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Mirafar IRC Game


King of the Impossible
May 5, 2009
Reputation score
My addiction is getting worse. I love D&D, and three or four games a week isn't enough now. I still have things on my plate at the moment, but I'll be done chewing soon. I'm hoping to start a game up in a couple of weeks, and intend to run ever week on Saturday evenings, 8:00pm EST to Midnight, just in time for the game in the Bacon Room. I could possible run it another time, however, my schedule permitting.

I have three game ideas, only one of which will be open to six characters. Who would like to sign up for a game, and which one should I run?

Agents of the Windy King
The Windy King is a Noble Djinni that rules over a town of mortals on the Elemental Plane of Air, living on a rare dirt and rock island floating in the endless winds. The island floats near a shinning white light, a node to the Positive Energy Plane (a deadly place), and a few clouds of .

The genie is a bit of a recluse from the rest of his society, but is more than content with running his private kingdom. His mortal subjects make wishes on his behalf, but even this great power has its limits.

Which is where the Party of Adventures come in. The Windy King keeps a small retinue of mortals trained in adventuring on hand to act as his messengers, trouble shooters and extra muscle, in case his own might isn't available. They have a magic carpet which they can use to leave the island and act beyond their Djinni master's reach.

This game is for 3 to 6 players, played at Level 3, 32 point buy for attributes, standard wealth. The adventures will be short and episodic, made from retrofitted adventures of appropriate level that I find. There will be plenty of down time between quests for players that like crafting, and player input in the kind of adventures they want will be taken into consideration. Resources are limited on the island, so quests for access to reagents are a good thing to ask for.

Base System: D&D 3.5
House Rules:
  • This version of the Elemental Plane of Air has light gravity, not subjective gravity. Down is uniform across the entire plane, kinda like how the world of Minecraft is perfectly flat.
  • We're not playing with Psionics.
  • (Wish Economy; The Edge; OMG Super Feats; Monk, Samurai and Knight classes that don't suck) using the option concerning Necromancy (Zombies and Skeletons are Neutral, Vampires are Evil), for handling Good and Evil (tormenting souls is a day job), and I'm tossing out Chaotic and Lawful alignments all together.
  • The skill system modification from the will also be in effect
  • Conjuration (Healing) sub-school is instead Necromancy (Healing)
  • Your character's alignment is Neutral, regardless of their behaviour, unless they have or gain an alignment sub-type. Certain classes gain alignment sub-types because of their auras, like Clerics and Paladins. On that note, a Paladin is Good because of their class, not their class because they are Good. This also means that a Paladin and an Assassin can work together in a party, as long as the Assassin is just evil, and not Evil. Note that a Paladin now only has to be Good, and is only required to behave in a lawful manner.
  • Item Creation never costs XP. Be aware of how work in Tome. Tome doesn't have any pricing guidelines, so assume that buying/creating magic items cost as much as the +1 bonus for weapons, armor, deflection, resistance and bullshit bonuses, the +2 bonus for attribute score enhancement, and the +5 bonus for skill and energy resistance bonus. For spell completion items (potions, wands, scrolls, certain wondrous items) still follow the same rules in terms of cost and creation.
  • Paizo's rules for allowing characters to make four potions or scrolls in a day is perfectly viable.

Character Creation: Level 3
Races: Human, Elf, Half-elf, Halfling, Air , Air, Ice, Dust, Mist or Smoke , Air, Ice or Dust . The Mephit there has no class levels or HD. He just has a minimum level of 3.
Classes: Please choose classes rated as being at the of balance. I won't stop you from taking something better, though some things will get nerfed, such as the Genie Class granting Plane Shift at level 3

Artifacts of the Robot King
As outlined here , players are a set of magic items whose goal is to reunite with their creator to destroy him. The adventure will be non-stop and a little over the top, as the players are all extremely powerful. The adventure will be procedural generated using a combination of random encounter and dungeon generators as well, as a simple system for me to randomly create wielders for the players in case one dies. The characters can't exactly die, but their victory can be delayed indefinitely. This one will be the hardest on me as I'll be constantly trying to 'wing it' in terms of the adventure.

System: D&D 3.5
House Rules: Same as above, however players will not be able to craft items. There won't be much downtime to for it anyway.

Reclaimers of Mirafar
I'm going to try running this game again, this time over IRC. I'm a little put off by how daunting planning everything for this game was, and some part of the City of Mirafar are yet not complete. However, a solid schedule for when we play will go a long way in helping me get things done and run the game better.

Players of previous characters will have priority.

System: After Sundown
House Rules" Quite a few, already outline in those links above.
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Re: Player Search for D&D/aWoD IRC Game

This Saturday. 7pm... looks like I'll be running a Mirafar game for one person.

"All hail __?__! Emperor/ess of New Mirafar!"
Re: Player Search for D&D/aWoD IRC Game

This Saturday, Lynne arrives at the war camp outside the fallen city of Mirafar. But soldiers have been going missing for the past few days, and the Black Moon isn't behind it. Who, or what, is this mysterious killer on the loose? Find out, in the .

Mirafar: Saturdays at 7, 8 central. Only from the_taken!
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Re: Player Search for D&D/aWoD IRC Game

Name: Surii
Age: 20
Race: Pure-blooded
Eye Color: Black
Hair Color: Black
Hair Style: Hair parted at the middle, barely shoulder length

Build: Suri of average build. He doesn't have visible muscles, but they exist.

Background: Suri never knew his parents, or his family. The closest person he had to family was Srine, because they lived under the same roof. He was told by the people that took him in (the same people that took Srine in) that he had been saved by Srine's mother. She had hid the baby Suri until surviving villagers came and found him.

As he grew up with Srine, he took to the medicinal path. He helped people with his prowess of diseases and medicines. He was soon seen as a doctor of the little village they lived in. He grew up practicing martial arts and using his own body as a weapon. He also taught this to his patients, since it promoted good health.

One night, Suri had a dream about the night that Srine's mother had saved his life. He couldn't get this past him, he had to do something. The war was lost, and Srine's mother's death couldn't have been in vain. Eventually, Suri decided to embark on a journey to help reclaim Mirafar. Be it through his medical prowess or through his fighting ability, he just had to repay this lingering debt he owed to Srine's mom. With that decided, Suri set off for the siege camp to do what he can.

Strength – 4
Agility – 4

Intuition – 4
Logic – 2

Charisma – 1
Willpower – 2

Edge – 3
Potency – 2

Supernatural Senses
Celerity (+4 to Initiative Rolls)
Quicken Sight
Fortitude (+4 to Physical Resistance Rolls)
Patience of the Mountains
Hide From Notice

Combat - 6 (Specializations - by Weapon: Knuckles)
Survival – 4
Perception – 6 + 2 = 8(Specializations - Noticing sneaking)
Athletic – 4
Expression – 4 (Specialization – Music)
Tactics – 4 (Specialization – Maneuvers)
Intimidation – 3 (Specialization – Interrogation)
Empathy – 4
Medicine – 6 (Specialization – First Aid, Long Term Care, Psychiatric)
Research – 2 (Specialization – Archives, Library)
Alchemy – 3 (Specialization – Solids)

Rank 3 Wealth - He is a doctor, and he often made out of village trips. He was paid very well for saving people's lives.
Rank 2 Allies - Suri has a group of allies that he doesn't just yet.
Rank 1 Servant - Srine, although not quite a servant, she does take care of the menial things. She acts as Suri's nurse sometimes.

A soldier saved Suri's life, which was about to be taken by the Black Moon. This soldier was one of the city's head guard, Srine's mother. Suri feels he has a debt to repay, by helping to reclaim Mirafar.

Suri's Equipment:
Bag that holds supplies and whatnot

This is a simple bedroll, for sleeping in while outdoors or when there is no beds available. Comes with pillow and blankie.

Flint and Steel-
This makes fire. Provided there is something to set aflame

First Aid Supplies-
These contained spare pieces of cloth, bandages, dressings, swabs, and all the good stuff that one needs for first aid.

Various Medicines-
Ointments, serums, syrups and whatnot. They're used to cure. or kill.

Flask filled with water-
It's a container of water. For drinking.

Dagger | 1 | 1 | S | 1 in 6 chance to deal an extra point of aggravated

Spear | 2 | 2 | M | Provides reach, and has 1 in 6 chance to deal aggravated damage

Heavy Gauntlets and Greaves | 2 | 2 | M | 2 in 6 chance to stun

Mithril Shield - It's as strong as titanium and as light as titanium. Who are we fooling? This is a great shield. It's also aerodynamic and can be thrown, using identical statistics to the throwing axe, but specializing in the 'Flying Shield' makes the shield fly back to you instead.

Functional - These are the clothes everyone wears when they need to do work. You don't want to ruin your frilly dress picking potatoes, and you don't need to sneak up on dragon poo to clean it up (though you may want to hide from it, anyway.)

Still Suit (-2 incoming damage) - Heavy robes that are amazingly cool on the inside. This armor reduces the affects of hot environments significantly.
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Re: Player Search for D&D/aWoD IRC Game

After embarking on her journey to help reclaim Mirafar, and sate her hunger of knowledge, Lynne eventually fell upon a supplies stop on the way to the Army of Vidar's camp. After a verbal tussle in which Lynne won, she was given an escort to the camp. She was directed to Vivian, the captain there, to speak with her about what should be done. Vivian spoke of many ways that Lynne could help, but the most immediate way would be figuring out what was responsible for many dead Zombies in the nearby wood.

After much note-taking and investigation, Lynne found that the ones responsible for the dead Zombies were a tribe of Orcs. After speaking with them and their chief, Lynne learned about a problem that ailed the Orcs - a purple, stupid-rendering fog.

She could either help them with the fog, or help them relocate.
Re: Mirafar IRC Game

Next game sessions will be Saturday at 19:00 hrs, EST.

Suri and I have been discussing how she'll introduce her main character's bestest friend. Since Lynne decided to rush off, Suri (the bestest frend) has to catch up. Anyone that signs up for this weekend's session will have been recruited by Suri to go with him after Lynne.
Re: Mirafar IRC Game

Alice Lanetharias
Character Sheet
Name: Alice Lanetharias
Gender: Female
Race: Pureblood Human

* Physical Attributes:
* Strength: 1
* Agility: 2
Mental Attributes
* Intuition: 4
* Logic: 4
Social Attributes
* Charisma: 1
* Willpower: 5
Magical Attributes:
* Edge: 3
* Potency: 2

* Physical Skills:
* Combat 2
* Athletics 2
* Larceny 4
* Perception 10 (6+4) (Investigation)
* Stealth 5
Social Skills
* Bureaucracy 2 (1+1)
* Empathy 4
* Expression 4 (writing)
* Persuasion 2 (1+1)
* Tactics 1
Technical Skills
* Artisan 5 (Metalwork)
* Alchemy 6 (Enchantment) (Concoctions) (Gears)
* Medicine 4 (First Aid)
* Operations 2 (Gadgets)
* Research 6 (Libraries)
* Sabotage 2 (Explosives)

* Resources:
* Servants 1: Aide/maid. Keeps dates, runs errands on top of your average maiding. From a family of vassals loyal to House Lanetharias.
* Allies 2: House Lanetharias
* Artifact 3: Aeratum Lycantis

Pissed off an (un)death cult -The Ventrue Mirage, Nazrin - on a case in a liberated city, Underbrush. It had a milder form of sewer-zombies-caused-by-magical-crap-dumped-in-the-sewers; with help from some celestial mages' power, she enchanted a bunch of iron stakes to act as wards. She also devised a formula to scrub/dispel the contamination, but the treatment will take many years.

Additionally, the jewel used in the Aeratum Lycantis was an artifact they were after. Sucks to be them, but I got it first, and now they're all pissy about it.

Inherent Powers:

1. Advanced Auspex - +4 perception
- Supernatural Senses, Aura Perception, Spirit's Touch
2. Basic Fortitude - +2 physical resistance
- Revive the Flesh, Patience of the Mountains

Inherent Power Points: 12
Beneficial Corruption: N/A
Recharge Method:
Corrupted Power Points:

Gadgetry - Grappling Hook
An unadorned steel armguard. A rectangular box is mounted on the "top" of the armguard, with a similarly wide section encircling at the "back" of the guard, at the elbow. Under the palm, a handle juts out like a "7".

Inside the box is a bunch of complicated machinery that works to fire a small grappling hook attached to a thin, but strong and magically enhanced chain, which is housedcoiled in the wide part by the elbow. The grappling hook has three sharpened prongs; the chain is about 5m long.

The lever controls the hook and reel-in; pushing it forward like a lever pays line out, whereas pulling it towards you will reel it in. Harder push/pulls result in faster reeling; a twist down to the lever will fire it at high speed, and the opposite will do the opposite. This allows the user to control the chain's length, and it is robust enough to be used as a sort of ball-and-chain. Being struck by grappling hook when it's shot is also painful. Also there's magic to keep it from yanking your arm out when you use it I guess.

Combat + Agility or Operation + Intuition to use in combat; does 0 Lethal damage (net hits = pain)

Artifact - Aeratum Lycantis
A heavy looking bronze armguard. Intricately crafted and detailed, detailing waves, historical images, and a few historical quotes and inspirational texts. The metal is reinforced with magic for exceptional strength. On Alice's command, the excess metal used in the armband's designs shift and reshapes into a foot-long, katar-like blade, leaving the armband a functional but unadorned piece of armor. The command is mental and a free action; the blade's formation is essentially instant, and potentially deadly. Additionally, it doesn't come off unless wants it to (or she loses the arm, I guess); it bonds securely to the arm, and with a mental command the metal flows and lets it free.

Created by and personally bound to Alice, who combined her own skill at magic and makin' shit with an ancient powerful-sorceress-in-a-jewel - A brilliant purple amethyst - to make it. Alice entertains herself with the notion that she's made a "weaponized, living metal googirl".

Works as a dagger, that inflicts a Euphoric-type poison effect ("Victim dazed and anesthetized, addictive").

As Alice's pet project - whenever I gain Potence, I may instead opt to spend the point on the Aeratum instead.

Aeratum Lycantis (Dagger) - 1 dmg | 1 str req | S | 1 in 6 chance to deal an extra point of aggravated damage
Euphoric Poison

[as of yet unspecified power]

Weapon | Damage | Strength req | Size | Special Attribute
Natural Attack (Fist) | 0(N) | 0 | - | You cannot be disarmed of your natural attack.

Dagger - A normal dagger. Not poisoned.
(Dagger | 1 | 1 | S | 1 in 6 chance to deal an extra point of aggravated damage)

Wooden Shield - +1 defense. Thick planks of wood held together by steel or leather straps, everybody and their grandma has a few of these lying around as they are easy to make and dirt cheap to buy. It's also great when something tries to grab you, as you can let them have the shield instead, at the cost of not having the shield anymore.

Functional Clothing - These are the clothes everyone wears when they need to do work. You don't want to ruin your frilly dress picking potatoes, and you don't need to sneak up on dragon poo to clean it up (though you may want to hide from it, anyway.

Still Suit - Soak +2. Heavy robes that are amazingly cool on the inside. This armor reduces the affects of hot environments significantly.)

Wagon - Alice and co. travel around in it. On top of your usual supplies, it's got a bookshelf full of encyclopedias, and a small workbench, including a small anvil, and tools.

Biographical Data
Background: Academic-for-hire? Sheltered prodigy/noble? I dunno...
Alice is descended from a minor noble house of old Mirafar. Though still very young - only 27 years of age - she has already a number of significant achievements under her belt, including significant restoration efforts in the land's other cities and recovering several artifacts and pieces of lore. Most of them were either returned to the commissioner, or shipped back to her family to be used to their discretion.

For all her accomplishments, Alice is actually quite a poor combatant. Her abilities lie in various other fields, and she is a highly adept sleuth, scholar, medic, and artificer. Her career so far has been spent mostly either exploring ruins or cleaning up in liberated areas, always with a group or as an aid. Occasionally she serves in more mundane tasks - as a medic at the rear of a battlefield, brewing needed potions or equipment, or in a library.

By all accounts, she was and still is a sheltered girl. House Lanetharias retreated to a surface city after the fall of Mirafar, far away from the Moon and the front lines.

She is the quintessential academic, beginning to attend the city's academy at an early age, and having begun study before that. She even would sneak into the library after hours, either to study or for fun. Though she learned well the many disciplines from the academy, she grew a distaste for the stuffy, bureaucratic processes and haughty attitudes it bred.

House Lanetharias
A fairly minor house, raised to noblehood after founder Saxholm Lanathis, a common soldier, shielded a noble in a dire battle where several retainers betrayed him, some six generations before the fall. Saxholm flexed his new status to provide education, training, and comfort to his progeny.

Thus, House Lanatharias has a reputation for highly respecting ability and knowledge, over breeding. Saxholm stressed being honorable, scrupulous and caring, and much of the House's efforts are spent trying to better the populace or those under it's care (servants, house soldiers). The other Houses tend to disregard them for various reasons - peasant background, naive goals, or because they do not play in politics.

They are thus very short on resources in comparison to other noble families, with little in fluid wealth, allies or land. When deployed, they often rely on equipment lent to them by their employer. However, they have excellent ties with and command great loyalty with the few families of vassals and associates they have.

They generally took minor, unimportant positions - maintaining public works such as gardens, sewers or the guard, supply lines or logistics in the military, and rarely accepting positions above Sergeant on the field of battle.

Alice takes no particular pride in her status as an inheritor of Mirafar - she respects that they were able to build an empire, she is skeptical of the darker bent those powers took. She is in the effort to restore the kingdom and end the war, though she also wants to pull her family into a better position to benefit the people. ...Plus, she wants access to the royal libraries in Mirafar's castle.

Though they have holdings in several businesses in Baestria, much of House Lanatharias' income comes from wages and stipends - they own no land besides the house they now reside in. The purses Alice earns in her services, as well as the various artifacts she recovers, make up a significant bulk of their wealth. Important crap she acquires is usually sent home for use or safekeeping in her family's vault once she finishes her work in an area. (...basically this is why she has no wealth or a wagonload of artifacts, story-wise.)

Alice travels with three others:
- Colin, a skilled Nazrin fighter... but, oh shit, he is indisposed, at the family home, or someshit.

- Hannibel Lanartre, "Han", a tall and imposing elf, 34 years of age. Unbelievably long blue hair, worn in a braid down to her knees. Often insists on wearing her fancy maid uniform, even while riding between towns. Despite this quirk, she's very capable. Not only with maidly duties - cooking, cleaning, etc - but as an aide - managing supplies, dates, and other such duties - hell, she even drives their wagon. Has been Alice's personal nursemaid since she was young.
Has a severe weakness for booze and sweets. Bold and wickedly mischievous under her professionalism, usually displayed in the odd prank now and again. Since Alice and Hannibel have known each other for so long, they're very close.

- Nete Sheperd ("neat"), a young (17), nervous harpy boy from her hometown - very androgynous, with beautiful golden hair, feathers, and eyes. Enamored with the stories of her exploits, he approached her father at their home and begged him to let him serve her.
After a short time learning with the maids at the family's home, he was sent and met her in a small port, about three years before the start of the game.
...The harsh road and dangerous work Alice does hasn't been kind to him, though, and he's lost both his left eye and arm, and almost his life, trying to protect her when bandits attacked the wagon. They've been replaced with enchanted prosthetics by Alice, but they're quite noticeable - the featherless wooden arm, especially - and it's served to only make him even more nervous and self-conscious.
Probably is crushing hard on her, what with the hasn't-quit-after-he-got-his-arm-chopped-off. He's a pretty smart kid, aspires to "be like her", and likes to read her books during breaks.

Bonuses: +1 Bureaucracy, persuasion; specialization Expression (writing); +1 to meido

Physical Description:
Please append with any corruption effects you gain.

Of average height, she possesses black hair cut short, ending at the top of the neck. Her skin is very pale, her build very slight, and her various assets very modest. She has green, almond-shaped eyes and sharp features and a strong jawline, but is otherwise unremarkable.

Almost constantly dressed in her still suit, which takes the form of an oversized purple coat - practically always rumpled with how much she wears it. She wears a pair of plain glasses as well.

(I keep thinking of a SZS character envisioning Alice. Uh, the one with the glasses, with a coat a lot like the one with the blanket)

She is a reserved woman, uncomfortable in social situations. She appears serious and detached, and when dealing with people tends to be brisk and pragmatic. Underneath, though, she is very much a "good guy"; idealistic, kind, and accepting, with a slight mischievous streak.

* Honours: Innovation; Ability; Integrity/honesty
* Despises: Injustice; Destruction of culture; Destruction of knowledge; Inefficient/pointless bureaucracy (red tape); "superiority"; humorlessness (?)
* Master Passions - None. Yet.

Other bonuses
Infinite marshmallows forever. didn't wanna leave this empty

Development/exp record
5/31/10 - spent like a billion exp, advanced so hard it circled over back to initial status

I've got three cities my backstories - Alice's hometown, Colin's, and a liberated city with zombies in the sewers. Their corresponding names are Baestria, Firgath, and Underbrush.

This is PRETTY MUCH just me copying my old sheet and switching my BFF for some other shit so I wouldn't have to juggle two guys in a not-PbP-setting. Instead, I have allies, and my bitchin' metal slimegirl is buffer.

@taken: Didja get that PM? How about giving the Aeratum the ability to animate zombies and/or other shit, given the sorceress' powers/that it's animated itself.

I was also wondering about getting another ranged weapon... I think I'm able to grab a second? Unless the grapplan hook counts as it? But, yeah, a throwing axe doesn't seem appropriate, and Alice doesn't have the strength for a bow or crossbow. Another invention might be appropriate (dart-thrower, for when swinging around?), but, yeah.
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Re: Mirafar IRC Game

Game is full of players. This is now the discussion thread.

Yes, Garngantua, Alice qualifies for another weapon. A bow or cross-bow may be out of place, but that's the limit of the setting. They haven't invented guns yet.

I would normally consider that an option, but TheWierdOne already has an artifact that creates Zombies...

So how about the ability to summon a Poltergeist. That's an entity that will haunt an area or person and cause trouble until exorcised. Alice isn't sure how she sets it off, but she has been pissed at people before, and the Poltergeist came about because of it. Maybe the sorceress picks? On the Meta-side, I'll be paying attention to Alice's mood. If she gets very angry, there might be a Poltergeist.

Keep investing in the Gauntlet; I have a wicked idea for later on.
Re: Mirafar IRC Game

I'm a little bad at uh getting emotional with my characters, but I guess it's not an unwelcome challenge.

I'm not even sure I could USE a crossbow, as I don't meet the strength requirement. Light crossbow? Maybe a one-handed dart crossbow or something?

I don't recall what you said about it before, but I could write runes onto stuff and using alchemy (enchantment) charge them with magic to explode or something as well, right? Like, say, a broken chunk of wood from a building, or some rock on the road. I can't remember how I recharge my power pool, either... argh, gotta refresh myself on all the rules and shit by tomorrow.

Uncorrupted Purebloods with Potence, everywhere!
Re: Mirafar IRC Game

Hey Suri, can you make it to the game this Saturday?
Re: Mirafar IRC Game

Probably. I'll let you know if I can't.
Re: Mirafar IRC Game

Right. So uh, when should I show up for this again?
Re: Mirafar IRC Game

How does tomorrow, Wednesday, at 7pm EST sound? If that's not possible, then the Friday or Saturday session that Tassadar's game isn't happening on works for me.
Re: Mirafar IRC Game

To make up for me botching Lynne and taking control of Suri as the main character...

Alice and Suri met on a caravan en route to the siege camp, both are people with a decent amount of medical experience and they wanted to help with the siege effort.

Upon arriving at the siege camp, Commanding Officer Vivian told Suri and Alice to go investigate the mysterious force that has been killing the zombies in the forest to the north of the siege camp.

Alice and Suri are now at the treeline of the forest, ready to investigate the mystery unknown zombie slayers.
Re: Mirafar IRC Game

Okay. In exchange for ten firebombs, I have agreed to acquire five of either Beholder's Eyes* or Alraune's Hearts for some badass old lady in the forest village those orcs are at, for a beauty potion, for her great-grand-daughter. I have no problem with putting more delicious green musclegirls into the world, but she's old as fuck so I gotta go fast.
