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Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

That I can help with River, but I suppose like a lot of people here who could test it, we'd be worried about really hurting, Hervo aside who has no qualms about that, he's as sociopathic as they come, that man lives in his past and always will... I tried to pull him out once... Worst mistake I've ever made. Jess whispered as they headed towards the elevator.

Archives, or a training room. I have an idea to test that armor of yours.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"Just gotta take it up slowly. Same as most drilling. I have a pretty good handle on myself, I know when to call it, so long as we don't ramp up too much at a time." River agreed as they entered the elevator, pausing a second to listen before hitting the button for the training room. "Let's see what you have in mind, then."
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Jess nodded and off they went, Jess keying in the training room, that was decidely NOT hervo's floor, because that would have been bad. As they elevator shot down, Jess tapped her hands on the handrail annoyingly before they stopped and the doors opened up into the Training Room, for... Training. Unlike Hervo's dead floor, this one was well lit, tiled... It looked a great deal like the rest of the building, though the signs on the walls were a bit different, pointing to places like the firing range, hand to hand practice, and several rooms left unlabeled for private use. Heading to the firing range, Jessica came back with a hand gun, and without answering any questiongs, darted into the weight room for several round dumb bell plates, and then again into some wierd ass Recreation room with baseballs and a helmet.

Well, I'm not gonna hit you, and I'm not gonna risk hurting you... So, Better idea! Jess said, the gun on her hip, and everything else held in her arms, the helmet slapped over her head a bright red.

Wandering down the hallway and taking a right, Jessica led them into something labeled "Ballistics Testing" where a man was standing with a labcoat on and reading from a laptop as several odd looking machines set about measuring something. The machines were placed in front of a rifle held in front of a stand, firing into a block of odd brown gelatin, before the thunder of the rifle going off made River jump and the block was obliterated.

Frowning at what he saw, he turned and saw Jessica. "Jess, these silver rounds that came out are shit, they don't have any velocity and... and... you brought a guest, want to steal my room, and don't care about any of this do you. He sighed, his voice having started out honestly concerned before dropping into an annoyed soprano.

Why Hello Rick, How are you! And...Yup, yup, and NOPE! she said, answering all his questions with a smile, before the man scratched his brown mop top, pushed up his glasses, and flopped into a chair.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River followed behind the vampire more or less silently, offering a raised eyebrow and an occasional comment as they collected seemingly random items, before filing into what appeared to be Rick's room.

"Hey." She offered with a short wave when she was mentioned, jumping slightly when the gun went off, glancing over at it to see how it was fired without someone standing there. "We'll be sure not to break anything." She offered the man as he left, staring at the chunks of brown goo the rifle has shattered.

"Oooh, I get it, you want me to armour this stuff, right? I've seen enough Mythbusters to know it's that ballistic's stuff, supposed to be a replacement for flesh, right?"
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

You would be correct, and Rick isn't leaving... Jessica said, scratching her head for a moment. He still owes me a favor, so he gets to read monitors until I say so or his entire porn stash goes live~! Jess added with an evil grin, holding up a flash drive she fished out of her pocket.

Rick froze, staring at Jessica with a look of shock, before grumbling and flopping back into his chair. You win, give it here, and you'll get all the info from me. Still not sure how you got that you horrible woman. he continued to grumble, his hands flying across the keyboard of the laptop in front of him while Jessica fished out another block of the ballistics gel.

Alrighty, Suppose we should dim the lights a bit and turn on the IR feed so WE can see what's going on, but I suppose it wont matter... I can still see, and Rick can read the outputs... Rick stopped her with an outstretched arm, and flipped a switch, the lights dimming suddenly while a sign on the back wall kicked on for a moment, reading Muzzle Flash Testing in large block print, the red light fading quickly, as Jess chuckled and held up the baseball.

Sooo... whenever you're ready...
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"He's staying?" River repeated, somewhat surprised. "Uh, yeah, okay."

The woman took a moment to collect herself when the room dimmed, glancing over to Rick once before calling the shadows up to cover herself, looking over tot he block of gel as she considered how to go about it. "Hmm..." She said, offering a shrug before willing more shadows to climg the stand the gel rested of and encase the block, the black substance seeming to gel itself and solidify.

"All set, I think. Should we maybe find some cover or something, in case of ricochets?"
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Rick just shrugged, and kept any thoughts he had on River to himself as he waited for Jessica to do whatever she was going to do to the now armoured gel. Winding up, Jessica gave a full on pitch with what had to be a considerable amount of strength, as the baseball struck the armour, shattered it, and then blew threw the gel, leaving splatters of the stuff everywhere and the baseball itself an unraveled shredded mess against the far wall.

Looking over at Rick, Rick sighed and read out the numbers. Velocity, 1400 fps, you're getting rusty Jess, about as much force as what could be called a cannon ball, the black stuff soaked up most of it before shattering like that based on the read here. I wouldn't stand in front of a rifle, probably .30 caliber or higher would cause the same result with that stuff, at least not solid like that. If you were to angle it a bit, I'm sure you could have deflected most of that by what I'm seeing. He muttered as he looked over the results.

I take it you're going to throw all that stuff? I mean, if this is the River I was told to help gear out later, then we need to try another light leve and I can plot her out a force limit for this stuff of hers, one number isn't good enough.

Jessica nodded, glancing around the room. Well River? High light, or Low, or something else, I'm using the 9mm next
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River paused for a second. "Raise the lights, I think. Nine mils are pretty common, should see what I can do about them in everyday conditions."She said. The shadows retreated from herself as the light rose until she halted it somewhere around daytime in the shade, cringing a little at the burning sensation she felt by proxy from the shadows shrouding the gel. She gave a nod when she was ready, expecting this test to actually hurt somewhat.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Jessica nodded, and Rick raised the light until River had him stop, the armour sliding up around the gel quickly, though the burn was annoying. Still, as the stuff set, River found she had a little trouble getting it as solid as before, until she finally felt it set around the gel, and Jessica motioned her back a little.

Raising the gun, Jessica started firing, 4 rounds ripping out of the gun in quick succession as they were either shunted off, or destroyed outright when they struck the block, Rick nodding after the smoke settled, the light tink of casings hitting the ground soft after the cacophany of sound from the handgun.

Hrm... Yea, you can take that kind of punishment, when the hits glanced away, there was almost no reaction in the gel, but the more solid ones would leave bruises certainly, it measure out about the same as a good kevlar vest in the end. Okay, a test at your fullest level should give me everything I need to tell you exactly what you need to avoid. We don't even need to change the block this time. he muttered, looking at Jess before she nodded, and picked up a 45 pound lifting plate from the weight room, causing Rick to raise his eyebrows a little as the room dropped into pitch blackness, the hum of IR kicking on just as noticable now to River as before.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River simply nodded, letting out a long sigh as the room dropped into blackness, the hum of the cameras growing a bit louder to her senses. She drew the darkness together around the block, working the shadowstuff much easier in the dark, and nodded when it was ready, offering a short 'It's set." before standing back.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

In the dark... Everything was so much easier in the dark, River found that the shadows leapt to her call, as always, and she could already tell that what she had placed around the block was miles more substantial then anything previous she's used in this room.

Jessica, nodding as River said she was done, stepped back, and hefted the plate, before the thing blitzed through the air as her arm snapped forward, the impact with river's shadows echoing around the room with a shockwave as the blow actually split the reinforced steel plate. As the two halves of the weight wanged off and around the room, River caught one before it slammed through the door, the other embedding itself in the far wall. The block, to everyone else, seemed to be missing, but River had simpty felt it move, there was nothing actually holding it down, but she'd felt it take the whole blow as well. There it was, still wrapped, laying on the floor against the back wall, and to all looks, completely fine while Rick slowly raised the lights and gave a low whistle.

Okay, whatever the hell that shit was? Short of an actual cannon, or a serious blow from something stronger then Jessica? Should stop just about anything. But I have what I need. So here's how things break down from what I'm seeing. When you're in a decent amount of light, the stuff is tough, but I wouldn't trust it any more then i would a good vest, it'll stop most small things, small bullets, but anything serious? Like a rifle, or Jess, or gods forbid a lycanthrope? I'd get somewhere darker, and fast. In the dark? I can't imagine much being able to hurt you except something that could bypass that stuff completely. Armour piercing rounds will still be a problem, but it seems you're only actually vulnerable in high light. So if that's what you wanted to know... Jess, Gimme. He finished, holding out his hand, where Jess tossed the flash drive, and he sighed and then snapped it in half, tossing it into the trash.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River felt the blow hit the block, a slight shudder passing through the shadow before the weight cracked, pieces flying about as the armoured gel was pushed back into a corner. One of the larger shards flew straight for her, and acting on instinct, a shadow-covered hand snapped up and caught it, River having to spin on the spot as the force of the thing felt like it almost tore her arm clean off.

"Sunova... I told you we should have hit some sort of shelter." She said, dropping the piece she caught and shaking her arm out lightly. She gave a soft hiss as the lights started to rise, scaling everything back until she looked normal again rather quickly, and looking over to Rick. "Gotcha. What was that you said about gearing out earlier?" She asked, her brow furrowing slightly as she went over old fights in her head, a few near-death experiences that would feel like child's games now, if she had this lovel of protection before.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Rick snorted, Jessica not bothering to apologize about anything as she hummed happily. If you decided you wanted something made, for whatever reason. I'm the guy who does that. But I can tell you obviously don't want armor, but speciality ammunition, a blade... doesn't matter, I can have it all made for you without little fuss. So, if you need me, just tell Jess and she'll harass me I'm sure. Rick said, fussing over a corner of his labcoat that looked like it had suffered a run in with some coffee.

Yup~! He makes stuff, I break stuff, Vorlan ignores stuff, you make stuff better, it's all one perfectly insane little family, insane little girl and cranky old man included for one low monthly price! Jessica said, laughing heartily as she bent over, snickering and snorting as she slapped her leg.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

“Sanity, I‘m guessing.“ River said wryly in response to the ‘monthly price‘, before turning back to Rick. “Actually, i been thinking of getting a trenchcoat, if that‘s up your allley. Gotta be light but sturdy, not much further down than knee-high, and have pockets for stuff. Past that, so long as Jess here doesn‘t convince you to dye it hot pink of something retarded, it should all be good.“ she explained, casting a glance over to the vampire as she spoke.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

I'd ask for more specifics, but since you came in here with personal safety in mind, I can work something special out for you. No worries. Rick said, waving his hand around like a spazz as he flailed away at his keyboard, doing something with the test results, probably getting them squared away in the archives.

Hey~! Hot pink can be sexy! Jessica said, sticking out her tongue, before continuing Besides, we still have a decent amount of time to kill before.... hey... who is that? she whispered, confused.

There, standing with a pair of armed guards, and clutching a laptop, looking very unhappy, nervous, and smiling like he was afraid he was about to die, was Mouse...
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

“Don‘t really have that great an image of it, but if you got a question, shoot.“ River answered, shooting a glance over to Jessica. “First off, I don‘t do pink, sexy or no. Secondly, i prefer functional for work clothes, and there is very little functional about hot pink.“ She told the vampire, cracking a smirk.

And then Mouse appeared, flanked by a pair of very serious-looking guards. River sighed, walking over to them with a concerned frown. “I warned you not to try messing with this place, man. Though you can probably calm down, if you managed to crack anything, they‘re pretty likely to offer you a job, more‘n anything else.“
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

The guards actually snapped to attention as River approached before turning to glance at her, faces unreadable behind the ballistic faceplates of their helmets. "Miss Faulk! This man was caught delving through the archives, we don't know how he did it, nor do we care, but when we apprehended him, he specifically mentioned you as a friend. If this isn't the case, we can simply go and dispose of him" This drew a terrified look from Mouse "Or we can escort you both to see Corvinus and you can explain." He finished, Jessica letting River handle this as she leaned against the wall.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River groaned, rubbing her temples slightly. “Yeah, he‘s a friend, let‘s go see Corvinus then. You coming, Jess?“ She asked, following the guards regardless of the vampire‘s answer.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

The guard nodded before turning on his heel, the other Turning Mouse himself, albeit fairly gently as the march to the elevator began. Once inside, Jessica indeed chuckling as she brought up the rear, the guards did everything, button pressing, door checking, it was all very prim and proper and... annoying. But as soon as they hit the top floor and started heading down the hallway, Mouse blessedly silent, Corvinus actually wandered out to meet them.

River... Eh, explain inside, you two, back to your reports, full debrief. Both men nodded before heading away, though there was a brief scuffle between Mouse and the guards as he tried to retrieve his laptop, which led to him biting the heavy armour on his shoulder, and promptly getting saved from a beating by Jessica seizing his ear. You're lucky enough already that River was actually here. Stop fussing, or I'll stop being nice. she hissed, before he went slack, and looked like he was going to cry as his laptop was carried away, before being steered into Corvinus' room and unceremoniously tossed into a chair.

Let's keep it simple please, Who is he? Why was he hacking into our systems? And how does he know you... I recognize the address from the background checks, but I've never seen him. Soo... He's very good at hiding himself, and that says a great deal. Corvinus muttered tiredly from the counter as he, in true form, poured a glass of rum to sip on while he looked at River, obviously annoyed.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River nodded, finding a seat herself. “His name‘s Mouse. As for why, i suppose that‘s kinda what he does. Makes sense you‘ve never seen him, i havent seen him outside his basement before.“ she explained, shrugging. “I am curious, though. How far did he make it?“