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Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Entering her closet for an attempt at something close to meditation, River's apartment outside of the closed doors was soon a horrifying sight from many a nightmare, the shadows all writhing and twisting about from their places to rush under the closet, splitting around direct light like snakes as the void within the closet grew.

Laying down and trying to reach out to that very first intelligence, River was soon dozing lightly, floating from her world into the shadows intermittently as she searched for her original benefactor.

The passage of time hissed away in her mind, soon no longer mattering as River found herself floating through the void like the Cheshire cat, to everything else a leering pair of eyes only barely visible as the Void itself took on a more manageable and traversable form. Soon it wasn't just twisting living shadow, it had a landscape, a sky... Black truly did have many shades for those that could see them...

Soaring above the ground, it's surface smooth like volcanic glass, twisting and swirling, River soon spotted the creatures that had originally hunted her through her own realm. Definitely reptilian, certainly apex predators, they roamed around, raising their long, scaled snouts to the air to sniff deeply as she passed by... As river watched though, she realized they were certainly not the top of the food chain here...

As one, the pack suddenly turned off, and started running, calling to eachother as they moved with all the speed they could... before a rushing dark cloud, like an unearthly, deadly, and above all, short lived sandstorm rushed over them, reducing the creatures to nothing more then bones, ash, and mist in a moments time....

Turning away from the grisly scene, River found herself staring into the mass of a creature much like the one that had turned her... A Wraith, staring back into her own eyes, it's gaze holding her immobile in it's realm as it's voice hissed through her mind, comforting and terrifying at the same time.

What foolish creature... Demon... Human... You are curious... How can you enter my realm... And Why... The shadows... the darkness cling to you.... but you are not of my kin.... Why have you come here... Why would you Dare...
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River found this voidscape disconcerting, glancing around at the odd blackscape and the creatures within. She stiffened when she saw the predators, calming some when they were eaten themselves, but keeping a wary eye on the darkstorm that ate them.

Until she came face to face with another wraith. She held her ground, meeting it's gaze as it spoke. "I am Kin of a sort, I've just had more happen to me since. I came to... Find out how to let that show, I guess." She said slowly, her tone cautious but firm.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

I have Watched you... The Free One... The Remade One... You wish to show as Kin here... You must do our Work... You move with freedom... In the Light... Far from the Void... So the Light clings to you... and the fires of the Abyss Cling to you... and the stink of the Astral CLINGS TO YOU! Purify yourself in true Darkness... Before daring set foot here again. the Wraith said, seeming to get more enraged with each sentence, before River felt herself physically thrown from her shadowspace, hurtling several feet into the air in her closet, before hitting the ground again with a thud.

It seemed the other Wraiths didn't trust her, and the constant interactions with other planes and creatures were not being tempered with her true nature.

If the Wraith was to be taken at it's word, and so far that wasn't something to doubt, then River would have to start acting to her nature. Avoiding light, dimming sources, fighting as a Wraith would, quietly, carefully, and with cunning. The creatures wanted a showing of why she had been chosen...
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River let out a yell as she was flung back to her closet, physically lifting off the ground enough to tangle with her clothes before landing with an audible thud and grunt of pain. "Oh, so you -have- heard of me." She commented wryly, rubbing her tailbone as she let go of the shadows around her room, slowly drifting back to normal.

Heading to the kitchen for a glass of water, she pondered what it had said. So far, the dark had been the most welcoming in terms of her new experiences, but to get back in good graces there, she had to pretty much give up the balance she had tried to maintain and act more like one of them. Not really what she had wanted to go for, but she supposed there were worse things.

Well, there were worse requirements, she figured. Plopping down on the couch again, she tossed her plan of television out the window, and instead just leaned back, blacking the lights in her apartment, and relaxing in the dark, sipping her glass of water.

The woman could only last so long alone with her thoughts, however. Soon enough she moved on with a sigh, throwing on one of the thicker hoodies she was becoming so accustomed to, and heading for the main doors. Maybe some time outside would help...
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

As River sat down and tried to do her part as it were, killing the lights, she felt strangely renewed, it was pleasurable to do that after having not doing it for so long. It was admittedly one of her must unused powers, she had instead constantly opted to find a shadow, rather then making one and expanding her usable territory.

Drinking in the light, River found herself relaxing and despite her mood, a smile kept constantly tugging at the corners of her mouth. It was like eating a fine meal after only having bread and water.

Still, finding herself alone with her thoughts too much, River soon opted for a walk, at what amounted to high noon. Dressing appropriately for it, in one of her hoodies, River had no trouble leaving on foot, and indeed, the city itself had never seemed less inviting. It was like walking into a world she didn't belong in in a way, her other natures warring with her over her decision before she mastered it and heading outside. What she did at this point was up to her, but the steel landscape seemed less forgiving then usual.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

The entire city felt different to her. Before, it had it's dangers, and She was all too versed in avoiding them. Now, she doubted there was a ganger in the place that could mess with her, but damned if the city itself didn't feel cold and uninviting now.

Crossing her arms over her chest to ward away the melancholy, River made her way along the street towards downtown, where the steel was thickest. Noon made it hard to find shadows, but she stuck to those she could find, keeping her hood up and her pace slow as she went. By the time she meandered down there, the sun was starting it's downward fall, and the shadows were a little longer. So she found an alley with an fire stair on the dark side of a building and climbed up, laying herself down on the rough steel and waiting there for a while, trying to reconcile herself.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River ventured into the city, heading for it's darker heart. Keeping to herself and specifically not drawing attention with her usual high flying, free running aspects, River started to feel more comfortable in some ways, and less comfortable and others. Parts of her were upset that she wasn't drawing more attention, bringing eyes to her for adoration she rightfully deserved. And yet another wanted to know more of the architecture she freely ran over.

But more then anything, with her recent run in with another Wraith, River stuck to her quieter travel, letting it bring peace to her mind as she went until she took her place in an alley on a fire escape, she lied down and thought on things, not noticing for several moments that the world around her had become completely silent...

Sitting up slowly, River found herself staring at... herself, literally herself, though her hair was shorter and lightly braided wearing comfortable sweats and holding a small book with her name on it. Hi! Well! This is interesting! she said cheerfully, smiling as she pulled out a pen and made a note. before another voice cut through the air, this full of contempt and annoyance.

No it's not, it's annoying, wandering around Mortals we should be bending to our will for fun. They're food. someone called from the rooftop above her, before jumping down and spinning onto the same landing the other two were on with a mildly impressive flip. It was another incarnation of herself, and there was no doubt which one this was. With her wings fully extended, and her horns proudly on display, this River was completely nude, her tail lashing around behind her as she regarded the other two before crossing her arms and sitting down crosslegged with a Harumph.

Honestly, I don't get this, it's not any fun lurking in the dark without a purpose Ooo shush, you're just being a pain in the ass again because you can't make up your own mind. Her more bookwormish side chittered, crinkling her nose and sticking out her tongue.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River jumpped a bit when she heard the voice, assuming someone had stumbled upon her. When she gazed about however, she just saw herself. Two, then three of herself, to be exact.

Groaning, she shifted to a seated position, up against the wall. @and now i‘ve gone schizophrenic, great.“ she said sarcastically. “Never liked braids. Ah well, what do you two want?“
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

I dunno, I don't think you're seeing enough bright colors for this to be schizo~ her double teased, her demonic triplet harrumphing again. Don't ask us, we're different parts of you. Talk to the bookworm if you want to know the reason. If I'm brutally honest it's likely we're parts of your DNA now with our own specific codings and needs. I doubt this would be possible with anyone else.

Nope~! From what I understand any Telekine can do this, but unlike you it's apparently a trancelike state, you should be more careful about what minds you touch, you're learning things without knowing it. But yes, we're going to have a chat because you're in denial about what you are and that's not only unhealthy, it's going to get all of us killed. Really it's amazing you're alive at all considering. Your enhanced mental state is allowing you to actively study your subconscious, and for it to study you back. her Telekine nature said matter of factly, making another note in her journal.

Eh, Fuck you Bookworm, I'm here because of a series of mistakes same as you. At least without you around we could all sleep through this without having the chance to think on it SO HARD WE THINK WE'RE LOSING OUR COLLECTIVE MIND!
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

“Just because I‘d rather not have all this, doesn‘t mean I‘m not going to get used too it.“ She said defensively, staring down her braided self. “Though, i get the feeeling I‘m about to get a shpiel about just that, aren‘t I?@
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Of course not, you'll get used to it, and us, because we're a part of you. It's a self growth thing. her demonic side said simply, and coming from that side of her, it was easier to believe when she thought on it.

Yes, But because were' you're subconscious, we tell you things you need to know. For example, you're NOT human anymore dear. Please let that go. It's not what you want to hear, at all, nor was it fair or your choice. But it's the reality of things now. Simply put, you're not feeding. I mean fine, you're eating and sleeping, but you're not feeding us, and therefore not yourself as you should be. You're not practicing either...

Bookworm is right, but it's the state of things. I hate to say it but the side of you NOT present is the most important right now. Your shadow is quieted. So you've been barred from that realm. If you deny what you need, that will happen until you starve and die. If you aren't connected in some way to the realms that birth your power, you will wither. I mean, good on you for jumping on it, but it applies to us as well.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River sighed, leaning back as she listened to the other two hers rant. Until her demonic side spoke up again, which made her snarl and point a finger at it. "I don't give a rat's ass about any withering, -you- are not getting any 'feedings' like what happened when you were in control. Fuck that, and fuck you." She cursed, glowering.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

That's what you say until you're on your death bed screaming in agony. Her demonic side huffed, before continuing. And blaming me is the same as blaming yourself, underlying needs, stresses and desires. Ferenze's control not withstanding.

Besides, you don't even know what feeding yourself in her regard entails. If you did you'd probably find you were doing it without realizing it. Such as when you learn something new, congratulations, I have just been fed. Coming into contact with new people, new architecture, new knowledge. The more you acquire, the more power in my regard you obtain. As for Her Bookworm continued, jabbing a thumb over her shoulder. I have no idea, and neither really does she because she's you. So you need to find out. You can't get rid of us, if we get sick, you get sick. If one of us dies, so do you.

Letting one of us starve would be the equivalent of cutting your arm of and letting yourself bleed out all over the floor, so get used to it. It's not our fault what happened, if you blame anyone the only one left is a demon that's already dead. Or maybe your Brother, or The Wraith who turned you to begin with? It doesn't matter who you blame or who your pissed at, this is the reality of the situation. Her demonic side bristled, before turning and simply vanishing, bookworm looking after her with a sad expression.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River huffed as well as her demonic side vanished. "Well great, twice as fast now, hmm? What about you? Someone's gonna wander by and hear me talking to myself soon, if they haven't already." She muttered, glancing to the alley below. "I already know this entire city like the back of my hand, doubt you'll be seeing new architecture any time soon..."
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

No, in reality you're basically napping. It's one of your powers interestingly enough. When you trance like this, other people have a compulsion to stay away from you. Ever get that tingly feeling along the back of your neck when you look into an alley or a basement or a room? It's kind of like. The ability triggers a fight or flight response in the brain so normals stay away. If something got too close, you'd wake up. Bookworm said. It would be a bit too strange to call her other River, or nerd river or something, her demonic half had named her nicely.

And really, if you read a book or talk to new people, or iunno, study with Henrietta, that would be enough for now. It doesn't get tricky for a very long time. Most telekines that reach that age though wander around from country to country meeting new people. Many become writers. This information is all courtesy of Chuck by the way, the man is a goldmine for information. he doesn't block you out all. It's really very peculiar.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"Well, there goes my excuse, I guess." She said, shaking her head. "Well, at least you seem simple enough."

Sighing, she laid back again. "As for the third part, I don't know how much more it could want. It's already pretty well my first answer for anything that comes up. and it's not like I sleep with a nightlight." She said. "But I mean it. I -won't- become what my demon side was again. If I can't survive with that choice, well then I'll just live with it anyways."
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Hun, you don't need to give in to her, you just need to keep her pacified, or she will try to take control to survive. And yup, I'm pretty simple. But you should really talk to an expert about demons if you can, if only to stave off any problems. Bookworm said softly, smiling as she stopped writing in her little book.

Winking at River, Bookworm suddenly vanished and the oppressive sound of the city was back in full swing, River looking down to see a police officer shining a light up at her. "Excuse me miss! Is everything alright? You really shouldn't be in here alone... Gives me the creeps." he said, looking very uncomfortable, but doing his job and checking on River anyway. Apparently a brave man.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"Not many of those around." River commented before Bookworm disappeared, and she noticed a light shining right at her.

"Huh? Yeah, I'm fine. Nothing to worry about Officer, I can take care of myself." She answered, shading her eyes from the beam as she gazed down at him.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"If you're... completely sure M'am... Please be careful around here. if you need anything, I'll be close by on rounds." he answered after a moment, his flashlight flickering and suddenly dying. shaking it, he cursed, smacking the bottom several times before sighing and putting it back on his duty belt.

Left to herself again as the officer left her to her peace, River was left with the words of her subconscious minds to think on, as well as the warning to find an expert on her powers to avoid problems.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

“Will do.“ River answered, managing a short chuckle at his failed flashlight. It will work again in a bit, but she couldn‘t stand the light right at her any more.

Sighing, she got up. Seems her internal monologue was over. She really only knew one person that would pass for a demon expert. Guess it was time to go and speak with Hervo...