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Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)


Master of Kinky Fetishes. Or just Bitch if you pre
Dec 13, 2013
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Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

The spell had not the effect she expected. And it looked like this wasn't grass at all. Some sort of burrowing beast's back? Crap. How the hell was she going to get off of this one?

Her pants and shoes were melting too it looked like. Telara still had her balance but her shoes were done for too.

Suddenly a hand yanked up and grabbed her arm and yanked it down into the dirt, getting her right hand stuck. She yelped in alarm, then started swearing up a storm before looking to Telara. "Whatever we're atop, I think it's alive! It grabbed me! Blasted hell, I'm not going out to dirt!," snarled Taeyani before using her one free hand to try and draw the real earth overtop the fake sticky dirt to give her and Telara a surface they could use to get leverage.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

Without any second to lost Telara decide to drop out her boots for now in exchange for the safety of her ally, her barefoot state made her notice the sticky earth moving slowly toward them, trying to trap them even more on itself, she soon pull with all her strenght the slim girl at her kness and with some effort she succeeded at her mission, making than Taeyani have free her limbs finaly.

The mage tried to lift the real earth bellow them but her rage at the moment or the creature bellow her made the floor remain in place, it was a mystery but then the stucky earth moved faster making them almost fall again after Telara has save them, both girls almost free of the creature know than they have a chance to get out of there or find a way to fight this thing who looks to be close to jump over them to trap them even worse than before, unfortunately escape will cause them lost Telara's boots or what remain of them in a pair of minutes.

[almost free, but only both need a small success to escape now. ]

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

"Yeah, it's moving around whatever it is, hang on... gotcha," Telara said as she grabbed Telara's arm, her feet managing to slip right out of her boots and carry her over to help Taeyani thankfully without the creature, whatever it was managed to trap her again.

Amazingly Telara was able to pull Taeyani up again, freeing her limbs from the stickiness holding her down, where she saw the creature preparing to make another move against them, one that would likely end with them both being trapped greatly. She was an elf in game after all, meaning that she was better out in nature like now, plus she didn't want to risk them being captured just to retrieve her boots, so she made the hard choice of abandoning them in exchange for them getting out of there safely... unless Taeyani wished to stand her ground and fight, in which case Telara would do so herself and hopefully they could kill this creature... whatever it was.

"Come on... I'd rather not get trapped by... whatever this thing is. I'll be okay without my boots, and I can always find or buy more in a town or something," Telara told Taeyani, grabbing and giving her boots one last tug before they either tried to fight or escape to see if they might be loose enough to grab before either.


Master of Kinky Fetishes. Or just Bitch if you pre
Dec 13, 2013
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Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

Taeyani grasped onto Telara as the woman had slipped her boots and yanked her loose! Sadly her spell seemed to be having little effect again, nudging whatever this thing was at best. It looked like it was about to rear up and envelop them!

"Don't need to tell me twice, and if there's no towns we can always hunt and I'll make you something or other.," says Taeyani worriedly, before grasping Telaras arm. "Let's pull together and book it! One, Two, Three!," she says, before trying to yank her feet up alongside Telara and run for it.

She was curious how this thing lived, or what it was. It was kind of fascinating. Being able to stick people in place and such. No, now was not the time to get excited! Well, more excited.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

Trading their safety for just some boots, Telara and Taeyani made their best to escape from this strange creature, their strenght at the start was not enough to get out as the wall of sticky mud get up to then slowly fall on them like a giant venus fly trap, they could even reach to see something similar to a mouth preparing to maybe eat them this made them get the adrenaline enough to push together and release completely the mage's body from this creature and with Telara following to this they let away of this thing, giving some steps away as they see than Taeyani also has lost one of her shoes and now this and the boots dissapear and melt as the creature slowly return to its place and position once that notice than the girls had escaped.

The creature looks to dont be interested in follow them and if they werent sure where this thing is they would suppose than it has vanished, the perfect camuflage can easily hide that long body without difficulty, they could only see mud and earth now.

The girls could pass at a side but there could be more of these things and any others dangers at the forest, but they were so close to the firsts trees maybe a mile of distance. The forest could have a lot of dangers than they cant imagine, maybe more deadly than this creature, but no doubt than they need to find a way to survive in these lands.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

She wasn't able to get get Taeyani unstuck from the ground completely, but she was successful in hauling Taeyani up to her feet, Telara was worried when they couldn't break out, the feel like a fly or something being caught in a Venus Fly Trap going through her mind as the creature's mud walls began rising up to prevent their escape. Telara helped to pull Taeyani completely free as she felt a surge of adrenaline course through her veins, the thought as she saw the mouth of the creature being that they might end up being eaten alive running through her mind and getting her in gear to get them out of there fast.

"Oh shit, come on Taeyani... up and out," Telara said as she freed her and they hopped out of the creature's grasp and range, where it sank back down into the mud and left them be now that they had gotten free.

Telara took the front again and carefully picked them out a path that didn't run into the creature or any more like it as they went. Once they were close enough to the forest, Telara would fall back slightly and get alongside Taeyani again as they went on inside to explore the woods.


Master of Kinky Fetishes. Or just Bitch if you pre
Dec 13, 2013
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Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

Taeyani's eyes widened as the ground shifted to come forth, a mouth seeming ready to devour them. Fortunately Telara's strength seemed to yank them free, though she lost a shoe in the process. And as quick as it all happened, the creature was back down, like nothing had ever happened.

Taeyani glares at snarls at the thing angrily, annoyed a bit she had to be rescued. In many ways it made the elf all the sexier but it bugged her that Telara seemed so much superior. Elf genes and such she supposed.

She sighed and nodded as Telara went to take point, following along til they reached the woods. "Okay, grab a big stick so we can prod the path ahead for more sticky trap monsters and pitfalls.," says Taeyani, breaking the silence, "We should find a place with food, shelter and water that we can maybe fortify up. The creatures around here are crazy and I haven't seen sign of civilisation. Might just be us. Wish I had another shoe though, this is gonna suck."

She took a swig from her flask with a sigh to burn off some steam as she looked around. Stupid sexy trees, all tall and hard and nigh eternal. Able to survive off sunlight. Everything else had so much going for it.

"Well, let's see if I can't be of use here.," Taeyani says, before calling on her magic, to try and get the spirits of the forest to guide them to a safe place with food and water. Maybe it'd work?

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

"Aye I agree, and I lost both my boots, so I'm not in any better shape really on that front. Just watch out on the ground for anthills and stuff, don't wanna kick one over and piss a bunch of fire ants or something like that off," Telara said, panting slightly from the exertion of hauling Taeyani back up and them running to get out of the creature's range and then walking all the way to the edge of the woods.

Telara would look for a pair of long sticks about an inch and a half to two inches or so thick and about 6 feet long, which she would use her axe to cut and smooth out for them to use as walking sticks. Once that was done she would wait for Taeyani's spell to take effect or whatever, being the more experienced player of their game from all of the RPG's she'd played over the years and knowing that spells are essential and very helpful.

"Come on sexy, you can do it, I know you can," Telara said to Taeyani as she prepared to use her spell.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

The spell was casted and Taeyani could notice than there were some lag to cast her spells but then she feels a shiver in her own soul when the image of water reveals to her at her mind, a word formed "Northeast" she could take the tip or try again. The trees at some distance from them werent so difficult to take down but could take them maybe more of ten minutes take a few parts of theirs branches but they may need first to find a safe area to store them and mostly dry.


Master of Kinky Fetishes. Or just Bitch if you pre
Dec 13, 2013
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Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

Taeyani cast and then blinked, waiting, before suddenly she felt the response, making her shiver. "That felt weird. Um, supposedly there is water and safety to the north east. Shall we head that way?," asks Taeyani, before grinning over at Telara, "Sexy huh? My, my, not often I hear that."

She smirked and pressed up against Telara with a grin."You can continue that train of thought once we get there though. I rather not get caught literally with my pants down. Though I'm looking forward to getting a proper inspection of elven anatomy later.," Taeyani says slowly, while running her hands along Telara's sides, before spinning away with a wink and heading northeast.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

"Why not? You're sexy in your own way, just as I am in my own way. I think your legs are very beautiful honestly, and you're tall so that makes them even longer and gives more for the eyes to look at. And yeah I'll follow your lead for now, since we've met with two near disasters with me taking the front. But I'll keep an eye out around us still though," Telara asked Taeyani why it wasn't often she heard someone call her sexy, afterwards agreeing to head northeast since they didn't really have anything else to go on at the moment. "Well... our anatomy isn't all that different from a human's, save the ears and slightly more sensitive bodies... well at least that's how I imagine elves anyway and how I designed my elf body here when we came in," Telara then replied to Taeyani's grinding against her as she mentioned getting a closer inspection of her later, a smirk on her lips as Taeyani's hands went down her sides and tickled her a bit.

When Taeyani pulled away and began moving on though, Telara followed behind after grabbing their two sticks she'd gotten to make into walking sticks, simply looking along the forest floor or for a few low hanging tree limbs for the straightest looking ones that were around 5 or 6 feet long, which she'd fix shortly, but for now she'd just carry them along until they were in a safe enough place for her to focus on carving them down a bit with her axe. While they moved on she keep an eye out around them, when she went from left to right or right to left, her eyes would linger on Taeyani's long legs for a few moments before continuing over to the side she was switching to look at.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

THe walk toward the unknown safe place was in part very calm and safe, there was not any monster in view as they get deep inside the forest, sometimes they could heard noises at the distance from trees's branches of creature passing from them.

After an half hour they found what looks to be a small body of water close a small cave with a not so deep end giving clear than it would be safe to rest there without be attacked by behind, there were some vapor coming out from a part of the small lake so it could work as a hot spring. Around the place were many trees but not a single of them have a fruit.


Master of Kinky Fetishes. Or just Bitch if you pre
Dec 13, 2013
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Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

"Uh... You looked at me? I look like a boy! I mean, a kinda feminine boy but everything is just better at stuff than me. Girls are curvier, boys are stronger and have bits, and evidently some girls have them too, and elves hear farther, and some things can camouflage or draw food from sunlight or lord knows what. Makes me feel incredibly inadequate.," grimaces Taeyani, blushing embarrassedly.

Taeyani sighs and shakes her head. "I don't like talking about it. Everything is sexy in it's own way, we agree there. But I guess that's something. I appeal to a legs girl like you huh? Well, imagine you'll see plenty of em, heh."

The two followed Taeyani's instincts and magic and soon came to a glade, containing what seemed to be a hot spring, and a good sized cave, fortunately not too deep. It seemed safe enough. No food sources though, but Taeyani had a plan on that end. But a few things came first.

"Here we are. It's really pretty.," smiles Taeyani happily, "A cave we can camp in, and I could maybe shape to be a bit more homey, and a hot spring, and sunshine. After we eat the fruit I can plant the seeds and try to give them a little naturey magic boost to speed them into making a fruit grove. We'll need more food but it'll be something.

She chuckled and wandered over towards the pool, wanting to check the temperature and make sure the water was fine, moving a hand carefully towards the water, wanting to feel the heat radiating off it rather than simply dunk some part of her in and get boiled.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

Once they were within the trees it seemed that they were relatively safe for the time being, at least until something decided to come along after them or something stumbled across them that is. Perhaps the random sounds of the forest they kept hearing were simply the various non-hostile creatures roaming about for food and whatnot.

"Oh you don't look like a boy Taeyani, you're very beautiful I think, you just don't realize it. And if you're that worried about your looks, why don't you change them a bit in here to something that appeals more to what you want? We can edit our avatars after all, it's how I got the ears remember. Next time we get a chance to rest or something in here you can do so if you want to. But I think you're more than beautiful enough as you are, not just your legs... though they most certainly are a very nice part of you that I'm attracted to," Telara said, smiling softly at Taeyani and patting her shoulder as she complimented her friend while following her on until they came across a cave entrance.

"A cave is good... usually. It definitely might save us from having to build a shelter and merely a defensive bit for the entrance here. Let's explore the cave before we decide to make it out camp though, never know what might be lurking inside," Telara said after they arrived at the cave, looking over at Taeyani after her suggestions for food and whatnot. "And aye I like the sounds of making this place more homely since it seems like this will likely be a good place to make our base to launch explorations around the area from. And a forest around us gives us even more defense, especially from the sky. I'll get to work on fortifying the entrance here after we make sure it's all clear inside while you spruce the place up a bit to your liking, I'm find with most anything really in that regard, so do whatever you like," she added, moving into the cave while Taeyani checked the pond centered around the cave so she could make sure it was clear and safe to rest in.

After checking the cave out, assuming there was nothing lurking inside waiting to ambush her, Telara would exit the cave once she'd thoroughly checked every area of it, where she would then head out to collect some sticks and small logs for firewood for them to have. Once she had collect enough firewood to last them for the night, she went back out to collect any larger logs and treelimbs that were laying around or hanging low from trees which she would cut off with her axe, thinking to use them to make a sort of wall/doorway to keep anything out that might try and come into the cave on them in the middle of the night. At the very least she would place what she could find up around the entrance to funnel anything into a central spot that she could cover up close to prevent anything from getting fully inside while Taeyani blasted it from long range with her magic... at least that was what she was thinking they could do anyway.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

The place looks to be really peaceful at least at these hours, there was nothing inside the cave, it looks than not a single creature has used it as shelter for a long time. Telara could look for wood but just some steps away of this area or she could get in danger, her common sense said her to dont gamble herself now when all looks to work for themselves.

The wood than she found was mostly wet, but after a long search she got the enough for this night, just in time she go back as some thunders at the distance started to get louder. After work at their hideout the two girls ended filled with dirt and with theirs bellies empty. Iy was now their choice to decide what to do as the first drops of water fall from the sky.

Boring rolls are boring :/

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

Telara went on out to find firewood after exploring their new cave a bit and finding no enemies within. She got the sense that she ought to stay back instead of going out to find some larger logs more than just for firewood, which she chopped up some with her axe. It turned out to be a good thing too that she didn't as in the distance they heard thunder rumbling and it was getting closer. She set all the firewood out to dry near the entrance of their cave where the rain couldn't hit it and sat down near an area where she decided to dig them a fire pit, figuring the best thing for defense would be to pile up some dirt later on, but for now she was just too exhausted after gathering good firewood to burn.

"Ah... damn I'm sore. But we've got us a decent shelter and base for the time being Taeyani, so it's a good enough trade off I think. I'll see about getting us a fire going to keep warm for the night though while you get those fruits we gathered out to eat," Telara said as she got them a small fire pit dug out with a stick she'd used her axe to carve out a shovel like curve into it, after which she'd get the driest wood they had and start them a fire with it. If it turned out to be too wet to start them a fire, Telara would use her axe to cut off a small lock of her hair around the back so it wouldn't be noticeable which would be dry enough for her to use as kindling to get a spark to take.


Master of Kinky Fetishes. Or just Bitch if you pre
Dec 13, 2013
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Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

"Water seems fine.," smiles Taeyani, coming back over. Much fun as it might be to edit her character she felt it was much too late. She hadn't realised she could have done that at the time. Oh well.

Soon however thunder started to sound in the distance. "Tut tut, looks like rain.," says Taeyani, taking a swig of her flask before heading into the cave, getting some fruit out for her and Telara while she was digging the fire pit.

"Huh, you do a lot of survivalist stuff too?," asks Taeyani curiously, watching Telara dig, "I can show you a few new tricks if you don't know em.

She hummed and looked the cave over before concentrating on her magicto try and smooth out the walls and floor so they wouldn't hurt their backs as much on lumps in the stone.

"We got any bedrolls or anything? Otherwise might need to pile our clothes for comfort or something.," says Taeyani musingly as she works, before giggling. "Unless you wanna be my bed? You look comfy hehe."


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

The peaceful time together continue, maybe the beasts and dangerous creatures had decided to hide of the rain. Telara have some problems turning on the fire as the area around them is slighty more wet of what they were expecting, but she dont needed to use her hair to solve it just more effort than let her wishing to eat and rest at the side of her partner or maybe relax on the hot spring.

Taeyani focused on her spells again, this time she needed more time to do something, maybe she was using too much power as she has started to play this game.The side effect of nutrients and effort at her body was causing her some pain in her muscles even when she is using the nature power.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

"Yeah I've done some survival stuff in real life, not a whole lot mind you, but some, plus I play a lot of games where you have to gather stuff too. And no, I don't believe we have any bedrolls. Looked pretty much like we were tossed into the game world here with only our weapons and armor," Telara said as she dug the firepit, stopping and looking up at Taeyani with a smirk when she mentioned Telara could be her bed. "Hmhm, you just want a reason for me to have no clothes on and for you to be on top on me. Not that I'm gonna complain or anything really," she added with a giggle as she finished digging the firepit out for them.

After putting the firewood into the pit she'd dug, Telara had a tough time getting any fire to spark good, as the ground was fairly wet too. Thankfully though she soon had them a fire going and laid as much of the rest of the firewood near it to help dry it out, with the pit fixed nearer to the cavern entrance so the smoke wouldn't kill them or anything.

"Ah finally, that took a lot longer than I wanted it to. Now we can warm our feet up," Telara said after getting the fire going, laying a couple of good sized logs on to burn a while without the need to keep a very close eye on it. As she sat down next to Taeyani though she noticed the other girl looked in pain and was quick to come to her aid. "Hey you alright? What's the matter cutie? Here, let me help," Telara asked quickly as she moved over behind Taeyani and began massaging her shoulders with a firm yet gentle grip, after a minute or so she'd switch to Taeyani's arms and legs to rub them too, even her feet, a concerned look in her eyes until Taeyani told her what was wrong with her.


Master of Kinky Fetishes. Or just Bitch if you pre
Dec 13, 2013
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Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

Taeyani smirks at the nude comment, before commenting back "Nah, the clothing just makes good sense. And you look like you got plenty of cushy parts for me to lay my head hehe. Besides I could have you out of clothes any time, having a soft bed is a bonus."

The spell was starting to burn though, way too much for her, her groaning in pain and exhaustion as she decided to drop the spell, sighing as she leaned into Telara's massages, grinning weakly as she watched Telara massage her through her clothes. "I think terraforming stone is too much for me yet. Manaburn and such. Shame. Mmm, that feels nice. Usually I'm the one who gives massages."

She sighs and lays back a bit with a stretch, sighing happily as she reached over and handed Telara some fruit. "Mmm, eat up sexy. We both could use it."