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Mino (Prinny #471)

Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Giant Frog Special 4
Mino 3
Mino is Poisoned
Mino 2
Giant Frog 15
Miss, Crit fail.

Mino, waiting for another opportunity to strike was caught off guard when the frog seemed to take in a large breath before spitting a thick, green substance at her that smelled awful, splatting over her chest and slowing her reaction. Trying to attack from where she was, she found that the smell had temporarily paralyzed her, her limbs refusing to move for a moment as she started to slump forward, the frog watching her carefully even as it prepared to spit again, trying to fill Mino's veins with whatever it had hit her with, and it seemed to be a some kind of muscle relaxer as she started to tingle and her movements only became more sluggish.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino was hit with the frogs disgusting spit, groaning, she fell to her knees as she realised it must have been a muscle relaxant, she still couldnt get a hit off as her body was sluggishly responding, forcing her to try and get up to mantain her balance.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino Vs Poison. DC 5 ... 15. Pass

Mino 15
Giant Frog 9

Giant Frog 1
Mino 12 2/6

After a little concentration, Mino threw off the effect of the poison for a moment as the frog lunged at her, thinking her too weak to move, swallowing it's poison for later. It probably only had so much built up. Rolling away, Mino slammed the butt of her spear into it's side to off balance it before spinning and bringing down the blade of the spear, causing a grisly wound and pushing her farther away again. Now no longer stuck between it and the water, she could probably flee, or press her attack, but there was no telling how long the poison would hold.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Smirking as she managed to shake off the effects of the poison, get into a more favorable position and wound the frog again, Mino was determined to press the attack, leaping foward at it with her spear raised high.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino Vs Poison. DC 5..... 15. Success

Mino 15
Giant Frog 19

Giant Frog 9
Mino 14

As Mino charged forward, the poison still held at bay for now, the frog sitestepped again, only to belch another ball of that horrible substance. Using her spear as a pole, Mino turned and spun away, the combatants having switched places yet again as the odd confrontation continued. Even now though, Mino could feel the poison spreading further, she had to end it quickly.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Panting as the poison in her system spread further, Mino managed to just put herself back where she was before, once again she rushed the frog, hoping to land a few more hits home.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino Vs Poison DC 7... 12

Mino 13
Giant Frog 2
Crit. Dead.

Luck 88 Pass. No Encounter

Mino managed to fight through it once again, starting to charge even as the creature leapt at her. Stopping stone still, Mino planted the butt of the spear into the ground and simply let the creature run itself through on it, killing it instantly even as she collapsed on the side of the river, finding it more difficult to move with every passing minute. laying there, Paralyzed, Mino simply had to ride it out, the ability to move coming back after about a half hour. Standing, still safe, and feeling pretty good all things considered, She retrieved her spear before continuing.

Several miles and an hour later, Mino hit the destination on the map, a tree, an enormous tree with what looked like a kind of thick braided vine hanging down from one of the branches. Up above she could see wooden slats like someone had built a house and walkways up in the canopy.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Even as the paralysis wracked her body more and more, it didnt stop Mino from spearing it and finally defeating it, collapsing from the paralysis finally, Mino was happy nothing took advantage of her harmless and vulnerable state during that time, she found herself at her destination, a large tree, she started to climb up the vines leading to the treetops, hoping she would find Grace soon.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino found that as she started, her foot fit snugly into a loop about 3 feet into the vine, and with a sharp tug to pull herself farther up, she saw a weight shift and she was rocketed into the immense tree. Several hundred feet tall and easily half as wide. As she reached the top, it was easy to step out onto what was in fact a wooden walkway, that hadn't been built, but grown, most likely with painstaking care that led between several buildings in the canopy, but the entire place seemed to be deserted.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Using what Mino considered a awesome way of ascension, she found herself in what looked like a treetop village, stepping out onto a walkway, she looked around, quietely mouthing "Wow..." to herself, soaking up the view before continuing on.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

It really was a place to be impressed by, the limbs of the enormous tree actually growing to form this paradise in an unnatural but awe inspiring way. The walkway she was on was dappled by the shade caused by the thick, broad leaves and seemed to lead to a crossroads of sorts in the air. 2 paths she could see led to buildings while the last curled farther into the branches, it's destination not entirely visible. The buildings she could see seemed to be simple 2 room affairs with open doorways that were protected only by 2 of the large leaves of the tree laying across them, stitched there with some kind of white silk.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Slightly concerned this place was a ghost town, Mino decided to go down the route that had the buildings, standing outside of them she decided to be polite and call out "I-Is anyone there?"
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

The first building was indeed empty, completely barren, but the second one she did get an answer, a small leafy pod only about 5 inches tall on 4 tiny roots, with half inch thick green vines sprouting out of it wandered out to look up at her, at least Mino thought it was looking, it didn't really have eyes. Wandering over to her, and probably smelling the pollen coming from her hair, it poked at her ankle questioningly, a thought entering her mind. *Momma? Sister? Friend? Smell good, Smell friend!* And with that it latched onto her leg and scrambled up to her shoulder to nuzzle her cheek. Reacting to it would have been all but impossible given the surprising speed of the small seedling, but it seemed happy to see her, settling on top of her head in her hair and continuing to rub against her.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Watching, Mino was greeted by some strange pod, crawling up onto her pollen smelling head, smiling as it spoke to her in her thoughts in a basic tone.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

*Friend here! Where Momma?* it asked curiously, probably wondering she the Alraune Mino smelled like was, it seemed really concerned about that fact and confused, because the smell from her hair marked her as Momma, which was probably giving the poor thing a headache. *Where Momma? Hungry*
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino decided to respond in her thought track *I-I have n-no idea..." since no one else answered her, she decided to go into the first building, brushing the leaf covering it out of her way.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

The little podling seemed to sulk a tad at that, but stayed right where it was on her head, snuggling into her hair. *Brothers, Sisters, Close* It said in response as she entered the building. Inside there was what looked like some very simple furniture and a book depicting tons of various plants. Inside was a hand drawing of what was riding her. "Thought Pod, Born of Alraune Seeds, Feeds on fluids, water, sunlight, and around strong emotions goes into a feeding frenzy. Always in groups of 5 or more, finding one on it's own is extremely rare. usually docile."

Now at least she knew what it was called, but she had to wonder where the others were, until she felt a gentle tugging on her leg, looking down she saw 4 more, all looking up at her and snuggling, drawn to her scent *Family!* The little pod cried, signalling the rest to join the first in riding around on her and snuggling Mino, their tendrils curling around her arms and legs in a strange kind of hug, each taking a different perch. One latched around her ankle and rode on her foot, two others on her shoulder while one was content to rest on her free arm. They were cute, but the chorus of Hungry coming from them was a little unnerving, and they kept poking her about Momma and surprisingly Grace. Apparently the little guys knew where she was.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino realised these little pods were simple seedling forms of alraunes, more pods joined the one already clinging to her head as they continued asking questions and saying a chorus of Hungry, not being unnerved, Mino asked *W-Wait, d-do you know where G-Grace is? C-Can you show me to her?*
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

The thought pods gave a kind of mental nod and hopped off of her, all scrambling towards the door and down the other pathway. It lead not to a building, but a covered bridge and to her surprise, and entire empty city filled with similar buildings with a large statue of a fairy much like harvish in it's center. Sitting lazily on the statue, was the person the statue depicted, relaxing and it almost seemed like napping under the sun, her wide wings laying over the side on the statues shoulder, the pods all pointing and waving.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Thankfully the pods lead her to where they suspected Grace was, following them Mino eventually found Grace, sitting on a statue of herself, curious, she was a fairy also, Mino called out "H-Hello! A-Are you g-grace?" rather meekly, holstering her spear.