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Mino (Prinny #471)

Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino 15
Crab 6

Crab 1
Mino 18
Crab 1 dead
Sarah 8
Crab 12

Crab 17
Sarah 11
Sarah HP 4/4 AP 3/10

Glad to have blown your mind~ :D

Mino had amazing luck, or skill, as her spear lanced down and shattered the creature with not one, but two well aimed, and better timed blows, the small mechanical construct breaking into scrap metal and sparks. Sarah had no such luck as the creature slipped by her knife and latched onto her hips, starting to hum furiously and making her gasp and blush, Mino already knowing that that long tendril had pushed mercilessly straight into her, starting to force pleasure on her without reserve.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Thankfully Mino managed to destroy the first crab in a good few hits, however Sarah wasnt having much luck either, Mino dropped her spear temporarily to try and pry the crab off of Sarahs crotch, keeping the spear nearby so she can stab at it if she does pull it off.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino 8
Crab 17

Sarah 1
Crab 9
Sarah HP 4/4 AP Reset, Orgasm encurred.

Mino's attempt to pry the crab loose only succeeded in allowing it a powerful, deep thrust into Sarah's lower lips, causing her to cry out loudly as she came, her juices coating the machine as it continued to violate her unabated, and starting to beep, another beep coming from behind Mino... Seemed if they took too long, the small creatures called for help...
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino blinked, groaning she grabbed her spear and set about trying to dispatch the crab that was called by the one violating Sarah, annoyed at this, she had no qualms about killing these crabs as there seemed to be a ton of them, quantity over quality seemed to be the main gait of this Tassadar.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino 8
Crab 15

Crab 18
Mino 10
Mino HP 5/5 AP 3/10
Sarah, still steadily being raped.

Sarah was completely useless as she bucked and writhed on the ground, moaning as she groped her chest, the crab thrusting into her far more quickly then they had before as Mino turned to attack the new arrival. Thrusting with the spear, Mino missed as the creature lunged at her, landing on her chest, skittering around her form quickly as Mino grabbed for it, missing badly as it settled over her hips just like Sarah, and latched on, sliding that same, thick, well lubed tendril deep into her slit without hesitation, forcing a groan as Mino shuddered, her inner walls clamping around the tendril. If she didn't hurry and get this thing off, she was going to be as helpless as Sarah, and for no idea how long.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Annoyed she couldnt get the crab off, Mino was annoyed only more as she missed the crab and it latched onto her own lower lips, giving out a surprised moan, she tried prying it off herself.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Crab 9
Mino 14

With a surprising amount of strength, Mino pulled, hard, giving a loud gasp as she wrenched the creature from her hips and its long tendril slid from her lower lips. The creature tried to wrap its limbs around her wrists but Mino smashed it on the ground, the crab giving a low whine before it stopped moving, the light on its top going out.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Thankfully Mino managed to pry the first crab off and then toss it to the ground, breaking it, she then turned her attention to the one stuck on Sarah, trying to pull it off as well before it called for anymore backup.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino 7
Crab 15
Luck roll:68 (This is what I roll for random happenings. And I only show them when you succeed. If you have any questions, feel free to ask)
Sarah 17
Crab 1

Mino had no luck with the crab on Sarah, but Sarah, in her lust addled situation, rolled her head forward and saw Mino even as she bucked her hips against the invading tendril, and something in her head clicked back into place. As she joined in the attempt to remove the crab, it came away easily with both of them pulling and was smashed just as summarily by Mino. As they waited, listening, they realised that that seemed to be the end of them. It could probably be safely assumed that they usually came in 3's...
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Thankfully Sarah snapped out of her state to help out Sarah, managing to pry the crab off of her and stamp it out again, helping Sarah up, the two nodded to each other as Mino continued down the pathway of this labyrinth at a hurried pace.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

The path they had chosen was a long and twisting one that completely ruined their sense of direction in no time at all until they came to something really confusing. It was a fork, that forked,that forked again. Standing there, Sarah scratched her head trying to remember. "We need to keep heading east... Unless he changed things... and he probably did.."

As if to make this annoying statement even worse, they heard soft, but long drawn out laughter from somewhere nearby, like a twisted madman cackling softly, like something had gone so right, and the mean very wrong for them. They had to choose fast, because they could hear heavy footsteps coming from behind them.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Panicking slightly as she heard footsteps behind her, Mino decided to follow Sarahs idea and took the eastward route in a even more hurried pace.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

And off they went, taking the left most fork every time which brought them to a long hallway, small beeping circles shining at random along the path, and small odd looking triangles set at waist height along the walls every few feet.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Eventually they came to a long hallway, with beeping circles and triangles lining the floor and walls, worried this was a trap, Mino made sure to tread cautiously, trying to avoid these circles and triangles.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino Natural 1
Sarah 5
VS. DC 4
Triangle 13
Mino 12

Their attempt at being careful was an outright and terrible failure as Mino immediately tripped over her own Spear and landed on one of the circles which she felt depress under her, one of the triangles launched from the wall with a soft click. Trying to roll out of the way, she felt it land smack dab over her navel, held their with some kind of adhesive, and it started to click, bands of metal starting to slowly expand, one headed between her legs, the other around her waist like a belt. It would probably be best to remove this thing before it locked to her, and from the speed it was showing, they didn't have long.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Completely failing at being cautious, which was ironic considering her personality, she fell and felt a strange sort of belt stick to her navel, groaning she tried pulling it off again, frustrated with all these binding devices.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino 8
Belt 16

Sarah 9
Belt 15

Sarah 17
Traps 15
1 more turn before belt locks

Despite her fevered pulling on the belt as the limbs gave several more clicks, and slide farther between her legs and around the curve of her hips, the belt didn't budge, not even with Sarah's help. As the bands of metal continued to move, Mino felt it slide past her lower lips, pressing snugly against them as it kept moving. She didn't have long!
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Panting as she felt the buckle rub against her lower lips, Mino tried pulling and tearing even harder now at the buckle, desperately trying to get it off.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino 8
Belt Nat 1

With the renewed effort and her slight panic, Mino tore the belt from her, the mechanical limbs flailing around blindly before Sarah seized it and through it down, slamming her knife through it's center. I've never seen those before... They must be new...

There had to be another way through here, or they could try to keep going down this route. The fact that it was so heavily guarded meant that they were probably on the right track, but it was heavily guarded...
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Nodding, Mino knew that if this place was guarded so tightly it would serve no point to have nothing at the end, she tried to cautiously make her way down the corridor again...