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Mino (Prinny #471)

Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

"Tassadar doesn't lie, we're free to go, I think these are party favours, they should stop vibrating and fall off when the timer hits zero" She said, putting a hand on Mino's shoulder and moaning lewdly as she started to roll her hips, the vibrations pushing her towards another climax even as Mino started to get closer to one of her own, the vibrations increasing in power. "He caught me before, we got lucky, took me three days to get out last time, I kept getting raped and brought back to the start."
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino looked around, slightly panicky after getting her answer, "W-Where are we now?" she asked.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Sarah pointed in a direction away from the gate, slightly to the right. About a mile from the clearing... She said right before she slumped to her knees, gripping Mino's hips as she whimpered and tensed, bucking her hips furiously. God damnit! It wont let me finish! she said, quivering in place as the belt held her right at the edge. Mino's own belt started vibrating furiously for a moment, driving her right to the edge, the pleasure washing through her body before cutting her short as well, alternating speeds to hold her just before her peak, refusing to let her cum as her chest and lower lips begged for attention, her inner walls quivering to grip at something that wasn't there to fill them. Even if she groped her own chest, the belt would alternate it's speed again, refusing to let her reach her climax no matter what she did about it.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Panting and moaning, Mino dropped to her knees in pleasure as the belt vibrated furiously, slowing down and speeding up to keep Mino on edge and never let her orgasm, bringing out her lewder side again "Hnhnh~...I-I cant r-reach it...~"
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Sarah staggered to her feet, legs shaking as she grabbed Mino's hand and started walking, albeit slowly and with many stops, away from the hedge maze. If either turned to look, they'd see a large black manor on top of it, and a man watching them leave from one of the windows.

I bet we can't do anything about it with these belts on! Sarah swore as they got out of sight and into the trees, falling with her back against a tree and panting, sweating, and moaning as her hips rolled, herself just as frustrated as Mino was.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

The two eventually had to rest, leaning against trees, she coughed for a bit as her hips bucked and bounced from the thrusting of this belt, she wanted to get it off, but at the same time leave it on.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino and Sarah were utterly helpless with the belts on, watching in a lust fevered haze as the minutes seemed to tick by painfully slowly, driving them nuts. As if to taunt them further, the belts counted down the last seconds, before with a hiss and a click, the slid away and scuttled off.

Left in the woods, panting heavily and almost insane with lust, neither girl had a chance to act on it as the seeds that the mushrooms had planted in them started shifting, the belts had left just in time. Moving around in their wombs, bigger then before, both girls felt small tendrils reach through their cervix to pull the seed down their tunnels to pop out of their slits and burrow slightly into the ground, causing an unbelievable flood of pleasure to pulse though their over worked bodies, both girls screaming in bliss as they had an orgasm that lasted until the seed had worked it's way clear, bucking and writhing. Mino had the distinct pleasure of watching Sarah go through it all over again, since she had gathered two seeds not one, but much to their shock, the mushrooms were incredibly fast to grow, already starting to reach a foot in height, and getting wider even as they watched.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

The belts finally came off the edging girls, leaving them alone as the seeds inside of them started to force themselves out, making the two girls finally reach their orgasms as the seeds planted into the ground and formed new mushrooms, Mino panted and caught her breath, crawling over to Sarah and cuddling with her "Well...that was a wild ride~"
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Sarah wriggled and cuddled Mino back, starting to doze off even as the three mushrooms formed into a much larger one. If they didn't want to be raped by the new and probably hungry mushroom, they had probably better move... This one looked different from the others, and actually started to grow it's own tendrils.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Noticing a very large mushroom start to grow, Mino smiled giddily with lust as she watched it grow to a very large size, deciding Sarah had earned a break, she moved Sarah just out of the way of the mushroom and walked over to the stalk of the mushroom herself, cuddling it and licking the stalk, trying to tempt it out...
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

As soon as she wrapped her arms around the mushroom, it shuddered in reaction to her touch, and several tendrils lashed out to seize her in a powerful grip, pinning her arms to her sides as it lifted her up towards the still growing peak. As she was lifted, Mino noticed that in the center of the mushrooms top showed a tight opening. Her limbs tightly bound, she was helpless, and didn't really care as it lowered her towards the opening, three tendrils extending out of it to wrap around her ankles, one spearing straight into her lower lips without any warning, plunging deep into her and starting to expand at the tip, growing larger every moment until it became lodged in her inner walls. Squirming and moaning at the violent intrusion, Mino whimpered softly as she felt her feet pulled into the opening, and then her calves. Inch by inch, by her legs and by the tendril buried in her slit, she was pulled down into the mushroom, until only her head remained free.

Feeling the tendril in her flower condense again and start to thrust, she felt another one lunge into her pucker, thrusting in an alternating rhythm out of sight as she watched very small tendrils sprout all around her face. Starting to tug and pull at the soft tissue around her, she saw the incredibly thin, tight flesh of the mushroom worked into a thin membrane and pulled over her head. It was amazing that she could breath through it, but she was severely muffled and well hidden atop the tall mushroom as it pounded her lower holes with reckless abandon, nothing like it's smaller counterparts as it took without giving, driving from one climax to another without mercy, the plant drinking in her juices and demanding more as it worked her small body over. Sarah hadn't noticed in her haze that Mino had gone missing, but her nose told her she was nearby. She heard the wolf girl curse loudly before running off.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino giggled as the mushroom started to repeat the same process as last time, pulling her into itself as it violently thrust into her repeadetely and violated all of her holes, Mino gave out muffled screams and moans past the tentacle in her throat as she relished in the feeling of having all her holes filled again.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Completely trapped where she was, her head only a vague outline through the thin membrane that covered it, Mino was raped by the mushroom over and over again, for what felt like hours, it never seemed to end. She passed out only to reawaken to the same vicious pounding, fucked into unconsciousness again.

It went on for 4 hours, although it felt like so much longer, and her inner holes were filled with hot bulge after bulge, causing her stomach to swell until she simply couldn't hold any more. She awoke to the sound of shouting before the blade of an axe bit into the mushroom, Ryan heard calling her name as he slammed the axe home again and again. The last conscious thing Mino saw, was her own bloated belly, and Ryan looking scared to death as he picked her up, Sarah standing next to him and panting...

She awoke in her bed, not bloated any more, having must have laid the seeds implanted in her in her sleep. She was sore, and had probably been laid hard enough for quiet meek Mino to be happy for a life time. Sarah was waiting in a chair, lightly dozing, Horus curled up protectively on Mino's legs.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino eventually passed out, twice as she was given almost constant and non stop pleasure, never feeling better she happily took it until she was saved by Ryan, at that point passing out again, back to normal, Mino blinked and looked out of her bed, noticing Horus lying at her feet, she was slightly concerned about Sarah and where she had gone.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Sarah stirred gently in the chair she was in as Mino woke, glancing up with bleary eyes to stare at her, before hugging her and starting to apologise profusely in an endless stream of words and tears that never seemed to end, and she was strong, it was one hell of a hug...
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino was startled slightly, but smiled and cuddled Sarah back, happy she was fine, "I-Its okay....i-im fine..." Mino said, trying to reassure the crying Sarah.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

It's *sniff* It's all my Fault~! Ahhhhh! Sarah sobbed, almost strangling Mino with the hug she was showering her apologies with, snuggling and nuzzling Mino desperately, obviously blaming herself for everything and a far cry off from calming down.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

She still accepted Sarahs apologies and hugged her in return, hoping Sarah would calm down in return.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Sarah did finally calm down, looking a total mess as she sat back and sniffled, her tail limp and her ears low, just as Ryan came in. "we're both glad you're alright, come and eat something" He said, not speaking on the matter at the moment. The smell of cooked meat was coming from the main room, and it was making Mino's mouth water.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

If anything, Minos personality was always trumped by her hunger, immediately smelling the cooked meat, she jumped out of the bed and ran to the source of the smell, wanting to eat a decent meal after so long.