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Mino (Prinny #471)

Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

The man only grinned down at Mino wolfishly and ignored the muffled protests as he continued to thrust into her helpless form. Mino could see the ghost that had rocked her body with orgasms with a simple thought grinning down at her, concealed in her corner even as the man continued to use her for his own release. Whether Mino wanted to or not, every thrust from him pulled on the threads pulling on her nipples and bud, making pleasure bolt through her body. As the second man removed his clothing and went to stand beside Mino, smirking down at her lewd and helpless body, he suddenly convulsed and came right where he was standing, much to the amusement of the other two men who just started laughing as he suddenly covered Mino's chest with his seed. The ghost was obviously responsible, and to make matters worse, when his seed hit her skin, she tensed and came as well, regardless of how many climaxes she had already had. "Hey boys~ I think she likes it!" The man thrusting into her said, even as he growned and pulled back, his length slipping from her clenching folds as he came across her stomach and chest as well, grunting and panting as he fell backwards, Mino immediately cumming again as the sticky heat of his release hit her flesh, only to see the ghost grinning at her in the most evil way possibly, clearly enjoying her torment. These houses were not safe.

Cleary embarrased by his forced climax, the second man knelt between her legs and immediately began to wildly pound into her, only the second of three as the third undressed and moved around to her side, the carpet seeming to help him as the ball of threads in her mouth spread her jaws and held her lips open for him even as the ghost caused him to shudder and cum as well, his seed splashing across Mino's face and into her mouth as he gasped and tensed. The leader, assuming something was actually wrong now, tried to say something only to have his voice stolen and Mino watched as his eyes grew blank, he got dressed, and he sat in the corner, as if under something elses control. Angered that he had also cum prematurely, the third immediately slid his cock into Mino's mouth, the two men thrusting into her from both sides and roughly using her two holes as they moaned and grunted, only to pull back as well and give Mino another sticky coating, the ghost of course obliging her with another unexpected climax the second they did. Although now it wasn't surprising. much to her chagrin, Mino had seen the orgasm coming, had started to associate their cumming on her body with the pleasure of an orgasm, and the ghost was behind it all. Finished with her for the moment, the men got up and dressed, the leader shaking his head as if in a daze, and all of them leaving, ushered out rather quickly by the man in charge, a little freaked out by how things had happened. Mino, still trapped and covered in the men's cum, was forced to watch as the ghost walked in front of her, and knelt over her chest, touching the thread and causing a bolt of pleasure to lance up her spine. "Ahhhh the energy that is released when a soul melts into bliss... It's... Exquisite... Thank you for such a fine meal~ If you ever find your way back to this house~ You should visit me again~" And like that, with one more twang of the thread, the ghost faded, and the carpet let her go.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino was forced to submit to her use as a toy to the three men that had found her trapped in this room, the ghost making sure to toy with them and torment her even more as the string clinging to her most sensitive spots was twanged almost repeadetely, her lower holes were thoroughly violated by the men that had found her and her mouth was left wide open for the third one to take advantage of as she was gang raped, at this point her lewd mindset was almost inevitably taking the wheel as her cries and muffled moans of pleasure became more common as her entire body turned red with arousal, by time the group had finished her entire body was pretty much covered in their ejaculate, the last man still thrusting into her mouth as she hungrily made muffled gulping sounds as he came again leaving Mino to swallow as the man walked off, panting and trying to catch her breath, the ghost twanged the string again and had faded, leaving Mino panting and covered in cum on the ground, she sat up and asked "W-Wait dont go...~" futiley to the rapidly fading ghost.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Naked and as she was on the ground, it probably occured to Mino at one point or another to get off the living carpet before it decided she needed another go, and she wasn't as lucky in finding someone to use her or get her out. Regardless, there was one room left to check, the one on the map, and then this Manor was probably safe to turn her back on.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Coughing and standing up, Mino finally walked over to that chest in the room she never got to open, before opening it to see what was inside.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Of course, after everything the room had contained, and everything she'd gone through in the span of half an hour, the chest had to contain SOMETHING!? RIGHT!?!? And it did! Granted, when she opened it she felt compelled to hold up what was in it as a strange Dun Naa na NAAA!!! Tone sounded from everywhere at once. And there it was, the most amazing thing she'd ever layed eyes on in her entire life! A teddy bear! Okay, so it was kind of anticlimactic, but in all fairness, it was one very snuggly plushie bear. Maybe Sarah would like it.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Opening the chest, Mino found...a teddy bear, aw, she was expecting something better, sighing somewhat, Mino cuddled it and walked back out of the room, after leaving she would take the last remaining door that the map pointed her to.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

The last room appeared to be nothing more then a closet, but at least it had something actually interesting in it. Small and unassuming, the room itself only made the object rammed into the floor seem all the more beautiful. It was a Spear. Made entirely of what could only be silver, the blade itself was wide and tapering, and as the light caught the edge, razor sharp. With a wide cross guard and a gold wire and leather wrapped handle, it held similar writing as on the watch written down along it's side. Someone here was either trying to help her, or there was another agenda, but this was where the map led.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Walking into the room, Mino found a powerful and beautiful to look at replacement for her spear, she was almost awestruck as she dropped her old spear and walked over to the newer one, picking it up and smiling as she examined it again, her arousal fading away to be replaced with her less lewd personality as she made for the exit of the room, wondering if she forgot to explore any areas in this manor.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

The spear hummed in her hand with a strength Mino had never felt before. How such a blade had wound up here she had no idea, but the ghost that had given her the watch had to have known that it was what it was giving her, as well as the watch. Now, armed with a real weapon, and with a watch that would oversee her travel, she was fully prepared to move on to Albion if she wished. This place had plenty of it's own evils but many kinder more benevolent things here seemed to wish whole heartedly for her victory. There was plenty here to explore still, but at what cost or risk. It was Mino's choice to head farther into this world, or begin her journey farther down the rabbit hole.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Remembering that there were other manors besides this one, Mino quickly made her way out of the manor and into the next one she saw, if it seemed to be the same she would leave, seeing no point in exploring a layout she already knew.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino found the next manor was a creepy copy of the one before, and it felt... wrong. She couldn't even bring herself to step inside, it was as if she wasn't welcome as the door slammed itself shut in her face and the wind began to howl around her. Whatever had been here before was still here in it's own way. Looking up into a window, she saw the face of the ghost that had tormented her when she had been trapped by the strange carpet before fading away again.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

The next manor was a exact copy of the last one, and the ghost from before had pretty much slammed the door shut in her face, ruling it out, sighing, she continued on through this area, hoping to find something else interesting.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino didn't find much else. After the fields she came across a forest that was far denser the other she had traveled through, dark and forbidding. Not even the sunlight seemed to penetrate the cover of the trees and the world within was shrouded in shadow. Despite everything here, this was the first time Mino had come across something she could easily rule out as blatantly evil. The taint in the air was almost palpable.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Not finding anything else, Mino found herself staring at a dark and foreboding forest, shivering, she decided not to go in as she suspected it would just end up with her in a even worse state than before, she started to back track back to Ryans house, she needed a rest anyway.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

The trip back to Ryan's was uneventful, and the sun was just starting to set. Mino had a few hours before her journey out of this place started and she wandered into an entirely new realm to try and find the right people that would allow her to stay. Everyone was pretty quiet, sitting around a small fire in front of the house and talking about old times, even Tassadar was there with Sarah sitting in his lap as he scratched her ears smiling.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Coming back to Ryans house, the sun had just started to set halfway there, coming back Mino sat next to Rolas and said "H-Hi e-everyone..." meekly like normal.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

The chorus and gaggle of several greetings from everyone all at once was as heart warming as the fire itself, although Sarah didn't say anything, which was a little out of character for the extremely outgoing wolfgirl, although that seemed to be because she was enjoying the scratches Tassadar was giving her entirely too much.

"Got a few more hours to go until we see you off" Charlotte said smiling from across the fire, Rolas smirking slightly before wandering over to Mino and sitting next to her, squishing her in a hug. "That's very true~" The succubus said, before looking around at everyone. "I vote a Party!!!"

Ryan, looking at Rolas like she was mildly insane, and in truth she probably was, sighed and reached behind him to retrieve a bottle of some foul smelling incredibly strong liqour before taking a swig. "Guess that means I'll have to play something" He said rather grumpily, although he was blushing up to his ears as he stood and wandered into the house before returning with a violin. Charlotte, giggling to herself as she helped herself to his booze cheered along with Gretta as Ryan struck up a rather lively tune, the goofy drinking pair starting to dance around the fire, soon to be joined by Rolas and Sarah, Grace standing off to the side with her arms crossed, smiling, but not dancing herself.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Coming back, Mino was given a hug by Rolas making her smile, it seemed like everyone was having a good time, Ryan went and retrieved a violin as it seemed like they were going to have a party, which Mino was never good with, she shuffled over to Grace and stood up, shy to be in the thick of the festivities.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

"Not much of a social animal either?" Grace said quietly, smiling at Mino and patting her shoulder. "I dislike other people and would rather be left alone, however that's a real good way to go insane, so don't be a wallflower for too long" She added, smiling as Ryan changed the pace of the music into a blinding fast blur of beautiful sound and the others danced around the flames, Tassadar content to sit there and clap his hands before vanishing out of existence, reappearing about 5 feet away, cursing, and shutting something on his belt off, probably the device that had gotten him in trouble in the first place.

Grinning like a madwoman, Rolas grabbed Charlotte and kissed her, the witch laughing uproariously and blushing before smacking the succubus on the rear and shooing her into the house, saying she smelled something. Rolas, giggling to herself, did an overly exagerated bow and went to retrieve said something, which turned out to be several fruit pies and a roast side of venison that had been waiting over the fire inside. Setting the food on platters within easy reach and starting to carve the meat with a few carefully muttered words, she grinned and resumed dancing while Charlotte pulled several more bottles of wine from her seemingly endless supply in her robes and started serving food. Of course, this was Charlotte, so everybody didn't get a glass, they got their own bottle of what turned out to be honey wine, mead. And everyone was happy in the moment and everything was right with the world as darkness slowly began to descend on the strange dysfunctional family that had formed in such a short time.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Nodding, Mino watched the parties rhythm go higher and higher as it gradually descended into a almost joyous frenzy, Mino remained with Grace, still uneasy somewhat to go back to the party unfolding in front of her.