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Mino (Prinny #471)

Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Sarah smiled and returned the kiss passionately, mewling softly into Mino's lips and wagging her tail lazily. At her statement, she giggled and wriggled around a little. "You think so~? Sounds like fun" It was clear that Sarah was more then ready to play, and the smell of the their combined arousal was getting Horus nosing at the pair of them, making Sarah blush and laugh, scratching his ears as he licked them all over, his tail wagging.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

"Would you like to come back with me to a cabin~? We`ll have a bit more privacy Sarah...." Mino suggested, sitting up and slipping her clothing back on.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Sarah let out a long, lewd moan as Horus slid his hot tongue along her folds just as Mino was getting dressed, but hearing her suggestion, she nodded. "Sounds like a plan" she said standing, although because she didn't have any clothing, she had to ward off Horus for a moment who managed to lick her folds again as she was standing, making her gasp and laugh, pushing the wolf's nose away. Lead the way~
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Leading Sarah back to the cabin, she gently opened the door and made a motion for Sarah to be quiet, going into her room, she let Sarah and Horus in before shutting the door and giggling.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Ryan was passed out on the cot still as the three made their way into the bedroom, and the first thing to cross Mino's mind as her eyes landed on the bed she was using, was the way Ryan had bound her, and that fevered moment, making the lust that was already in Mino rise quickly like a flame fed fresh fuel. Horus was still being... an animal, and nosing and lapping at both of them when they least expected it, but thankfully Mino was wearing clothing, that did not stop Sarah from pulling her in to a hungry and extremely deep kiss, their tongues dancing together for a moment before Sarah pulled back and just looked at her for a moment, waiting.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Returning the kiss eagerly, Mino stopped and sat on the bed, taking her own clothing off and returning it to a table on the side of her bed, smiling, Mino whispered in a anticipative and seductive tone "Show me what you can do sarah...."
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Sarah watched as Mino undressed, and then inited her to take the lead, making her moan softly before shoving her flat onto the bed, and flipping her onto her stomach, straddling her hips as her hands landed on her back, and slid down her sides as her lips were felt on Mino's neck, whispering herself. "Ooooo I promise to show you everything~" She said as her tongue darted out to tease her ear, before kissing her neck again, leaning over her body before scooting back to sit on her knees, raising her up so she was kneeling in front of Sarah, her legs trapped as Mino felt her hands slide up her front, groping and kneeding her breasts gently, teasing her nipples by twirling her fingers around them slowly before one slid lower, her hand rubbing flat against her folds, one finger always drifting slightly into her as she moaned into her ear, Horus nosing at her again and lapping at her slit, extremely excited, but one snarl from Sarah had him sitting and waiting patiently while the two girls had their fun.

Teasing Mino with her fingertips for a solid 15 minutes, Sarah waited until Mino was desperate for release before easing two fingers into her folds, pumping slowly, her other hand dropping to tease her clit much much faster, sending sharp, intense shocks of pleasure up her body instantly and sending her into an explosive, and messy climax as her lips found Mino's neck again. Stopping for a moment, Sarah took the collar off of herself, and gently buckled it on Mino, smiling before standing and raising her hips, and lowering her front, sliding underneath her before pulling her hips down to lap at Mino's folds in long, teasing strokes, even as she arched her back and spread her legs for Horus to lap at her own, letting Mino feel her moan straight into her flower, her grip like iron as her tongue sped up stroke for stroke, refusing to let go of her hips as her tongue drifted over Mino's clit, only for her lips to wrap around the sensitive bud completely and suck powerfully, her tongue darting across it quickly.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Smiling, Mino moaned and giggled to herself as Sarah started to have a little bit of foreplay with Mino before starting, making her blush and her nipples become erect as Sarah almost expertly stimulated her, however Sarah decided to tease Mino by slowing down her fingering of Mino until she was on edge, adjusting her position before finally letting Mino find her release as she reached a orgasm, giggling to herself Mino felt Sarah start to lick and lap at her lower lips, gripping the blankets corners tightly, Mino had almost never felt better as she let Sarah lap away at her, reaching another orgasm as Sarah sucked on Minos clitoris, hitting her pleasure button as she came onto Sarahs face.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Sarah lapped up every drop of Mino's release as she noticed another of those small metal crabs running along the ceiling, a small red eye watching them. Sarah knew what it was, and it made her grin as she sent Horus away completely locking him outside. "You'll like these~" Sarah said, reaching up to pluck the 6 limbed little contraption from the ceiling, showing it to Mino before setting it close to her as she moved on top of her, pinning her arms and making Mino watch as it skittered near her face. It was a metal saucer, with long, segmented legs that seemed like they had an extra joint at their very tip, and as it looked at her, it reared up and Mino could see a sliding slot. The entire creature was covered in tiny lines and seams, meaning it could probably change it's shape. Raising itself higher, Mino watched as the slot on it's belly slid open, and a long, metal tendril slid out slowly, covered in a clear, slick fluid. Where there's one, there's more~ Sarah said as the tendril slid across Mino's cheek slowly, moving towards her lips as Sarah pinned both of her arms above her head with one hand, and started to finger her again without warning, trying to force her to gasp and open her mouth for the small mechanical creature.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Sarah had plucked what she assumed was one of the metal crabs she saw before from the ceiling, plonking it on Minos face and restraining her arms, Mino felt Sarah finger her again as Mino gasped in pleasure, opening her mouth and allowing the little robots slick tendril to force itself into her throat, making Mino give out a muffled moan.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

The tendril slipped into her mouth as soon as she gasped, slowly sliding deeper and muffling her moans of pleasure as the long legs reached around and locked it to her, its form shifting to cover her mouth as the last segment of the legs extended to interlock with each other behind her head, sealing the thing to her as she felt the thick tendril start to slowly thrust into her mouth and throat. And just as Sarah promised, there were more, scuttling around the room. "There we are... Some crazy guy a mile away makes them, and they just wander around. if the lights are red, they're just taking notes, if they're blue... Then they're hunting." Sarah said conversationally, the creature on Mino's mouth, gently slow fucking her throat beeping twice and getting the attention of the others, another scuttling up her legs and position itself above her hips as Sarah raised her head to force her to watch as the slick tendril extended again and slid up her thighs, drifting across her wet folds before slowly slipping deep into her, the creature latching to her hips with those long legs and locking just like the other, sealing the tendril in her lower lips as it started to match the thrusting in her mouth, the same, slow pace.

Something special happens when all 3 find what they want~ Sarah continued, pulling the creature off of her own leg, and putting it back on Mino, the third moving towards Mino's squirming hips to push into her ass, locking on, forming to her body, and thrusting as well, Mino forced to endure three lengths sliding deep into her with almost no resistance at the exact same time, all locked onto her body in a display of long skeletal metal limbs. As Sarah promised, something special did happen when there were three on her. Each released another long, snaking limb from their centers, reaching out lazily, as if waiting to grab something should it get too close. Evading the limbs herself, Sarah stood. Nothing was restraining her limbs now at all, completely free to move even as all three of her holes were violated. But Sarah had started looking around the room, watching more scuttle around the room, they just slid out of the shadows, as if they had been waiting.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino gave a muffled moan as Sarah placed another little crab on her crotch area as it started to thrust into her pussy, doing the same thing, Mino was in pure and utter bliss as these three metal crabs slowly thrust into all three of her holes, her hips bucking and bouncing with every thrusts the crab made, eventually she reached another orgasm, her thoughts clouded with desire, it felt so good, she could stay like this forever, for now she simply lied on the bed, squirming occasionally as the crabs thrust into her, she made cute swallowing and suckling sounds as Sarah backed up.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino was giving in to her desire, and the gentle thrusting of the thick tendrils sliding into her so easily, so steadily, bringing her to another climax even as she watched Sarah move up to stand above her on the bed, the small, long tendrils reaching out to instantly snare her, the two waving from her hips latching onto Sarah's and forcing her down, a slot on top of the creatures opening up as there hips were forced together, and Mino felt the creature changes tactics. She felt the tendrils slide from her, and heard Sarah give a loud, lewd cry as they pushed into her as well, the creatures locking their bodies together as the tendrils slid back and forth between them.

Something wasn't quite right though, As it happened, Sarah saw the light on the one covering Mino's mouth turn blue, and she started struggling as the tendril on the last whipped out to wrap around her neck, forcing her mouth closer and closer, until it sealed their mouths together, all three tendrils slipping back and forth into their holes as they moaned and writhed together, Sarah gripping Mino tightly as she shuddered and bucked, the other crabs moving closer. Whatever had panicked Sarah was forgotten as she came, and the lengths continued their tortuous motions, refusing to give them a break. Lost in pleasure, the other creatures slowly started to wrap them in metal tendrils, and started dragging them out of the room, towards the the front door, slowly but surely, neither girl able to fight as the creatures kept them too occupied to do anything other then stay trapped in bliss.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Eventually the wavering tentacles grabbed a hold of Sarah, forcing her to Minos body as the robots started to "connect" to the corresponding holes, pressing Mino and Sarahs lips togethers as the other crabs started to drag them out of the cabin and somewhere else, Mino didnt know because she reached a orgasm and passed out at the same time Sarah did.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Asleep, or awake, the tendrils continued their thrusting, Mino and Sarah both shuddering and mewling in their sleep as they came again and again, the stress on their bodies keeping them unconscious for the whole trip. Mino awoke slowly, hanging from metal tendrils hooked into a ceiling, the crabs gone except for the one covering her mouth, although the tendril had stopped in her mouth, no longer thrusting, and not buried in her throat, simply keeping her quiet. Sarah was right next to her, struggling weakly, until the tendrils set them down onto a dirt floor and slid back into the ceiling. Mino pulled at the creature on her mouth, but couldn't get it to come off, and neither could Mino. Looking at her, Sarah looked very sorry and wrote something in the dirt floor. "Big Trouble. Need to Escape. Now." They were nude, silenced, and in a room with one door, apparently in the home of the maker of these tendrils.

As if on cue, a voice came from a speaker set into the wall nearby. "Welcome~ When someone plays with my toys, I get curious.... But I'm a sporting man, escape, and you can go. Little Sarah here has already gotten away once, I wonder if she can do it again~" As he finished speaking, the door hissed and opened, revealing a hedge maze, metal showing on the plants in every direction. Sarah groaned into her gag and looked at Mino, motioning with her head to follow. Just outside the door, Mino found something that had gone missing in the woods, her first spear, and Sarah found a long knife. It wasn't a stretch to figure out they had to escape the maze, play whatever sick game this guy wanted them to play.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Eventually they woke up, finding themselves in a twisted version of a hedge maze but with metal instead, unable to speak and naked, Mino had returned to her shy personality, rubbing her head and thinking what did she do last night, almost like she was coming out of a hang over, thankfully she found her spear and followed Sarah into the maze, trying to mantain awareness and not get carried away with lewd thoughts again.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Sarah continued to pull at the thing on her face, until she finally grew frustrated and used the blade to pry the legs loose, finally slashing through them and dropping the broken creature to the ground, before doing the same for Mino. "Well! That was Rude!" She said angrily, Come on, this place is run by some nutcase named Tassadar, if you hear cackling, you need to run, fast, lets go" Sarah said, starting to walk into the maze, knife ready. There was a 3 way split just ahead, and they needed to pick a direction.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

My mind has been officially blown

Thankfully Sarah managed to get the metal crabs on their mouths off with some deft use of her knife, nodding, Mino followed Sarah down the path to a split in the road, Mino decided to take the right route.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Sarah was fine with the decision, the hedge maze towering over them as they heard skittering through the maze, when two of the small crabs came out of the walls, looking at them, blue lights blinkings, staring... shifting from side to side... "We need to kill anything that moves in here" Sarah said quietly.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Nodding, Mino got her spear ready and tried stabbing at the first of the crabs, expecting Sarah to take care of the other.