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Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

And as she stepped in, there he was, sitting on a fold out chair with a cooler next to him, sipping on a beer. John Doe. Smiling at her, he held out a beer, chuckling softly. Waited a VERY long time to see you Sis. Been a long time since I even heard your name. I see the Wraith found you, Oddly enough I had nothing to do with that. Son of a bitch has been cutting me off whenever I get close, even at your apartment, the first time... And that night again on the bridge. Saved that Man's life you were with. But here I am. Tower calls me John, so John will do for now. I brought another chair if you want it. he said, never raising his voice, not offput by anything in the slightest, and still offering the bottle of beer.

Just here to talk for now, I'm a bit late for what I wanted to convince you of. So... well, guess we could catch up a little.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River smirked a bit when she saw the man, stretched out on a lawn chair in the middle of her old living room. "Sis, eh?" She replied, shaking her head at offer of beer, but unfolding the other lawn chair and taking a seat. "never liked beer, leaves a bad taste. So the reason why you're here is off the table, but let's chat, is that it?" She asked wryly, crossing her arms over her chest.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

John chuckled, putting the beer back in the small cooler and continuing to drink his own. Well, what else is there to say? You're bonded to the Wraith, I wanted you to join me, there's so much out there to see, and you ARE family. Besides, what I need is in the Tower, and you can get it. Or I can get it, though you would make things much easier and much faster. There's also Hervo... I dislike him a great deal, hell, that's putting it mildly. Those people have been hounding me ever since a damned blood test in a hospital about 400 miles west. First it was just business cards, and hellos, next it was requests for blood sample... before I know it, guys with assault rifles kick in my door, torch my place. They took something from me, and I want it back, but they want my ass on an operating table, I shouldn't exist. He said, his skin suddenly pulsing with a soft blue light, like small running dots along the contours of his muscles

Apparently, the Council doesn't appreciate what I did one bit, I can thank them for forcing Corvinus hand, but that doesn't change the fact that they have something I want back badly. It's just a book. Think about it, Hell, even better, here, this cell, a one time use direct line to me, give it to Corvinus, I'll even talk to him, if we can end this all without any more violence, then I'll call it a win, leave you in peace. My word. he said, leaving a cheap flip phone on the table, and wandering out, his body pulsing softly with light again, and then River saw it, a lightning strike in the far distance at the exact same time...
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"May as well play the messenger." River said, chuckling at the irony as John left. She noticed the odd timing with the lightning, and noted his glowing. "Like Yin and Yang..." She said slowly, reaching for a beer in the left behind cooler, moving to the sink as she cracked it and poured it down the drain, rinsing it out and filling it with water to drink.

She saw the sun nearly setting below the city's skyline of buildings. She had her phone on her, and a quick check showed it working, so she fired off a quick text to Jessica, knowing the woman would panic again if she went off the map. [I'm fine. Just met John, he's already gone. grab a tape recorder and head to my old place, I'll wait here.] She sent, heading back to the chair, taking a sip from her impromptu water bottle.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

[ Taking the Sewers. Be there in 4. ] Jessica answered quickly, and sure enough, River did not have to wait long for Jessica to appear, her timing pretty damned good all things considered as the sun sank into darkness just as Jessica was seen darting out of a storm drain, and then walking calmly up the stairs.

Walking inside, jessica looked around, gun drawn, before seeing River and putting it away. All kinds of eventful for you today, Huh. She said, trying to laugh it off, but showing the recorder in her pocket, and grabbing the unnoccupied chair. Noticing the beer, she just shrugged, popped one, and started drinking.

Sooo I'm here, What's up? She asked, still glancing around, and looking like she was straining her ears a little.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"You know me, always exciting." She replied, motioning to be passed the recorder. "Wanted to make sure I got as much of the conversation down as I can while it's still fresh, staying at the scene helps." She explained, proceeding to turn the device on and repeat almost word for word how the encounter had happened, turning it off again.

"Enjoy your own little recording session?" She asked, fixing Jess with a knowing smirk.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Jess chuckled after River had finished her short recording, even managing to blush a little. I did, Vorlan is... Talented, besides, tails give me the worst shivers, I turn into such an idiot. Thanks for that, I needed it. she said, sipping on her beer and chuckling.

Still though, I wonder what Corvinus will do with the phone, and I wonder what the hell John is talking about with the book, I don't know anything about it. I wasn't even admitted access to this project until you became involved and Hervo wound up under my needle again, getting patched up like always. Regardless, I think we should head back, I don't like this, John has set us up more then once with something this simple, if it is a trap, I don't think it's the phone...
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"I don't know what to tell ya, I'm just the messenger." River said with a shrug, tipping back her own bottle. "If all he wants is some book, it has to be for a reason, though."
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Hell if I know, lets head back and tell Bossman Jessica said, shaking her head and tossing her now empty beer into the cooler. Staying close to River, Jessica thought for a moment. I can whisk us there in no time flat, or we can take the longer route, it's up to you she said, looking about ready to just toss River over her shoulder anyway.

Regardless, whatever method they chose to take, Jessica would follow, or carry, and if River chose to run along the rooftops, to test her strength a little more, then Jessica would follow along behind her, hidden or underground until they had once more arrived at The Tower, and Chuck greeted them at the door. "Hello you two, I take it everything went well?" It did, no problems, but we had a visit from John, we're taking the info straight up now. I'll send a copy to you after. "That's fine, he's just gotten out of a meeting with the Council, he may be a bit cranky... They're rather cross with me for not dragging River to them for study." Fuck em, Pricks. "Too true"

Heading inside, Jessica wouldn't waste any time unless River pulled her aside for a specific reason, or wanted to meet Corvinus in the familiarity of her own room. It was up to her.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River chose to take the more comfortable route, remembering the look on Chuck's face when he left to make sure their last trip hadn't caused any alarms.

She stayed silent when they arrived, letting Jess explain things to Chuck, up until the council was mentioned. "I thought the council just monitors mages?" She asked, frowning.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"That's what they SAY, what they do is entirely different. If they think it could be a threat, they think they can claim jurisdiction and throw their weight around. They found quite frequently that they cannot. I trust you met Vorlan? He's the single most accomplished Mage Hunter in the last 500 years. And we have others just as skilled. In short, we maintain the balance of power, and try and keep them from overreaching. They in turn do the same. it's an odd and dirty arrangment, but so far we've kept it bloodless."

Jessica nodded That's about the high and low of it, which means they now view you as threatening, or at least dangerous, and they don't like it one little bit. Thankfully, they don't have the information we just gathered, unless Corvinus was forced to give it to them, so they have no idea what you're capable of, and I've never known anyone to force Corvinus to do anything, that man has a spine of steel. Though he drinks like a girl. Jessica said, Chuck laughing, and seemingly back in old spirits.

So, onwards and upwards we go! Jess said, heading to the elevator, hopping inside, and keying the penthouse. Once more Corvinus had just left the door open, thought they could here him shouting angrily at someone, before Ms. Bronn strode out of the room, looking furious, Jessica stepping far out of her way.

Once they were inside, they would see Corvinus, clearly angry, and bent over a desk, his last words Go Fuck Yourselves before he yanked to chord out of the wall and flopped onto the couch.

Meeting go that well huh? Yea... Well... You could say that. River, you may have a new problem, seems the Council is going to hunt you, we need you in combat training, and as soon as possible. Please say yes, you need to learn how to handle the more dangerous people out there, new powers or not, and they are something else.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"I am -always- up for not getting my ass kicked." River told the man, a look of concern on her face despite the joke. "I wanted to try something like that out, just to be ready, but the factory didn't seem the place for it." She told him. "I'm sure you saw the notes. Untrained, I'm pretty much set in the dark, and screwed in the light. Think it's the middle I need work on."
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Well, we'll see for certain in the morning. Jessica, let Hervo know you guys are headed down to 109, he's in charge. I'll send the info to him as well, and see what the hell we can do. Just think, you do well enough River, and your final test will be Chuck and Henrietta. If there's anything else, you both are free to go, Ill get Volran making his usual rounds he's not going to be happy, he hates this part of his job. Corvinus said, Jessica simply nodding, before nudging River in the ribs.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"Pretty sure I already got the kid susses, just need some candy and a smile." She joked.

"Oh, and one more straw to your camel's back there. Had a little chat with John, just as you guys predicted." She said, pulling out the phone and recorder in one. "Give it a listen, I'll let you figure what you wanna do about it."

River gave a shrug, then turned to Jessica. "109, eh?"
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Corvinus perked up... Did he now... Well... Alright, I'll get back to you in the morning on this. my word.

Jessica nodded as they headed out. 109 is quite literally Hervo's level. Most who come to are old, or talented, or have had time to learn a great deal on their own, Hervo is the guy who rounds out the corners, because he has a few specific talents that help. Most notably, a pocket dimension known as Level 109. Quite literally, we're going to hell in the morning. We're going to need our sleep, because Hervo doesn't pull his punches much. Corvinus must be worried, and deadly serious if he's tossing us in there. Think of it as Trial by Fire. Jessica said, heading towards River's room, fully intent on passing out, or drinking and THEN passing out, though she did call down for some take out chinese.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"Hell, eh? Fun. Throw a bacon cheezeburger into that order, gonna need something heavy if I'm gonna spend a day fighting." She said, plopping down on the couch. "Hit the lights whenever you're set, I could use summore practice with the suit." She said, reaching over and covering her lower half with the blanket she had hijacked for her new bed, stretching out some and reaching for her new laptop while she was at it, checking it out more closely while she waited for food.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Jessica nodded, and called down for everything AND a bacon cheeseburger, laughing softly. Plopping down and pulling out the laptop, River found it as sleek and simple as ever, everything right where she needed it, but there was a small flashing icon that hadn't been there before, and it was moving. It was a small mouse, darting around the screen, a sandwich caught in it's mouth as it scurried around. In fact, if River hadn't known what it was, she'd have figured it was just part of the background because it moved...

Clicking it, a message window popped up, and the resolution changed to something she remembered from mouse's computer, it would keep people from reading anything on the screen unless they were literally looking straight at it.

WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON IN THIS PLACE!!! I'VE BEEN DIGGING AROUND FOR DAYS! AND I HAVEN'T MANAGED TO CRACK A FUCKING THING! BUT WHAT THE HELL IS THIS! the message said, obviously from Mouse, before a short, and very scattered video fragment of River, slashing a table into small pieces formed on the screen...
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River's gaze widened a bit when she saw Mouse had found the new machine already, opening an internet browser to one of her usual sites to flip to if Jess came by, extra security regardless.

[You be damn careful around here, the tech they have is friggin something else. That there was a taste I got to try out. Ridiculous, isn't it?]
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Yea Sure, and I'm the queen of england. I'll be careful, but I want something better then shiny new toys. You owe me a visit missy, I have a new toy for you regardless. Also, bring hot pockets, I'm almost out. And like that, the message cut out, and River had the amusing pleasure of watching the little mouse charge away, sandwich firmly held, and dive into the trash bin, before a small mushroom cloud formed above it reading the words "RIP Sammich ;_;"

And just then, their food arrived! And River's stomach growled at her rather obnoxiously, drawing a chuckle from Jessica.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Damn that Mouse, too quick on the uptake for his own good. River watched his little virus doodad self destruct, just as the food arrived. Putting that little issue aside for now, she set the laptop to start on installing some of her usual games, then set it aside to work, focusing on her burger with a side of chinese food, chowing down hungrily.

"So, been thinking. I'm pretty fast, but unless I can somehow use this new stuff to make me a whole ton of faster, I'm gonna need to take a hit to stand to the likes of you, for instance. Thoughts?"