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Mino (Prinny #471)

Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

"Let you go~?" She said softly, her finger continuing down Mino's bare front to give the rope a slight tug before her hand came to rest on her hips, gently easing her hips back and forth in a rolling motion against the vines, "No... I don't think I will, not until you've learned to behave like a good little slave..." She said, her face darkening. "So rude, not even introducing yourself. I suppose I shall have to go first, although I find it highly demeaning.... I am Harvish, and you are in my forest, Which I might add, you so rudely crashed in to..." She said darkly, "Have anything to say for yourself Human?"
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Giving a yelp of pleasure as the woman pulled back on the vine and let it snap back into place, mino became increasingly worried as the woman told her about slavery, she blinked and tears of fear rolled down her eyes as she was rocked back and forth on the vine, making her moan repeadetely in pleasure as she tried to say "B-But i d-dont wan...t...hnh~ haaahhh~!", she reached a orgasm before she could finish and the vines against her crotch became wet from her juices, the woman paid no mind and continued to rub Mino against it, making her pant as her tongue hanged from her mouth like a dog, she managed to say "Hhnh~...m-my name..~ is m-mino~" as she found out this woman was called Harvish.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Harvish leaned in close, looking Mino straight in the eyes, ignoring her tears. She was a cold woman, and the look in her eyes was predatory, angry. "You don't Want to? Well that's too bad isn't it... We've hidden from humans for decades, and then you two come crashing in here.. Kevin says there's a GPS in the plane and that help was coming, he was so sure of it, and I don't even know what a GPS is... And if you brought more humans here, then we'd be destroyed like we almost were so long ago... this will not be allowed to happen. Don't worry, we're taking you with us." She said dangerously, pointing up to a large bulb descending from the trees above.

"Kevin is already broken, such a caring man.... but he's ours now... You on the other hand, apparently need some training~" She said darkly as the pod above her opened, easily big enough to fit her entire body inside. Mino was having no luck at all ignoring the pleasure bolting through her from the crotch rope as the bulb descended, opening slowly to reveal a tight, fleshy interior filled to the brim with yellow tendrils, the dust that had been blown into her face before, showering down on her and reducing her to her basest instincts, only caring for the carnal as her thoughts faded away and the tendrils started reaching towards her.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino struggled as her body became more and more aroused, looking up she could see a bulb descending on her, screaming she tried desperately to struggle away, the golden dust like the one blown into her before descended on her, making it impossible for her not to inhale it, as soon as that happened, her eyes were half shut again as all resistance ebbed out of her body, only giving a solitary cough and occasional moan from the woman pleasuring her body.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

"It's okay~" The Harvish said soothingly as she fell straight back into the drug induced stupor and the bulb wrapped it's many tendrils around her, carressing her body and smearing a slick, amber coloured slime over her skin that made it tingle and buzz in excitement, a shudder rippling through her form as she came again, the nectar inducing even more pleasure as her nerves seemed to be heightened in their sensitivity by a rather severe margin as she was dragged into the bulb. Pulled into a folded position, her body fitting snugly in the tight confines of the plant, she felt both of her lower holes, and her mouth filled by the slick tendrils, the nectar tasting like honey as the plant began to slowly thrust into her in perfect unison, the bulb closing around her completely and sealing her in darkness and pleasure. It used her body for what felt like hours, the pace never changing, her body on fire with arousal and bliss, until she finally passed out, only dimly registering at all, that they were moving...
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Pulled up and into the bulb, Mino only dimly watched as honey slathered tentacles rubbed her naked body all over, making her moan and giggle with excitement in the hypnotic stupor of that dust, pulled into the bulb her legs were spread as tentacles penetrated her lower holes and her mouth, Mino felt amazing as she was thrust into as the honey messed with her shy mindset, sitting up so she was on her knees, Mino moaned and let her tongue hang as she was thoroughly fucked repeadetely, before being forced to suck on another honey slathered tentacle, Mino happily sucked and drank the nectar as it thrust into her mouth repeadetely, reaching several orgasms in these hours as she was happily used by the bulb, until she passed out from being exhausted.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino awakened, slowly but surely, her mind still dimmed and her body wracked with pleasure as the tendrils had only ceased while she was unconscious, resuming immediately as she came back around. It was strange within the confines of the plant, the only sensation being available being that of touch, and to have it be a pleasure on a level Mino had never known, even with the drug coursing through her system. Having had the plane crash, her virginity stolen, and to be bound, raped, and enslaved by creatures of fairy tale, had shaken the girl to her core...

Moaning and surprisingly, helping the plant overload her body in bliss, Mino was almost blinded by the daylight as it came streaming in through the slits in the bulb of the plant, the plant itself ceasing all activity as it opened to the touch of Harvish. Looking around, she was surprised as Harvish seized her collar, and pulled her out of the plant onto shakey legs into the middle of a camp she had only heard about in stories. Fairies, Everywhere, creatures of legend flitting from tree to tree, enjoying a myriad of simple pleasures such as wine from the petals of flowers as herself, and Kevin were roughly led to the center of the vine strewn, flower covered home that was the fairies. "Welcome to the rest of your life." Harvish said smiling, and in her drug addled state, All Mino could do, was follow, and obey...
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino slowly woke up again, still wrapped in the coils of the plant, immediately it started to fuck her again, one of its tentacles covering her eyes to prevent her from even feeling anything besides the strange buds rough fucking of her vunerable body, reaching another orgasm, Mino was finally let go, her entire body was sore from taking the pounding by the bud for what was assumed hours, being yanked out and blinded by the sunlight only made it worse, she could barely stand for being fucked for so long and not using her legs, she dropped to her knees and was roughly hit on her backside by Harvish, moaning in surprise and being ushered on, Minos pussy was wet and her tongue was still hanging out, having gotten used to having her holes filled made her feel somewhat empty without them inside her still, she could only follow harvish as she was lead by her collar to the center of this strange place.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

And to the center she was led, drugged, still delirious from all the pleasure that had been forced on her, Mino had been momentarily turned into a complete slave, the only thoughts on her mind being more pleasure, more ecstasy heaped upon her form as the fairies flitted around and showered praises upon Harvish, their apparent queen. There was no telling where she was, and as she sat on her knees, her tongue hanging out of her mouth, she looked every bit the pleasure slave she was. This was their way of protecting themselves, and she... well she was just something to be used and abused for now.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

At the center of the small town, Mino kneeled, the vine at her crotch area biting in and making her give out a moan, she wasnt even meek anymore as her entire body was awash with pleasure from the nectar she was fed.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino was in a bad way, her mind flooded with not only pleasure, but the need for it as several fairies flew down to seize her collar and drag her to a cage made of wood, before tossing her inside as Harvish walked up. "I'll never let you ruin what we have here." She said darkly, and with a wave of her hand, Mino blacked out again

Waking up, the light of the moon the only thing visible, an angry little brunette fairy greeted her, holding a leaf full of the same nectar she had been force fed. Although she was in her right mind again, there was a leash attached to her collar, and her body screamed for her to take the nectar, like sweet ambrosia as she went through almost instant withdrawal.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Being tossed into a cage, Mino had no quarrels as Harvish said something and made her pass out, eventually waking up again, she was greeted by a fairy holding nectar on a leaf, her body was screaming at her to take it and she didnt see any chances out at this point, she hesitantly opened her mouth for the fairy...
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Smiling, and relaxing considerably, the fairy happily tipped the nectar into her mouth, the taste just as sweet as before, and the comfortable numb feeling flooding through her. "Come on then~! We have chores to do~! You're going to do so well here!" She said happily, opening the cage as the pacified Mina was led loosely by her leash to a nearby stream and several flower bushes. "All you have to do today, is water the flowers and listen to Harvish when she comes by, Okay?"
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Swallowing the nectar, Minos eyes were half shut again as she felt herself return to the bliss she was used to by now, getting up she was lead to a stream and some flowers, being told to water them, Mino nodded, but asked "Wheres the watering can...?" in a obedient and somewhat monotone accent.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

The fairy smiled as the crotch rope brought a bolt of unexpected pleasure, and a lewd moan from Mino, before flitting off to return with a wide, deeply grooved leaf. "Here you go~!"
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Giving out another moan as the rope bit into her crotch again, Mino was given some substitute for a watering can as she then obeyed, using it to water the flowers as instructed by the fairy.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

The leaf itself was great for the job she had been given, and due to the nectar, Mino found herself wanting to do more just to move around and feel the slick length of vine between her petals shift and move... It felt so... Naughty~ Which for Mino was quite the accomplishment. Kevin was nowhere to be found, and honestly at the moment she didn't care, what she did care about was Harvish, who was supposed to meet her here.

It happened about 15 minutes later, the large fairy stepping around the tree, grinning at her. "Hello M-m-m-Mino~"
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

After watering the flowers enough, Mino looked around shiftily and went onto her knees, pulling on the vine so it kept rubbing against her flower, Mino giggled in pleasure as she continued to do this, relieving some pent up arousal, however as she heard Harvish coming she immediately stood up and tried to hide her arousal
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Harvish, grabbing Mino's collar lightly, pulled her forward and looked into her eyes, whispering softly. "Do you like my flowers Mino~?" She asked quietly, gently pulling on the collar and the cortchrope in a steady rhythmn.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino was pulled foward by Harvish, who asked her if she liked her flowers, she started to pull and tug on the rope, making Mino moan with every tug as she said "Y-Yes...~ hnh~ T-They look very nice~" in a giddily horny tone.