after that. River dug into both, taking a swig from the rum bottle flat out until she coughed, the bits of teh alcohol sliding down her throat a welcome sensation. She took a proper glass after that, and loaded a plate with some of the food, eating a few moutfuls and feeling the weight of the food settle in her belly before she spoke, raising her voice over the music. "Hey Jess? What was it like, when you got changed?" She asked, downing half her drink in a single go.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Jess watched River drink like an old pro, laughing at the question as she sipped on her meal, and enjoyed the taste of the rum herself, looking appreciatively at the bottle. Decent taste in music as well. Very nice, as for when I was changed, christ, that was so long ago, men could still where a dress in public and be considered the height of fashion! she said with a wink and a laugh before her gaze took on a slight, faraway look for a moment.

When I was changed, it was when I had just had my 26th birthday, my parents had saved up all year to buy me my own horse and a space at the local stable, I was so excited. I headed out that night, just riding around the countryside... It was a shame really, I never had a chance to name him, he was such a beautiful stallion as well. Anyway, I was snatched off my horse in the forests of Great Britain almost 300 years ago to this day actually and carried off to an old abandoned tower. I don't remember much of what happened right after really, being bitten is... it feels incredible, mind blowing pleasure, it's like a drug. So apart from a toe curling experience for sure, All I remember after that is waking up alone, at night with a note from my Master lying next to the bed explaining things, that I was to hunt him down and find him. Like a first test for a newborn. It was sudden, brutal, and admittedly unfair, I raged and screamed, still weak, still unsure, and spent the next 3 months walking across the country side until I found him. I learned the most during those months. But... that's the brunt of it really.

Taking another drink, Jess laughed. Sounds kind of similar to yours really, except that I had no knights riding to my rescue, and nowhere to go after. Ahh well, that's life. Marius, my Master turned out to be an incredibly kind and patient man, and we were together until madness took him and I struck him down... Happens to the best of us sometimes as we get older, so we hold tight to our friends, to our family. living alone for so long is bad for the mind. Trust me, it'll all work out, you'll see. Just one foot in front of the other like everything else. She said smiling softly, downing her drink and pouring another, still sipping on her blood slowly, her head bouncing to the music.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River listened to the story, eating and drinking all the while. "Wow, tough luck goes around, eh? You turned out alright, at least." She said once Jess was finished, having emptied both her drink and plate, setting about for refills.

"How old was Marius, give or take? I amagine a lot of the old things go crazy with time, doesn't really matter whose flag yer waving."
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

He never said, I never asked, but he knew of things about history he couldn't possibly have without having been there, I suspect he was nearing 1000 when he passed on. He lived well. No regrets Jessica said smiling softly.

Sitting there, drinking and eating, it was easy to just enjoy the moment for the pair, now both strange amongst the normal world, and River strange amidst Everyone. it would be an interesting future that unfolded for her for certain.

Anything you ever wanted to do that you can now? What with the super powers and all? Jess asked, chuckling as she finished her blood, wiping her lips and sighing contentedly.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"Heh, you make it sound like I'm suddenly Wolverine, or something." She answered with a chuckle, shrugging. "I'll take a raincheck on that question until I have some idea of what my 'super powers' actually are, how about?"

She fell silent for a moment, picking up again after a moment. "I don't really know. For the most part, I just wanna be left alone to do my thing. Now... I dunno. Always tried to help people when I could. I guess... I don't see why anything -has- to change, ya know?"
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

That's because it doesn't. Not really. Just the methods in the end, my advice? Enjoy it, you can't change it, just have a blast, there's too much bullshit in this world to worry. Learn where ya can, and just keep doing your thing, it's what I did. Jess said, smiling.

A knock on the door sounded shortly after, Time having flown rather quickly downstairs and here, or Corvinus making better time then originally estimated, and knowing how Jessica drove, probably the latter. The Bossman Cometh! Jess said, laughing heartily and pouring a third glass while River answered the door.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River was already quite heavily into her drunken phase, Letting out a giggle when Jess joked about Corvinus showing up. "Cummon in!" She called out, laughing.

When Corvinus entered, he would find the courier stretched out on the couch with her plate of food across her chest and her nearly empty third drink on the floor in easy arm's reach. "Been that long already?" She asked, laughing at her own joke.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Corvinus looked around at the state of the room, and just sighed, before rubbing his forehead and taking his jacket off, tossing it onto a nearby chair. I see Everyone started without me! He said with mock frustration, a bottle of whisky in his hand, apparently having the same idea as Jessica, though that didn't stop him from opening it and taking a long pull

So the decision was made for you. A shame, I was really hoping you could do this on your own terms, but this... Just thinking about it, a completely new kind of person, congratulations River, first woman to ever survive a Wraith attack! He said chuckling, taking another long drink and looking at Jess who just shrugged.

What? After all this crap? Let her have her comfort food and get smashed, not like it hurts anything, Hell, drink with us, that way you can calm Chuck's cranky ass down later, you know how he gets, damn near torched me earlier before River saved my bacon. She slugged him right in the side, you should have seen his face Hahahaha Jess said, snickering at the memory, a slight tint to her cheeks from recently feeding, and the alcohol cycling through the fresh blood in her system making her rather cheery.

Corvinus sighed and nodded, drinking again. Agreed, we can all just get tanked and deal with it in the morning, I suppose that's best anyway, hard to argue with new rules when you're hungover.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"I felt really bad about it at the time, but poor chuck musta slid a good ten feet on his cheek. Did it by reflex, pretty well happened on it's own." River added with about four shrimp in her mouth, giggling.

"I think you underestimate me, Mr... Tall... Guy. I can argue pretty much anything in any condition. Doesn't mean I'll be right, but that's beside the point!" She said, raising her cup for a mock toast before downing the last of it again. "Switch me over to whiskey, we'll see how much of this I can forget by tomorra, eh?"
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Corvinus laughed brightly, reaching over to snag a drumstick and eating himself while he filled River's glass with what smelled like Engine Cleaner. With this stuff? Pretty sure you could forget just about anything He said, Jess perking up at the smell and holding out her own glass immediately.

Not fair, she gets top shelf! I only got black label you cheap skate! Jess said as her glass was filled as well and Corvinus laughed again, taking off his tie and tossing it over by his jacket, the quickly stripped chicken bone dropped on the plate with the others.

She's better behaved then you, and you were only hired for the advance team, you didn't change with me, or you'd have gotten the same He said, sticking out his tongue, far removed from the uptight and shrewd businessman River had dealt with so far, Jess answering with a tongue of her own before sipping on her drink with a very satisfied Ahhh.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"Hey man, You've had hundreds of years to test the good stuff, I been drinking off the bottom shelf since I was 14, okay? Let Corvy here share the wealth!" River protested, holding her head up with one arm and drinking with the other, letting her head flop back to the couch arm after and holding her plate out. "Pass me summore shrimp, those breaded ones are aweshum!"
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Corvinus instead reached out to simply take the plate as River dropped it, passing out as soon as her head came to rest and snoring loudly, sprawled all over the place. Chuckling softly to himself, he continued drinking with Jess for another glass before Jess sorted River out and tucked her in, staying true to her orders and passing out on the loveseat nearby, looking just as disheveled as River, both women snoring like Chainsaws.

River's dreams were haunted and uneasy, full of writhing shadows and dread whispers, the world full of darkness, but the light bringing only pain. Neither of them awoke before 3 in the afternoon, Corvinus almost assuredly nursing a hangover as bad as River, though Jess was in a rather perky and annoyingly happy mood when she awoke.

Afternoon sleeping beauty, Get settled and We'll have our little chat with Corvinus, and then... I dunno, experiment a little I suppose.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River groaned, turning over in her bed and covering her head with a pillow. "Uuungh, don't talk so loud..." She grumbled, reaching around for her phone and pulling it under the pillow to check the time, letting out a second groun both at the time, and the light from teh display shining in her eyes. "How can you even move? Gods, grab me some water, please."

Whining session over, she downed the glass of water if it was provided in a single go, covering her eyes with the crook of her arm and fumbling blindly for the shower, stripping down and plopping herself in it foe a good twenty minutes, until she felt more normal again. Finally dragging herself out, her hair a tangled mess, she dressed in new clothes and stepped out to the living room again. "Alrighty, gimme some tylenol and I think I can face the day, what's left of it." She informed teh vampire with a wry chuckle.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Jessica laughed as the required water was brought, refusing to comment as River flopped around and headed towards the shower, whistling cheerily as she lounged on the couch and waited. River would find Tylenol already laid out for her along with another glass of water when she came out feeling more human.

Tylenol down, and (Kinda) ready to face the world, Jessica hopped up with River and they headed towards the elevator and Corvinus' room at the tippy top. That was fun last night, we're doing that again! Jessica said, chuckling at River's misfortune and poking her in the ribs.

Fuck this hallway looked long hungover....
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River groaned at the playful prodding, frowning at the vampire, until it hurt her brow too much to do so. "You don't get hangovers, do you? Were you even drunk in the first place, or was I just making an ass of myself?" She asked, smirking.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Nope~ And I was definitely drunk, right after feeding is about the only time I can get shitfaced. So no worries there. Jessica said laughing as they walked. Besides, Corvinus Hungover is far funnier then you drunk, just watch, should at least brighten your day a little bit.

As they approached the room, Jessica just pushed the door open and sauntered in, where they would find Corvinus on the floor, looking up at them with bleary eyes, before hissing at the light like an angry cat and sipping at the large glass of water he had apparently crawled over to the kitchen to get.

You see, normally Bronn babysits him when he's hungover, makes sure he gets dressed and doesn't make an ass of himself... Like he is now~ Jessica teased, flopping into a chair and nudging the man with her foot.

Yer fired. He mumbled incoherently into the ground, was your idea, bitch. You're a bitch Jessica... always in trouble to

Jessica for her part didn't react to the name calling, instead just continuing to nudge him with her foot, she'd probably be poking him with a stick if she had one.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"Okay, you're right, that's pretty funny." River said, smirking as she found a seat as well, though she didn't prod at the boss, just leaned back and covered her head. "So, what's the plan, with the whole meeting... thing? If you're like this the day after, maybe we should postpone a day."