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Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

The Sucubi turn to Celine a little half sleepy and give a little smile before answer. Good morning Celine, after a while i was getting worried about the chance than you could need some days of rest after all that sex.

She then turn pointing to where the two girls were continualy raped. Oh that!? There is a good reason for do it, let me explain it and say what whappened as you were enjoining yourself.

The fight was really hard and i was wunded a little, Slimy and the big one too, but after a while we manage to beat the remain two and take the girls before run away of there, some monsters were returning just when we hide at a tunnel, sorry for hit you but we dont had the time to deal with you. That mold who you get from the cave are diminute monster spores, they are in some point smart and take the host body after a while for what i had noticed with these two girls and you. Slimy and the big plant had been tryin to take care of them but they are so deep inside these two, i tried to control them but once they had turned you into a sex mindless girl they are very stubborn so i cant take them away, it could take a while before they get better if that work, but im not completely sure if they will be fine.

Aisha take a moment and sigh before sit and draw something at her side. Maybe this is not important for you, but we heard from the succubus tanned one than the strange humanoids had taken a girl with a relic in her neck and she was asking for help someone, unfortunately the succubus get uncouncious before end so its the only info than i get. Are you fine now? We have already many persons here and we could lost all if they beat us.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine watched Aisha sleepily smile at her as she spoke, giving her a good morning greeting and explaining what had happened after she'd basically lost all hold of her sanity and allowed anything to fuck her that wanted to. She listened to Aisha tell her why the two were still being raped in front of them, that she'd been a little wounded, which worried Celine a bit and prompted her to ask Aisha if she were alright. Then when Aisha got to where they fled after more monsters showed up, with Slimy and the big plant carrying the girls all away to safety in a side tunnel, and that she was the one that knocked her out, Celine sighed in relief.

"I'm glad you knocked me out Aisha, or else I might not have been able to come with you and would have stayed there and let them have me. I'm not angry for you doing so, thank you," Celine said to Aisha, thanking her for helping her and getting them all out of there.

When she heard what the mold had done to her, she looked a little shaken, remembering what it had done to her. She didn't like it one bit, despite the fact she felt amazing with it having taken over her body pretty much. She also was worried for these two poor girls and hoped that they could help them. When Aisha told her about what the dark skinned succubus told her about another human like girl with some sort of relic on her neck asking for help, Celine's interest was piqued quite a bit, as this girl may need their help and she may help them if they could find her.

"W-We need to find out more about this girl, she may need our help Aisha, and if she's got some sort of relic then it could be useful for us. And yeah I think I'll be alright now Aisha, thank you. Have Jelly and your other minion come back yet? If so then let's go ahead and start making our way out, and hopefully this succubus here will wake up and tell us what exactly we need to know. Also do you have any way of waking her back up for just a few minutes while we ask her about it?" Celine said after Aisha was through explaining what all had happened.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

We had going so deep inside the cave already, Miss Celine. If they had manage to get any captive, then it will be hard for them find us without had to fight any other creature who try to take the gilrs than they have, so is more possible than they are waiting us close the entrace tunnel. Aisha get up and turn where the girls who had been already saved were resting. I could giive her some of my energy to her but i will be tired to fight at the next fight, as she maybe will need a huge quantity to wake up instantly

You are forgeting about me, i was there to. Said Veronice who decide to stay at her place a little away of the others two. The relic girl is not so important, but she was taking us to where we found these foes. For my point of view that was just a cute collar like the one than you are holding yet a little different

There are a lot of magic collars and old artifacts of that type, anyone would not know at the first sight, you need an experimented person in that topic to know The succubi answer and then moved toward where the tanned succubus was resting.

Maybe it would work be better if you penetrate her, Celine, but you will end exhausted, so let me this. Aisha first take a little drop of the substance over the girl skin and taste it until decide to start to cast an spell on her. Heh were you expecting than i had sex with her, Miss Celine? the purple haired succubi said before giggle. Then lend some of her power to the succubi and get up yawning. If only were safe to use the new minnion. Oh yes, i forget to say than we earned a new partner, but he is dangerous as he birth that spore mold from his body.

The tanned succubi take some minutes but the smell cum and her new energy make her open weakly her eyes. W...where im?

Greetings, dont worry we are hidden from all the creatures, so for now rest and answer some of our questions.

Oh yes. i remember you. You are Aisha, right? Celine and Aisha ask her about the girl but she shake her head before answer. She call us to find someone and after walk across the forest we found these strange creatures, we fight and lost, then they take us here and i saw how they take the relic girl and the leaders upstair as they leave us here sealed of ours powes and unharmed to breed more minions.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"I understand Aisha, don't give her too much of your energy, because we'll need you to be able to fight after all. If you end up giving too much then I don't mind lending you some of my energy so you can keep fighting," Celine told Aisha, letting her companion know she was willing to do whatever was necessary for them to get out of there alive and without being turned into mindless sex slaves.

She listened to Veronica speaking about seeing the girl herself, and then Aisha debating with her about what the girl had been carrying to be a collar or some sort of magical artifact. From what Aisha had told her though, Celine was just so sure that finding this girl would mean saving a lot of the captives that were taken before, and that was something they needed to do. She watched Aisha perform her spell on the other succubus, offering to have sex with her in order to give her energy enough to wake up, but she let Aisha do her spell instead. "Yeah kind of, considering you told me I'd have to and all, and I figured you'd make him your minion as well, just tell him to make sure he doesn't get those spores on me, or else I won't be able to fight," Celine said with a giggle about Aisha's question, unable to keep from doing so, and then warned Aisha about her new minion, not wanting a repeat of earlier with the mold spores.

Celine watched the tanned succubus awaken after a few minutes, asking where she was, where Aisha answered her and asked her to answer their questions. The tanned succubus then explained to them what she knew of the human girl with the relic, and the more Celine learned about it, the more she grew worried. "The leaders of your troops miss? Is that who was taken upstairs? Do you think you can show us where? I mean because if there are some of the troop leaders of the great mistress trapped here, then we have to save them, them being captured could be a big threat to the great mistress if they are forced to talk," Celine said, giving her opinion to he others and believing that it was the right thing to do, and thinking that they would probably have to go that way in order to get out of this place in any case. "Are all of your minions here Aisha? I have a feeling that we'll need all of them in order to win a fight and save everyone here, including the ones upstairs. So unless you all think we should try and get out first and then come back, I believe this to be the best course of action, as it'll give us more possible fighters that we can use to get out, and take out that many more of our enemies in the process. Also miss, can you fight? If you need some more energy then I'm willing to lend you some of my own so you can help us out some," Celine added, first to Aisha, then to the tanned succubus, hoping to gain another possible fighter in this fight that was sure to be hard as hell. Then Celine turned to Veronica and with a serious look, asked, "Do you think you could fight yet as well Veronica? I'm sure any help you could give us would be useful."

Once she had her answers from them all, Celine would look to Aisha. "Aisha, do you think we could win a fight upstairs? If not, then I want you to take everyone else and go. I'll go up there alone and at least try and keep them occupied while you go and get help from the great mistress..." Celine said to Aisha and the others, looking dead serious about this decision. Only If Aisha did decided to take the others and leave would Celine then tearfully look at her, saying, "Tell the great mistress and Triny something for me... tell them that... tell them that I love them with all my heart, but that I can't let these poor people remain here without at least trying to save them. And... tell them I'm sorry for making them worry about me so much."
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Dont worry, after domesticated him, he will not try do place his mold on you, but he will be nable to evit it if you want to have a private time with him~ The succubi add, as she wonder how much time her minions will take to heal the girls and start to pamper her.

The time passed and a plan was needed once Celine start to get worried for the troop leaders traped there. Some of the troop leaders at least, we werent more of 30 under theirs command, but only some of us were captures as others manage to retreat. i exactly dont know where they are at the moment, but they certainly are above us, maybe the strange creatures have a hideout in this cave. Celine worry words about what they should do now reach the ears of the awakened girls close her and the elf receive theirs answers. I could try to fight but they are really strong, a huge party will only make them notice us and beat us all. The tanned succubus say first.

We must not waste more time here, the great mistress could be already in danger veronica add, before Aisha shake her head. The great mistress is well protected, we must trust on the little mistress and the others, they should have all in order.

The three talk a little more and finally Aisha decide to take them to the castle, yet Celine tears and words were so harsh to let her completely alone.

Miss Celine, you dont have to do this, you have your daughters and lovers, please return with us then we and the new troops will have a chance against what we find. Aisha tried to persuade her to leave all the traped girls for the moment but Celine dont desist and at the end Aisha just give up. Fine, first come with us to where the others should be, im worried for Jelly and Roundy.

The plant trap had a hard time moving with all the others inside him, Slimy remain inside raping the two white skinned girls and all feel the narrow paths as the green walls get closer to manage to pass, finally they reach the place hwere Jelly has get inside the underwater river, there they notice the black orb getting out of a little hole and front there Jelly and others 6 tired girls get out.

From that point Aisha turn to Celine and sigh before call for slimy. I will try to return soon with help, try to stay safe and undetected until we return. Using slimy as disguise will maybe only helpyou for a moment so dont be coinfident and dont let them notice you, do you want another of my minions?

Celine could choice between Jelly, Roundy and the mold creature, each of them havind different skills than could help her to survive alone until the mistress bring help. The bunch of girls leave, with only Aisha, Veronica and the tanned girl being able to move, Celine could notice than no one of them except Aisha could really fight in a battle, so even with all the minions could be a suicide go to fight without additional help.

After decide who take, Celine must choice between go upstair or continue looking for more survivors inside this cave.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Well that's good to hear at least, I'd hate for him to hit me even by accident, because I remember what happened last time that stuff got on me," Celine said, shuddering a bit.


They tried to decide on a plan of action, with her first listening to the tanned succubus speak, giving her some more information about the situation at hand, learning that it was only some of the troop leaders and not all of them, and there were only thirty or so of them in the first place that were under their command. She agreed with the tanned succubus' own worries about a larger party would only make them be noticed faster as well.

When she heard Veronica say her two cents worth, about Vanessa maybe being in danger, she shook her head along with Aisha, saying what the succubus said right along with her pretty much. After much more debate and after Celine told what she was willing to do while they escaped and got help when Aisha had decided to head back to Vanessa's palace, Celine pulled Aisha into a hug for her kind words.

"Thank you Aisha, for trying to persuade me otherwise, but I can't in good conscience leave these poor girls here to suffer like they are, I wouldn't be the great mistress's personal servant if I left her followers behind while she can't help them herself. But we'll see what's happened with Jelly and Roundy first before I make any true final decision okay," Celine said to Aisha after releasing her from the hug while the plant minion began moving along again with them all inside, it's mass barely able to contain them all now.

A short while later they got to where Jelly and Roundy had parted ways with them, and found that they had rescued six more girls themselves. Celine couldn't help but smile as she hopped down and placed a kiss on both of them, promising them both a chance to have sex with her later for saving these poor girls as a reward from her. Then she made the final decision on staying, knowing that there were six less girls trapped in here, and two more of Aisha's minions to help once more. When Aisha told her she was sending Slimy with her and that she could choose another of her minions to send too, Celine smiled and gently caressed her slimy face, planting a kiss on her cheek afterwards, as she had gotten rather fond of Slimy since coming into this place and all. "I know Aisha, we'll be careful, so don't worry about us too much. Just try and hurry back as fast as you can with all the help you can gather. Tell the great mistress herself what's happened if you can, and tell her to please not worry, that this was my decision and that I ordered you to leave without me if you've got to. Just get all of those girls back in one piece okay..." Celine said to Aisha, trailing off as she went over and hugged Veronica and the tanned succubus, wishing them luck on getting back home before turning back to Aisha and doing the same thing. "If you don't mind, which of these three is the best in stealth Aisha? Whoever is or would be the best in stealth would probably be the best to send with me. I'd think Roundy is pretty good at stealth myself, but you would know best, as they're your minions. Also, we'll stay down in and around here for a little while and try to save all the other girls we can first before attempting to go upstairs, dwindle their numbers and all before hitting the main chamber. But if you all aren't back before long then we'll go up and take a peek at least, however if it looks like they won't hold out then we're going to try and save them," Celine added to Aisha while she hugged her and kissed her on the cheek too.

After Aisha chose her stealthiest minion to go with Celine, Celine would follow them towards the exit a ways, to make certain they wouldn't need the extra help to escape the place, then once they had made sure nothing was barring their exit, she would wave bye to them, waiting for them to get well out of sight before heading back down into the dungeon with her two companions to find other captives to free, hoping to actually find more succubi as they seemed to be the most helpful in a place like this considering they were resistant to lust attacks and all.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine had nothing to fear against the mold creature, as Aisha said than he will stay outside the plant trap, as also slimy. All the girls were placed inside the big plant and when they found the others they were placed there too.

Correct, he is the best among the three who can pass without get noticed, also Roundy know a part of the caves than we havent seen, he is also a creature of this place, try to let Slimy talk between the two and stay hidden, he will follow your orders but remember than he cant completely understand you. Good luck Miss Celine, we will return soon. Aisha said before return the hug and then get inside the trap creature who looks like still be busy using the two white skinned girls, the others two creatures follow them close Celine until they reach the exit tunnel, all was dark and there was not sound outside, all point than it was more late than midnight. Before take the path to theirs home, Aisha went to gather her mantle and then get inside the creature waving to Celine a last time.

Now with only the two creatures under her control, Celine must decide what to do now, hide inside Slimy will help her to pass more time undetected, but also make a battle more harder unless she find the corect moment of take our her disguise. Now she cant take the underwater river so she can only choice from the three tunnels. The first is where she found all the girls at the nest, maybe there is nothing more and there are more monsters, she could still try to get deep inside the mold tunnels and try to find something than they havent noticed. The second go upstair and the last is a deepdark tunnel, who know what is inside and Celine would be always in danger as she would not know if a monster is close.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"I figured he was the right choice myself, which is why I said what I did. And don't worry, if Slimy can understand me then I can have her translate what I say to him for me," Celine said, patting Roundy softly as he may yet get his chance to get his reward from her before they get back. "And just try to hurry as fast as you can, but don't take undue risks to get back okay. I'd rather you get back with everyone rather than leave any behind just to get back faster to save me," Celine added as she hugged Aisha one last time, as well as Veronica and the tanned succubus too.

Waving bye to Aisha and the others as they traveled out into the dark of night to head back to Vanessa's palace, Celine turned back into the place with Slimy and Roundy under her command for now. She knew they couldn't take the underwater route now, unless they could find air pockets to get some air from along the way that is, but she didn't want to risk that just yet unless she had to, and only if she had Slimy or Roundy one of the two ready to pull her out just in case she couldn't find anywhere to breath from. So that left merely this floor and the upstairs area to explore more of for a while until support arrived, but like Celine had said, if they take too long then she'll attempt a rescue on her own, though she'll likely end up losing in the process, she had to at least try.

Celine decided that to stay incognito for now, she'd hide inside of Slimy until they found something that needed her to be out of her slimy body for, like a fight or them heading out to save someone. Looking down the three tunnels that were still open to her now that she couldn't go into the underwater passageway, she recognized the one that they had already gone down and rescued all of the other girls, the underwater tunnel had already been explored some and girls rescued from down it, and since there were only 30 or so that were attacked to begin with, Celine figured that there would probably only have been about 6 or so down underwater being turned into breeders since not all 30 had been taken and all. She couldn't go upstairs just yet she knew, but she felt a little drawn towards that direction despite knowing this, so that left only the dark passageway, in which she'd have to rely on Slimy and Roundy to guide her, as even with her elven eyes she wasn't able to see hardly at all down it.

"Slimy... Roundy... can you two be my eyes down that tunnel there until we can find some light of some sort?" Celine asked the two, waiting for Slimy to translate for her if need be, and then waiting for a reply to let her know they could or couldn't. If they gave her some sort of acknowledgement to let her know that yes they could lead her down that way until either her eyes adjusted enough for her to see herself, or until they found a source of light to see by, then Celine would pat them both and tell them to lead on after climbing inside of Slimy's form.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Once alone and in need to hide herself, Celine decide to wear Slimy once again, this time the onster embrance her as her female form open to reveal countless of slimy tentacles, some start to wrap the elf limbs and round around them like creepers, each time more join and surround her completely, sliding everywhere and drenching her with her slime until each inch is covered by at least a cape of vines, then more surround her vitals and form a lively hard vine armor with sharp spikes in some places than looks to try to disuade any creature of get closer, her manlike member is out of view as the vains restrain him, yet Celine could feel it slighty hard as the vines surround it everywhere. A warm aura can be feel inside and the Elf could feel the vital signs of the creature, the slime smell more sweet and motherlike looks to embrance her protectively.

With her sword at her side wraped to maintain her ready to use, she walk feeling much better as her feet dont need to feel the cold and dirty floor, instead she looks to have a better friction as each of her foot have some little spikes at the base, her hands move for themselves the first seconds and hug her as a lover, making her slowly feel her new skin and armor without get hurted, she could feel her breasts erected behind that second vine cape who looks like a purple skimpy armor, her lower lips could feel her manlike member surrounded by tentacles over them and pressed softly at her cunt.

After have a relaxing lovely moment feeling both of them, Celine regain her movility and dont have any other strange event, her walk through the tunnels was not lonely and she manage to see some creatures just passing and only turning to them before continue theirs day. Then they reach where the path get divided and after a moment she feel a strange move on slimy and sense a nod at her head, the vines made a vibratin and a noise come of them, what then make the tentacle dark creature nod and touch slimy, soon Celine feel something, maybe the answer at her words, her hand was taken and softly pulled to the inside of the dark tunnel. Just then Celine ntice than the tentacle reature dont have any eye or ear, she could not really understand how this creature could interact with the enviroment until it make her notice than he could feel even the most soft change of the air and some hollow tentacles on the creature body, slimy armor let free some vines and started to feel the place too, making Celine feel each touch beyond she have feeled in her whole life. Cold, dampness, even the air was sended from her tentacles to her skin making her have nearly a six sense. She was unable to really focus to understand all and then she feel a delicious smell coming to the left, as also a salty smell bellow her and continue to the front until an unknown path, the rocks of the left were moved, maybe she could find something useful there and a water noise hitting some rocks bellow made her notice another hole where she could pass, northwest also have smething strange, air moves going faster.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Slipping easily into Slimy's body again, which Slimy helped her to do and all, Celine immediately felt Slimy's tentacles beginning to wrap around all of her limbs and body, their gentle caresses coating her skin in Slimy's slime. Celine watched Slimy reform her body some until she hard sharp spikes fixed to dissuade any foes from attacking her or trying to grab her, and she could feel Slimy's want to protect her just as she could feel Slimy's vital signs, letting her know how her companion was doing at the moment, both of those things bringing a smile to Celine's face.

She noticed her sword was still at her side thankfully even within Slimy's form amazingly enough. Her feet were off of the cold floor of this place and within Slimy's warm form. It was almost as if she was wearing a second skin that substituted as an armor as well. She moved around as best she could to return Slimy's hug, leaning her head down to kiss Slimy just before feeling Slimy's tentacles begin gently prodding at her lower lips and coiling about her member gently. Feeling Slimy caressing her like that made her feel very relaxed and at ease, and she wanted to just melt right there and let her do whatever she wanted to do to her, but they had a job to do and Celine knew that she couldn't just do that, or she'd risk being taken captive along with all of the other poor girls in this place, and that was something she could not do.

Regaining her mobility after her's and Slimy's touching moment, Celine began moving on down the darkened tunnel. Along the way she noticed a few other creatures passing through, barely giving them a glance as they continued along their way about their business. They eventually reached a split in the path where Celine felt Slimy move a little bit, and she could sense a nod in there somehow to let her know Slimy understood her she assumed. Then Roundy moved in and she noticed that he didn't seem to have any eyes or ears with which to see or hear, yet her hand was pulled down the dark tunnel a little ways until she finally realized how Roundy could understand his surroundings. He seemed to be able to feel the vibrations in the very air and Slimy moved her vines around a little, and Celine could suddenly feel this place rather than see it now, it was something wholly new to her and she was unable to really understand it all at the moment, but she knew that it would help her so she decided to go with it for now.

She suddenly smelled a rather delicious smell emanating from her left, a slightly salty smell coming from below her down a hole in the floor, in which she could hear running water, and there was another strange smell coming from the path leading to the northwest of her position. She decided to follow the delicious smell to her left for now, though stealthily creeping along for now so as not to draw attention to them if possible, and she decided to keep quiet for now as well, not risking talking to her companions to give orders, and hoping they'll get the idea that she wanted to go the way she intended on going.

(I'm assuming that the only ways she can go are either down the hole, to the left, or to the northwest. Am I right?)
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

(straight, left, right, down)

Using her new senses, Celine and her group continue walking this time taking the path at her left, as she expect than the sweet scent could lead her safe and easy to the next girl. Her ears start to notice some strange noises coming from that tunnel, there were at least two creatures, resting and giving some growls at Celine and the black slime, they looks to try to maintain anyone away of them, withut being able to see really, Celine could just notice how her mind receive strange signals, as if the static were trying to make pictures, maybe it was the limit of Slimy to bring her an image of what is happening.

The creatures looks like two huge aberration bears, they have a tunnel behind them from where others noises come, the two arent trying to attack yet and their "vision" looks to be really good as they are looking direct yo Celine and the black creature.

Between all the lines Celine can see a hole some feet's away of the place hidden from the bears and close from where she come, there was water running and it could lead to the other side of the tunnel.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

After heading on down that corridor to her left, Celine could smell that sweet smell stronger than before, which she hoped led her towards another girl or two in the process. Soon she heard a couple of strange noises coming from down the tunnel in the direction she was heading, it sounded like growling coming from a pair of creatures, which were growling at Celine and Roundy it seemed. It appeared that they were trying to prevent anyone from getting past them. Celine could see thanks to Slimy's projecting the images of what was around them directly into her mind, which was basically giving her night vision with which to see here, and she had to admit she liked it a lot.

When she glanced back over to the creatures guarding the entrance to the tunnel that was behind them, she noticed that they looked like bears of some sort, and there were other strange noises coming from behind them as they stood guard. Celine didn't see her and her companions being able to fight their way past these things easily, however just then she noticed a hole in the floor a little ways away, with running water in it and thought it could lead them across behind the two bears, but there was probably the risk of something waiting for them in the water. But surely whatever it was they might run into in the water couldn't be stronger than two enormous bears, Celine thought to herself.

"Okay you two, we're gonna check down in that water tunnel below us okay, and see if it'll lead us past those two and behind them, where we can ambush them maybe, or at least check to see if there are any girls behind them in that tunnel," Celine whispered to Slimy and Roundy after leading them back behind cover and away from the two bears.

Once they understood her plan, Celine would lead them over to the hole in the floor where she'd exit Slimy if need be, but stay in if she didn't need to, as Slimy could be her eyes at least, and she also make sure that there was a foot or two above water they could use to breath in before going down into the water tunnel. Assuming it looked safe enough for them to get in to so they could breathe and all while down there, Celine would ease herself down into the water, inside of Slimy to see if she needed to be. Once down in there she would begin searching for a way past the bears in the tunnel above.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

With both feral creatures in front of them, Celine and co get away, looking to the bearlike creatures as they do to avoid any sudden attack. The two monsters remain in place yet ready to fight if needed and then rest on the floor once the newcomers leave.

Once close the hole, Celine can see than she could get inside without take away slimy and she have some space to breath, they get inside the river and soon notice how fast it was when it take them without control, they were pushed for an instant but then a Slimy's tendril grapple a rock, it started to get faster and roundy take her limb, hanging for an instant until it found an exit, it stresh itself until take something from the other side and pull taking Celine and slimy with them.

After recover her breath, Celine thanks to Slimy's vision manage to look around her, she was inside a chamber a distance affar from where the creatures are, a big strange spider like creature rest at a corner, at another room Celine notice a nude woman on the floor licking the floor, at a side a monster is leaving the place and moving away. There were others two passages one going to where looks to be a strange structure and at the other a strong water sound.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Easing on down into the water, Celine found that she wouldn't have to exit Slimy's form just yet and they would have room to breathe, but as they went down, the water's current nearly swept them away before Slimy's tentacles grabbed hold of the rocks and began pulling them towards an exit, with Roundy clinging to Celine's arm with his own tentacles as Slimy held onto the rocks. When Roundy pulled them up and out of the water, Celine heaved a sigh of relief, as she didn't want to know what was down there awaiting them or anything like that.

Once back up top, Celine was thankful for Slimy's giving her the ability to see better down here, as her own eyesight was good, but not that good. After getting up and out of the water, Celine noticed they were in a room further down from the two bear creatures, and in this chamber she noticed a spider like monster in the corner of this room, and she also noticed a naked woman laying on the floor, licking it, while another monster was exiting the room, hopefully where the bear monsters were. She looked around and saw two other pathways leading out of this particular room, and down one she could see a strange looking construct of some sort down one of them, while she could hear the strong sound of moving water.

Celine got Slimy's and Roundy's attention and pointed at the naked woman licking the floor, as if trying to ask them if they could help her without the spider noticing them, but if they couldn't then Celine would try and quietly ask them if the three of them could take the spider thing out quietly and then save the girl, but if they couldn't then she would point them on towards the tunnel with the strange structure down it. If they could save the girl though, whether to fight or not, then Celine would see if Slimy could hold both of them inside as they went, so that Slimy could keep the other girl quiet and from moving around too much.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

The two creatures needed a moment to understand the elf pointing to the woman licking at the floor, the orb turn to her and nodded, also Slimy looks to understand yet of course all was easy for him as he dont had to identify the breeze than Celine make with her hand like the blind black orb needed to understand her. The vine turn her head to a side and she notice from where the creatures had went, if they start a fight they would call the attention of others creatures and if she get out of Slimy to fight she could be in serious danger, so both creatures decide to place her in a safe tactic and just take the girl with them.

The walked stealthy toward them and by miracle werent noticed by that creature at the ceiling, yet they have a worse problem to solve now, the poor girl was completely under the effect of a supernatural lust and dont stop to act like a wild in heat animal, she even just stop to lick the floor until notice than she have others two monsters close her. She giggle lewdly and start to kiss and caress the black orb, nearly tring to provoke the monster to rape her right now. The minor vision than Celine have make her notice than the girl looks to be pregnant or at least filled with eggs, some monsters start to move toward the place and she still have to decide how can she carry this girl out, the woman was full of energy and only using a monster completely will stop her of moan lewdy until call more monsters, also Slimy could try to place her inside her too but would really Celine be able to walk and maybe fight with a completely horny breeder?

Slimy tried it anyway and she opened part of Celine Second skin, there wasnt too much space and it restrain the girl limbs around Celine in a hug with her legs closed at her back and then all get really problematic for Celine, not having other way to put both, the girl lubricated pussy get impaled by the futa member until she was fully secured, her erected lactating breasts were now pressing at Celine aroused ones and her pregnant belly just get more pressed against the elf. The weight of the girl was shared with slimy s Celine would dont need to carry all the weight alone, all thanks to the vines who get inside the girl rear, to stop her moans her mouth get pressed on Celine's lips, ending to secure the poor girl the vines start to wrap the opened parts of the monster until both girls were very tight pressed, both in a perpetual french kiss than the maybe mind broken girl use lustily at Ceine without stop, moving her tongue inside Celine mouth and making the elf taste the substances that she has been tasting all this time what make Celine get slighty more horny and hard pleasuring the girl even more. With each step her dick stroke the girl honeyhole, outside Slimy looks as if she were heavily pregnant with at least 5 childs, but they dont have time to solve this and pressure Celine to move faster, each step was like a arousal torture and before get inside the tunnel with the strange structure she feel as she could not endure more cumming inside the girl as Slimy suck any fluid who fall outside the two girls inside her. The girl started to try to move her hips and her needed hole started to try to eat the manlike member from the elf. With all thsi Celine notice than this was some kind of elevator with some magic runes on a wall, she dont know them but they were 4 different ones. the four making a prism, so there was one above one down and two at the sides.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Moving silently over to the girl as she licked the floor, Celine watched Roundy moving closer to her as her and Slimy kept a watch out for a moment, where Celine and Slimy looked down where the creatures had gone before they came out, as they didn't want to start a fight here, because they would surely lose as Celine couldn't risk getting out of Slimy. Celine was okay with what they decided to do with the girl as Slimy pulled her into her slimy form with Celine, with Celine barely suppressing a sigh as she watched her trying to entice Roundy into raping her some, and Celine also noticed she was very pregnant. As the girl was pulled into Slimy's form with her, Celine noticed some monsters coming down the corridor towards them and she knew they needed to go, so she didn't care how Slimy placed the girl in there with her as the girls was pressed up against her body.

Celine had to suppress a moan as the girl's arms and legs were wrapped around the girl's sopping wet pussy was slipped down over her member, which tightly and hungrily gripped at her meat, which almost instantly rose to attention inside of the girl's tight folds. Celine knew that Slimy couldn't get them inside of her form any other way than she had, so Celine knew that she would simply have to deal with it for now until they could stop long enough to shift positions around some. Celine could feel the girl's body pressing against her own, her round and pregnant belly rubbing against her's while her pert nipples rubbed against Celine's, making them perk up to attention too. Celine made sure to keep her lips pressed against the girl's in a passionate deep kiss so as to make sure she didn't moan and give their position away any, leaving the getting them away from there to Slimy and Roundy to do, as she had to focus on this for now, thankfully though Slimy helped take a little of the weight of the girl off of her by impaling her soft pucker with a vine, holding her up some.

As she walked on, Celine could taste the substance the girl had been licking in the previous room, which served to make her hornier as they went, her member becoming painfully hard now inside of the warm folds gripping her so expertly. Celine wasn't sure how much longer she could hold back her own lust before she started thrusting back into the girl, but she knew that she had to hold out for at least a while until they could get to a quiet place where she could give the girl what she wanted... which was her cock.

Shaking the lust from her head, Celine fought to keep herself from giving in as she walked on, each step almost pleasurable agony as she wanted to stop and just go to town on this girl, filling her pussy with as much of her seed as she could manage, but she managed to keep from that for the moment. When the girl began rocking her hips a bit though, Celine almost lost it, finding herself unconsciously thrusting back into her as she came into what appeared to be a magical elevator of some sort. Seeing what was obviously the controls for it, Celine decided to head down for the moment, thinking that maybe they would find a quiet place to pacify this horny girl some.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Heavily aroused, Celine moved her arm surrounded by slimes and press the lower rune trying to activate it by touch, fotunately it works as she see three creatures moving toward them yet stoping once something start to happen on the elevator room. A shine invade the room and each creature screech by the potent light, making the Elf forget a little about her predictment when she get blinded too. Slowly she blink util she could see again, finding herself in front of a different room. It was a wide corridor who after some feet lead to a huge room, cages with creatures of different kinds remain there, the place is slighty iluminated as Celine could see how Slimy let her see in a normal vision again. Sone creatures are making a loud noise and some of the cages are opened. In that room there are at least 20 of these cages, three opened at the right and 2 at the left. The floor is of a good quality stone without being afected by the subterrain water in any way, the walls and ceiling also looks to had been handmade, yet some parts looks to be a little old. At the distance maybe she could find a door and some of the pillars have some words writted there or at least have some images on them.

As she looks this, Celine still is assaulted by the mindless woman, who press thigh at her making muffing moans and giggles as her folders still try to get the warm man milk from the blonde futa.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine heaved a sigh of relief when she punched the elevator symbol and it activated, a bright shining light washing over the room which pushed the creatures back as well as blinding Celine also. Blinking her eyes after a few moments, Celine's vision returned to her and found that they were in a corridor that led to a large room filled with cages, some of which had creatures in them. She noticed the huge room was illuminated a bit and saw the cages that were open on either side of it. The place looked man made, though it was quite well made by the looks of it, and she saw some sort of words or symbols engraved on the walls.

During this entire time, Celine was a bit distracted by the woman they'd rescued still rocking her hips over her hot hard meat, giggling and moaning as she happily and mindlessly impaling herself upon Celine, trying to milk out all of her seed she could. Celine still wanted so badly to just give in and let this girl go at her for as long as she wanted, but she knew that she couldn't and she needed to focus here, so she attempted to ignore the girl while she went at it and do what she came here for, which was explore the dungeon until help arrived. With this in mind, Celine moved over to the symbols on the wall and attempted to decipher then, while biting her lip a little bit and trying to reach her arms around to hold the girl still and try to get through to her before she couldn't hold herself back any longer.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

The torture never give her a moment to rest, as she fight against her lust toward the pillars, the monsters made more noise, maybe they could smell her sex fluids or see these two new monsters make them get upset as they get inside the room. The mindless girl could feel how Celine get close her limit and continue her hip moves, making the futa reach a deep part inside her hole in fire. The elf manage to see some images, some persons being raped by monsters, then others fighting them and finally a strange race beings between what looks to be powerful nasty monsters yet they can walk and build things. There were more symbols and letters in an strange idiom, but Celine reached her limit and fall at her kness in middle of the room, she wanted to cum badly as her manlike member nearly free her seed inside the already pregnant monstergirl who she havent see yet completely, outside all could see the heavily pregnant vine armored woman fondle herself in silence, her hands pass through her body and caress the monstergirl back before take her and thrust deep and stronger in a wild state, all these moves were ordered by the wild Celine who cant resist it more, in a frenzy she try to cum as fast as possible until she feel it come, glad she prepare but then she feel something around her member base, limy thin tendrils had made a knot on her rod and slowly slide and cover her dick completely.

All the sex has placed Slimy out of control and soon her tendrils start to pleasure both girls, getting deep inside the woman intestines,, Celine holes soon are used like that one, making a knot at her clit and then after grople theirs breasts, Slimy tie them the right Celine Niple with the monstergirl's left one, a large vine pass in middle of both and use the girls breasts to pleasure it, pulling the breasts as it does, the hollow small vines start to get inside the pregnant girls udders and soon start to suck the fluids as also theirs lower holes, more vines caress theirs hands, legs, forearms, shoulders and backside. All this time Slimy pleasure herself without notice than something is coming, with only a little of her will, Celine must decide what to do now, Roundy try to pull them toward a prison celling, but which one would be the best to choice.

Without not too much time to decide or see, Celine see one with a tunnel like window, maybe not so big to take them all to the other side and the ones who cause the noises could detect them. Two more are in a dark corner, the left one have blood at the entrance. She also could take the two rooms in middle of the cell beasts and also try to reach the elevator, yet it was really far to try it.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

As they went on, Celine could feel her member trembling within the girl's tight wet folds, which were squeezing her expertly as she tried to milk Celine's seed from her loins. While she was trying desperately to stave off her quickly coming orgasm, Celine saw all of the different symbols on the wall, but she didn't know what they meant. However before she could even make an attempt at trying to figure them out, she fell to her knees, which made Slimy do the same. Once on her knees, she wrapped her arms around the girl, which moved Slimy's arms around her own large belly, where Celine then started thrusting back into the girl's tight warm folds, hoping to find her release as she couldn't hold back any longer.

Soon, Celine felt herself about to blow, and just as she felt her seed about to spurt out of her, she felt one of Slimy's tentacles wrap around her cock at the base of it where it squeezed her and prevented her from cumming. When this happened, Celine nearly cried out in frustration, but she caught herself just in time and pursed her lips, merely giving off muffled moans as she pulled the girl into another deep kiss to keep her from moaning out loud as well. Soon though she felt overwhelming pleasure as Slimy began teasing both her and the other girl at the same time, with Celine's mind nearly giving in completely, because she wanted to cum so badly. After a few moments, with Slimy going out of control on them, Celine tried to hold it together as some monsters were coming towards her, and she also noticed Roundy trying to pull them along desperately, trying to keep them safe.

Celine quickly glanced at her choices, and decided on the cell that had blood in front of it, hoping that would mask the smell of sex that obviously had to surround them to draw the attention they were getting. She forced Slimy to stop and got back up, letting herself cum in the process if need be, but ordering Slimy to take them into the bloody cell, and having Roundy pull them along if need be, because she couldn't allow them to be taken now.