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Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Oh, is good to heard than you loved when you turned into a fully woman, but unfortunately after some more weeks here at my side, you certainly will remember that as just a child game~ Said her mistress with a lewd proud tone, very sure to do what she has just said.

Vanessa then softly give a last rub on Celine before she give her hand and walk at her side. I will love to heard more about your home, but im most needed to learn about you, each secret, what you like and dislike, so i can make my servants help me to make this place more lovely for you.


She decided to have the babies, it was her choice that time, even if both of you dont think about what will happen after she give birth to them, but fine lets talk about this later The nekos looks to dont give any place to Celine sugestion or naggings, but fortunately the leader is the one to decide this.


The four women remain waiting for Slimy to get used to her new body, she even lick and suck her fingers and vines to taste herself, caressing her body to sense herself, however Celine notice than Slimy could pull out a vine for her palm and then after a time store it inside her hand again, making the hole at her hand get closed. Slimy continue making experiments with the girl body, from moving her fingers to display vines from many places at her body, it looks like the girl dont feel any pain, but when she start to caress her pleasure points, these looks to make her softly get aroused until the point of make her give some little moans.

Ehm.... when we will get the meat? The pink answer to Celine.

Soon, we could go to eat, before all of you go out to that dangerous cave.

Hmm... ahm, what is that girl? Its really creppy and im started to shiver each time than she get out the green tentacles from her.

What girl....

That one. The silver neko pointed to Slimy and the pink one remain looking confused until more tentacles start to massage the monstergirl body. Nyaaaaaaaaaa, a... a monster!

Please dont be rude, she is a kind girl for what Aisha said me, before she get placed in her new room.

The two nekos turn to the Mistress dont looking to be completely glad with the answer.

Well, i dont had been with her too much time, so please even then be gentle and call her... Slimy.


Really, what is she? The nekos ask again turning to both, as Slimy get close to them, as she looks to had noticed than Celine was there.

Celine, look... me. Slimy manage to say after some tries with her vines like tongue out, but this time Celine understand her now without the tentacle at her mouth.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Oh? Well I don't think I can ever forget that experience honestly, I mean it was my first time in any sense of the word, so it's likely that I won't ever forget it at all. But that doesn't mean it's my best experience though, my best experiences so far have been with you and Triny my love," Celine replied to Vanessa, caressing her beloved's cheek as she spoke. "Well there are plenty of things I like and dislike, firstly I dislike slavery in any sense of the word, unless it's just for play with the sex slavery bit. I mean I understand that's how you get your reinforcements and all, but there are other better ways to go about it I'm sure. Other things that could make this place better for my kind would be more sunlight coming inside from anywhere really, because we elves love the sun and nature, and don't like staying cooped up inside all the time behind stone walls. If... if you'd like to know why we abhor slavery it's because we were once enslaved ourselves and managed to overthrow our slavers and build ourselves a powerful, peaceful, and beautiful home," Celine went on to say to Vanessa, stating a few of the dislikes she had and why she had them.

"Some of the things I do like around here though is that there are many strong people, whether they are demons, devils, or anything besides. I also like the gardens you have, and the fact that this place is so deep in the forests and a bit out of the way. Though I do wish there were more of my kind around for me to talk to," Celine said, stating a couple of things she did like about the place.


"Yeah Slimy here is relatively harmless in general, but sometimes she can get a bit rowdy when she's really needy. If it comes to that just let me handle it and back off and she shouldn't try and grab you. Other than that though she is a... plant monster girl I think... I'm not entirely sure myself, I'd have to ask Aisha again. But anyway she's a good girl, she won't hurt you," Celine said to the pair of neko's who looked a bit scared of Slimy, trying to ease their fears about her monster girl friend.

When Slimy spoke to her, Celine's eyes went a little wide, as she didn't expect it to be honest. "Hey there Slimy, I see you. You look beautiful I think," Celine said to Slimy, moving over and hugging her, pecking her on the cheek.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Of course than you will dont forget it, dear. I will just make your mind get filled of better lewd memories. Vanessa said returning the foreplay to her lover, but hearing her tastes, not looking herself so amazed but happy I really sorry for your people Celine, i understand now why all of you hate slavery. However, this continent have many worse things than slavery, i really want to find other way, but even if we found it, nearly all the breeders at the room will not accept other live. I could make this castle get more illuminated, but i made this place my home, as this ill all theeds of my followers and many of ours allies preffer the night and walls to defend themselves. About the native elves, we have a few dark ones yet they are a little quiet [color]


So a plantgirl, we had many around our home, but nobody looks like her and some are kinds as others a pest to our people The two nekos remain looking at Slimy, as Celine get closer. Thanks... but now i will be unable to defend you like before... we cant get separed... she will die if that happen .

The mistress then ask to Slimy about the girl memories, but she cant get them yet, Celine stomach sddenly ask for food and then the nekos ask for their meat as they take the distance from Slimy.

"giggle" Fine, lets go to eat, but where all want to eat? at my room or the dinningroom? Also, i need to take your collar Celine Vanessa said and then get close her to remove it, making the elf feels more unprotected and nude than before, she looks to had get used to it.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine listened to Vanessa speaking of how their continent had worse things on it than slavery, but that didn't make her feel much better about there being slavery period really. Then when Vanessa got to the part of where most if not all of her followers preferred the night and darkness within the walls, her heart sunk a little further on getting anything that she wanted to brighten her own experience in this place. She did perk up a bit though when Vanessa spoke of there being dark elves there, which she hadn't seen any of before now really.

"(Sigh)... I suppose then that I should get used to it being so dark in this place," Celine said sadly, a slightly saddened look on her face, but she quickly changed it into a smile to try and not make Vanessa worry so much about her. "And there isn't much worse than slavery Vanessa, most of my people would rather die than be enslaved, because at least then their souls can be free. I understand though about most of the women here that are already breeders probably not wanting to do anything else, but they should still be given the choice I believe before they are thrust into it at all, or they should only be in there for just long enough for them to become pregnant of their own free will to bolster the ranks, so in that way they can still fight as well if need be to help protect the palace here. That's what I would do anyway," Celine added, shrugging her shoulders about the breeder women in here. She was offering another way to Vanessa, but from the sounds of it she doubted that Vanessa would see things her way on that matter just yet, but she still had to try at least.


glancing over at the neko's as they spoke of plantgirls around their homelands and smiling at them, she then looked on at Slimy as she replied to Celine. "That's sad, but... as long as you're okay with it then it's for the best I think. And don't worry about protecting me as much this time around Slimy, I need to get stronger in any case, so this time it may very well be me protecting you instead," Celine said to Slimy, reaching out and caressing her cheek just before her stomach started growling with the need for food.

With that, Vanessa stated that they should get a bite to eat before they left and Celine agreed with her. When Vanessa took her collar off, Celine felt a bit more free than she had in the last few days, but she also felt a bit more scared, as now she had no real way of letting anyone know who and what she was here. So unless she was with Vanessa then anyone around here could just do practically whatever they wished with her, or so she thought. She didn't really care much about being nude anymore like she had been, though she would like to have clothing to cover herself with better.

"Yes let's get something to eat, I'm absolutely famished, and meat is a good way to get our strength up for going on out. And I don't mind where we eat as long as nobody tries to do anything to me because I'm not wearing that and openly shown that I can't be touched without your say so," Celine said, following Vanessa and staying close to her as they left to go eat.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Uhm, i guess than if we get accepted by the others cities then i will dont need to kidnape any intruder, i dont regreit to had do it all this time in order to hide our poor angel of the demons and humans, now we still need to mantain this place as secret until Grace can defend herself, but fine, i can let the mothers leave the room but not the palace, however my servants could kidnap them and hide them from me, all that could turn into a chaoz and disputes for the women will start, so we must make a guard for them as they walk around. Vanessa said loosing herself by the idea, yet she sigh and decide to think in that later.

You know, is not needed than you had to pass your time in the darkness, i could make some cute places around here, you could even help to build them, so dont get sad and just let all the problems to me. However, about the things worse than slavery they really exist, some even the time and death will not make you escape from them... but lets avoid these topics and just go to meet the nekos. Vanessa ended to say, trying to avoid answer any possible question than Celine could have about the alst topic.


Slimy press softly Celine hand over her cheek and then still unable to show true human emotions said. It feels good... really better, so dont be sad about me...

Aisha should know a lot about what Slimy made to that girl, you can ask her later to understand Slimy better. Vanessa said between they talk, yet then the nekos do the same. I preffer to eat the meat at the woods. Nya, me too, this place is so creepy!

Just then Celine end of talk and then Vanessa whimper and look her saddly. Aww, this collar is more than a cute present from me to you Celine and i feel like im with you when you wear it

After that the five walk throgh the corridors of the dungeon, yet Slimy was moving slower than the rest, unable to find a way of move with her meat legs.

Vanessa decide to use the dinner room, maybe because it was more close, there she order some servants to prepare some food for them, bassicaly meat. The nekos waited in really need close to jump at the kitchen to take some flesh meat but they resist. Slimy was busy testing her body and even when the nekos feel sick of looking at her, they dont stop of eat when the meat come. Vanessa dont touch any dish and she just remain with her eyes closed and focused in something, just looking at Celine who could sense a strange aura coming from her. The apetite from the nekos was great and they fight each other for the meat even when they was much, Slimy also dont eat too much and she only taste the meat a little to know the flavor, but she looks to dont have hungry and even she split the food at her mouth.
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"No no, I was just saying what I would do my love, don't change everything o my account please. My people have a saying, if it ain't broke don't fix it. And everything seems to be running here in a quite orderly and relatively peaceful fashion as it is right now, so don't change it just because I say I don't like it. I... I abhor any form of slavery, save when people play at sex slavery, and there's nothing you or anyone else can say or do that'll change that in any sense of the word. But you're the leader here my love, not me, so I literally haven't much choice but to follow your orders. I love you, and I wouldn't abandon you or Grace ever, nor would I abandon Triny, Faith, or Hope. I would die before I did so," Celine started saying to Vanessa when her beloved looked troubled about letting the breeders and whatnot roam around freely, and about the rest of what Celine had been talking about. "And I understand about the need to hide Sophia from prying eyes if all of what you say is true. Though if your own servants would kidnap the breeders for themselves then they aren't very good servants at all really and should be disciplined to follow orders regardless of what they want, as they chose to follow you as their leader, which means you give the orders and if you tell them that they are to not do something, then they by the gods better not do it. But also they shouldn't follow orders blindly or anything, because then they wouldn't be flexible enough in battle to think for themselves, so if they wish to have something such as more breeders for themselves or just anything like that then they should follow a procedure and make certain its okay with their superior before doing so," Celine went on to say, no longer sounding sad or anything, but trying to sound more... civilized and helpful by giving some suggestions about certain things, whether they were taken into consideration or not, she still felt that it was better than remaining silent on the matter, and she wanted to help as best she could and keep Vanessa from worrying so much about her as well.

Celine heaved a sigh at the troubled look Vanessa seemed to have and leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. "Look, I may not truly like it here because of the way things are around me, and because technically I am a slave regardless of what anyone says, which is like a fate worse than death for an elf for the most part. But, I... love... you, and my people are resilient and strong. So don't worry, I'll deal with it, don't trouble yourself so much on my account okay. I'm just making suggestions on how to improve this place as per how my people live and how I was raised. But you know better around here, you know this place much better than I ever could, so don't change it on a whim just because I say there's something I don't like alright. I love you Vanessa, and I would do anything for you," Celine said with a smile on her face, though Vanessa would be able to tell she wasn't just trying to be brave this time around and was truly sincere about trying to cope with her situation despite not truly liking it, and she also emphasized the fact that she loved Vanessa quite a bit. "So come on my love, we've got some neko's to talk to and figure some things out about so that we can find our friends and bring them back to us, so forget about what I said before about changing this place just yet okay," Celine went on to say, taking Vanessa's hand and giving it a gentle squeeze as she smiled and they finished their walk on down to the dungeons.

Deep down though where there was no way for Vanessa to see or sense it, Celine knew that she would eventually grow sick here with the foul aura of the place like it was and with no sunlight streaming in to the point that she would have to risk going out into the dangerous wilds around the palace for fresh open air and sunlight or be pretty much stuck in the gardens when not training, so both of those things coupled with the grueling training that Jezebel was certain to give her as well as the simple fact that she was willingly consigning herself to becoming something her people hated for anyone to be she knew would eventually lead to her falling ill and then it would lead to her death... but... her love for Vanessa was so great that she was willing to do this foolish thing for both her, and for Grace, because if Celine wanted to at least teach Grace the difference between good and evil, right and wrong, and making sure that Grace didn't follow in her mother's footsteps save in that she had her powers, but used them differently and more benevolently.


"Oh Slimy, you're so sweet. But I've got to worry about you a little bit at least until you get used to the new body anyway," Celine whispered to Slimy, leaning in and kissing her lightly on the lips before they headed on to the dining room, with Vanessa telling Celine that she could learn more about Slimy later from Aisha and while the neko's stated where they would like to eat more at.

When Vanessa seemed sad for having to take off Celine collar, Celine just smiled at her beloved. "Oh don't worry about me, I'll be fine I'm sure. Now let's eat, I'm starving," Celine said to Vanessa, winking at her as they went on out, trying to keep her from worrying so much about her by confidently walking on towards the dining room.

Once they got to the dining room and all of the different food was brought out, Celine smiled as she watched the pair of neko's looking like they wanted to go into the kitchens and just drag the meat out themselves, but they didn't go ahead and do so thankfully. When the food finally did come, Celine noticed that Vanessa was eating none of it at all and she sensed a strange aura coming from her, and she didn't know what it was or why it was there, and Vanessa seemed to be focusing on something as she continued to stare at Celine for some reason. "What is it my love? Is something troubling you? If something is troubling you then please tell me so that I may help," Celine whispered to Vanessa so only she could hear her as she glanced over at the two neko's seemingly fighting over the meat while Slimy only nibbled on a little bit of the meat in there.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Aw, you are so sweet. Dont worry i was just thinking loud and a good leader is ready to change what is needed to fulfill her goals as also heard the sugestions of her followers and you are more than that, is not true Celine? Vanessa answer with a smile, walking with her lover as they end of talk and receive Celine kiss at her cheek. Beside, maybe you are a temporal slave at the moment my love, but my heart will be forever yours, so i will have in mind your sugestions and i will find a way to solve all to make this better not only for you but for Grace and the others. The black haired said, in a charm yet serious tone as they walk at the dark corridor.


Once at the dinning hall, Vanessa take a moment to answer to Celine. Oh, is nothing. Its just than i get a message from the army at the cave and also i can feel something there for a moment, please take care and get out if all looks bad Celine. Vanessa answer and give a little chew at her food before continue holding the gold collar at her hands and close her eyes for some minutes, then she remain looking to Celine's body as the nekos eat wildly and ask for more meat and Slimy just remain training at her body.

After a while Vanessa get up and let them end as she moves to softly massage Celine's back and tie softly her blonde hair, i bet than all the elves have a beautiful hair than dont need to take care, but i must comb it a little for what will come. Vanessa continue until she tie softly Celine's hair and give it a more casual yet formal look.

Celine then get back her gold collar, it feel warm and more gorgeous than before, her jewel at the center looks to bright even more and she feels a little temptess to wear it.

The nekos eat as much as they could and soon they were feeling themselves sattled and maybe a little sick, with her bells looking slighty as pregnant, meanwhile Slimy placed a tentacle from her hand at her mouth and start to suck eagerly from it. Now Celine could leave or say good bye to all after rest.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Thanks love, it makes me feel really happy to hear you say that and gladdens my heart, but I know that it will take a long time to change everything here to a way that... isn't so against my peoples teachings and such, but regardless I love you with all my heart, just as I do Triny and my children with her," Celine said to Vanessa, feeling that their conversation here was over and done with now as they approached the dungeons.


Hearing that Vanessa had apparently gotten a message about the caverns, Celine listened to what her beloved her to say about the place. Celine nodded her head silently and continued eating, letting Vanessa know that if it looked a bleak situation then she, Slimy, and the neko's would retreat for a time. When Vanessa came up behind her and began massaging her shoulders, Celine sighed softly as she glanced back at Vanessa, wondering what she was doing this for. "Oh sweetie, despite what you might think we do still have to wash our hair, but we do have naturally smooth and silky hair, so it is easier to take care of than most peoples hair is, because we get few tangles," Celine said to Vanessa with a giggle about the comment on her hair.

Celine sat there as Vanessa fixed her hair into one long braid that stretched all the way down to the top of her butt. She was holding her collar while Vanessa handled her hair, and looking at it she noticed it was much more beautiful than before and she suddenly felt a strange urge to put it back on, but she suppressed that urge for the moment, placing the thing on her head instead like a tiara. Then when she was through eating, Celine decided to wait for a few minutes until their food had settled before setting off, so that she could get cleaned up after eating and freshen up a little bit, so she wouldn't have to use the bathroom or anything for a while after leaving hopefully. When she was done with that, then she would kiss Triny goodbye, telling her she would be back shortly with any luck, or at least be back later that night hopefully, then she'd kiss Faith on top of her little head before hugging both her and Triny. Then Celine would kiss Vanessa and Grace both, the former on the lips, and the latter on the cheek, hugging them both and telling Vanessa she was ready to set off and that she would be back as soon a she could, with Cassie and Lina both.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

We could continue talking at the dungeons but, nah fine lets continue XD

Vanessa giggles, as Celine accept the little pamper and after how she placed the collar at her head. It dont work in that way, sweetheart, i could you more jewels in some days if you want,~ Ended to say Vanessa playfully.

Ugh... i cant eat more... you know for our people---

Can we take to our home to eat it later. Said the nekos holding theirs bellies, sattled and maybe more than happy of eat what more of 10 men could had taken.

Sure, once all return i can give to both of you all what you need for your people, but we should focus first on the cave. Anyway, lets walk a little to recover of this feast. Vanessa then help Evelen to get up and guide them to her chambers, taking the collar to avoid than this fall of Celine. As they walk, Celine could notice sometimes how some servants look to the nude women around Vanessa as also the seductive perfect naughty back of the Mistress, the two nekos were a little behind close Slimy, the two looks to feel a little bad as they walk filled at their stomach with food.

Vanessa then order her guards to protect Slimy and the nekos, as she and Celine get inside, there Triny waited for Celine, with her baby still sleeping at her side and Grace at her cradle, resting peacefully.

Triny softly get up and jump at Celine's arms. Showing her love with a kind welcome. You come so soon, had you already eaten? is really early to go to eat again. Triny ask, as her hand slowly touch Celine neck wondering in her mind about why she dont have the collar.

I understand, please take care and dont expose yourself too much as the last time, you dont need to overdo it for us. Triny beg as she slowly get away after receive the kiss from Celine. Faith and Grace were sleeping so they just react a little when Celine kiss them, yet Grace made a cute smile and remain sleep.

Vanessa press Celine softly against her and then heard her than she was ready. Godd, the disguise could hurt a little, so lets do it outside to dont disturb the little ones. Vanessa said before guide Celine outside, yet Triny follow too, worried for her lover. At the door, with the door closed, Vanessa show the collar to Celine once again. I had placed some charms on this cute collar to hide your race and identity, but it will be not pleasant, please resist it until the change has been done. Vanessa said and then placed the collar on her lover, it locked and then Eelen could feel something weird at her whole body, a strange pain started at her thighs and she needed to fall at her kness as all passed. When all ended she notice than her body was not completely wite silked, a more normal color at her skin show her than she was not the same. She tried to touch the collar, but instead this she notice a leather collar with a metal inscription in it, she look down and her futa was not there anymore.

Sorry for that little trick, but nobody could forget your beauty hammer, dont worry you will able to make it appear if you need it. You also have now black hair and human hears, look it as nearly the image of our beloved daughter but as a human, im sure than you will love it as im doing it. Vanessa said smiling and giving her hand to Celine to get up. That Disguise is temporal yet will stay until you say the magic words to the collar and also the whole magic get inside you to dont be detected, that is why the collar looks so different.

Vanessa then wait for Celine in case than she could have any question.

This is the plan, Slimy need to remember the past of the girl, maybe the cave could help her, then you and Slimy will find a way to get inside, i recomend you to say another name instead of Celine to the humans and Guardians.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Hmhm, I was just playing around love, seeing if it would fit good like that," Celine said, giggling as Vanessa told her the collar didn't work like that when she placed it on her head like a tiara.

Celine and the others followed Vanessa on back to her chambers where Triny and the babies were waiting for them all. She giggled playfully when Triny gently got off the bed and jumped into her arms, where Celine kissed her passionately as they hugged. "Hmhm, no me, the neko's, and Slimy got ourselves a bite to eat before we go to try and find Cassie and Lina in those caves again. But don't worry, if it looks too dangerous for us to handle sweetie we'll run and come to get more help. I'm not so irresponsible though that I'd let myself get taken that easily, I've got both you and Vanessa as well as the babies waiting for me," Celine said with a little giggle to Triny, glancing over at Vanessa and back when mentioning she's got them all waiting for her.

Celine nodded when Vanessa mentioned the disguise could hurt a little and that they should go out into the hallway so they didn't wake the babies. Celine listened to Vanessa explaining what she'd done with the collar, that it would hide her identity from anything that didn't know her. Then Vanessa put it back on Celine, and Celine felt pain in and around her thighs as she fell to her knees, doing her best to as Vanessa said resist the pain. When all was said and done with her there, Celine could tell she was different. She glanced around and saw her skin wasn't the same smooth silky white color it had been and was a slightly darker hue, and that her hair was black now. She looked down and gasped when she saw that her member was gone and looked very sad about it and let out a little whine, then she felt that her ears were different too as Vanessa told her that her hair and ears had been changed as well.

"My beauty hammer huh. Well... I figured everything else would have changed, but I kind of thought that would stay at least... I didn't actually think you had the means of changing it and making it go in like that honestly," Celine said, giggling as she mentioned her beauty hammer as Vanessa had called it and sounding a bit sad about her member not being there, but when Vanessa had mentioned that she could make it appear at will she brightened up a bit. "And...I actually look like Grace without her tail?" Celine then asked, looking quite happy as she hugged herself.

"Well then... I do have a question or two. First how do I make my... beauty hammer appear? And if I speak the words and end the magic disguising me, can I turn it back on by saying the magic words again? Also am I going to be able to take my sword with me you think?" Celine said, asking a couple of questions about the collar and whatnot.

When she had gotten her answers and everything, Celine was ready to go on and when the other three were ready to head on out Celine looked to Vanessa to see if she should take her sword or leave it there with Triny for now since she was supposed to be sneaking in and all by tricking these dark creatures and all, and when all was decided, Celine was ready to leave and would follow Slimy on back to the caverns with the neko's in tow.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Vanessa giggled as Celine ask for how to get her manlike member back, meanwhile Triny frown still amazed by how suddenly Celine has changed.

Oh Dear, i can do many things than would let your eyes wide open in surprise. But yes, you looks exactly as i think Grace would look at your age yet if she were human, maybe i made a little changes but nothing important. The black woman answer as she go and cuddle at Celine, giving her a motherlike kiss at her forehead.

Soon Celine tried to ask some questions and Vanessa stop her play time to answer. Your delicious meat rod will appear if you focus for a while and get aroused, maybe asking to get out at your mind will make the things faster~

For your disguise, yes it could be placed again a pair of times, but is a temporal magic and you could feel more pain each time than you place it on, so you could find yourself unable to react for a moment, so please take care. Now for the magic word, it was hard to decide one, you must think in that night with me and Triny, then make a naughty moan and say or think with all your heart "Oh Mistress, please punish me more~" but you must say it in a pasionated and completely lusty moan tone

Of course than Triny just get a little upset as she get specheless, as the nekos frown and Slimy just remain looking like nothing, expecting than all this was just normal.

Vanessa laught cutely and shaked her head. Oh, that was so fun, all your faces... But seriously that are the magic words and sorry but cant be changed, yet you could repeat them many times at your mind until the spell get down or get activated again. Ended saying seriously. Anyway, you should wear your sword and maybe think in a good story of how you find Slimy, maybe there she will find the girl name and if we get the luck she will have also some info than we could use. Saying this Vanessa looks to had remember something and ask for a moment to go to her room, Celine could use this moment to talk with the others.

Once passed some minutes, Vanessa return with a little scroll. This will be needed to make my servants know than all of you come from me, it cant be destroyed so easily, so you dont need to get worried by the scroll.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Hmhm, I'll bet you could do a lot that could make my eyes widen in surprise. But alright then, as long as I can still get it to come out when I need it too then I suppose I can live with it for now," Celine said, feeling a bit relieved now that she knew her member was still actually there and could be brought out if and when she wanted it to be. "A passionate and lusty moan huh? I suppose you knew that I would love saying that huh. I don't mind saying it if that's what I really have to, but it would have been a little better I think if it were a shorter thing to say in order for it to work," Celine added, wondering just why Vanessa chose such a lewd and naughty password of sorts for the collar's magic.

When Vanessa started laughing and shaking her head, speaking again a little more seriously, Celine couldn't help but laugh a little along with her, knowing that she'd just made it that to tease her. "Alright then, I wasn't sure if I should take my sword or not, but if you think it'd be alright then I'll go ahead and take it. And I hope that Slimy can find the girl's memories and that they'll be of some use to us, because if they aren't then we'll be in a heap of shit and have to get out of there fast and we'd probably have to fight our way out, because I doubt they'd let us just walk out without one," Celine said as Vanessa stated she had something else to get them.

While Vanessa was gone, Celine looked to the pair of neko's. "So you two... if we're to be fighting with each other, I need to know. Can I trust you to watch my back in a fight? To not run away and leave me to fight alone? I'll do my best to help you find your leader, I'll fight, and I'll bleed to do it, but I have to be sure that I'm not going to be double crossed by you two and left to die because you know that I want Cassie to come back here afterwards. I've got a family here that needs me, that I can't afford to leave alone, and I've got a friend out there that I swore on my honor that I would protect. I know you both know what honor is and that your people are honorable because there are neko's like yourselves that live in and around my homeland far to the east," Celine said to the pair of neko's in a serious tone, though not angry in any way, as she was merely wanting to see if the two would be there to watch her back and wouldn't abandon her and flee when and if they found Cassie and or their leader. "I swear to you that I'll help you find your leader and aid him if he's in trouble. So do I have your word that you won't just leave as soon as we find him and Cassie? I did save your lives after all, so you owe me at least that much to help come to an agreement afterwards that'll let Cassie come back here after we find her. My people and your people live in harmony back in my home together, alongside humans, dwarves, and many other races besides. And I want our peoples here to come together for the common good of all, to help one another and stop being so suspicious and mistrusting of one another, and we can start that by coming together here and helping each other. I promise you that I won't abandon either of you in there unless I am literally physically or mentally incapable of aiding you," Celine added to the two, speaking sincerely from the heart and hoping that she got through to the two more than she had earlier, and she would go one step further for the two if they replied angrily or anything like that and would hold her sword up, taking the edge of it and barely slicing her own forearm a bit to get a little bit of her blood, which she would then smear into her right hand and hold it out to them, telling them she was making them a blood oath that she would help get their leader back as long as they did her the same honor for Cassie. If she had to make them a blood oath for this, she would afterwards have Vanessa use some magics on it to seal the cut for her after she'd gotten back.

When Vanessa returned with the scroll and told them what it was for, Celine gave a little half smile as she took it from her. "Alright then love. Wish us luck okay you two," Celine said to Vanessa and Triny, kissing both on the lips, not caring what anyone thought about it or who saw it. "Kiss the girls for me when they get up and tell them their papa will be back as soon as she can, and that I love them," Celine added to the two with a last hug before heading on out with her companions to the caverns she'd been in only the day before.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Of course, than you need your sword. Even with my soldiers there, you could find some creatures and also, you must remember than ussually the humans go out armed and in groups of theirs walls, unless you want to act as an inocent girl than get lost for days at the forest. Vanessa answer and give her opinion of why Celine should bring her sword at this mission. After leave them for a while, Celine turn to the nekos and give them some words.

We could have in debt, but that is why we decided to work together and we arent like the demons to just backstab someone when we see than we dont need him. However you cant expect than we will just let you take that human to this creepy place, baby nekos must born in freedom

Yes, Leader's childrens are priority, they are more important than us. And leader is fine, maybe he is just trying to get that human for himself.

The nekos answer, showing than Celine could trust in them but no matter what they cant decide Cassie's fate or more like ly the babies nekos's fate. Also looking like both believe than their leader is fine, so they arent expecting any help for him.

Once Vanessa returned, Celine give her a kiss to her and Triny before leave. Triny said than she will take care of them, as Vanessa just nodded and give a smile, touching softly the leather collar on Celine. Grace will receive your message, but maybe you will return before she start to miss you..

The four soon started to walk toward the exit, yet Slimy speed slow them a little, making the walk a little anoying for the nekos. They started to yawn and talk between them, about food and others things, but more of the time mewling playfully and giving to each other tickles until something else call theirs attention, like a bird or a small creature at the woods.

Fortunately their trip at the forest was peacefully, however when they reach the cave they couldnt see any of the soldiers making guard, so they could just pass inside, Slimy started to act strange and she rested at the wall for a moment as the nekos get inside and search everywhere at the first room. Hmm... i dont see ours weapons.

The bad dark creatures must have them.

Yes, they were so cute than they take them for them, but these will be fine.

I want that, no that... i will take just both.

Yes, take them, the owners will dont need them after all, poor ones.

Celine get inside and notice how the nekos manage to get some weapons from themselves around the bunch ones at the floor. One take a bow and a spear like staff and other a bunch of knifes and a club, looks like there was not anything useful there and even some of the weapons looks a little rusty.

Now Celine could decide what to do now or where she must go, as Slimy get recovered and the nekos stop playing everywhere.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"True I guess, I wasn't aware that all of the human women were armed when they go out and about though," Celine replied to Vanessa before she went off and she had her words with the neko's.


Celine merely remained silent when the pair of neko's stated that the baby neko's had to be born free, giving them a look that said okay for now and that she would be speaking with their leader on the matter later when they found him. When they headed on out and Triny said that she would take care of the children, Celine smiled at her and nodded her head, knowing that they would be alright while she was gone and hoping that she would indeed get back before the babies started worrying and missing her. Moving out towards the palace's exit, Celine noticed that Slimy was moving a little slower, which seemed to be annoying the neko's a bit, but Celine slowed her pace anyway and then saw the two of them talking, playing, and teasing with each other as they went along.

Leaving the palace, Celine and her companions didn't run into much of anything in the way of enemies, and for the most part she and the others were silent so there was virtually no talking at all between them all. When they arrived back at the cavern, Celine grew a little worried that they didn't run into any of Vanessa's guards, but figured that maybe they were a little further inside, so she didn't jump to conclusions just yet about them. Celine noticed Slimy acting strange as she rested against the wall and while the neko's talked amongst themselves, she moved over to Slimy with a concerned look.

"Are you alright Slimy? What's the matter? And where are the soldiers that were supposed to be here I wonder," Celine asked Slimy, looking a bit worried for her as she looked around the room, not liking the fact there were none of Vanessa's soldiers there to greet them.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Well, not always, but if they arent armed they have guards or come with others persons. I guess than unharmed common inocent girls arent lucky enough to reach my lands, as all around is infested with monsters, but who know maybe one of these days. Vanessa answer, trying to show how an unharmed girl would not be a good story to give to the guardians or humans at the cave.


After reach the cave, Celine decide to turn to Slimy who looks to feel bad as they get close. I dunno... i just feel than this place is not a really good to go and my head hurt a little, this girl maybe dont wanted to be here, sorry but that is what i had got until now, maybe i could get more as we go inside. The monster girl said with difficulty as she try to endure the pain, trying to stop from time to time.

So where should we go?

Maybe we should find more nekos. The pink girl said jumping.

The leader smell could be more intense close we were trapped that time, but maybe he is in another place.

Maybe we should look around for the kitties.

I dunno, i can smell some demons and others monsterhumans inside.

The cats talked again between them but with this Celine get an idea of what could be her choices. She could go until she meet the guardians, also she could choice to return to where she found the nekos or the girl, finally she could look for the leader, Cassie or Vanessa soldiers
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Listening to Slimy, Celine grew a bit more concerned by what she heard and reached out to pat her on the shoulder. "Try and calm her down Slimy, let her know that we won't let anything happen to her easily m'kay. Let her know also that we don't want to be here either, but that we need her help," Celine said to Slimy, leaning over and kissing her on the forehead.

"I don't know exactly where we should go honestly you two, but I believe we should first try and find the soldiers my mistress has already sent into here. That way we know where they are and have a fallback position in this place. Just in case you know," Celine said to the neko's as she looked around, trying to find any evidence that would tell them where Vanessa's soldiers were at. "And we might very well find more neko's in here, who knows. If I had to guess though I'd say that my mistress's forces would likely be just ahead or around where we saved you two at yesterday," Celine added to the two neko's, looking up ahead from where they were at and thinking to herself that they should find the soldiers first, then start looking for the neko's leader, because if he already had Cassie and or Lina with him and whoever else might be with him, then that would give them the option of not having to go inside the guardians area.

"Let's look up around where we found you two first, since it's so close to the entrance here. It'll make things easier since there was only pretty much a dead end up there," Celine suggested to the two, gesturing upstairs before leading the three onwards up them.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

I will try it, Slimy answer nodding with a smile even when her face was very serious as always. The two nekos were busy smeling everywhere and trying to do something to pass the time until Celine get close them and spoke what she think would be the best.

I can smell them everywhere so they should had been passed a while here. The silver one said as Celine could notice more footsteps than usual when tCeline passed the last time. With not any other choice, Celine and the others get inside the cave where they could notice ussually monsters corpses from time to time until they reach the intersection, there they notice a spear resting at the floor and some battle remains but not a single corpse, at least they know than they are going as the same way than the soldiers had passed, but they still must decide which path choice between the temple ruins, the elevator close the water noise than they dont checked and finally the path than they had cleaned before. All looks normal and boring, without any noise at the distance, even the creatures should try now to remain quiet as the combats continue at the cave.

I can still sense creatures hiden around...

Yes they should be close

I dont want to be used again, the spiders were so nasty when they get ough...eww

I could take out any egg if you need it.

No, thanks but nobody will touch us again, so we dont need that unknown service...

How do you would take them out

Shh.... i dont want heard more of that.

Nyaa... dont hit me

The conversion ended suddenly after the silver neko hit softly the backhead of the other catgirl. They looks to dont want to go to the place where they get filled with spiders, as they were taking the other path, but Slimy slowly walk toward the temple.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Don't push yourself alright Slimy, don't want you getting hurt or anything," Celine whispered to Slimy, patting her on the head.

Listening to the silver haired neko saying what she was, Celine glanced around at the intersection in the tunnels, deciding that until they really knew where the soldiers had gone they would have to look for them in the only real area that Celine had first seen them in. She figured that since the area she'd first seen the soldiers at was where she had rescued the neko's from the spiders, and it wasn't very far up the steps so they had the time to go and check it out at least before moving on down further into the place.

As she was about to go on upstairs where the spiders were, she noticed the two neko's not going that way as they stated that they didn't wish to go up there because they didn't want any more spider eggs in them. "Well we did kill the spiders remember, as far as I know anyway. So you shouldn't have to worry about getting any more eggs from them in your cute and sexy bodies. And Slimy really can remove eggs and such if she wants to, without raping someone. I know you don't think you can, but I assure you that you can trust us. But we should at least take a peek upstairs here to see if the soldiers are up here, because if they are then we'll need to speak with them so that they can support us if need be," Celine said, trying to convince the two to relax a bit around her and Slimy. "Unless you can smell them and track them down through here and can tell that they aren't up there, I think we should at least check, just in case you know. If you can smell and track their scent though, then I'll follow your lead to them," Celine added to them both in a serious tone, not wanting to make any mistakes by not checking a place out when they probably should.

With that, Celine gestured to the two neko's to follow her up the steps unless the neko's could manage to sniff the allied soldiers out for them to go and meet up with. If they could, Celine would take point in front and let the two direct her towards them.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Once Slimy said than she will be fine and Celine said to the nekos than all will right, the silver one looks to get calmed after heard the elf's words.

Heh, yeah nekos have always cute and sexy bodies...purr the pink one said cuddling herself on the other neko who soon push her aside after a while. Did you kill them all? good, now i guess than we will be more safe there, anyway lets try to find yours demon friends Soon the two nekos snif the area, hardy Celine noticed than there were many smells than werent pleasant and then they just said than the soldiers had been at the up path to the temple, but also they had move to the others paths, maybe they split theirs forces.

Without lost too much time they went to the upstair path, Celine notice again the two paths from before, the one than she dont taked and the other where she found the nekos, they were close to decide when they notice a strange smell getting close to them, the smell has reached so soon and invaded the whole place than they dont know from where it come. Celine feels herself fine as she smell it, as maybe also the others girls, they could look around or just get out to any path or return from where they come.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Well of course you're both cute, you're neko's after all and I always found the neko's back home to be very cute and cuddly with people. And well, no offense... but neko's are usually very good at sex, at least the ones back home were anyway. And yeah, I'm pretty sure we got rid of them all, though I'm a little worried that there weren't any of the soldiers here at the entrance of the place," Celine replied to the two as they walked onwards, looking as worried as she sounded, which was quite a bit.

After heading upstairs to check the place out, Celine and the others started smelling something nearby, but what it was she couldn't tell exactly, though she was sure that they could smell it as well. "Hey girls... you smell that? I think something is following us. But I'm not sure," Celine said as they continued on up the steps, avoiding the path she didn't take the last time in here because of all of the tentacles and whatnot. She looked around cautiously as she went on up the steps, looking to avoid a fight or ambush if possible, so she hurried on up the steps a bit to check quickly so they could go back down.