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Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)



Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

The elf words soon make the pink girl giggle and starting to hug and cuddle over the other silver one. Nya...i declare myself guilty.

Yes... more likely that description fit on us... but only with the persons than we think are trustworthy... you know how possibilities of be hunted or loss your freedom make you change priorities. The silver neko answer softly rubbing the pink head behind her ears.

We havent see bodies remains or more than that pointy thing, they should be fine. Slimy add pointing to the spear before the four decide to go to the temple path.


Once there the nekos looks to had already be alert when Celine asked about the strange smell. The elf tried to check the place and over all from where they had come, yet he guilty of the scent was not there they could leave as they want as there looks to dont be any creature around them.

I dont know what is that thing, but is affecting our senses.

It smell so good, it must be something to eat or maybe flowers.

Some of us, use that kind of abbilities to bring females to us, we must be alert and leave as fast as we can before that smell distract us more.

The nekos and slimy talked and were close to leave to any path than Celine has choiced but before leave some moves were noticed by the nekos and then by Celine. The earth rumble and small stones start to fall from the ceiling hitting Slimy at her head and makin her lost her feet, as she fall at the floor to hold her head. What is this? I dont like this feeling. The monstergirl said rubbing her hurted head.

Look! the walls... something is moving them!

No, they are part of the wall. The silver girl said preparing her weapons as from the walls, rock like creatures get formed and surround them partialy. They were like big cats but made of stone and also to a side bug like creatures sproud, they looks to be a little slow and looks like they had been hiding the whole time, maybe even before Celine rescue the nekos.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Hmm, well I know that those of your kind that live over in my homeland and such aren't quite as suspicious of strangers as you all are, but then again we all help each other back home, so we've got less to worry about. But I do understand where you're coming from with the suspicion about me and all, but I assure you that I mean you no harm, though I have to find my friend and I will do anything to protect her and her freedom to choose her path," Celine said, looking around. "And yeah we haven't seen anyone yet, which I suppose is either a really good thing, or a really bad thing. Let's keep going," Celine added as they went on up the steps.


When Celine mentioned the strange smell and stopped them all, she saw the neko's were very alert and wary of their surroundings now, looking around to see if they saw something. However there didn't seem to be anything there at the moment, though the neko's did say that whatever it was seemed to be messing with their senses. When Slimy said that they should hurry up and leave before the smell distracted them more, Celine agreed and moved to check up at the top of the steps before rushing back down so they could move on.

When the ground started shaking, Celine stopped and turned around, rushing back over to Slimy and the neko's when the rock fell loose from the ceiling and bonked her on the head. "Oh Slimy sweetie, are you okay? Here, let me help you up. And what you're feeling is pain, it is something that everyone feels when they're being hurt, like my butt when you and Roundy were ravaging me before and I was crying, it was because it hurt really badly," Celine said to Slimy after rushing over to her side, helping her to stand back up before noticing some large catlike rock creatures came out from the walls and surrounded them. "Damn, what the hell are these things? We've gotta take them out or run... fast. Take your pick," Celine added to the neko's and Slimy, drawing her sword and getting ready to fight as she stepped i front of Slimy to protect her.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Still affected by the hit, Slimy give a little sorry to Celine, it would had been better her apologize but soon the group was getting surrounded. The two huge stone felines jump toward the elf and Slimy, easily Celine notice this and get between the still dizzy plant girl and the two creatures, her sword soon caused a wound on one of them but then other hunt for Slimy, she tried to defend herself but she is not used to her body to react fast, so Celine interpuse herself and get tackled and fall on the floor bellow the heavy stone creature,

The two nekos were attacked by the bug stone creature and this focused on the pink one who was a little unfocused to get away, the monster placed over her and her struggles were in vain as something start to press her neithers. No, no,no... its very cold and it will hurt...

The silver neko rush to help, hitting hard with her weapons but the monster dont get out and just get more ready to use the poor pink one.

With the creature over her, Celine tried to struggle and hit the creature before this could start anything, the hits and pushes were making her get free, as Slimy used her vines to crush and pull away the monster. Soon Celine was at her feet again, but the other monster saw the two girls busy and stealthy rush toward themshooting a dark ball than take slimy of guard as this restrain the other monster. Celine tried to help pushing her away of the dangerous shoot, crying in pain when the orb hit the poor elf, making her fall at her knees as she feel her body really heavy and slow.

Get away of her!!! The silver neko roar as her attacks werent enough to place the monster away of the othr neko. Tired of her the bug like creature turn and tried to wound her with an spell, but then the neko roll to a side and then attack the monster face, making him lost the control, as the other neko hit and them used her staff to make the monster fall away of her.

Bad monster, my body will only be to create more cute little kitties.

Celine: 2 hits affected with a -2 to attack and -1 to dodge
Slimy: Dizzy
Silver neko: fine
Pink: 1 damage

Cat stone: 2 damages bound
Cat stone 1 damage
Bug stone: 3 damages

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

As Celine helped Slimy back to her feet, two stone catlike creatures jumped in at them and tried to take Celine off guard, but she was ready and stepped in front of Slimy to protect her as she drew her sword. Celine slashed one of the cat creatures, but when she did so the other went after Slimy ans forced Celine to move in front of her to take the hit for her so she didn't get hurt any more than she already was. Celine was tackled to the floor before she could react by one of the stone catlike creatures, which hurt a bit, but not so much that she was down for the count already.

She glanced over while under the creature and saw the neko's with their fight and saw that they seemed to be doing alright mostly and were holding their own against the other creature. Slimy thankfully helped Celine to get free with her tentacles as she stabbed her sword up at the thing. After getting free, Celine quickly got back to her feet, but just as she did she shoved Slimy out of the way as the other creature sent a dark ball of energy at them, which hit Celine and caused such intense pain to her that she fell to her knees, shuddering and quivering in pain, while her body also felt very heavy and sluggishly slow now for some reason. Damn, Celine thought to herself, it had been dark magics that were affecting her. She then knew that she needed to quickly take out the catlike thing that did this to her before it got any worse, or else she wouldn't be able to help Slimy or the neko's in this fight and they really didn't need one of their group down this early on in their trek into this place.

Celine struggled back to her feet once more, ready to fight, taking a fighting stance in front of Slimy. "Okay Slimy, just try and keep that one at bay just until I can take out the other one alright, and then we'll take out the one you've got together. Just do your best to hold it down with your tentacles okay," Celine called to Slimy, preparing to go after the still free and stronger looking of the two cat creatures, stabbing at it and wrestling it to the ground so that she was on top before it could do any more harm to them.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

The fight continued after Slimy reach to say a forced yes as she try to restrain the creature as all the others move and strike theirs foes. Celine was very affected by the spell to have a chance to stab correctly the creature who get out of her reach all the time, roaring and run around to take her off guard.

Slimy press and wrap the creature more and more with her vines, the force was already starting to break the monster and the nekos were also making a great team work, taking the back of theirs foes as one distract it, the spear and dagers were causing serious wounds on the statue bug than it looks to be breaking too. However soon Celine saw than she couldnt try to try to catch the monster and wait for it, after a little moment the monster went to her and she reach to stab and pull it down for just an instant before this get away in a strong motion to avoid any attempt of Celine to get on top.

Slimy continuw wraping the creature making it get worse but then from the creature a mass of rocks fly everywhere hitting Slimy at her body making her yelp and rub where it hurt as she see the creature nearly broken recovering the cat figure once again.

Celine: 2 hits affected with a -2 to attack and -1 to dodge
Slimy: 1 hit, Dizzy
Silver neko: fine
Pink: 1 damage

Cat stone: 5 damages
Cat stone 2 damage
Bug stone: nearly dead

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine noticed Slimy tightening her vine tentacles around the other cat creature while her and the neko's went after their respective opponents, trying to give them the time they needed in order to take care of them before they went after the last one together. Celine tried to stab the cat creature, but it jumped out of the way just in time before she could and then it tried to dart around her. While Slimy was practically tearing the other cat creature apart with the sheer strength of her tentacles, and while the neko's were doing much the same with their weapons to the bug statue, Celine saw she'd have to wait for her opponent to come closer, and when it did, she stabbed it and tried to grab a hold of it to wrestle it down under her. However it managed to break free and get away this time.

"Dammit, come here you bastard, I'm going to get you this time," Celine growled at the cat creature as it slipped through her fingers, getting away from her before she got it down.

Celine barely noticed Slimy's foe slinging some rocks at her as she went for the other one, moving towards it and again waiting until it got closer to her. When it was close enough, Celine would duck under it as it jumped at her face, stabbing her sword up and into its belly as she spun around, trying to yank it down so she could get atop the thing, slashing and stabbing at it a lot to kill the thing.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

The creature roar to Celine and try to take her off guard, but the young elf manage to avoid the creature attack even with the strange side effects of the dark spell on her, her weapon unfortunately dont manage to pass the hard skin of the creature as the sparckles from the attack fall on the floor. The two continue trying to hurt each other and fortunately for Celine she find a weak point on the creature, she stab him this time but it was not enough to defeat him, as the monster push her hardy to her and make her fall on the floor.

Slimy continue her own battle focusing hard herself in wrap the creature even when the pain at her body start to stun her, the struggle between both increase when the onster get free and jump at her, it only was thanks to the many wounds on the monster than the monstergirl manage to escape of his claws. Both nekos also have some problems to beat the bug one, theirs weapons and agil moves give them the uper hand but just when the monster was close to brek completely this blow up and hit the silver neko with a strange spell than make her fall on the floor. The pink one just manage to get away att ime and after recover she go to check the other neko, but for that she must end the creature.

Celine: 2 hits affected with a -2 to attack and -1 to dodge
Slimy: 2 hit, Dizzy
Silver neko: ???
Pink: 1 damage

Cat stone: 7 damages
Cat stone 3 damage
Bug stone: very nearly dead

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

The catlike creature jumped in at Celine again, trying to catch her off guard, but even with her sluggishness from whatever dark magics it had hit her with, she was able to duck under the thing, stabbing her sword up at it, but unfortunately missing in the process as the thing's magic splashed onto the ground behind her somewhere. Soon though the thing came at her again, but this time around Celine was able to stab it as it went past her, but then she was able to push her away from it, causing her to stumble to the floor as a result.

As she quickly scrambled back to her feet, Celine noticed Slimy just barely avoiding the other cat creature's claws while the silver haired neko got hit by some sort of magical spell from the bug creature, which caused her to fall to the floor, though what had happened to her was unknown to Celine at the moment. She didn't have the time to worry about her at the moment though as she needed to finish this catlike creature here and now before the others were hurt by their foes. Celine moved in at the catlike creature she was fighting, holding her sword front and center and taking her battle stance again, ready to deal a final blow to this thing if possible, taking any opportunity to strike her opponent. Should Celine manage to destroy the cat creature statue she was facing, or at least take off one of its legs and rendering it unable to do battle any longer, then she would rush straight at the whichever one was closest of the other two should they still be there when she got through, taking a swing of her sword at them also.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

The battle continue and Celine tried hard to end the battle right now, her sword dont have any problem this time to hurt the creature, but this only break in a part and this dont reduce the skills of the creature. The blonde elf was very busy fighting but still then she heard how many rocks start to fall at the floor when Slimy and the nekos beaten theirs foes.

The silver cat girl skin looks really weird, very pale for be normal and really slow to move, yet she still mnage to make the monster fall at her long weapon to let him struck and easily the pink one ended it. Slimy was really great yet maybe still a little dizzy. So she decide to join Celine in defeat the strange statue, as the pink neko focus on check her friend, she looks to be really worried but the silver one still try to move of her place in her weak state.

With only a foe at this moment, Celine and Slimy surround him and charge at him from different places, the creature dodge the vines giving to Celine the time to hurt him even more, this make the creature shoot again and shoot a dark ball than miss both Slimy and Celine but hit directly to both nekos than groan and fall some feets away. The pink neko try to get up but she suddenly start to hug her body and pants heavily, meanwhile the silver neko cant get up by herself turning into an easy target if the monster try to attack again, but at least he looks to be trying to get away of the battle.

Celine: 2 hits affected with a -2 to attack and -1 to dodge
Slimy: 2 hit, Dizzy
Silver neko: defenseless ???
Pink: 2 damage ???

Cat stone: turned into thrash
Cat stone 5 damage wounded and trying to escape
Bug stone: ashed

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine slashed the cat statue thing with her sword, knocking a piece of its stone body apart from it where it crumbled to the ground. She barely heard the sounds of both Slimy and the pink haired neko defeating their respective foes. Celine glanced over at the sliver haired neko and saw her pale skin and that she also seemed to be affected by the same sort of sluggish magic that Celine was affected by as well. She only heard the clanging of the neko's weapons though as the silver haired one tripped the bug creature up for the pink haired one to finish it off with her weapon.

"Alright girls, come on let's finish him off and then we'll see to our hurts," Celine called to the girls as Slimy moved up to aid her in defeating this last creature.

The cat statue went at Slimy this time around, who swung her vines around at him to try and either hurt or grab him, but it was not to be this time around unfortunately Celine saw. The cat statue thing blasted some more of its magic at Celine and Slimy, both of whom dodged it by diving out of the way just in time, but the magic blast went past them and instead hit both of the neko's, causing the pink haired one to slump over clutching her sides while the silver haired one went totally limp. Celine knew that they couldn't let this thing get away from them without killing it or else its magic might no run out on them and it could also alert other things to their presence here that she would rather them not know, and she had to hurry it up so that she could check on the two neko's and help them back up.

"Slimy, don't let it get away, grab it if you can and don't let go. We can't let it get away or else it may bring something else after us," Celine told Slimy, moving to block any escape that the creature might have and keep it hemmed inside the room, as close to a wall as she could manage. If Slimy could manage a hold on it, then Celine would dive in and hack and slash the damn thing until it was nothing but dust.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

As you wish, Celine. Slimy answer as she prepare to bind the creature, moving as fast as she could in her human form to get close enough to the creature, however she needed than Celine culd stop the creature. The monster rushed toward a free spot but then the young elf place in front to try to stop him. The statue continue without stop and at the end Celine was pushed away by the potent tackle, fortunately she manage to draw her sword and stab the monster, getting taken as this rn away. Unable to reach at time Slimy was unable to trap the creature, but then an arrow hit the monster, looks like the pink girl manage to shoot to the monster as she remain at the floor, even with both wounds the statue continue running away taking Celine with her, she could feel herself starting to fall of him as she is taken away, so she must decide now between try to stop him more or let him escape before she get away of the team.

Cat stone 7 damage wounded and trying to escape

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine readied herself to try and stop the cat creature as Slimy made to snatch it up with her tentacles for Celine to finish it off, however when Slimy made to grab at it with the tentacles, Celine watched the cat thing dart out between them towards the exit. Celine placed herself in front of it before it got away though and stabbed her sword into its side as it bowled into her, knocking her down and carrying her with it out of the room, as she refused to let go and lose her sword which would leave her defenseless in this place.

She saw an arrow slam into the creature as well which was from the pink haired neko, but this still didn't stop it as it continued to run out of the room, carrying the young futanari elf with it as it went. Slimy unfortunately wasn't able to grab hold of the cat statue quickly enough before it started carrying Celine out of the room, and Celine knew that she needed to destroy it before it got away, so she held on for dear life.

"D-Damn you, I'm not letting you get away to bring more foes down on us, now go down dammit," Celine growled at the thing as she felt herself losing her grip. Celine then grabbed the thing's left hind leg as it ran to throw it off balance a bit, where she then wrenched her sword free from it and swung with all her might at the leg she held, hoping to take it off and prevent it from running any further where she could finish it off.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

The monster continue running at fast as it could, as Celine half ride it with her body bouncing and hitting the floor a little with her legs now than she tried to move to make the monster fall. The statue creature is heavy enough to endure her moves and even when she tried, the monster just dont stop with anything and her attempts to get her sword miss some times before she could position herself the enough to get it out.

However she lost the grip thanks to the curse on her than make her dont be fast enough, she manage to grip the monster tail what cause the creature roar and stop, sending her hit the wall when this pull his tail to a side with strengh to make her release the stone tail. Is then when Celine notice the monster have difficulties to walk normaly, looks like he also get wounded at the struggle. She jump at the monster trying to stab him, but this stop the weapon's arm and tried to dissarm her as she is placed at the floor. The stone cat was almost dead and even then it tried to dissarm the elf to escape or take her with him to a hidden place, they had been moved far away of the others and at the moment neither of the others three girls were faster enough to reach at time. Celine could feel the heavy body of the cat like statue be really heavy and strong to be able to end the battle if she is taken down and then without her weapon there was not way to fight it with that resistent body.

[still armed, the monster is bitting her arm and pushing her to the floor with his weight. But the monster is close to die]

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Try as she might, Celine simply couldn't get her sword free enough to take a swing at the creature while she held on for dear life and bounced along the floor from it running away. But eventually she managed to rip it free, however she ended up losing her grip on the thing's hind leg in the process, where she snatched its tail instead. The catlike creature stopped suddenly, causing Celine to let out a grunt as she slammed into the wall there where it pulled its tail free from her grasp. It looked like it had been wounded a bit though in the process of the entire struggle, which meant that she was still with an advantage here as it looked like it was having difficulties in standing and walking even.

When Celine finally got her feet under her, she dove at the thing, stabbing her blade at it, but it managed to bite down on her sword arm and stop her, pushing it down to the floor, trying to make her drop her sword. She refused to do so however, knowing that she wouldn't be able to effectively fight the thing anymore if she let go of her only weapon here, as the thing's body was simply too tough to take out with her bare hands, at least it was too tough to punch without breaking her hands to pieces anyway.

Celine knew she couldn't let go of her blade, but she couldn't get her sword free easily enough to take a stab at the thing. She then got an idea though, a sudden brainstorm hit her like a sack of potatoes... something that Vanessa had told her, that she had a very sexy body while in her human form like this and looked much like what Grace might later in life when she grew up if she were a plain human. This thing seemed to be trying to disarm her for a reason as well, which was probably to try and rape her, so her idea was to use that to her advantage. Celine reached out with her left hand, which was still free at the moment, where she lowered it down to the creature's member and took it gently in her hand and started stroking it before it pressed down on top of her too much for her to move any longer. Once she'd gently taken the thing's cock into her hand and started stroking it, Celine would keep a hold on her sword and try to roll the thing over either onto its back or side, thinking to herself that if she could bring it to its climax right here like this, then maybe it would stop trying to rape her if she gave it what it wanted. Should she manage to get it on its side or back, Celine would start stroking the thing's member a little harder and faster as she moved herself around to plant her pussy right on the thing's face, wiggling her butt around to try and give it the idea of what to do and start licking her as she leaned down and gave its cock a tentative lick of her own before taking it into her mouth, assuming it didn't have a nasty taste to it when she licked it that is, in which case she would simply continue stroking it to completion, at which point she would use its momentary weakness from climax to stab the thing with her sword and finish it off.

"Come on big boy, you know you like this, just let momma Celine make you feel good alright and maybe then I'll let you have a shot at putting this bad boy inside of me if you can show me that you're worthy that is," Celine would say to the creature as she grabbed its cock and started stroking it, unsure if it could understand her or not, but speaking all the same. Should this work out for her in her favor, Celine would decide right then and there that her body was also a weapon that she should utilize in any way she can, thinking to herself that was something Vanessa might have been trying to tell her before at some point.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

At the start, the monster continue his attempts to take away the sword, hurting Celine's hand in the process, but she endure and started her plan, starting to pay attention to the feeling than Celine continue making him feel, the continue rub on his firm big member slowly stop his mawl to hurt the hand and his rock tail start to move happily as it growl slowly in pleasure, Celine continue for a while as the monster start to get first over her and then at a side, the strokes make him looks like a warm lovely kitty and before think twice he accept to lap the cunt who move to his face. After some minutes it cum and release her hand, after continue like this for a while, Celine put an end to his life just when the feline statue get in place for more, maybe expecting than Celine will ride him, exposing his neck and chest for a potent slash.

Celine was now alone in an unknown corridor but they had moved straight so she could return. Just then she notice blood mark a little far of her close some up stairs, as also some creature's dead bodies, she could notice than they were just beasts, slimes and tentacle monsters, out of that she could see a point of a spear in one of them.
Last edited:

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine felt the creature biting down harder on her swordhand, trying to get her to drop the sword, but still she refused to release it. She endured the pain thankfully as it started to loosen its grip on her as she began stroking his member, watching his stone tail swishing happily back and forth as it growled in pleasure. She watched as he rolled over for her, where she quickly slipped atop him and continued stroking his member harder and faster, bringing him to new heights of pleasure. She cooed softly as he started licking her tight little cunny for her when she wiggled her butt around in his face, continuing with her technique on his meat stick which seemed to have him well in hand now from what she could tell.

"There there, good boy, let it all out for mama," Celine said as she continued stroking, not stopping until she'd squeezed every bit he had to offer out, feeling that he should at least feel really good since he'd done the same for her. With that, Celine turned around and slashed his throat and then stabbed his chest, finishing him off the rest of the way while he was in the height of bliss.

Once he was gone, Celine got up and looked around, seeing that she was alone in an unknown corridor of these caverns. Thankfully though she saw that she'd been dragged in a straight line from the other room so it would be easy enough to get back to where the others were. On a set of stairs that led upwards even further than they already were, Celine noticed blood staining the floor as well as some dead bodies of monsters and such, a spear stabbed into one of the corpses. She thought this was intriguing so she decided too leave it here without touching it so that the neko's could sniff out the scent on them and see who had done this maybe.

Heading back along the corridor, Celine made her way back to the room where she'd left the others at, hoping they were alright and keeping a close eye out for any other dangers in this horrible place.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Leaving the room and after walk for a while, Celine found Celine draging the others where she was coming, maybe the three monster girls were trying to find her.

Celine, are you fine? Slimy say as she get close and start to examinate her, the silver neko was resting on the pink neko's shoulder, giving soft groans as they walk to them.

Dont worry they will be fine with time, but i could cure them if they allow me to...

No...ugh... i dont want your things inside us...owww The silver neko interrupt caressing her forehead. At least the pink one looks nearly completely fine so the group soon moved to where Celine pointed about where she has found a possible clue than could inform them better of what has been happening.

Once they return they notice than after go up, they could see a demon humanoid body with a broken armor, looks like he had fighted all what he could before die against the creatures at the cave, the soldier have some marks than Celine identify aas one of Vanessa soldiers. Looks like we are a little late to save him. Slimy add, as the others nekos looks to dont feel bad for the demon fallen in combat.

I can smell someone else scense here. The pink girl say pointing to the corridor than contiue after go up stair. Celine and the others soon find other remains of a battle a little more far, with armor and clothes fragment, as also more creatures bodies, however they place is filled with many smells and they werent sure exactly which of the next two paths the other soldier take. One is a opened door, other some down stairs after a corridor.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

As Celine made her way back to the others, she spotted Slimy dragging the other two along with her as she came to find her apparently. "Yeah Slimy, I'm alright, managed to get that thing too thankfully," Celine replied to Slimy when the monster girl called out to her, noticing the silver haired neko resting on the pink haired one's shoulder. "Would healing them entail you having to have sex with them Slimy? If so then I kind of agree with them about not having sex here just now, as it's a little too dangerous and all, but... if worse comes to worse then we may have to resort to it you two," Celine went on to say, first to Slimy and then after she stopped mid sentence she looked over at the neko's and finished.

Heading back down the hall, Celine and the others came back to where she'd told them where she'd found the spear and stuff that she noticed when finishing off the cat creature from before. When they arrived and Celine looked a little more closely at the corpses, she noticed that the soldier that had been there was one of Vanessa's men. "Rest in peace, I'll make sure someone comes to get you soon so that you can have a proper burial at the very least, because nobody deserves to lie here like this to be eaten by something," Celine muttered as she knelt beside the fallen demon man, closing his eyes with her hand.

"So which way had he been going? Or can you two not tell?" Celine asked the pair of neko's, hoping the silver haired one was alright now and that the magics had worn off of her. If they hadn't, then Celine would press for them to take a rest for now until she wasn't so badly affected by the magic.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Slimy nodded with her serious smile to Celine. More glad for her safe return than for had defeated the creature, then the elf turn to the nekos and soon the talk about Slimy and sex to heal them make the pink one try to defend the other as the silver neko shaked her head.

Sex is a vital part to heal them, i must put my apendages inside theirs bodies and suck the dark energy as i dran them of theirs fluids. Slimy answer not looking to see the problem but the silver neko make a little weak answer No, in this life, we will heal soon without that. With both nekos wounded, the party walked slowly to where Celine has beaten the stone beast, there they soon found the last scene and soon the nekos and Slimy started to check it, both cat girls turning confused to Celine as this mutter and said some words to the demon's corpse.

I could carry it out. The vine woman say pressing softly the elf shoulder.

Soon the elf ask to the nekos about someone, yet the two nekos dont understand it too much. You mean the dead guy?

i dont want to smell him...im already sick after the battle. The two nekos answer but before this could continue, Slimy walked to the two paths, If you are interested, a bunch of creatures leave some marks at this path and i guess than maybe they could be hunting someone more.

They soon walked to the path than Slimy has pointed, it was a mess what they found there, things like statues falen at the floor, dead creatures, then a clean place followed by a bunch of fluids, then nothing more. It all looks to had been a long battle as someone tried to escape, but there werent any mark to point to where that person has went, until the pink neko move and let the silver one help her to find a hidden hole at a wall. There they spot what looks to be a nude female, with her body heavily filled with maybe eggs, so she could not pass hrough the small narrow path than even Celine could not go inside easily, there were some stones placed only a time ago to cover the entrance and they were close others than were helping to secure the place of falling. All the girls could see than the girl looks to be maybe an imp or a succubus.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

After she muttered to the fallen demon that she would make sure that someone came to take him away for a proper burial, she looked back to Slimy when she mentioned that she could carry him. "No Slimy, we haven't the time unfortunately, else I'd have you do it in a heartbeat, so they are right, and they're right about the smell too," Celine said to Slimy about taking the demon man with them, then she looked over at the pair of neko's. "But you two need to understand the necessity of things sometimes. If this magic is going to keep affecting you then you'll have to let her remove it eventually, because I don't want us to all get captured by some creature just because you two were too fucking stubborn to admit that you need help of some sort, or because you don't want anyone but other neko's and cat things to have sex with you. If she can remove it without harming or impregnating you two, then we should do it as soon as possible so that it doesn't cause us to get caught in here, I'd sacrifice a little sex in order for my safety or better yet my ability to fight properly any day of the week, and twice on Sunday's," Celine went on to say to the neko's trying to get it through their thick heads that necessity sometimes called for you to do things you didn't like or want to do at the time in exchange for getting you out of a situation safely.

Following Slimy and the neko's onwards after that, Celine and the others soon came to where a major battle seemed to have taken place, where several creatures of different kinds had fallen in battle. Moving on and following what seemed to be a trail of some sort, Celine and the others found a hole in the wall that the neko's spotted at first, where inside they saw a naked woman, heavily pregnant with what appeared to be eggs or seeds of some sort. Celine looked to the others for a moment before squatting down to see if she could shimmy through the hole there and check on the girl.

"We've got to check on her, we can't just leave her there like that without doing so," Celine said to the others with a serious look, moving to the hole and trying to fit through it, though if it seemed like she wouldn't fit or would get stuck, she would back off and try to widen the hole some by moving some of the rocks, then trying again. Once through, if she managed to fit that is, Celine would crawl up to the woman, who seemed to be a succubus or imp or something such as that, where she would check on her, shaking her gently to see if she was awake or would awaken if she wasn't.