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Mino (Prinny #471)

Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Grace, looking down at her, glared angrily for a moment. "You reek of Harvish's Taint..." Before hopping down and walking around her. Unlike Harvish, who seemed soft, this woman appeared as hard as the bark of the tree they were on, her skin a creamy white and her hair shot through with blue streeks, the blonde showing underneath the blue dusting, but her eyes were the weirdest thing about her, solid black, no pupils. "What do you want-" The speech was interrupted as one of the little podlings touched her leg, telling her something. "O dear, the children are hungry, and pretty sure you're a friend, did that insane meddler Tassadar alter you so you could get in here? No matter." And with that, she was gone, darting to the side to start running away through the city.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

In almost a matter of seconds, Mino was spoken to, almost insulted and then Grace decided to run, panicking, Mino said "W-Wait come back! C-Charlotte and R-Rolas sent me!" running after her to make sure she would hear her, annoyed somewhat.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Pod Swarm +5 15
Mino 4
really REALLY snared.

Her running got her nowhere as the podlings were given permission to feed, on her and she was immediately snagged by the small creatures, their routes burrowing into the wood to hold her feet immobilem, but mentioning Charlotte got her attention. "If Charlotte sent you then what kind of person is her favourite drinking partner?" She called from somewhere Mino couldn't see, the podlings simply holding her, although their vines were getting insistent, her panicky reaction getting their attention even more then their hunger, although for now they behaved themselves, since Grace had apparently told them to hold on for a moment.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Rooted to the ground tightly, Grace asked who was Charlottes favorite drinking partner, struggling slightly and having a hard time remembering, Mino called out "I-Is it Grenny?" remembering the oni.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Grace poked her head out of a doorway, looking at Mino curiously for a moment before walking outside again, she was almost 70 yards away, jesus she was fast. Walking up to stand in front of the bound Mino whose struggling had only caused the vines to bind her a little tighter. "Hrm... Why? Why on earth would Charlotte bother me after all these years, She knows I hate being bothered."
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

The vines coiled around Mino more, even as Grace approached, she said "C-Charlotte wants me to p-pay homage to the g-guardians....s-she said i n-need you to get past H-harvish to the gate she guards..."
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Grace rubber her chin for a moment before poking Mino in the forehead in an annoyed fashion, shooing the podlings away who seemed rather regretful to let her go, but did so anyway. "Yes, you do, So if you're paying homage you plan to stay here with us. Well, Why?" Mino had a feeling if Grace didn't like her answer then things were going to take a nasty turn indeed.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino sighed as she was asked for a reason to stay "W-Well...i was on a p-plane in the real world...it c-crashed....i was s-stranded pretty much....if i g-go back to the real world i wont l-last five seconds..." she said in a shaky and worried voice, with the cute about-to-cry face she commonly had.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Grace leaned in closer, looking straight into her eyes, and Mino could actually feel her sifting through her recent memories, spending the most time on her stay with Harvish, especially her capture and escape. "You were very lucky, That Plant that you watered last was supposed to eat you and make the effects of Harvish's nectar permanent, you'd have been a broken minded slave like the other, your pilot. Fine, I'll help but you need to help me deal with something quickly, the mother of these seedlings is dead, and the poor things have no idea what that even means. You used to be an Alraune? Then you need to help me grow one of their flowers so the seedlings have somewhere they can safely stay. It's not impossible for you, but it is difficult. Will you help."
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino gulped as she realised had she not made the right choices she would have been eaten and made into a permanent slave, Grace asked her for a favor, to grow a flower that the seedlings could stay in, she nodded at the request, remembering she needed to intake a lot of water to do so.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Grace smiled softly, "A caring soul to, you'll do well, come on then, we need to get to ground level, if the podlings get a little grabby, just ignore them, although... If you let them feed even a little they wont stop until they're sated, fair warning" She said as the small guys climbed back up on her body, snuggling into her clothing to rub against her skin.

heading back to the vine they'd rised on, Grace just hopped down, floating to the ground on her wings, leaving Mino to use the vine again, which from some hiddne mechanism should work just fine, the apparent destination currently unknown.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Following Grace, Mino used the vine to get herself to the ground once again, following Grace still she asked "H-How did y-you become a f-fairy?"
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Grace smiled, "I was Harvish's first slave" She said a little sadly, "I couldn't break the effect of the nectar until she changed me, she didn't know that the transformation would let me slip her leash, so I ran. Not a fun memory. We're headed to a bend in the river you passed to reach here, since you're going to need water" She said as they kept walking.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

"O-Oh right..." Mino said, following Grace further until they reached the river she had mentioned, Mino had to pant and steel herself, remembering Chryst saying this would be painful.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

The rest of the walk was interesting, the podlings indeed getting a little grabby, their vines occasionally stroking over her breasts or squirming under the wasteband of her pants and getting entirely too close to her lower folds, making her pant for more then one reason before they stood at the bend in the river. The water here was a lot calmer then is had been elsewhere. "Alright, just so you know, this won't make you an Alraune again, so don't worry. just walk into the water, and think about the flower, it should feel like home... and this is going to really sting by the way" Grace said a little sadly.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

The podlings clung to mino a bit more tightly, she had to do this now, nodding she made sure to take some of her clothing off first, since she didnt have any panties on she was only wearing her bra by time she stepped into the water, shutting her eyes she tried thinking about a flower, hoping her concentration wasnt thrown off randomly or the podlings wouldnt interrupt...
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

The podlings got a little excited as she pulled her clothing off, one clinging to her hips and stroking her folds slowly, until she stepped into the water and they simply held onto her legs to float in the current, seeming quite content to feed that way.

Thinking of the flower, Mino's mind was suddenly flooded with images of her own, and a longing she couldn't quite describe, pain shooting through her legs like white flames as roots that had always remained, but lain dormant pushed themselves out. They caused no harm, it was just unpleasant as they sank into the ground and started digging deeper and deeper. She had to hold on through the pain as Grace gave her further instructions.

"Normally for an Alraune instinct would fill in the rest, but you're not what you were, You need to start singing, loudly, about some place that makes you happier then any other, and you need to mean it, if the song isn't from your heart, and the thoughts of home aren't clear in your mind, then the flower will wilt and die." She called out from the bank of the river.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Feeling a stinging pain in her legs, Grace told her she needed to sing, sing, oh god, Mino wasnt much of a talker herself but singing embarrassed her greatly, never the less she had to at least try, thinking about her her new home in this dimension and all the great people met, she started to sing about it, stuttering at first but eventually getting the hang of it and singing startlingly well.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

It was pure,her wish to stay, the love for her home an her friends, and her memories, and her song. And she had quite the voice as well, Grace slowly swaying back and forth as she listened and Mino felt the flower start to grow. First it was the central pool, and then the leaves around it as the roots got thicker and the plant began to come into being slowly but surely. More the anything it was the feeling of the roots growing and pulsing that cause her the most pain by far, and then the headache that followed as the plant began to reach it's full size. It took a half hour of solid concentration and singing to bring the large plant into being, and when that was said and done the three long tendrils swayed slowly into being as well, the plant starting to fill with Mino's signature pink Jelly. She should probably step out before the tendrils mistook her as a meal... Which was possible! Because her roots had slid back into hiding. Tassadar had said she could sustain without food... now she knew how.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

After half an hour of pain and singing, Mino finally completed the flower, feeling her roots pull back into her, she stepped out, watching the seedlings get into the flower as she panted briefly in pain.