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Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)



Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Hmhm, On the contrary. Yours perfect triple giant dicks exalt your natural beauty, my love. Vanessa answer to the worried elf with a sudden giggle. Of course than im just joking, honey. As long your soul in that body remain sane all will be fine.

Have patience, my love. Your gloriouse raise will come soon Vanessa answer after Celine express her needs to make a name for her.

Cutey nods with a shrug, as said before not a single doll before tried to stop their dangerous slime. We are doing a masterpiece for you, working together with that bunch of dirty succubis and doing our best. If you want to complain again do it after we end and you had passed some days with it at least Cutey pouts trying her best to dont get mad with Celine.

Most of them are male demons criminals and Cutey preffer to punish them in that way instead killing them. For what i heard from her they slowly get broken without pain Said this it was almost time for Vanessa to keave them and once both alone, Celine continue asking more about her body to a slighty tired Cutey.

The little demoness blush and accept the formal words about her power, ussually her minions do it scared, but as Celine dont show anything more than admiration, the little one fall completely. Heh, actually i share this idea with the rest and it was mostly possible for my power, you are correct in that point. But im not for pettiness at my works, this body is perfect and filled with magic, normally i would need to guide my troops to heal them, but with the correct guide you will be able to beat Gaia The Airhead at being more inmortal than her. It was hard to believe her words, as yes Celine speed and dexterity must be beyong mortal range. Cutey pointed the jewel at Celine's neck. That is your indestructible core, where your soul rest.

However... Cutei then ponder and sigh dissapointed. The succubi magic will transform the pain into pleasure and with enough you will lost yourself for a while, you must suppose than theirs dirty minds make this body really fertile, they said than you will give birth to futa elfs. Said this dont worry than this body get damaged, all that will just arouse you, even when you should be melting with a normal doll soldier.
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Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"T-Triple dicks? M-My poor body will break my love. They'll tease it until my other half's mind snaps in two. So... please keep my other half sane Vanessa. That way I can be rejoined as one and continue my life here with you all... the ones I love," Celine said, smiling at Vanessa and Cutey both.

"Well I hope so, I just... I feel like nobody takes me seriously here except maybe you and Triny, and now Cutey of course. And maybe the succubi and Jezebel perhaps," Celine replied about the need to earn the other generals respect and whatnot when Vanessa spoke on the matter.

"Don't get made Cutey, I'm not saying I don't like the slime stuff. Just that I don't think it would be good to have with those human ladies and futanari, as they might not trust me if the slime is... you know... always leaking from this body," Celine said to Cutey to calm her back down about the slime when Cutey seemed to get a bit upset at Celine's words.

When Vanessa clarified about the other mannequins Cutey owned and where the souls all came from, Celine nodded softly. She didn't know that was a good thing, but if they were criminals that Vanessa allowed Cutey to do that to, then they had to have done something very bad indeed. "I see... well so long as they truly deserve such a fate, like if they murdered somebody, then I suppose that is an okay punishment and not too harsh," Celine said about the other mannequins when she found out about where the souls came from that resided within them.


After Vanessa was gone and Celine asked Cutey about her limits, clarifying what she meant about it. Listening to Cutey's words when she decided to answer her questions, Celine nodded her head and wondered who this Aegis was she mentioned. "Who's Gaia the Airhead? And... how far do my repair capabilities extend exactly? Like if I lose an arm, can I reattach it or something like that? And how much sex do I need to recharge myself I guess is another thing I'd need to know," Celine asked when Cutey was done answering her first questions.
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Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Vanessa softly shake her head when the elf said the names of the persons than she suppose were the only ones than trusted at her skills. Is that really truth , my love? Im sure than most of the ones than see you fighting with all your heart or talk the enough with you find out that bright soul of which i fall in love at the instant. Remember, soon you will need to choice your team for your new mission and out of the demons i dont remember any than could think twice in join your side, but some of them dont belive in me, so why bother looking so baddly for his trust?


Cutey frown as Celine show her worry about what the humans could think about her. quickly laughting softly. I dont see the problem, just say them than you have a curse or a monster made something and now you will for a while leak that. But only if they ask and you cant find a way to control that slime, with unknown monsters walking around theirs tunnels it will be not odd than that happen. She said with a shrug at the end and then placed her hands to sense any imperfection at the doll body. The Great Mistress and Cutey just nod and said than most of them tried to kill someone or were demons who wanted to put an end to them as the last time, Celine could maybe remember the fight with the dolls against the traitors and how Cutey turn some of them in her own dolls after the fight.

The Elven unable to remember the Golem girl made a pondering amazed face coming from the demon girl, like amazed by the elf to forget so dumb creature. Jezebel's almost mindless pet! That cow than can rub her udders for hours without notice the time passing and forget to moan or where she is doing it, that one.

After deep breath a pair of times she ponder the same questions about the magic doll body than the elf ask her. We could check the speed restoration of your body now or soon as most feels better for you, if you want to try with Jezebel i will be not mad with you.

Clearly you need to find this out for yourself, your body is the first, unique. And the same goes for that... sex, go around and do your things at the castle, but remember to take your time in what is really important, i guess than you will leave soon... again. The little mistress just said it giving time to Celine to think and decide how she will spend her long time before leave to the mountain or maybe the elf would jump to the action as fast as possible after gather her team.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Well... it just feels like you all are the only ones that trust in my skills. Your generals, except maybe Jezebel haven't even really given me the barest of looks and when I went out with Aisha that first time to find as many of the survivors as I could they all said I was foolish for even trying. It made me so angry that my opinion wasn't even being considered and stuff when I told them my plan, which was a very well thought out plan. And I want more than their trust, I want their respect. I'm seen as nothing more than an object of desire for you and many others within the palace, and I'm not just a thing, I'm a person, with hopes and dreams. It's just... frustrating is all, and hurtful," Celine replied to Vanessa, looking a bit angry at all of her generals save Jezebel, though Jezebel had been the same way at first, but at least now she was talking to Celine and helping her to grow stronger.


"Well... I suppose that could work, but it would be better if I could at least control when I leaked this substance. That way I don't accidentally arouse someone when I'm not meaning to just by hugging them or shaking their hands," Celine replied to Cutey about the slime stuff.

"Oh... I don't think I ever got her name. Or... maybe I did and just don't remember. It's probably the latter most likely. And a bit of training with Jezebel might be a good idea, as it'll let me know where I stand on things," Celine said as she tested her body's reflexes out by throwing a few punches.

"Yeah I will be leaving soon unfortunately, but don't worry honey. I'll be fine, and I'll be back as soon as I can so I can be with you and Vanessa again, as well as Triny and the girls. I'll check and see if Jezebel would mind helping me test this new body out real quick though before I leave," Celine told Cutey in a kind tone before hugging her again, kissing her on the forehead like a parent would do.

When that was done, Celine would head out, with or without Cutey, to find Jezebel, where she'd ask the blue haired general to spar with her so she could get used to this new body that half of her soul was residing in at the moment.
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Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Of course not my dear, there are many more than believe and respect you. That time we were in a crisis, against a new foe and after take care of a betrayal, for what i had heard there was a dispute of power and you get in the middle when almost nobody had heard of you, but even then at your firsts days nobody dared to touch you, just think in how respected and important are you now and how even more will you be after end to create this alliance. Soon you will have the place than you deserve as my equal, dont let the past or what they may think torment you in middle of this important task. Vanessa said, trying to confort the elf before her time with them end. Celine could feel how huge were the needs of the great mistress to be there and hug her to calm her, have her in her arms so her love could be easily transmited.

I know than they will understand, just say them than the slime could warm them a little, is not like they will lost the control just by touching them a little. There are many good uses for that slime, so i never look for a way to make my soldiers stop to produce it. Cutey say as she shrug, not so worried by the slime as this never has hurt her more of melt her dresses.

You know how to use your time, im sure than you dont want to waste it in hug all the ones than missed you, anyway i will wait for you in ours chambers, dont dare to leave without a last inspection, as you are under my care... i will do all to make you see me again. The demon girl then let the doll elf go to look around and experiment with her new body. Each step given let a print of a nearly invisible slime layer, nearly the enough to make a normal human slip funnyly but certainly wouldnt make it fall. Celine dont have this problem, as her body was so skilled and quick thanks to all the magic in her and lack of almost all the ussual organs, she could feel some of her weight slowly grow at her balls, once they get filled with cum who know where will this get stored.

At the few windows than she could see, she could notice than it was already night, the troops in charge of the day were getting ready to go go to sleep, leaving the next guard take their turn to protect the palace. So between them were mostly cratures of the night, wolf girls, demons and one than other different race, as any night the succubi were having their fun choosing who would sleep with them this night.

Even in her naughty state, no one jump to touch her, but of course her body was always seen by the few guards in turn and succubi, mostly succubi than wave to the elf and tease her with playful spanks and gropings. Many asking where has she been all this time and if she was free this night.

Celine was close to get where Celine remember where live Jezzebel who in the worst case could be sleeping alone.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"If you say so Vanessa, but it just didn't feel like they even cared about what I thought at all. And the only reason they didn't hurt me or try and throw me into the breeding pits or something was because I had the golden collar on signifying I was your personal servant. But I want to be able to be respected and recognized without the need for your protection my love. It's hard to not think about it so much when it's so fresh in my mind and when it's the truth," Celine replied, wanting so badly to reach out and hold Vanessa, to hug her and bury her face into her beloved's chest to cry her eyes out. But she couldn't just yet, for she had things that needed to be done.


"Don't worry Cutey, I won't leave without a last minute inspection. I'm gonna test my limits some though before I go, as it would be for the best I think to know how far this body can go," Celine said before heading off to find Jezebel.

As she went, Celine noticed the small sheen of slime that was left coating the floor each time she took a step. It was odd seeing it, yet intriguing at the same time. The magics within her body she could tell were making her quicker on her feet, as the slime didn't cause her to slip or anything. Suddenly, while she walked towards Jezebel's room, Celine felt her new balls swelling with her seed. Looking down she saw them growing larger as her cum sloshed around within the large orbs between her legs. The feel of it all stuffed in her sack caused her to groan softly in discomfort, but it wasn't something she could really stop right now, as she had other things to do, so she could only wonder when they would stop swelling and filling with her seed, or when they reached their limit if her seed would start filling other parts of her body, as she was in one of Cutey's dolls and had no actual internal organs to worry about.

Passing by some windows on her way she noticed it was night time out, which was good in a way, as it meant that she'd have a few more hours at least until she needed to leave for the mountain. That would give her time to both train some with Jezebel, as well as talk with Triny about things and explain what was going on.

While she passed by the wolf and various demon girls, as well as the succubi, Celine couldn't suppress the urge to reach out and pinch a couple of each on the butt as she went by, smiling and winking at them as she went on. The succubi groped, pinched, and spanked her back though, but Celine didn't mind much and giggled, cooed, and moaned aloud as each succubus teased her. She would even stop and let a couple molest her a bit as her balls continued to swell with her seed, telling them that when she was done in the mountain and back that she would let them both drain her balls completely dry if they could manage it, giving them a kiss before moving on again and apologizing for not having the time to play right now.

When she arrived at Jezebel's room, Celine knocked on the door a couple of times to try and get the blue haired woman's attention. She hoped that Jezebel wouldn't be angry with her, but if she turned out to be angry for some reason then Celine figured that she could go talk with Triny or play with a few succubi to kill time and at least see what her sexual limits were, as succubi were the best lovers in the world according to most.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Leaving behind the many intrusions and seductive plays than the succubi had with her, Celine passed to find out if she could use these hours as training. As she get close the door some voices come from the inside of Jezzebel chambers, the voice sounds werent cheeful or sexy at all, they were just talk and when she knock the door, they were very close to open the door just after a few seconds. The same owner of the place, Jezebel opened the door, her calm, maybe soft smile changed when she notice the nude and oil like slime soaked Celine with her hard member and each time more full balls in front of her door.

It should had been a huge surprise for Jezebell who maybe was expecting someone more and dont check who could be before open the door. Many demons with armors vest showing a high rank were behind her, some had grins on theirs faces. Its starting to be a habit, isnt Celine? Jezebel said, certainly trying to hold her rage and annoying, but clearly she was in part hidding maybe even more for so important meeting than was to end.

Why dont you wait me in the training area? if you are ready for another sesion with Gaia. Or do you have another reason to come here? Jezebel looks to maybe need some space, her eyes turn to the sides, maybe still waiting for who still dont come and as some whispers come from the ones at her back, just the gride of her fist pressing made them kept quiet.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

After a short time, Celine managed to make her way to Jezebel's chambers, where she knocked on the door. She heard voices from within that gave Celine the impression she was having a meeting with some of her commanders. As soon as the door opened, Celine saw Jezebel in the doorway, with a look of annoyance and what could only be described as disappointment Celine thought. Celine nodded when Jezebel told her to go and wait in the training room from before, ignoring the laughs of Jezebel's subordinates and heading out, wondering just who Jezebel was waiting for.

"Yeah... I'd like to talk whenever you get the chance, and to train too," was all Celine told her in response before heading on towards the training room to wait for Jezebel, unless the blue haired general lady stopped her for some reason.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Then i will bring Gaia for your training again, this time we will test more than just your focus and endurence, get ready. The blue haired general said as she close the door, her wrath would be soon remembered to her allies and minions in the worst case.

Celine have the time to be prepared for what Jezzebel could place on her, at least she could earn some points if the magic body where her soul rest is as expected better than her real one. The time could be short for the options than she have, she was there alone in the training room than she choiced, there was another with some soldiers training and some few gambling or playing cards, Celine still was not sure how much time she has been out the castle, but it looks to be out of special worries for any upcoming attack.

The empty room where the nude elf doll is have weapons, armors and an area where to train with some equipment, all of these well used, but still could last a pair of years more without get changed.

After Celine decide if she wanted to do some warm up or special training alone or with the soldier group the time would pass and two pairs of steps slowly get closer from the entrance, looks like the punctual Jezzebel would be there soon and Celine know than if she would had choiced get out the training room she would only have the time to visit another place for a brief moment.

Soon, the general and the renowed Airhead golem girl in her two pieces swimsuit armor Gaia were there. Gaia's eyes were clueless for a long time looking to Celine, maybe trying to remember her, but the dumb girl just wave anyway as she smile.

Gaia dont need to really train with you in another fight if you are looking for a different training than the one we had the last time. Anyway, its better than we talk of what you needed to say to me before your training. Jezzebel said as she try to give a chance to understand why Celine wanted a training so late.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

When Jezebel told her what they would be testing this time around, sounding quite serious about it, Celine took a deep breath and nodded. Heading on to the training room, Celine decided to warm up and get the feel for her new body for a few minutes, doing stretches, situps, pushups, and a couple of other exercises to help get her prepared for whatever Jezebel might throw her way. She did notice the other soldiers and guards gambling and wanted to go do that, but she knew she shouldn't leave the training room if she wanted to get ready and actually train.

Celine waited for the two to arrive and soon enough they did, with Gaia seemingly having forgotten her from the looks of it. "Alright, I... I'd like to ask you something. And this is in complete confidence in you general to not tell anyone else and give me a straight and honest answer. Can Gaia be trusted to not speak of this?" Celine said when Jezebel told her, asking if Gaia could keep a secret or if they should have her wait outside and come in when they were done talking. If Jezebel told Celine to go ahead and talk, the young elf herm would look up at Jezebel and nod. "Do you respect me and my opinions general? Like... if I gave you a suggestion such as I did a while back when the attack on the palace happened and whatnot. Would you listen to it or just brush it aside? And... how do you see me here in the palace? Am I just a nuisance to you that you put up with because of the great mistress, or am I something different? I just... want a straight answer, because almost nobody in this place things I'm better for anything save being a sex slave, specifically the generals. And I'm not just a sex slave, I have a mind of my own and hopes and dreams. I don't want to be seen as just another of the great mistress's personal sex slaves," Celine asked Jezebel when she was able to talk to her, after Gaia left to give them privacy if Jezebel so decided to send her out.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine had all the time needed to check her new body, she could feel it as real, breasts and balls bouncing, the slighty hardenes of her big member, her seed moving softly with each move. Of course than she also notice her flexibility, easily she could find a way to suck her own dick, the warm ups looks to still work and better news she dont get agitated not even an inch after end to check her body, breath looks to be more just an addition to looks more real than be really needed. The only problem than she could see was the constant arousal, showing than the weak point of any doll was their high libido and needs for carnal pleasure.

The guards dont notice her, her scent was not of a normal humanoid anymore, her steps were fast and light only the slime little noise could be detected.

Then Jezzebel come. Gaia confused turned to the General as she point to herself Gaia havent been trusted before with a secret, it sound fun. She said and giggled as she hug herself pretty must excited with the idea.

See? Completely trustworthy, just talk and the time will hide the secret or more likely erase it from her mind. Beside, its dangerous to leave her alone. Jezzebel said not even looking to Gaia, completely confident than any secret than Celine could give her would be just between the two of them.

With all safe around Celine have all to say her doubts to Jezzebel who heard her giving soft nods before sigh and put her right hand at the elf, well tried but stop the move inchs before touch her after notice the strange slime at Celine what make her frown before say what she have in mind. Dont look it personal Celine, there are few persons than i would heard theirs opinions, between them of course The Great Mistress and you, you are my student and as long you make me proud you can continue act as always, but maybe you should try to be wearing your armor if you dont want than the others think than you are just a thing to pleasure them..

Jezzebel then look at her hand to check if she has gotten by mistake some of the slime, but it looks than it remain clean, done this she pointed down between the elf legs before add. Now, i demand an explanation for that substance, the testicles and where has you been all this time after the meeting.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

As she exercised, Celine could feel her seed sloshing around heavily in her new balls, and the flexibility that she had now was simply amazing. She could feel the near constant growing arousal was her main concern, but she knew that was something that she would just have to handle, because Cutey had told her that in the doll body she would have to have sex at least every once in a while to keep it in check.

When Jezebel came in with Gaia, Celine looked over at the pair and smiled, bowing respectfully when she saw Jezebel. After telling Jezebel her worries and whatnot, Celine waited for her answer, looking quite tense. When she finished speaking as she pulled her hand back to make sure she hadn't gotten the slime on it, Celine was about to speak when Jezebel demanded to know what had happened to her.

Celine blushed if she could and lowered her head in shame. "I... there were some things that happened on our way back. It... it was my fault. I couldn't s-stay quiet," Celine said softly, her head still hanging in shame as she began to tell Jezebel what had happened, though not going into the hardcore details of the whole thing, but feeling that she ought to tell her everything aside from the sex that had happened. "And so Cutey and the great mistress split my soul in two so that I would maintain my sanity. I'm so ashamed that because of me this has happened. And, I can't really wear clothing in this body, because the slime melts it. Cutey can't, or maybe more like won't make it so this slime doesn't seep out of my skin. I'm still getting used to it though so I was wanting to know if you could maybe help me, since you're so strong and all. But if you don't want to I can do so with Gaia here. But at least pain won't be a problem this time around," Celine went on to say after she'd finished explaining what had happened.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Jezzebel's attention was earned by how Celine looks to be ashamed even before start talking, she stay mostly trying to see around so no one spy them as the elf give every time more data about what had happened to her and Vanessa. Tsk... this could turn into an anarchy if the wrong person heard this. The best should be than you dont say to anyone what happened with you and the Great Mistress, you should also hide all this about your body. The Blue haired General said fearing what could happen in the future after ponder this for just an instant.

What happened with her body? Is she sick or wounded? I dont hurt her, right? Gaia interrupt, showing to had maybe forgot most of what has been said just some moments ago.

Dont worry Gaia, she will be fine. But i cant allow than both train together unless you accept to dont try to touch Gaia at your training, take it as a additional rule. Jezzebel first said to the golem girl and then to Celine. Moments later before get close the elf to get a better look at her body. Ah there is the core. She quickly said pointing to the gem at Celine and then remove her gloves from her hands to give them to Gaia to wear them.

Just after roll up the end of the clothes at her arms at a quick move one of her fingers pass out across Celine body between her breasts, just making the elf feel a warm object pass across her without cause any pain and causing a bigger hole at her back, before turn to see what the General has caused on her a noise behind her made her turn to see a dark hole with the surrounding having still the melting stone in bright red.

The hole in the front dont lasted more than a pair of second to get restored when her gemstone started to get a beautiful light from it, the one huge as her head at the back take some more time to recover.

After remove her finger, the General take some of the time than Celine need to recover to clean the sap on it before add to their conversation. You will only lose our time in an endurance training... I could bet than this gem have a huge amount of succubi magic, mostly for the light color and the mess than you are making in the floor. Her words made the elf turn down and see her huge member leaking precum and even some little trials of cum, a little more and she would have her hands rubbing at her balls and dick, but Celine have still all the control of her body.

I will give both some swords, the slime of the little lady's dolls take a while to melt common weapons and armors. But if you touch Gaia with something different of that sword we will suspend the match, do you got it? Jezzebel then went to take two well used weapons and guide the girls to the training area duel.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Aye, I don't plan on telling anyone else. But... I trust you Jezebel, that's why I told you," Celine told Jezebel after she'd replied about not telling anyone else.

When Jezebel told Celine she required some stipulations in order to train with Gaia again, Celine nodded and agreed to whatever she wished. Celine felt a tingle go up her spine, or where her spine ought to be at least, when Jezebel found the core gem that Cutey had placed in her. She was a bit surprised at the sight of the hole, and the fact there was no pain... the feeling just... weird to be perfectly honest.

"Yes it has a fair bit of succubus magic in it as far as I know. And okay, I understand. I wonder if you know of a sort of clothing that I could wear that won't dissolve though from this slime. It's going to be annoying not being able to wear anything, even if the weather won't bother me," Celine replied to Jezebel after she finished speaking and making sure Celine knew the rules of their sparring match. Celine would prepare to start the match, making certain that she maintained her distance as she held up her sparring sword to do the duel with and not holding back in her swings, but making sure she didn't physically touch Gaia with her skin.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine asking for something to dress herself cause the General to sigh and close her eyes for a moment before answer back. You know, actually you already have an armor than cant melt and the ring than i gift you. All should be stored in a safe place after your horse appeared at the middle of the garden and jump over a succubi... We maybe just need to adapt the armor to your new body, but all would be ready for the morning. Jezzebel should be talking about the living armor than Celine got as a gift from Vanessa, even when the core is in her loving the endless amount of cum there was still the external part than she dont used when they come back from the meeting, there could be the problem of her large breasts and new balls...

The two get prepared for the training match, theere was some light finally on Gaia eyes when she wear the gloves and prepare the sword, this could be dangerous if Celine would had her real body. Celine tried hr plan going with caution this time, her sword manage to cause a cut and then she got one from a powerful swing than the elven almost dodge, both hits going to the lower part of the chest and that was all what could be said of their first attack as no one of them feel anything really from what should be a lethal wound. The two tried to learn the move of the other, but Gaia tried to go first and Celine new speed manage to dodge that second blow as she went to damage the golem girl who looks to get more serious with each wound, her speed increased and Celine couldnt notice the blow at time. Maybe Celine has earned a really fast body, but she would need more practice to detect the upcoming attacks.

Two hits for both

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Oh yeah... it is magical armor after all. I hadn't thought of that. Magical armors don't dissolve or break like normal ones do. It usually takes an incredibly powerful force to destroy magical items like that," Celine replied to Jezebel, having forgotten about the special magical armor she'd given her, which was a fair mistake what with all that had been happening and all.

Celine went at Gaia though when Jezebel started their match, swinging her blade hard and hitting the golem girl good, but receiving a couple of heavy blows in return that Celine was sure would have at least knocked her out had she been in her real body, if not broken several bones or killed her outright. Celine managed to get another good blow in on Gaia though in retaliation, thanks to not feeling any pain at all.

"Whew... I got to say I kind of like not feeling any pain from this. Let's me keep fighting without losing stamina as easily. But... pain is a natural part of your body that's there for a reason. To keep you from going too far and damaging your body beyond its ability to recover," Celine said as she fought with Gaia, bringing her blade around at Gaia again and going for her midsection since it was such an easy target.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Most likely think at your armor as a living being, this will get restored and upgraded as long the core remain alive inside your body. Jezzebel after said this lead the two to their training duel, she remain close yet getting a seat to watch them.

Celine decide to say some words as she wait for both her body and Gaia get restored, there was some pleasure increased on the elven, but she dont have still any problem to endure it thanks to her high libido and experience. There is not need to get worry to reach your body's limit, your worries should be placed to protect the gem in your neck, for fortune that gem collar cant be destroyed so easily, but of course can get removed. Jezzebel said before the elf start her tactic placed in her next moves, Gaia of course needed time to decipher how to counter what Celine tried at this time, the lack of pain or possibility to be killed made her midsection as Celine expected an easy target.

Gaia receive three blows, fast and direct for her to counter them. Uhm.......... why is getting so hard to hit her? The golem girl childrish like complain as she see some strange event happening than her little mind couldnt get.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Gotcha, glad to hear it. At least I'll have some form of clothing over me. And if I recall correctly, the great mistress old me I could manipulate it to look however I wanted, but the normal basic form was basically like a chainmail bikini or something," Celine replied to Jezebel, and when she told her to protect the gem around her neck, Celine remembered that it was her only means of moving around, so if it was messed up and taken off, then she wouldn't be able to move.

Celine gave Gaia three very quick blows in quici succession, catching her off guard and doing a good amount of damage to the golem girl. Celine kept up her pace, striking quickly after that to keep Gaia reeling a bit so she couldn't recover easily, a smile forming on her lips as she went, feeling that this was so easy now.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Indeed, you can have the chance to change the external part of the armor when the core of the armor is inside your body. Jezzebel answer, trying to remain focused in the training, so she can decide when to stop it.

Gaia was having problems to follow the elven doll at the battle, Celine just notice her slower than their last fight, there were more openings than what Celine could attack and her sword conect again making her maybe believe than this would be just a game until suddenly Gaia slide dodging her next blow and slicing below Celine's chest.

There was not pain at all, so the powerful cut soon get healed even before the elf conect her next blow.

Kyaaa! Gaia squeak and fall face down, her body even slide some inches after completely fall and drop her weapon. Ouh...Gaia feels so funny... Quickly Jezzebel get up from her seat and help the almost mindless Gaia who have her front and barefeet filled with the elven slime, the golem girl skimpy chainmail bikini have holes everywhere and if Celine get closer to see the dumb girl this was almost lifeless with her tongue out in an ahegao expresion.

I guess that slime will be a problem, maybe we should try in a sand area or with mud could work too, but in the last she will be falling very often. So, lets take a rest of ten minutes to change her armor and we can restart. Said this Jezzebel carry her friend to the armor storage area what could give time to Celine to calm her cum release needs or just say to the General than she had enough training for today.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Good good, I'll have to work on that before I head out tomorrow to the mountain," Celine replied, looking around at Jezebel and noticing that Gaia seemed... slower, though that could have been from her being in the doll body which was faster than her actual body.

Celine was taken aback though when Gaia slashed at her chest and connected just under her breasts. The place sealed up quickly before Celine slashed at Gaia again, knocking her down amazingly enough, though apparently her slimy secretions got onto Gaia at some point during this and it was making her obviously incredibly horny. When Jezebel made a new suggestion, Celine nodded a bit in agreement.

"I don't know how well it would work, but it's worth a shot. I'm up for anything though really," Celine said, watching Gaia curiously. "If it would be better though, I don't mind stopping the actual training for now. I mean, I was mainly just wanting to test how well my reflexes and stuff were in this new body and whatnot. And learning about me having the ability for the armor and all is a good thing though I guess. As it'll help me to not leak this slime all over the place on people and keep it in so it doesn't bother anyone," Celine went on to say with a shrug of her shoulders, thinking that Jezebel might want to stop for now.

Celine was feeling quite horny though and if Jezebel looked over at her, she'd easily be able to tell that Celine was eying her lustily, though she had always thought Jezebel was beautiful and would love to let the blue haired general lady dominate her and ride her cock raw until she had drained every last drop of seed from her and left her cock limp and tuckered out. Celine wouldn't act on these thoughts though and would keep herself in check... for now at least.