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Mino (Prinny #471)

Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

"I don't blame you" Grace said quietly, looking at the people all making quite the scene around the fire. "We could just go and get you to Albion while everyone is happy, give you a fond memory to think of while you travel..." Grace offered tentatively, putting a hand on Mino's shoulder and giving it a squeeze.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino nodded, she looked at all these friends she had built up in such a surprisingly short time, to her it would be heart wrenching to never see them again, she asked Grace "C-Can they come with me...?"
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

"Just one can follow you through the gate from our world into Albion Mino dear, just one. And don't act like you aren't coming back, isn't that what we're going through all this trouble for?" Grace said ruffling her hair.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino smiled and nodded, looking at the group of people, she said "S-Sarah?" to try and get her attention.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Sarah perked up her ears and bounded over to Mino without any question at all, grabbing her hand and half heartedly tugging her towards the fire. "Come on Mino~! Play with us, you're the most fun ever! OOo I Know! We should wear hats, I like hats, they don't make any sense at all really, i mean, how are you supposed to hear with a hat over your ears, seems rediculous. O! You called me over, was there something you needed?" She asked, stopping herself from rambling again as her tail wagged excitedly from side to side, someone having seen the wisdom of forcing her into a long dress to hide the large phallus she now had. It was pretty, fitting even for the excitable girl, orange covered in sunflower prints that swayed with the breeze. A hole had been cut in the back for her tail which just continued flapping behind her as she smiled up at Mino.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Sarah almost bounded over to Mino, surprising her slightly as she pulled her over to the party that was happening, Mino sat and was very very hesitant to stand up and start talking, her shyness setting in as she shivered and tried to avoid eye contact with everyone but Sarah.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Sarah whined a little and her ears drooped as she saw how unhappy Mino seemed to be surrounded by all the people that wanted to see her off. "What's the matter Mino?"
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino looked at Sarah and said "I D-d-d-dont do w-w-well with l-l-loads of people..." , shaking slightly, looking at Sarah she asked D-Do you...want to c-come with me to A-albion?"
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Sarah perked her ears up at that and dragged Mino away from everyone in her usual overbearing highly excitable manner so she was standing back with Grace. "yes yes yes yes yes please!!!!" She said quickly wagging her tail excitedly, "I've never been there before and I heard there are more wolf people like me and I really wanna see it badly because I was born there, But I suppose that means I have been there before will you take me I hope you will, that's why you asked right!?" She said in a rush, giving Mino the most heartbreaking puppy face the girl had ever seen in her life, which Grace thought was absolutely hilarious and started laughing.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino was stunned with how fast Sarah was talking, almost not even registering a thing as by time Sarah had finished and given her the puppy eyes to convince her Mino rapidly nodded and said "Y-Yes ofcourse you can...!"
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Sarah smiled and jumped into mino's arms, hugging her tightly "Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou~!~!" She squeeled, utterl delighted before Grace tapped Mino on the shoulder. "We should go" She said quietly, slipping away. Mino had a weapon, friends, and a plan, it was time to leave this place and take her first real steps towards staying here with them forever.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Sarah had almost squealed and jumped into Minos arms, surprising the meek girl and making her fall onto her back as the wolf girl cuddled with her, Grace reminded her that they should get going, nodding, Mino had to say to Sarah "U-Um....c-can you l-let me get up?", blushing somewhat in the awkward position she found herself in.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Sarah nodded and hopped away, bounding after Grace as the three left their friends behind silently, the only one noting there passing being Charlotte who gave them something of a mental hug, letting warmth and friendship pass between them all as they moved into the forest once more and into Harvish's domain. "Take care little mino" Grace said, moving carefully from tree to tree. "We'll be in Harvish's lands in about 10 minutes moving slowly, we should avoid being noticed for as long as possible, I hope you're ready to use that spear of yours..." She said, noticing the golden weapon with obvious approval in her eyes.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Nodding, Mino started to follow Grace away from the party as Charlotte bid a farewell to them, Mino made sure to follow behind Grace the entire time, nodding as she said to be ready, she didnt want to end up in the same state as she did before.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

As promised, 10 minutes later, Mino could make out the flitting lights and the river that marked Harvish's territory and the real night could begin. So far they had been lucky, several darting fairies having flown straight passed them without noticing them at all. If their luck held, they could possibly make it all the way to the gate without incident, which would be a god send. They just had to keep moving. Looking around her, Mino recognized several of the plants, including the vines she had been bound with, the flowers her collar had been made of, the rape pod, and the large red flower that practically exuded the nectar that so easily brainwashed her. It wasn't a stretch to assume that any fights here would be at a disadvantage...
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino was very hesitant now she was in harvishes territory, she made sure to always follow behind Grace but was sometimes worried about somebody spotting her out of paranoia, she managed to keep the feeling at bay but she knew losing here would be the end of her happy new life.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino&Grace&Sarah Stealth. Nat 20 >.>

Luck was indeed on their side tonight as they got closer and closer to their goal, before Grace stopped them just outside the large clearing Mino had first been brought to, the large stone arch that was her way out humming powerfully in the moonlight, overgrown with flowers and twisting vines. But... There was Harvish, still riding the pilot like her own personal sperm bank and moaning lewdly as she continued to enjoy the broken man.

Gritting her teeth, Grace gripped Mino's shoulder. "When I move... Run for it, don't stay to help me, you'll have your own problems moving through the gate" She said, getting ready for something.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino had finally found the goal she wanted, the archway into the next world, she noticed Harvish still having her way with the pilot, making her sad she couldnt save him, Grace told her to get ready for a runner, nodding Mino turned and whispered the same thing to Sarah to get her ready as well.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Grace, seeing they were ready, launched herself at the surprised form of harvish and kicked her in the face, sending the other fairy spiraling away to land on the ground with a thud before turning over and glaring at her. "You Bitch." She spat, standing before leaping at Grace where a skilled hand to hand battle immediately took place, both figures spiraling around and through eachother as they through spells and fists alike, both trying to kill eachother as the path was suddenly open for Mino to make her break. The portal loomed before her, and as if a god somewhere itself was looking out for her, she and Sarah managed to dive through the stone before the plants along it's rim could react, missing them by inches.

Everything around her exploded in a flash as she passed out, only to wake up groaning, her spear tightly gripped in her hand as Sarah nudged her. They were on a hillside, still at night, a sea of green looming before them as well as a town of cobbled stone buildings and lights that signaled life and fire maybe 300 yards away. "We shouldn't stay here... It's not safe" Sarah said, sniffing the air and whining.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Grace made her move and Mino did as she was told, jumping down she ran towards the gate with Sarah in tow, both of them managed to get through before the vines on the rims of the arch grabbed a hold of them, Mino felt as if the world around her had collapsed and was rebuilt, she found herself facedown in some grass, Sarah was whining like a dog and urged her to get up, sleepily sitting up, Mino could see it was night time and they were in the middle of a field, there was a town ahead, Sarah said it wasnt safe, Mino looked slightly puzzled and said "W-Why not..? Theres nowhere for anyone h-here to hide..."