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Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

celine's words were really something than the slimegirl dont expect to heard. Oh... i never expected than you need all that to survive, ussually anyone living here dont need to protect from a cold in this warm swamp filled with food and any creature will only use a healty woman like you as a breeder or to sattle their needs, but if you hurt them the enough they could make you wish to be killed.

Anyway, im not so hungry now and you looks to be in a hurry.
Maybe i should leave you now. Amy looks to be ready to just rest again on the floor and wait for her new prey
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Well thanks for the warning at least," Celine told Amy. Then as she was about to just get dressed and leave, a thought crossed her mind, she thought that maybe this girl might be able to tell her a little more than Myrtle had about the area.
"Hey before I go, do you know what all there is worth finding on this mountain?" She asked.

After listening to Amy's answer, she would finish getting herself cleaned up before getting dressed again. Once she was done, Celine started on back up the mountain trail, keeping an eye out for anything worth while. Her next move depended on if Amy told her if she knew about something worth finding on the mountain. If Amy didn't know anything however, then Celine would simply continue on the path she had been on.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

You are welcome... Said as she stay looking the elf as she get dressed, but once she end the blonde girl ask to Amy something more Sure, there should be something there as many humans come from there, but it looks like something happened there as i has dont had seen too much come here like before, it would be nice if you check that for me. The slimegirl just wave and start to turn into a transparent pool again.

Celine continue her path once she get ready. She was close the end of the swamp when she noticed a rag panty on the floor and around it was some dry cum drops than looks to dont help her too much to identify where the guilty of this could be. She was surrounded by small trees and two huge rocks some feets away of the road, there was a clear place on her left side.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

After waving bye to Amy, Celine continued on the path, deciding to do as Amy had asked of her as she went and find out what happened on the mountain.

After a while, Celine came to the end of the swamp and she noticed on the ground in front of her a pair of panties with some spots of dried cum around where they lay. Celine saw a small path to her left off of the main road. She decided to follow it to maybe find out what had happened here, keeping her eyes open for anyone that might be in need of help.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Once the elf walk to the clear she noticed a black haired girl pleasuring herself close a rock and a melted backpack. She looks to dont be able to notice when Celine get close her. She have a long straigh hair than looks to be able to reach her toes, she dress a strange purple bikini armor who looks to give her free access to her body and bellow her she have a pool of her own juices. She looks to be a human and there looks to not be any close monster.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine followed the side path a ways and eventually came upon a young woman with very long black hair pleasuring herself next to a rock. She had a melted backpack beside her on the ground, and she didn't seem to have noticed Celine as of yet. Celine noticed that she had a strange purple bikini on that gave her free access to her body and she had a puddle of her own juices on the ground at her feet. Upon a closer look, Celine was able to see that the girl was human, and she also saw no monsters close by either.

Celine stood there for only a moment more before moving to aid the poor girl, as her mother (in real life) had always taught her to help those in need, and this poor girl seemed to fit the description of someone in need. Though her mother never told her not to be cautious when helping anyone, so Celine decided to try and be extra careful as she moved in, not knowing what might happen when she reached the girl or what might be lurking nearby.

"H-Hey... miss... are you okay? Come on snap out of it," Celine asked as she cautiously stepped closer, moving in to try and snap the girl out of the sexual frenzy she seemed to be in.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

The girl dont stop to pleasure herself, her fingers and hands move in a continuos circle. Yet still she slowly turn to Celine and with a plead tone answer. H-help...please! Need to cum...

it dont let me cum... ahhh... please make it stop!

Nooooo, i cant resist more... im so hungry... f-fuck me... please fuck me

The girl shake her head as she slowly spread her legs in front of Celine, but she looks to dont stop to masturbate herself, her attempts to control her body looks to be futile and she looks to had been here for a long time. She arch her body with her hands moving like mad stroking her lower lips and breasts.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine watched the girl continue to pleasure herself as she spoke, seemingly unable to stop for some reason. The girl pleaded with Celine to help her. saying that it wouldn't let her cum and to please make it stop. So after being asked for help like that, Celine simply couldn't say no, so she tried to help the girl.

"W-What is it? What's causing you to not be able to cum? Is it this bikini?" Celine asked as she reached over to grab the bikini, figuring that it was a monster of some sort, in which case she would tug it loose from the girl and impale it on her sword.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine attempts to remove the bikini mail were unsucseful, she had to push harder to remove the upper piece, this cause the girl to calm a little. However she continue pleasuring herself.

R-run... thats not...mhmmm...

Before she could end something invisible looks to had muffed her, but there were not sign than could help Celine to detect the guilty of all this until suddenly she spot some fine invisible strings than connect the bikini armor to something bellow the young woman who continue masturbating herself resting close the rock.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

When Celine removed the bikini top, the girl seemed to calm down a little, but continued pleasuring herself. The girl tried to warn her about something, but was muffled by something that Celine couldn't see. As Celine was looking for whatever had caused that, she spotted the almost invisible strings and she drew her sword and swung it at the strings, then after that, Celine would try to pull the girl away from where she was back to the road, while still keeping her sword drawn in case something was lurking nearby.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Once the young elf cut the strings, the area around her get in a complete silence. The birds and all the animals looks to hide by the sudden action, but this dont stop the blonde girl to try to push the poor girl out of that place. However once she start to move her, Celine notice than something heavy was grappling her and before could notice it a bunch of hairs were shoot at her coming from the rock behind the black haired woman.

Monster attack first

Monster hit upper clothes

Armored girl is still unable to defend herself.

Celine 5/5 3/4 -1 attack slightly grappled

In an instant she feel them hit her clothes and push her away, before the earth start to shake and the strange rock start to move toward her. The monster have a height of 9 feet and 8 wide, with a rock armor who looks to immobilize it a little as he crawl using a bunch of too many tendrils like hair, the creature see her with two red eyes close a huge mouth below all that heavy body than slowly carry the black haired girl close it.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine cut the strings and began pulling the girl away from the clearing she was in, then everything got quiet. Celine continued pulling the girl to safety, but she didn't get very far before noticing something large and heavy was grappling her too. She saw the rock begin to move and a bunch of strings came shooting out at her from the rock.

"What the hell, AHH!" Celine said, yelping as she was knocked back.

Celine saw the rock monster or whatever was easily 9 feet tall and 8 feet wide, with a rocky armor around it that seemed to slow it down considerably while it used its little tendrils to move itself. The creature looked at her with to large red eyes and she saw it start pulling the black haired girl towards its large gaping mouth.

"Hey, let her go!" Celine shouted at the creature before trying to free herself and then cutting at the tendrils holding and pulling the other girl, trying to free her so that she could help her fight whatever this thing was.
"Hang on miss, I'll try and get you free."
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine fail

Monster hit lower area

Celine 2/3 LA 3/4UA 5/5FP -1 Attack -1 all rolls

The monster looks to dont let her free herself and from its lower area it shoot more tendrils to trap her even more, at least this had make him stop to push the black haired girl to her mouth and now Celine looks to be his target. She could feel how the fine hairs wrap in her lower area slowly pressing her legs to reduce her moves when they pull her toward the creature.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine's sword swing wasn't able to free her from the creature, but it did at least seem to stop it from pulling the girl she was trying to save any closer. The creature now seemed to be more focused on her, which hopefully would give the other girl time enough to get free.

"Come on, try and get free miss, don't make me trying to save you be in vain... FIGHT!" Celine said, finishing with a war cry as she struggled to get free.

Celine hacked at the tendrils holding her again, not about to give up and let this creature eat her... rape her... or whatever it planned on doing to her. Then if she was able to get free, she would try to free the girl again. If she was able to free both of them, then she would grab the girl and they would try to run as far from this thing as they could.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine escape

monster hit lower area

girl looks to be very tired or grappled.

Celine free girl

Monster fail

Girl get up

Celine1/3LA -1 grappled

With her skilled sword Celine free herself and run to aid the girl who try to struggle in vain to get free of the strange tendrils, as she remain on the floor with her under armor still on her Celine avoid as many tentacle hairs as she could and after an instant she reach to get close the side of the grappled girl, she cut the tendrils and help her to get up. Now both could get free, bus Celine notice a pair of tendrils on her left leg and the other girl looks to be very tired to help her too much in the battle
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine struggled around with the creature for a few tense moments, but was able to get free in the end, she was also able to free the girl, who seemed very tired and worn out. Celine was about to grab the girl and drag her away if she had to as they made an attempt to flee, but suddenly a could of the small tendrils managed to snag onto her left ankle.

Celine swung her sword and hacked at them in an attempt to break free, then she would pull the girl away from the creature enough for them to flee back to the road. If they were successful in their flight from the creature, provided they get far enough away to keep it from following them, then Celine would take a drink from her water skin and then offer it to the girl she saved.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Damn dices, i will skip all the escapes and grapples

A rain of tendrils and sword slashes continue for a time, Celine could see her underclothes been destroyed and taken from the many attempts of the creature to take them, but at the end she manage to escape with the other girl, even when she only have her top shirt and nothing at her lower body.

Once in a possible safe place, Celine let the girl rest at the shadow of a tree, she give a soft thanks and drink nearly half the bottle, she looks to dont get scared to still wear the completely wet lower bikini armor. She just stay resting looking the points of her hair and then turn to the blonde girl in a confused tone. Thanks for save me. Do you know what day is today?
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"You're welcome miss... and no I'm no really sure what today is sorry," Celine replied while the girl got another drink of water.

Celine set her pack down for a minute and rummaged around in it to see if she could find some extra clothing for the both of them, hopefully she'd have something that could cover her lower body so the poor girl didn't have to see her member hanging out and maybe get scared because of it.

"What was that thing anyway?" Celine asked while she was bent over looking in her pack for some extra clothes, which was likely giving the black haired girl a very nice view of her shapely ass and most likely giving her a fine view of her penis also.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

In her backpack Celine notice a set of clothes like the one she was wearing and a pair of rags than maybe Myrtle place before she leave. The woman looks to dont be so worried about see the extra member in meddle of the elf legs, maybe she was really tired and confused to get focused in these details.

Not was until the blonde elf moves to take the clothes than the girl notice something weird behind the blonde ponytail and elf rear side. Uhm... i dunno, that thing was huge. I can only remember to see this armor before feel a funny feeling daze my mind when i dress it and before that all is so...blurry, im sure than i was not alone, but i cant remember more The girl press her forehead and frown, no doubt than she have a headache now.

I havent see someone like you... Are you a hmm ... an elf? do you live in this place? The girl looks to be really affected after what happened to her and she dont looks to be a fist fighter or martial artist, but maybe she could find a way to defend herself.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine found an extra set of clothes like the ones she'd been wearing and some rags, "Myrtle must have put these in here before I left," Celine mumbled to herself.

"If it's too much for you then don't try to remember what all happened, sometimes its better to forget certain things," Celine told the girl, then Celine moved to pull the strange bikini off of the girl.
"If it's making you feel funny, then you shouldn't wear this thing. Here I've got some extra clothes you can borrow for now."

If the girl allowed Celine to remove the bikini, then she would hand her the other set of clothes and get her gear back in order before getting ready to set out again.

"I'm an elf yes, and I supposed you could say I live around here, over that way. I live with a friend," Celine replied to the girl's questions, pointing towards where she had stayed at with Myrtle.
"You can call me Celine. What's your name? And do you need a place to rest? If so I could take you to where me and my friend Myrtle live so you can rest a while."

If the girl decided to go to Celine's and Myrtle's little home, then she would take her back there and rest a little herself.