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Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"Do you recall which room she was in? Maybe we'll give it a knock in a bit." River pressed, slipping a few bills out to tip the man with, clearly thinking about adding a few more.

Once they were left alone, the wraithling slumped into one of the chairs around. "We knew we would be playing catch up, 3 days ain't so bad. That book is obviously important, likely leads to the spear, is my guess. Real question is, where do we start?"
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

The bellhop took the offered tip, but shook his head "I'm sorry, I don't. I know she stayed on the 9th floor, that's all I know. Either way, you ladies have a lovely night." he said, turning and leaving afterwards.

Jessica shrugged. Food? Booze? We SHOULD be sleeping, but I'll be tired whenever my body damn well feels like it and jet lag is still a thing. If I had to guess the 9th floor, and then we're pretty much on our own. I can probably smell out where she was staying, but afterwards if we don't find anything else we're up shit creek.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"Yeah, I'd rather stay up over late than lay in bed bored all night." River agreed. "Let's check that floor quick, then head out into the town. Either we have a lead, or we'll have fun finding one."
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Fun... Yea, lets hope for that. Jess said with a chuckle as they both headed back to the elevator and headed to the ninth floor. At first glance nothing seemed out of place as they stepped out onto the floor, hallways led in either direction, doors lined them, it was well lit, but something had River's hair on end, Jessica too from the way she stiffened... though from the flair of her nostrils, it was something in the air...

Cold blood she muttered, turning to the left and glaring down the hallway
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River frowned, something wasn't right, confirmed when Jessica seemed to have the same feeling. "Lead the way." She said slowly, flexing her own abilities slightly. It was too bright to use her main powers easily, but she could stretch out her mind some, try and keep a mental ear out for danger.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

She'd been flexing these particular muscles on all night so far, and it was started to give her a headache, but she was able to keep a mental eye on the people around her. There were several people in the rooms down that hallway, most of them asleep.

Nodding as Jess got the go ahead, she started off, leading her down the hallway as she continued to taste the air, before stopping at door number 13, which was honestly too much of a cheek from Claire to be a coincidence. Granted it was 913, but River couldn't help but notice the last two numbers and Claire's personal brand of humor in the choice.

Stopping, River couldn't feel anyone inside the room, and Jess was more then certain this was the right place, so certain that her hand wrapped around the handle, before she pushed forward until the lock gave and the door swung open.

Here it was dark, but neither River or Jess were bothered enough by it to miss the body against the far wall...
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

The wraithling let out a small smirk at the room number, but didn't comment, glancing around the hall as Jess pushed the door open, drawing power from the cameras. They did have a room here after all, she'd like to continue using it.

The body drew her attention first. "Damn." She muttered, going to check on it.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

As River approached the body, Jess closed the door quietly, but kept her ear to it, closing her eyes as she listened for anyone in the hall.

The corpse seemed to have no external injuries that River could immediately see, but there was dried blood from the eyes, nose, and mouth, and when Jess came to look as well, content that the hallway was empty, she snorted.

This was a fight between Telekines, can you smell it? Like burnt aluminum in the air... she muttered, and indeed, there was a metallic taste to the air that even River could pick up if she tried, the same kind of smell George had caused when he'd incinerated her phone... which meant Jess had a chance of being half right as well, a Mage could be at work here as well.

This left several possibilities to the Wraithling's mind, that of the Council, of Telekine's killing eachother, which included several entirely unassociated options, and of course, Claire. Claire had never laid claim to any psionic ability, but with a creature of her age, there really was no telling what she was truly capable of, and there was every chance that she was behind this, directly or otherwise.

However, what sealed that Claire had indeed been here, was a very familiar looking pile of sand to the corpses right, near the hand... Her calling card when she destroyed something with her phasing, something River was now understanding as the intense and focused heat turning silicates, like glass, plastic, and the like, into powder by shattering their bonds with the energy. Sometimes it left a scorching burnt hole... but other times, times she could remember during their first meeting, and the battle that had ensued, where a more scalpel like technique had caused the same reaction... Whatever she had done, it had carried enough energy to not only atomize what had been here to a degree, but melt, and then Rebreak whatever it had been back into sand... that was a terrifying thought on it's own, and even more unnerving... this was information that River wouldn't have pieced together on her own before... She'd picked all this up somewhere.

Deep, very deep within the back of her mind, a part of her smiled...
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"All of this could have been Claire's doing, and that bit definitely was." River said, pointing as the pile of sand, most likely the last remains of some unfortunate. "Don't see anything that points us towards where she went yet, but let's look around."

The wraithling spent a moment to check the body's pockets, then moved on to the rest of the room, looking for some indication of where the ancient kitsune had gone.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

A quick search of the pockets brought up a billfold full of cash, and if she knew anything about Italian money, she'd figure out the amount which looked rather considerable, but no I.D. However, tucked into one of sleeves was a small silver key, and a receipt for some place called the Cavern.

Jess spent the brunt of her time scouring the drawers, and coming up with bupkiss.

This place is clean, apart from the bodies, not even a bible in the desk. Apart from a missing pillow, this place was completely emptied, or never had anything to begin with.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"Missing pillow, eh? Dead guy had a key and a receipt for some place called 'The Cavern'. Some cash. You don't leave fingerprints, right? I'll wipe my own off this guy, and we'll back off. Wait, better idea, I'll just dispose of the body."

They hadn't bothered to turn on the lights, which worked to her advantage, the wraithling quickly depositing the corpse in the darkness, feeding the beings that lived there, then gave the vampire a nod. she dimmed the cameras again for their exit, and they were away.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Body swallowed into the abyss, jess nodded. Nope, don't have any. No vampire does, rather convenient but it's more that the fine lines in my hand become even finer. Still have grip and texture, just nothing that shows up with a dusting. I don't bleed natural oils either. Kind of defeats the purpose. she said as they left, once again without being noticed, interrupted, or bothered.

When they were back to their own room, Jessica flopped onto the bed, before glancing at her bags and then the ceiling. You bring your laptop? Could search for the place on the thing you found.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"Yeah, i had figured it was the natural oils thing. not that you'd be in any database anyways, I'm sure." She answered with a chuckle.

Giving a nod at her question, she floated her bag over from where it lay, grabbing a drink at the same time. The laptop booted quickly, and google was just as fast.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Fired up and ready to go, she was happy she'd leeched the language from the people she'd met so far or this was gonna be impossible.

Google pulled up 100 billion results, like it always did, but using the receipt she was able to narrow it down to a nightclub about 4 miles to the east. The website had it listed with drinks, music, party place, the usual bullshit and it got it's name from being constructed in the basement of an old church.

Apparently mammoth and 95% underground, it was the only place that came up in the area, so the dead man had been there at some point fairly recently.

Jess in the meantime headed off to take a shower, the sound of hot water falling quickly as River got the information. Still, as she sat there with the laptop, she had the urge to just sift through information, with a search engine at the internet at her fingertips, much like a library would seem appealing with all it's books, and before she knew it, there was someone tapping her shoulder, and she didn't even have to guess.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River sighed, giving the slightest glance to see which of her multiple personalities had decided to prod at her this evening. Her bet was on the smart one. And what can I help you with, hmm?" She asked in a wry tone, still hearing the sounds of the shower in the next room.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

I'm bored and my company is very handsy... and she's even more bored then I am. she answered swiftly, perching her head on River's shoulder and looking at the computer.

I mean, all you ever do on these things is play games, there's so much more here.

Who wouldn't be bored? We drove or flew, All day. We finally get done moving and the first thing we do is look at a body! Not to mention other places we COULD go are so hostile that we don't dare... Her third persona chirped from further back in the room, reclining on the bed, hands behind her head.

I mean, Seriously! look at that thing! she continued, pointing to River's left, a black hole spinning slowly on the wall, maybe 5 foot in diameter.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"Oh, that's cute. Am I hallucinating now, or just losing control, hmm?" She asked sarcastically, getting up and off her seat, offering it to her booky personality. "Have at it, just don't start browsing porn or nothing. may as well wreck my old one for that stuff." She said, moving up to examine the black hole.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

If I had to guess, something of both, I rightfully don't know. her demon side said, while the bookworm lunged at the laptop, hands flying across the keyboard.

Examining the hole, the material was familiar, it was like her own shadows, or the voids, and as she drew nearer, it seemed to raise, like water caught mid splash, tendrils reaching out for her blindly. If she stepped back, they sank back into the pool.

It was peculiar to be certain, and every chance it led exactly where she thought it did, but it was also outside of her direct influence.

Didn't do that when I got near it... Not fair.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"Considering we're the same person, it kind of did." River shot back, sticking her tongue out at her demonic half lounging on the bed. "If I'm not back before Jess finished her shower, try not to creep her out too much." She said jokingly, taking a few step back, then diving through the portal. The other wraiths did say there would be tests soon, she saw no reason in making them wait, if it would calm the darkness down.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Her other self stuck her tongue out in response, but River could see her tail snaking it's way towards the bookworm, neither of these persona's she'd bother to name, simply assigning them labels as Demon and Bookworm so far.

Diving into the pool, it was like hitting a pool of mud, thick, and clinging, more accurately grabbing. In the Darkness, tendrils curling around her limbs and midriff, there was a pause, before a sudden wrenching jerk literally threw her into the void, maybe 100 feet up in front of the real thing.

It was itself that was holding her aloft, and a short plummet later, it set her on the ground, the landscape as striking as she remembered, home, but alien.

Set within a large circle of black glass obelisks that towered over her, the creature seemed to compress, before a twisting cloak and pulled cowl obscured a vaguely humanoid figure. An Illusion, to make Conversation easier on your mind. it said, it's voice echoing all around her, despite what was clearly a whisper, the sound tugging at her now nude form.