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Mino (Prinny #471)

Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

It was almost another full 15 minutes before anyone approached Mino at all, and in the end they didn't even really approach Her. A woman in a white kimono, with long black hair and generous curves had walked through the crowd slowly to sit on the bench next to her. It seemed a little odd, but no one spared them a second glance, and the smell of cooking food in the street was admittedly making Mino's mouth water. "Do you have my Kunai?" She suddenly asked to Mino's left, opening her hand as it rested on her thigh, expecting the return of the blade.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

A woman she assumed to be Gabrielle had sat beside her and asked for the kunai back, nodding, Mino produced the unique blade and the note from her pocket, handing it to the women, thankfully Sarah had seen fit to give it back to her after they got her the new sword.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

The woman took the knife and tucked it into her outfit, before standing and gesturing for Mino to do the same. "Follow me." She said quietly, starting to walk through the people as easily as a fish through water. This was also fairly easy for Mino, because while the woman caused no reaction, the people seemed to part around the stranger in their district. A few minutes later, if Mino did indeed follow, the woman would stop in front of a small building made of large stones and slip inside. She was quite lovely , and her curves were only made more alluring by the way she moved, a natural grace that was hard to duplicate, as if every motion was never wasted, and every step as if she was gliding rather then walking at all.

This was the moment of truth however, to follow a strange woman who had gone out of her way to contact her into a strange building in a stranger city, alone as had been requested.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino started to follow who she could only assume was Gabrielle to the intended location, watching her she found it hard not to be allured herself by her graceful work and the curves on her body, almost completely forgetting how strange the situation was, regardless she followed her into the building and looked around in curiosity.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

As she entered, Mino was greeted to the sweet smell of burning incense and as she closed the door, she saw the woman in front of her. "Lock the door please" She said quietly, before wandering further back into the building. Returning a short while later, the woman was clothed now in what appeared to be silk lounge pants and a loose shirt. Sitting in a wicker chair, the room itself fairly barren save for 2 brass burners and a slew of tapestries on every wall with a thick red carpet, the woman crossed her legs and relaxed.

"So you're little Mino, I'm Gabrielle, this is my home, and we need to talk" She said smiling, although the smile itself seemed cold and distant, as if forced. "Where is Charlotte?" She asked with a lethal edge to her voice, her eyes narrowing.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Looking around the room, it seemed very much oriental like the district she was in earlier, she locked the door on request as Gabrielle sat on a chair, asking where Charlotte was but with a somewhat lethal edge on her voice, intimidating Mino, she asked "W-Why do you wanna know...?" meekly.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

The blade that Mino had handed back to her, buried itself in the door behind her, missing the girl by fractions of an inch as the woman glared at Mino. "Where is Charlotte" She asked again, standing gracefully and seeming to get angrier. "Tell me, or I'll make you tell me." Okay... so Gabrielle turned out to be far less then friendly and that was a little confusing, but everyone couldn't be nice. Mino was getting the distinct impression now that she was in over her head...
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Expecting to get a sensible reaction or answer, Mino was instead treated with a close shave as the blade she handed back to her before had landed against the door behind her, making a distinct thunk sound and making Mino yelp in surprise as she backed up against the door, she seemed to be getting more angry but Mino was still trying to reason saying "I-I just w-wanted to k-know w-why!", trying her absolute best to not show fear in her voice.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

"So it's torture then? Alright" Gabrielle said, reaching behind her to seize a coil of thin silk rope that nonetheless looked entirely too strong for it's size. "I want to know where Charlotte is, you ARE going to tell me, and then I am going to retrieve what she stole from me, and if she's lucky, kill her quickly. Last Chance..." She said, moving closer even as she formed one end of the rope into a sliding noose.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino had realised that Gabrielle was intending to kill Charlotte, and that she called Mino here to learn about her location, Mino was shaking in absolute dumbfounded terror as Gabrielle had formed a noose using a rope, probably intending to hang Mino or something equally deadly to her if she didnt tell her, seeing no other choice, Mino swallowed her fear and drew her spear, saying "T-Then you have to take it from me!" and adopting a defensive stance.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

"Alright, she passes." came an odd voice from further back in the room. "Nanimi, stand down."

Looking somewhat surprised, the woman glaring at Mino, widened her eyes before looking behind her. "Yes Mistress" Before returning to take her seat. Striding into the room appeared to be the real Gabrielle. "Why hello there, welcome to my home, Charlotte told us you were coming and don't pay too much mind to the rough welcome, Shade's enjoy torture, making sure you weren't possessed was required. So Do me a favour, and put the spear away before you poke someone's eye out."

The woman that had walked into the room was a little less, eye dropping beauty, and a little more lean and athletic. Wearing a thigh length skirt and tunic, the woman was now leaning against the wall, her shock white hair a little strange given she couldn't be older then 25. It was currently pinned up behind her and she had her arms crossed. Her chest was only a c cup at the most generous guess and her body was covered in lean muscle, like a coiled spriing as she smiled. The oddest thing about her however was the spaded tail lashing around slowly behind her. "hello. I'm Gabrielle"
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Panting in both fear and adrenaline, Mino realised that this was all a test, to make sure she wasnt possessed or something, whimpering, she put her spear away and continued to shake long afterwards, getting a look at the actual gabrielle now, who she had to admit that in her opinion she looked just as good as the fake gabrielle, liking her athletic body, snapping out of her almost love induced stupor she blushed more and Mino said "H-Hi G-gabrielle i-im mino..." trying to calm herself down.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

"Careful Kiddo~ You'll make a demon blush~" She said chuckling softly. "Now you, you did well slave, go get us some tea, and you're free from any obligations for the night." She said looking at the other woman, who bowed her head and immediately set off to make tea for the pair, Gabrielle taking her seat and waiting. As the tea came in the woman that had retrieved it, still nameless, poured two cups, and immediately left as commanded. Gesturing towards another chair, Gabrielle invited her to sit. "So? How is that drunkard Charlotte doing these days? Still drinking with Gretta?"
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Eventually tea was brought for the two and Mino sat beside Gabrielle, who asked if Charlotte was still heavily drinking, Mino simply nodded, still a bit scared from what had happened earlier, it seemed like Gabrielle was a demon, and from the spade tail Mino could probably guess, which made her blush even more as her lewder personality thought "Even better~"
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Gabrielle, seeming to notice something, poked Mino in the forehead. "Stop." And it was as if a bolt of power had shot through her mind for a moment and actually silenced half of her personality, her lewd half could blessedly shut it's noisy trap for now. "That will last about as long as that cup of tea so we can talk properly." Gabrielle said smiling.

"Now if she sent you here, then it's because you want to find the Guardians right? Well... That's gonna be hard with his fuzzy high and mighty scrambling around the countryside and barking at rabbits." She said a little annoyed, rubbing her forehead as if she had a headache. "And there's so much to do and... Bleh. Listen, 1 really important question, Are you actually willing to see this through to it's end, because it's going to take some time, and more then a little resolve. I can watch out for you and even teach you, but I can't hold your hand."

Gabrielle seemed to be stressing over something, before talking again. "I WAS this realms guardian, until I gave the position to a good man with a good heart, and a lot of power. And then he managed to get himself bitten, the stupid fool. So now I've been doing his job when I'm supposed to be on vacation!"
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Gabrielle thankfully silenced Minos other personality so that it wouldnt keep butting into the conversation, blinking, Mino breathed a sigh of relief and nodded to Gabrielles question of seeing this trip through, although she did ask "H-How did you d-do that personality s-silencing thing?" out of pure curiosity.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

"All I did was completely quell your lust for a short time. Which is rather hard to do, it's much much easier to simply inspire your lust instead, but certain abilities work both ways. As I said, it wont last long." Gabrielle said smiling apologetically. "Why you have 2 personalities and one completely keyed to your privates I have no idea."

"Well, if I suppose you're going through this to the end then you need a direction to start. The moonlight district is where you will find the more docile werecreatures, and their the ones most likely to know where the more violent ones are camping, and They're the ones who will know where his fuzzy royal pain in the ass is. Maybe. They might just eat you..." Gabrielle said, tapping the side of her cheek while she thought about it. "Either way, if you're a friend of Charlotte's then you already have enemies here in town. After tonight, it would be best if you stayed here rather then the Inn..."
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Nodding, Mino was told that she would need to start at the moonlight district, because supposedly thats where she would find a good lead, but Gabrielle warned her to stay with her tonight instead of going to the inn, nodding, Mino asked "Um...Gabrielle...what are y-you exactly?" still curious about her spade like tail.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Gabrielle laughed for a moment, grinning. "I'm a Kunoichi, a... Unique kind of succubus I suppose. Last of a long line, there just aren't many of us left but I am too strong for anyone to mess with on my own turf, so this house is the safest place for you and your friend. Granted, if Sarah stays at the inn tonight, she'll be fine, because they'll be combing the city for you. It was wise to come straight to me."

Standing and stretching, showing off her curves, Gabrielle winked at her slyly just as her power wore off and Mino once again had two voices in her head. "Theres a bed in that room, and my room is in the back", she said pointing to a sliding door to the left. "Although, admittedly I am kind of hungry..."
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Gabrielle stood and stretched, Mino watching and blushing even more as she was winked at, even more so when Gabrielle mentioned she was hungry, Mino looked a bit unsure but looked at her and said "I-Ill feed y-you..." in her usual meek manner, also standing but shaking slightly, the shy girl making a face that could only be described as disgustingly adorable.