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Mino (Prinny #471)

Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

"Mmmm Seems the pod did you some good~" Harvish said smiling wickedly. These were not very nice fairies... "Why don't you go water that big red one for me~?" She said softly, pointing a little farther away to a massive red flower that moved gently, shaking ever few moments and it's petals opening and closing slowly.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Nodding obediently, Mino repeated the watering process for the big red flower, normally if she was in her right mind she wouldnt dare trust this giant...flower, but since she WASNT in her right mind....
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino was completely helpless!~! As the plant did nothing to her! Apart from extend a long, nectar covered tendril with a wide bulb from its deep petals to dip into the water, it was really distracting for Mino as she watched the thick, golden fluid mix a little with the water as the plant enjoyed her attentions, making Harvish giggle and walk away.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Smiling as the plant enjoyed the water she gave to it, Mino let it drink the remainder of the water as she walked back over to harvish with a cute smile and a happy face, very ironic considering she was forced to act like this.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino was slowly coming down from the affects of the drug she was on, but she wasn't quite free as she felt the effects slowly weaken and free thoughts start to slowly enter her mind. What shocked the usually shy girl, as she had a quiet orgasm caused by the crotchrope right where she was, was that it wasn't like it was this morning, she didn't crave it, or at least not yet. But a fairy was flitting around and shouting her name, she dimly registered that the little thing hadn't found her yet, and Harvish was nowhere to be seen.... And she was carrying another wide leaf of the drug....
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino slowly came to, out of her drug induced stupor, unlike this morning she wasnt craving for the leaf she was holding it in, looking at the leaf and realising she was alone, Mino slowly looked around, checking for any clearings about she could make a run for, she had recently orgasmed so the crotch vine wouldnt be a hinderance, the thoughts of leaving the pilot behind came to mind again, but she realised she could probably never get another chance at escape, she decided to try and make a run for it, hoping she would get far away from this place...
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

And Mino was off and away, stumbling and faltering for a little ways as she still wasn't complete clear of the drug, and her orgasm making her legs a little wobbly as the crotch rope became something she tried to ignore, which was easier said then done. Regardless, here she was, coming more into her right mind with every moment standing back in the small clearing near the river where she had been watering flowers. And the River was the fastest way out, because now she remembered what had happened when she had tried to run with the collar around her neck before...
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Noticing the river, Mino did manage to recall some high school swimming lessons many years ago, managing to remember just enough to not drown, she hesitantly held her nose and jumped in, the rope biting into her crotch hard as she hit the water, all she knew to do now was swim swim and swim...downstream and away from the horrible place behind her.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino 12 HP 5/5 AP 1/10
Collar 15
Entangled 1

It seemed that damned collar wasn't going to let her go so easily and as she hit the water, and left the border of Harvish's territory, it reacted, violently. As thin creepers exploded from the collar itself, not binding her specifically, but making movement far more difficult especially underwater, and Mino had no doubt that right now, this collar was trying to drown her even as a bolt of pleasure shot up her spine from the vine twisting and rubbing against her clit as it moved on it's own.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

The collar reacted just as harshly as it did this time, now trying to drown Mino in the river, trying to not panic, Mino continued kicking and swimming in the water, keeping her head above the water to try and swim further along.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino 11 HP 4/5 AP 3/10
Collar 13
Entangled 2

Mino had made the right decision to keep moving down river, as quickly as she could and the increasing current could take her, and it did, like a bullet. She could feel the collar getting weaker even as she blushed heavily and noticed a serious problem as her arms were badly tangled and the creepers started to knot together, if she didn't do something soon, she was going to slip under the water and even if the collar lost it's strength, she was going to have trouble getting the creepers off.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Feeling the current tug and pull on her filled Mino with determination as she swam further and further downstream, struggling to get her arms free so she could control herself and not drown.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

HP 3/5 5/10
Mino 12
Collar 19
Bound 3

Mino was now in trouble, it was official, but then, the collar died and the flowers wilted, the creepers that had twisted around her legs all the way to her ankles tightened considerably, and her arms were pinned to her chest as she fell under the water. She only had moments to tear herself free and do something...
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino felt the collar die, but at the same time she panicked as her ankles and arms were bound completely, making her sink under the raging currents of the river, panicking, Mino tried to untangle herself quickly before she drowned, considering it a cruel twist of fate if she died just as she escaped...
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Bound 1 HP 2/5 AP 5/10
Mino 9
Creepers 5

Mino's struggling against what were essentially thin, dead vines was paying off, but her lungs were starting to burn. Even as she cleared her arms in the rushing water, the current had gotten too strong to surface without her legs, but she could see something now, up ahead, moving slowly back and forth in the river in front of her, something with a wide tail...
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Managing to free her arms, Mino could feel her lungs almost crumple as she held her breath for longer, she tried desperately to get her legs free before almost fanatically trying to surface for air, the poor girl crying during this, even though her tears werent visible in the river.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino 5
Creepers 2

It was so close... She almost passed out, but with a burst of fear inspired strength, Mino managed to get her legs free and when her face broke the water, the air entering her lungs was the most amazing thing she had ever felt. Reaching out, Mino managed to grab an outcropping of rock, surrounded by dead creepers, the collar still wound around her throat, she was free, and for the time being, safe. Dragging herself onto the sandy shore of the river, Mino laid on her back, panting for air, tugging and pulling at the collar until it came away, and the rest of the creepers followed from her dripping form.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Desperately kicking and struggling, Mino managed to break the surface of the water and take a good breath of fresh air, grabbing a hold of a rock, Mino felt the soggy collar on her neck start to fall off, taking it off her head, Mino pulled herself onto the shore of the bank, coughing and catching her breath as she lied on the sand, looking up at the sky and relieved she was free from the horrible fairy and alive, she smiled and simply shut her eyes for a second, feeling the sunlight on her face.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino was indeed everything she thought she was, free, and alive. And the giant fish she probably didn't want to meet was breaking the water far down the stream, and it really was enormous! And there was a man staring down at her. Hrm... That was interesting. With no shame whatsoever, he waved at her and smiled. Hello~ You look tired. He said smiling.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino opened her eyes, looking up she saw a man staring down at her, meekly nodding, Mino used her right arm to cover her nipples, which was easy considering she was flat as a cliff side and her left hand to cover her lower lips, after preserving her modesty she nodded in response.