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Mino (Prinny #471)

Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

East turned out to be the strangest direction she had taken thus far. Only about a quarter mile out, the landscape changed, less trees by far and what looked like massively overgrown plantation fields and abandoned manors dotted the area. She would pass by one and be greeted by the site of another, like a mass of people had lived here before the place was utterly abandoned.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Coming into what looked like a abandoned settlement, Mino immediately felt her somewhat damning curiosity spike as she entered the first manor, looking around and calling out "HELLO?!"
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

There was no answer and the door creaked loudly as she walked into a house that hadn't seen use in decades, dust and cobwebs littering everything in the place, the furniture covered and the hardwood floors creaking with disrepair. She could see the drawing room from here, the door open, and a long hallway leading to a door on the right, and a spiral staircase heading to the second floor.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Sighing as she realized this manor was totally abandoned, Mino decided to take the long hallway leading to a door on the right, if nothing happened she would have opened the door and walked inside.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

The door led to a rather large and luxurious kitchen, although much of the cook ware had been pilfered, probably by Ryan or someone else long ago. Despite nothing happening, and the place seeming completely deserted, Mino suddenly felt a chill in the air and the hair on the back of her neck stood up.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Finding herself in a kitchen, Mino gave out another sigh as she realised it was just as deserted, however eventually she felt a chill go up her spine and she was back to being cautious, whimpering as she turned around, worried the place might be haunted.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

She turned in time to see a man in a suit, glowing slightly and not completely solid as far as she could tell before he simply faded away, leaving something on the ground in his wake. Mino could see it was a pocket watch made not of brass or silver, but of finely engraved gold with the words "Animus in Nebula" etched onto the cover.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino gave out a startled shriek as she saw what she assumed was a ghost, falling onto her back and panting in fear as she tried to pull herself together before realising the ghost had dropped a pocket watch, picking it up, she examined the engraving on it and wondered what it meant, before opening the clock up itself, still curious even though she had just been scared out of her wits.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Opening the watch revealed a ticking and working spring worked watch, and a note. the note itself seemed unimportant until Mino took a closer look at it, a crude drawing showing a map of the house as far as she could tell, pointing her upstairs even as she felt the chill in the room again and a distinctly far more unfriendly presence behind her...
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Examining the watch, Mino was marvelling that it still worked and came with a map also, too busy engrossed with the map to notice the chill in the air again, talking to herself about what might be on the next floor.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

"Well well well~" A harsh, cold voice whispered into her ear from right behind her, a hand resting on the small of her back. "What have we here~?" The voice was distinctly male and the menace in it came across as a palpable force even as the chill from the contact shot up her back, making her feel as if she'd just been dropped into a freezing river.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Hearing something speak, Mino realised she had spent too much time looking at the map, whimpering as her entire body became cold and she froze in fear, whimpering as she shakily turned around to whatever had gripped her shoulder.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

It was... What the hell was that!? Mino turned to see what had to be almost and exact copy of the first creature that had raped her here upon her arrival, the cloak, but this one had eyes, and hands, and a face that looked the spitting image of a blonde haired man but who also seemed to be a ghost like the first, and the cloak itself seemed only too happy to be working with him. "It's rude not to answer a question~" He said smirking, the black fabric twisting about.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Blinking she realised it was a ghost version of the cloak she encountered back in the real world before appearing in this new one, she was barely able to speak, only stuttering and stammering in fear as she blushed recalling what the cloak did to her before.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

"Hrm... No urge to attack, no motions to run, but a great deal of fear.... Tell me what you're doing in my home. Now. And where you got my watch" He said narrowing his eyes to glare at Mino in a way that was entirely too predatory for her liking before a bolt of pleasure ran up her spine out of nowhere, although his eyes had seemed to flash for a moment.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Giving out a startled moan as she suddenely felt pleasure, Mino blinked and decided to answer saying "A-A g-g-ghost dropped i-i-it...." in a even more fearful and shy tone than normal.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

"Do you know what that engraving means? Or even how valuable that watch is? It means 'Spirits in the Mist' and it is the only thing around in this realm that allows for safe travel between the realms. No doubt that bitch Charlotte has another way, but you wont be taking that watch from me without a price." He said glaring at her, another tingle of pleasure bolting up her spine as his eyes flashed again, the cloak rustling impatiently at him as he seemed to be holding a part of his nature in check as long as she kept a tight grip on the watch, although Mino was certain that wouldn't last as the kitchen door slammed shut behind her.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Safe travel through realms...Mino knew this would be very important and a great advantage to have, although it seemed the person was getting impatient as her only means of leaving slammed shut behind her, making her yelp in surprise, she still needed some more time to find a escape route, she looked around the kitchen for any other means of escape while still putting up the frightened facade.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

The only way out she could see was a window to her left, and that avenue was closing fast as the angry spirit took a step towards her, seeming angrier by the moment given her refusal to answer his questions.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Seeing a window to the left, Mino remembered she was only on the ground floor, so it would probably be safe to escape, however she had to take in account that she would probably hurt herself trying to break through, at this point she had little to no choice, hoping she wouldn't lose as badly as she did the first time, Mino pocketed the watch and drew out her spear, rapidly attempting a surprise first stab to try and catch the ghost off guard.