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Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"Okay... that was akward, What did she mean? Your Affliction, and why would she care? As for your laptop, I haven't done anything to it, didn't want to get you into any trouble... Fuck it, I'd like some real explanations please, and yea, we need drinks" Mouse said, seeming to finally wind down, apparently a certain woman's entrance being enough of a shock to shake him from his stupor for the moment.

This new woman.... new problem, apparently Mouse' mistake had been enough for the Council to get their foot in the door, which would explain why Corvinus was so upset, regardless, River would need to be careful around her, a proper talk with Vorlan tomorrow, and maybe even Hervo wouldn't be a bad idea all things considered... She could be a dangerous enemy.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

“You put that uplink in it, or whatever it was. Just making sure you didn‘t use it, is all.“ she answered with a shrug, standing and grabbing the phone on the wall, ordering about three pounds of dry ribs and booze for the pair of them. “As for what she said about me.“ she started, dimming the lights a touch on the way back to the couch.

“Not trying to make it wierd or anything, just watch.“ she explained, sitting back down and holding up a hand for his inspection, both sides. Then she called up the shadows from inside her sleeve, making a peice about the mass of a baseball slide out and into her palm, rippling a second until it turned into a solid orb, holding it out to pass to him, if he wanted. “it‘s a looong story, even though it only starts a few days ago. Short version, i‘m something new, or something old, and the group that woman belongs to don‘t have a handle on what i can do. That scares them, a lot.“
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Mouse just sat there in silence as River ordered the food, and politely waited for his... Explanation from River.

As the lights dimmed, he raised an eyebrow, before River made her show. In honesty, a reaction like falling backwards out of his chair, and scrambling into a corner, would have been fine, even expected, but Mouse lived in another world already, made of circuitboards, resistors, and datascape.

Reaching out to take the mass, he stared at it, rolling the unbelievably smooth ball around in his hand before looking up at River. "Soo... All real then. And you're... something that doesn't fit the layout... No wonder they're nervous, I would be. Jesus River! What is this place? I already thought it was a fucking mad house, but this? And you? Let me guess, your blue haired friend is a monster to, hard to forget watching her tear those people apart... And then..."

River was saved from any more of Mouse' rambling as the food arrived pretty quickly, the kitchens apparently warned about a new tenant most likely needing a meal. Rising quickly, and taking the food and drinks from the person at the door, avoiding looking at River directly as he set it all down on the glass table in the center of the living room, he immediately seized a bottle of... Something, and took a long pull, coughing harshly as he finished and looking up. "So... you're all monsters and you eat people. That's... I have no fucking idea. I'm an Alice in Wonderland with a dick and no rabbit to chase. The fuck River?"
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River nodded along to start. "Jess is a vampire. Not really appreciating the 'monster' statement..." She said slowly, pausing when the door was knocked, the ball of shadow in Mouse's hand wisping away into nothing as he stood.

She crammed four or five chunks of dry rib in her mouth as soon as the plate was set down, grunting and shaking her head during his final rant, clearing her throat before picking up the conversation. "Nobody eats people here, even the vampires. Some sort of fake blood, I dunno really. Not the point anyways." She said, downing some booze herself. "Just think of it like... Like the first time you used linux. Everything's different and unusual, but... Okay, that's probably a bad example." She said, giving a half-hearted chuckle.

"There's just more you're aware of now. It's not like it didn't exist before, you just see it better now. And I'm around, as much as I usually am. Just hunker down for a bit, you'll see, eh?"
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"No I don't see, and really? You take offense to being called Monsters... what would you prefer, Humanity Challenged? It's a relief that you don't eat people, I mean... Same old you? With freaky shadow powers, that's a hard pill to swallow, but fine, if you say wait and see, that's what i'll do, but i don't have to like it one little bit. It's preferential to being Dead."

Mouse was either no drunk enough to be tactful yet, or just freaked the fuck out, which was understandable, but now he was properly drinking, and eating just as quickly as River, and seemed to be calming down rather quickly, though River could swear she could actual hear him complaining inside his own mind.

"So, I do the job here, and what? Play who's the boogeyman? Or just ignore it all? I mean this is crazy, Fuck it! FUCK IT! Fine, I'll do it your way, since my way obviously isn't working."
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River opened her mouth to respond when Mouse started, then closed it again and waited for him to finish, glaring at him. “You finished?“ she said darkly, not waiting for a response before rounding on him. “You think this is easy for me either? Do you? At least you‘re still fucking normal, alright? This shadow shit was chasing me two or three nights ago, before i even knew about any of this? At least your introduction was somewhat nicer. Then it chased me into a sewer and ate me or something, and when i wake up, i had the most painful experience in my life because someone shined a goddamn light on me. Now i have a whole group of people with sticks up their asses and the ability to change reality or something angry at me because i‘m something new, some creepy voice in my head on a pretty much daily basis. They figured i should get training, so they put me in hell, literally Hell, and just told me to survive. And oh yeah, i held the life of one of my only friends in my hands like a half hour ago, nevermind that -that- is all my fault too.“ She practically yelled out, pausing to down the rest of her first glass, calming down some. “I run for a living, and run -away- as a habit. Now the best thing i can do is stand still and wait. I‘m losing my friggin mind, man.“
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

As River practically jumped down Mouse' throat to punch his stomach from the inside, she found him all but cowering in his chair, completely unsure how to react but realising somewhere in his socially inept brain, that he'd struck a nerve.

Pouring himself another drink during a rather akward silence, he shrugged. "Seems we both get to vent tonight. look, I don't understand what you're going through, I hardly understand what I just went through, at least you've had a little time to adjust. Not a lot, but a little. It sucks on both ends it seems. But hey, at least you got something out of the deal, probably not something you wanted, but if we're going to have an all out bitch fest here, we need some crappy movies and chocolate ice cream. Nope, I just got ripped from my house, watched them destroy 8 years of hard work, and then toss me here under your judgement under threat of death or worse apparently, and then hand me a job. So, we get to eat these shit sandwiches together... Wait, did you say Hell? The fuck? How is that training?"

Whatever momentary wisdom that may have seized Mouse, it was now entirely derailed by his sudden fixation on another fact he had apparently taken a few moments to process. "Like... Demons and Fire and tortured souls because god is angry at you hell?"
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

“nah, i‘m done my rant, sorry about that.“ River said with an apologetic frown, pouring herself another drink. “and yes, -that- Hell. Speaking of bad movies, it was like it looked in Constantine, pretty much. Little less sandblasted. But yeah, plopped me down not far from the car dealership on the south end of town, and told me the exit was top of this hawer, have friggin fun.“ she explained, tossing a hand in the air to emphasize the last bit. “And you‘ll be okay. They pay well, and im sure you‘ll get all the fancient toys, they have stuff here you wouldn‘t believe.“
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"Very little here I wouldn't believe at this point... Seems your shit sandwich has more shit on it. I should send mine back and demand they reheat it." Mouse said, rubbing his forehead and actually managing to chuckle a little.

"well. Shit, suppose I work for these guys now, no more selling illegal software for quick cash then. Damn, that was good money to. But hey, while we're here with apparently free food and drink, problems aside, seems like the job has some benefits. I'll live for now and now you can come bitch at me about something, hit the elevator and walk in" Mouse continued, starting to smile a little more as he drank, digging into dinner with a fervor to match River's. Well, at least Jessica was having fun.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"And the paycheck is impressive. Though I bet you could still do your old stuff, so long as the software isn't their stuff. Don't seem to care what I do on the side, though I have kinda been too busy to." She answered. "Show then you can toe the line, and Im pretty sure any walls they put up will be down rather fast. Betcha I could even walk you to your place tonight, if ya really wanted."
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"Probably not a good idea tonight, and sleep would do me wonders I think. As for the job... eh, I get paid then I can't bitch overmuch... well, I CAN, but it's probably not wise to. Hey, at least I'm closer now" Mouse answered, scratching his head again out of nervous habit as he took another long drink, fairly loosened up and calmed down.

"Besides, sounds like you'll have your hands full with the ice queen, probably best to hit your own room, make sure she hasn't trashed the place"
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"Very little in there worth trashing. To be honest, I'm more worried she's left something behind. But yeah, I probably should check it out, before I'm too tired or drunk to do anything about it." She agreed with a chuckle, grabbing a handful of ribs to take with her for the trip. "I'll try to keep in touch, but I honestly have no rudder right now, so i can't guarantee anything." She said, letting herself out after they had said their good nights, and headed for her room.

She had another thought while she was in the elevator. Henrietta? Can you ask Chuck to wander up when he has some free time?"
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Mouse waved his good bye and relaxed on the couch as River went her way, the bottle in his lap as he looked around the room, probably fairly deep in thought at this point, but doing a great deal better then when they had started.

In the elevator, as River made her request, all she got as an answer from the young telekine was a mental giggle, and the mental equivalent of a nod, though she got a more proper answer as she neared her floor. Yup yup! He's coming up now. He's super angry though. Is this about that rude lady? She wouldn't let me read her mind, so I rumpled up her dress instead. Henrietta said, giggling again, probably just rummaging around the building like a hooligan.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Yeah, it's about her. Can you tell where she is now? River asked as she stepped off the elevator, heading for her apartment and checking around while she waited for Chuck. She left the door open for him, giving him a nod when he entered. "Heard you're not happy about our visitor either, eh?"
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

NOPE~♫ Henrietta answered quickly, humming to herself while River got the impression she was doing cartwheels in the kitchen and tormenting the staff by floating carrots around like little orange missiles of deliciousness.

As Chuck arrived, he did indeed seem rather angry, though he reigned himself in rather hard as he entered and tried not to let it show. "Not in the slightest. Our new... Guest, had the gall to try and break the wards on my office, we about had it out right there in the sublevels. She may be a council member, but us older dogs know dirtier tricks, I doubt she'll try something that stupid again. Still, I don't like her here, the sooner she's out of our hair, the better. I've told Vorlan to accelerate your training tomorrow just in case. I'll be coming along as well. It's more about knowing how things work then what to do and remembering a few rules even we can't break without help. I wouldn't put it past her to try something while she's here... And it's infuriating because I'm excommunicated, I can't call around and get any leads on her. bitch is a ghost." He said bitterly, pulling a flask from inside his jacket.

"Heard you met her as well. How is our new guest fitting in, and how much trouble do you think he'll be." Chuck asked curiously
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"Mouse'll do fine, take it easy on the kid and he'll do right by you guys. Honey's better than a stick, with him." She said, glancing around and giving a shrug. "And her trying something is exactly why i asked you up here. I wanted to make sure she didn't leave any magical bugs or other surprises in here while she grabbed my laptop, and I figured you'd be the best one to ask about it. Far as I can tell, everything looks the same as it did before, laptop's off the counter, but that makes sense."
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

No Miss River, Nothing of that nature was left here, I was curious when she was poking around, but she couldn't make anything stick, so to speak, with me here. Robin suddenly said, popping out of the floor and looking rather pleased with himself.

"Convenient timing Robin, and yes, as long as Robin is around, you don't need to worry about that too much. Real bugs however? Quite likely, but i'm no good with those, I can have a sweep team sent up however, would take about 2 hours for them to cover everything, but they're good at their job." Chuck said, looking around.

"Just... Try not to be alone, around her. Mages are very good at making things look like accidents... "
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"I don't plan on being around her at all, past maybe getting my laptop back." River said, having twitched and gone defensive a little, not expecting her. "Yeah, that works then. I'm pretty sure she wouldn't have smuggled something non-magical in that could be dangerous, and i can live with a bug for the night, if there is one. Send them up tomorrow while I'm away, i guess. I need a shower, then I'm going to bed." She said softly. "What time are we planning on starting, tomorrow?"
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Chuck just spread his arms "I have about as much control over Vorlan as I do the sun, he only answers to Corvinus and Jessica... Actually, I think Jessica has more authority over what he does then anyone else" He said with a chuckle, Robin arching his spectral eyebrows in obvious amusement.

Is there anything more I can do for you Miss River? Otherwise, I'll just keep trying to interfere as best I can. Robin said, scratching his chin and thinking. I think I'll stick her fridge to the ceiling just to annoy her... yes... and I'll steal her milk to. he continued, muttering as he melted back through the floor, obviously planning on pranking his target as frequently as he could get away with, in admittedly childish fashions.

"He'll probably enlist Henrietta's help as well... Those two are truly a force to be reckoned with. One day they decided that they wanted to throw eggs off the roof at just about every building within the city, I don't think anyone got away from that one unscathed... not even the chickens. Ahh well. I'll send the team up tomorrow then, and I'm sure Vorlan will contact you himself. At least he's polite." Chuck laughed, standing and excusing himself.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"Yeah, go for it. Sorry to bother ya." River said, giving Chuck and Robin a nod each before heading into the back rooms, looking around to make sure the ghost had truly moved along before stripping down and showering.

She spent the better part of an hour chilling under the hot spray before turning it off, wrapping a towel around herself in case Jess had come back before leaving the washroom, crawling into bed and passing out in short order.