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Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"It's a small ring, a little cliche I know, but lets change the game to a sound then, something like an off tune whistling. And I'll just give it to you know after I tone it down a little. May as well get you practicing with it early..." Chuck said after thinking for a moment.

Reaching down to take something out of his pocket, there was a brief flash under the table, like a match lighting, and then it was gone and he was raising his hands to the table top. A few people turned to look and he grinned, holding up a small lighter. "Sorry, I have restless hands, nothing to worry about." He said in apology, smiling and dismissing the odd light in an instant with such a small lie.

Rolling the ring across the table, Jess and Vorlan watched as it made it's way towards River. "Well, lets get started then, gotta work that big meal off huh?" He said, grinning at her.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River smirked at the misdirection, laying a hand on the table to catch the rolling item, raising it to her face for inspection before slipping it on, finding it fit her quite well. "Fits nice, you been sizing me up for a ring, Chuck?" She teased, waiting for the noise to kick in, assuming it would as she was sitting across the table from a mage, after all.

"So the plan is just to wander, then, keep away from you? Assuming i do a good job, say we'll use the cell to call an end to it? Anything else? I gotta use the washroom first if that's it, no sense waiting and having to find a place halfway through, eh?"
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

The ring seemed to be a very smooth, polished band of silver, and it did fit her quite well, even shimmering softly before fading away. She could feel the pressure, she just couldn't see it... And she doubted anyone could, a trump card for her and a good line of defense against what had seemed a daunting problem. At least it was starting to look manageable now...

"That's it, just stay away from me as best you can, in as normal a way as you can. Draw as little attention to yourself as possible. Pull this off and I'll give you a passing grade to Corvinus myself and call it done... Granted, that holds next to no weight with Herv.......

"Mmmm Someone's stirring~! Are you finally done? I'm Excited River~! That's a first in almost 300 years!"
The demon called to her, River tossing fitfully upon a throne of violet crystal, the smooth, but warm stone pulsing with an unholy life all it's own, as Ferenze called to her from his chair nearby.

Where the hell was she? why couldn't... Stand. Ferenze called, the demon rising as well as he slid his hat back onto his head, and the sigils flared across her throat with an angry hiss, reasserting themselves, and his control in an instant. See what I have made of you... He continued, gesturing, the crystal of the floor splitting with the sound of shattering glass as a tall and ornate mirror, nearly 7 foot and just as wide, sprang up to her left, and she was forced by his command to turn and look... to See indeed, what had been Made of her.

There she was, shadows writhing across her skin, a long spaded tail lashing from side to side behind her, and long, wide, demonic, batlike wings spreading from her shoulders as the sensations of both spiked through her spine and she reflexively tested their movement for a moment. Her eyes were glowing with a soft, red light, and her skin seemed... a little duskier, as if sprinkled with volcanic ash.

Know your place... and your Home... Ferenze whispered, walking up to stand behind her, smiling at her from the mirror as he looked into her eyes. River couldn't remember how this had happened, what had happened, or even why, there was a large gap in her memory somewhere, but.... This? Did it matter if she couldn't remember? Because new information was pouring through her mind, running in tight circles as new power became apparent in her changed form, and the twin horns cresting her temples, small, but sharp and slightly curved, pulsed with a soft indigo flame, resting upon her like a crown as they flickered in the off light.

So much work and effort into this, I know you won't disappoint me.... Kneel. Ferenze breathed into her ear, waiting...
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

She had no idea what happened. Last she knew, she had been sitting at the table and nodding along, planning to use the washroom excuse to get a headstart on the game. It was like she blinked and woke up a different person.

The crystal she sat on was warm to the touch, pulsing with a malicious intent that she found comforting, for some reason. That demon from the last run through hell was there, urging her to stand. She felt a flash of magic around her neck, and her body stood on it's own. He owned her, somehow. And she couldn't bring herself to manage any negative feelings about it, either. Her gaze drifted over her twisted self in the mirror, noting the eyes first, then the horns, and wings, and tail. "What have you done to me?" She asked quietly, fixing his reflection in her gaze. Even that she couldn't manage properly, her tone coming out neutral, even a hint of a tease slipping in, instead of the angry and accusatory she had wanted.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

What have I done to you~? With you~? Molded you into something more, even then what you were, though my little wraithling, you put up quite the struggle. You'll find your new body is quite durable, and with all the benefits you used to hold, and more. But what I did pales in comparison to what you're going to do... That little club of mortals playing gods upstairs? You're going to help me tear it down around Hervo's ears, and then you're going to bring him to me... Ferenze whispered, running a finger along the lines of her wings and across her shoulders.

You turned out so ply-able, and lovely River, truly a creature to be admired, and well kept. Please me and see what joys it brings~ he added in a whisper, a soft undercurrent of power running through River's body to enforce the truth of his words. He had shackled her, body and mind and soul, and she knew it now. Somehow, he had gotten to her, and made her forget until it was too late...

We're short on time though, much as I'd like to torment you a little while longer, my pets have jobs to do, especially you, so I suggest you get moving towards the monolith, Hervo's twisted little abomination of a gate. Spread your wings a little and fly~ It's an experience I promise you'll never forget~ he breathed into her ear, before... He was gone, simply vanishing, and River was left with his last words pounding through her mind.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River let out a sharp gasp at his touch, the sensation running up her spine. "I will..." She said slowly, running the words around on her tongue. It was true, She'd tear down the tower for him, and he's make sure she liked doing it...

He spoke again, then disappeared, and she felt her muscles loosen some. She glanced around, he was indeed gone, but that didn't really change anything. Letting out a low sigh, she spotted a portal in the corner of the room, striding towards and through it. It deposited her in an altar, blasted and scorched wasteland all around her. It didn't matter, she knew which way to go. Flexing her wings, she jumped into the air, powerful wingbeats raising her aloft.

Ferenze was right, the sensation of flying was spectacular, a grin spreading across her ashen features. At the same time, it felt like she was some dog, sticking her head out the window of a speeding car. It felt off.

The destroyed city came into view quickly, River pushing for more altitude as she closed, wanting to be too high to be noticed. Chuck and Henrietta were here, she was supposed to be racing them to the exit. Time ran differently here, but she didn't know how much so. Chances are they'd be waiting for her at the end, so she planned for such, dipping into a thick cloud above, using the dark to slip into the shadows. She found an exit into the tower easily enough, stepping out into a dark patch of the elevator shaft she had climbed with Jess only a day or two (she thought) before. The gap in her memory tore at her again. What all was she missing?

Pausing there, she focused, the demonic features sinking into her flesh, bringing her look back to normal. The shadows enveloped her in return, and she formed claws, starting to climb the flesh coating the shaft with them. Reaching the top, she jumped into the hall, taking the last half flight of stairs to the roof at a jog, and heading out the door to the roof, looking around for the pair.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

As River made for the portal, a sense of familiarity struck her as she stepped into the blasted wasteland, everything seeming... Right... Home. This was Home now... And it called to her. The air was no longer oppressively hot or stifling, the wind was welcomed, and even the strange sunlight that poured through dark clouds filled her with a warmth she hadn't known in a long time.

Rising on new, but strong wings, Ferenze knowing his craft well, River found that this came to her as naturally as breathing now, her wings snapping out to catch a thermal off the sands that sent her rocketing into the air with almost no real effort. It was... incredible, but again, River's sense of just... Wrong, shone through, something off, and it had everything to do with the collar she wore, some internal part of her fighting with everything it had to shrug off the ironclad ownership that Ferenze now claimed over her, and it was a losing battle.

Heading towards the ruined city, River could have sworn it didn't look quite this bad before, and then she noticed what could only be called a clear and deliberate swath of destruction, carved by her friends no doubt, as they nonchalantly walked to their destination, nothing moving amidst the new piles of rubble they had left in their wake, and, as River neared the tower, she heard a familiar bell tone sounding in her ears, before she remembered Chuck's Ring.

Thinking for a moment, River found she could still feel it, the weight of that silver band, and the distance of Chuck's magical range as well, pulsing from the top of the tower, they were indeed waiting for her.

Her memories tore at her for a moment again as she dove into the clouds, speed making the air whip around her in a wild display of passion and power as her body was enveloped in shadow and she simply vanished into the cloud, ripping through the screaming hellscape of her shadow realm to come to rest standing within the darkness of the tower. But it was to no avail, she was still pulling blanks, and it didn't even phase her, a sense of calm pulsing from the walls around her, from Hell itself, pouring into her, taking away her worries for now, as she wreathed herself in darkness, grew her claws, and tore her way up the building as naturally as if she were walking down the sidewalk, taking long, powerful, leaping movements as she vaulted her way towards the home stretch, the stairs calling to her as she took off at a jog, and soon enough, came out onto the roof, Henrietta jumping and cheering as she celebrated. We Won~ We Won~ We Won~ she called, bouncing around excitedly as Chuck waved at her.

"Was almost starting to get worried there, but you found your own way just fine. Lets head on back, I'm sure Hervo has something annoying to say, and then we can clean up and take it easy. Not so bad the second time huh?"
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Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"Figured it was easier to just wait a moment and follow the new tear through the landscape." River shot back, offering a smirk to the small child. "Yeah, took in some sights, wound up getting waylaid having to dodge one of those worm-things. Felt like porting around was cheating, maybe I won't be so generous next time, hmm?" She said, rounding on Chuck, and giving him a nod.

"Yeah, let's get going. Place gives me the creeps, eh? The shadows scream..."
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"Well well, if that's the case, we'll try harder next time, wont we Henrietta" The little girl beaming and nodding as she skipped up to the monolith, and slipped back to their own world. "Come on River, in ya go." Chuck said, gesturing and watching the air behind her, it was still Hell after all.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"Suuure..." She teased back, glancing around herself before stepping through.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

As she stepped back into the Tower proper, River felt Ferenze's influence pull at her for a moment, before she set eyes on Hervo, sitting and smoking in the chair like last time, Jess leaning against the wall with a spilled pouch of blood, probably for the Thaumaturge, and one she was sipping on, waving at them all as Chuck was only seconds behind her.

Seeing Hervo sent a thrill up River's spine, her Master's last commands ringing in her ears while the bell tone turned sour, and River turned off her ring... Another memory she appeared to be missing, but it seemed it was done with just a short twist of the band, and the annoying bell tones of both Chuck and Hervo silenced.

Everyone's back and whole, excellent. Little easier this time River? Hervo said, having to do a slight double take, a look of suspicion crossing his face for the briefest of moments, before he shook it off and grinned. I was watching, and was rather amazed to be honest, that you simply vanished, not even I could find you, an impressive skill. He said simply, explaining away his misgivings with sound, though misplaced logic. I don't have anything for you today, and neither does Corvinus and Ms. Bronn is of course, still busy. So the day is all yours I suppose. Well done Everyone. Hervo finished, crushing out his smoke and looking at the black stone that made up the gateway.

So Chuck and Henrietta, the wonder dorks, are still reigning champions for the Hell run huh? Damn, guess I owe Vorlan 20 bucks River, was really pulling for you there this time. Ahh well. Anything you want to do? or not? Or something? I'm bored as hell, but I've got work later with that o so wonderful Cylus back at the holding area, so You're on your own today, I've got faith you can handle yourself in a pinch and so does Chuck since he didn't start bitching the moment I mentioned it. Jess said, glancing at the mage who simply shrugged. "Yup, no worries here, she did well avoiding me earlier, and managed the run without being noticed by anyone, myself and Henrietta included, she gets a pass." Chuck agreed, stretching and looking at Henrietta, the two seeming to share some unspoken conversation for a moment, before the little girl giggled and poked him in the chin. Nu uh~! You promised me ice cream! So come on~! She whined, grabbing Uncle Chuck's hand and practically dragging him towards the elevator.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River felt the pull, and again when her gaze landed on Hervo on the other side. She wanted to just grab at the man, haul him back through the portal into Hell, so she could complete the commandment given her and maybe find her own release from the half-caged life she suddenly found herself in, but she held back. Not out of resistance, but because she knew it would never work, and that stopped her more effectively than her willpower ever could.

Instead, she offered him a wry grin. "So you could track me and Jess when we hid last time, but my little trick this time caught you up, hmm? Good to know." She told himm pausing a second. "Yeah, fair bit easier this time, i guess. Not that things turned out that hard before, other than the frantic run. Less stressful, maybe?" She said, scoffing on the inside.

"Bet him forty if there's a next time, I think I got them sussed now." She told Jess, finally turning to The pair she had apparently been running against. "Not even gonna argue that one, man. Will be nice to have some alone time for once, feels like forever since I had a day to just run." She said, chuckling as the small girl took him by the arm and lead him to the elevator. "You wanna head up too Jess? I need a word with Hervo here."
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Jess nodded before calling out for Chuck to hold the elevator, hopping inside herself. See ya later then River~! She called, waving from the magical levitating sky box.

Once alone, Hervo was still patching up another cut from whatever it was he did when they were jumping around on the other side, the bandage pulled tight among a myriad of others as he grunted. Well? What do you need? I'm pretty worn out, this interdimensional shit is tiring. he said, reaching to fish out another smoke from one of the pockets on his vest and lighting it before looking up, raising an eyebrow.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River waited until the others had left, taking the time to stride a little closer and lean against a wall. "I just... wanted to apologize, for being a bitch last time. You're just doing your job, I may not approve, but I shouldn't have flipped out over it, either." She told him, offering a wan smile.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

S'alright, I kind of expected it to be honest, first jump is never fun, and though we try to avoid it here... Well... Sometimes we need to head that way, so it was a two fold experience. Hahaha, there's an actual protocol around here that everyone is to evacuate through that if there's no other option. Not sure if I approve, but well, when your backs against the wall right? Hervo said, chuckling and letting out a sigh after.

Standing up and blowing a large cloud of smoke into the air, Hervo popped his back with a twist and started heading for the elevator. Think I'll grab something to eat, been a few days since I saw anything but this damned stone.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River gave a nod, and smiled again. "Fair enough. Hit the lights, would ya. Don't want to wait for the elevator."

When he did, she'd port out, and back to her room, having started to leave herself space in her closet for just such occasions the day after Vorlan helped her figure it out. All alone, she started shaking slightly, moving to the shower and stripping as she went, turning on the hot water full blast and standing under it. Once the shiverring stopped, she started adding cold to bring it back to a normal temperature, adjusting downwards slowly.

Al the while, her mind was working, a dichotomy starting to show of what she felt she -had- to do, and what she thought she could get away with. Her mind ran in circles, stonewalled repeatedly as she came up against the compulsions and barriers put in place, no avenue of rebellion seeming to be left to her.

Stymied and dejected internally, she stepped out from the shower, wrapping herself in a towel and heading for her living room, intent on ordering some food up and turning on some music.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Hervo nodded, slapping the switch and throwing the room into darkness as he headed for the elevator, and River slid into the floor, stepping out of the shadows and into her closet. Apparently a shower was the first thing on the agenda, and after some fiddling with the water knobs, some very hot water, and a lot of thinking, River made absolutely 0 progress towards thinking her way out of this... In fact, the more she thought about it, the more complex and iron clad the demon's control seemed to be...

Still, it was a little easier to handle farther away from his domain, but River knew she was still bound as surely as if she were wearing chains. She'd need to find a way before she started on Ferenze's command and started a war with Hervo that would have consequences she could only begin to imagine... Or drag him kicking and screaming into hell for Master's delight..... Why did that idea send a thrill up her spine...
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Sitting on the couch, River took stock of her situation. Apparently, she had clearer control away from him, and away from the others as well. Anything she could think of to break cover was met with a stone wall of resistance, and she met with even less success coming up with ways to work against Ferenze's directives.

Out of ideas for the moment, she leaned back and sighed, listening to the music for a moment.

They say "In you lives an Eve" and
"Thy desire rules over thee"
"Thou shall not let witches live"
The fiction binds your mind and body

Give you away to male angels
The leaders all remain shameless
Wash awa-

And the stereo was destroyed, River panting slightly as she watched the shadow spike burn away in the dim light of the room, the remnants of the stereo laying across the room, near the door to the main hall. "Fuck." She said with a sigh, leaning back again in the now-silent room.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

And now... Now River was out a stereo. Damn, talk about the worst lyrics in history given her situation. Left sitting in silence, River's stomach didn't abandon her at least, and as it growled at her rather insistently, she remembered that she was hungry, and she still had her laptop for music, maybe she'd be able to pick a more appropriate tune that wouldn't send...

"Well... Maybe I should come back later..." Mouse called suddenly from the other side of the door... "But then I'd have to eat all these fried shrimp by myself... And I'm not quite that hungry..."
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Mouse's voice came through the door, and River felt the walls close in again. "Aww, hell, Mouse, come on in." She called out, giving a sigh when he spotted the mess. "Rough day, don't mind that. What's up, man?" She asked, eyeing the shrimp he brought in.