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Mino (Prinny #471)

Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

"Its okay~ Don't worry about it~" The fairy said, "Pets don't need to worry about it" Her voice was so soothing now... And they were gentle as they led her as she didn't fight them at all. Several of the fairies came back up in front of her holding a coiled patch of vines all covered in bright flowers that were just so beautiful. If Mino was in her right mind, she'd probably realised she was high as a kite and not under her own control, but she wasn't.... because she was high...

"Aren't those flowers lovely~? I think they'd look great on you" The fairy said nodding and smiling.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

"Yeah...i shouldnt worry..." Mino said, noticing the vines and flowers they asked if she should try them on, Mino was trying to fight the trance in her mind and stop herself from saying stupid things, "Y-Yeah..." she responded, smiling somewhat giddily.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Hypnotized, bound 2.
Mino 16-3 = 13
Fairy Natural 20.
Not good...

Despite Mino's current wish to shake what was going on, she found it extremely difficult to organise her thoughts as the fairies giggled an wrapped the flower covered vines around her neck into a kind of collar, several of them performing an eye drawing display of braiding the vines in front of her, and the ones connected to her wrists into a kind of leash as she was led along.

She did succeed to a degree, the display by the fairies drawing her attention away from the one in front of her for a moment, but she was so bound up now in the vines that escape was going to be difficult. None of this registered in her mind of course, but they kept on walking, she still had time...
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Blushing slightly as the flower covered vine was woven around her, Mino felt parts of her mind be reclaimed, not all of it however, she was lead on further as she blinked again, her mind continued the fight to snap her out of her stupor before anything else happened.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Bound 3, being dragged merrily along
Mino 6
Fairy 6
Tie goes to the player!

Mino finally managed to get a grip on her right mind, the dust that had been blown into her face fading for a moment as she realised what was actually happening. She was bound, and being dragged along like a dog on a leash, the chanting continuing and the fairy still bobbing in front of her smiling and continuing to talk. If she wanted to start fighting, this would probably be her only chance, but shaking the drug had been a near miss, she'd have to be careful to try and keep her mind her own, or she'd fall right back into whatever trance they had put her in in the first place!
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Her eyes returned to normal, no longer looking like she was half asleep, Mino realised what was happening, her wrists were bound and she was collared like a dog, panicking slightly, she immediately tried stretching the binds on her wrists to break them, they were only vines after all, they should break easily, if she suceeded at that she`d retrieve her combat knife and try to cut her ankles free so she could move around better.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Bound 3, AP 2/10 HP 5/5
Mino, Natural 1
Fairies 12

The fairy in front of her seemed to notice immediately and Mino had almost no chance to react as the vines she was bound in tightened considerably, two pulling two of the vines between her legs from behind her and threading them through her collar, giving them a hard tug which made Mino yelp unexpectedly in pleasure and blush all the harder as those were braided into her leash as well. "Why do they always struggle! New slaves are such a pain! Mistress is not gonna be happy~!" The lead fairy yelled as she flailed in the air at the others, continuing to drag her along.

A clearing was coming into view that was glowing softly, fairies everywhere as they darted from tree to tree around what looked like another fairy, except... she was Mino's size, with bright green hair and wide wings, teasing what looked like... The Pilot! He was alive! And naked... And moaning. O dear.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Trying to struggle didnt do anything as Mino yelped in pain from the vines being tightened, two more vines were braided to her collar the crotch area, making her moan slightly as the vines bit into her crotch, thankfully it wasnt exposed due to her jeans not being destroyed, but she could see some fairy around her size...teasing what looked like the captain, who was naked, Mino suddenely blurted out "W-Why is everything h-here so perverted?!"
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Bound 1
Mino Natural 20
Fairies 7
Distance to big fairy, 15 yards

"Another way to pass the time, fertility gods, fun, does it really matter?" The fairy said as they gave another tug on the vines. It wasn't overly stimulating this time, they had probably managed to catch her just right, and off guard last time. And as the fairy spoke, Mino gave a hard tug on the vines holding her, managing to break several of them, freeing her hands and her ankles as she fought, but her collar, and the crotchrope were still firmly in place and the fairies were panicking now, several more flying towards her with more vines as the one in front of her flailed away in a panic even as the ones tugging on her kept dragging her closer by her collar.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Managing to get both her wrists and ankles free, Mino got her knife and tried to cut the one on her neck off as well, she would also make sure to use it to keep any fairies that tried tying her up any further away.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Bound 2, AP 3/10
Mino 13+2 for the knife 15
Fairies 16

Mino's slashes with the knife missed rather badly as the fairies yanked on her collar, pulling the leash out of the way of the blade as the fairies all converged on her knife hand, binding the wrist tightly and dragging her down. She managed to keep her footing, but it cost her as her ankles were starting to get tangled again, two fairies flying around her ankles with a pair of vines, trying to tangle and trip her up now that she was fighting all the harder.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Her knife weilding wrist was bound tightly by the converging fairies, her ankles were tied up again as she was brought back to square one, she tried using her knife to cut the mass of vines on them free, she needed to be able to weild that knife...
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Bound 1 AP 4/10
Mino 8
Fairies 8
Distance, 10 yards.

Mino managed to free her arm again, but her motions were tugging and pulling on that vine that was digging into her folds, even through her jeans it was hard not to notice with her thrashing around. Managing to not wound up any more bound then she already was, she at least had the knife back under control, but she was still being dragged forward... The captain could now be seen, bound to a tree as the larger fairy rode him, moaning lewdly as she took whatever she wanted from him.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino atleast managed to get her arm free again, but all the struggling had made the crotch vine bite into her harder, giving out meek moans of pleasure she tried to cut her other wrist free.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

AP 5/10
Mino 8
Fairies 6

She had done it, in one smooth motion, that was more luck then anything else, she twisted and slashed the knife through the air, cutting the leash and the vines binding her other wrists, turning to start running. She noticed something important however, no matter how she slashed at the collar, it just regrew, there was no pulling it off at this moment and it wanted very badly to reach to other plants. This was her chance to get away, because now the fairies were angry...
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Managing to get herself free, Mino now had to make a very important decision, would she risk going after the pilot and trying to free him, or run and risk god knows what happening to him, not wanting to let anyone else suffer the same fate as her, she immediately attempted a daring manuver, getting past all the smaller fairies and then cutting the bindings keeping the pilot stuck to the tree, then she would attempt a push or shove to get the larger fairy off of the pilot and then she would run back into the forest with the pilot in tow, she initiated the first step of the plan, attempting to cut the pilot free...
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Bound 1 AP 6/10
Mino 11
Fairies 14

Mino made a mistake at that moment, although her actions could have been viewed as heroic, the crotch rope that was still firmly in place, and the collar, she did the unexpected and charged towards the pilot, hoping to free him, and managing instead to get snared as the vines on the collar reached out to a tree at the edge of the clearing, stopping her cold and pulling against the crotch rope again, hard. Moaning even as she struggled, the other fairies turned and followed after her, pulling vines that were growing off of strange bushes living on the trees towards her, and these seemed thicker and stronger then the ones she had cut free from... The large fairy turned to smile at her, moaning again as she lowered herself onto the pilots length again, continuing to ride his bound form slowly and teasingly right in front of her. "well well! We have another guest Kevin!" She said between a clipped gasp and a breathy moan again, not stopping her motions in the slightest as she watched what would happen.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Trying to free the pilot was a bad idea, she only found this out as the collar latched onto two trees, literally tying her between them, the vines also made it a problem of pulling her up so her feet werent touching the ground, struggling in mid-air, Mino was suspended from the trees, the crotch rope biting into her even harder, making her blush and give out more moans, the fairies advanced towards her with more thicker vines now, Mino futiley kicked as she was suspended in mid-air, only arousing herself further as her face and upper body turned red in arousal.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino 3
Fairies 14
This fight was over, and Mino had only managed to wind up as bad as the pilot, suspended in the air as several of the fairies pulled her upper clothing off, Mino was forced to watch as her kicking legs were grabbed and she was striped with an efficiency that was shocking, the vines biting into her crotch moving out of the way for a moment as her lower clothing was all yanked away and tossed carelessly away before sliding firmly back into place, sliding between her petals and tightening again, her hands were snared not in the vines themselves, but in the flowers that grew on the ends, bulbs opening to wrap around them and force them into fists before a mass of tiny creepers curled around them completely, the knife dropped and forgotten as her hands were engulfed and bound so tightly now that there was no freeing them. Her feet were given the same attention, bound within the flowers of the vines as she was spread in the air, taking the weight off of her throat thankfully, but now she was utterly helpless and on display for the fairies, the woman, and the pilot as she moaned and twisted in her bindings until they grew tight for her to even manage that much. All she could do was twist and writhe slightly, her hips having more freedom then the rest of her, and even then that wasn't much.

Screaming in pleasure, her eyes closing as she shook in her peak as the pilot grunted, his eyes glazed over as he came into her, the large fairy, or woman, or whatever the hell she was supposed to be stood up, leaving him bound to the tree and panting as she moved towards Mino. "Well well well, What have we caught now... A little hero? A new toy? So young and sweet~ you'll do so much to keep us all healthy~" She said as she moved, the pilot's cum still dripping down her thigh. She was beautiful, her green hair falling around her shoulders and her eyes almost glowing with power as she ran a finger down Mino's front between her breasts.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Completely failing to struggle out of her binds, Mino could only watch as her hands and feet were covered in bulbs, stripped completely Minos entire body was on show for all the fairies, the rope rubbing against her crotch was rubbing hard against her body now, making her entire body red with embarrassment and arousal "Hhn...~...Let me g-go..~" she whimpered out as the presumed leader traced her finger inbetween Minos non-existent A-cup breasts.