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Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

Recovery roll: 0 (net: -1)
Recovery roll: 1 (net: 0)
Recovery roll: -2 (net: -2)

Ayame quickly ruffled through the first dead man's armor. A little bit of food, a water bottle, and a compass were all in evidence, but the only thing possibly of use in medicine was a dagger. A glance back at the woman revealed a slight look of disapproval, quickly masked. The second man's body also seemed to be bereft of anything medically useful, and it was becoming obvious that the slave had been the group's sole source of healing. Then she found one final thing - a small glass bottle on a string around the man's neck, under his armor. The cork was wired in place, and there was about a thimbleful of some very dark blue liquid. There was no label. Shown the bottle, the slave girl said "This one doesn't know what it is. But this one thinks Master will die shortly if nobody can help him."
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

Ayame sighed in disappointment as her rummage through the men’s gear began to prove fruitless, it quickly becoming apparent that the meek slave girl was the group’s only real method of healing. Just as the plant-woman was about to give up her search, she spotted and small glass bottle on a string around one of their necks, which contained an even smaller amount of a very dark blue liquid. She cocked an eyebrow as she pulled the small vile from the dead man’s neck, snapping the string attached to it in the process as she brought it up for a closer inspection, pouting when she didn’t find a label of any kind and realized that she simply didn’t know what to make of the strange liquid.

‘Hmm... It could be a special healing agent of some sort,’ Ayame thought as she turned and began walking back to the pair. ‘Or some worthless charm that these humans sometimes carry around for luck...but it could be a healing agent!’ she mused back and forth on her way back to where the man was still lying, his condition unimproved. When she returned, the plant-woman held the small vile out for the slave girl to see and asked if she knew what it was. At the woman’s negative response, Ayame furrowed her brow slightly, growing a little annoyed at how unhelpful this girl was actually being.

“Well...only one way to find out, I suppose,” Ayame said, moving so that she was standing next to the man’s head before kneeling down and sitting on her knees. She then gently lifted the man’s head and rested it in her lap before carefully opening the small glass bottle, reaching around with one of her vines and using it to gently pry open his mouth. She then carefully emptied the dark blue liquid into his mouth before withdrawing her vine and using it to stroke the man’s throat, trying to coax him to swallow.
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

For a moment, it seemed like the man might already be dead, but several careful strokes with one of her vines forced the man to swallow. The effects were immediate. He sat bolt upright, pushing the human back onto her ass, and screamed. He was on his feet almost as fast, eyes wide and hands tightly gripping his sword as he spun around looking for foes. All he saw was Ayame. His sword blurred towards her for a moment, then stopped in mid swing. He was breathing heavily, and had an obvious erection. All his wounds looked exactly like they had a few seconds before, only partially healed by the woman's efforts.

He spun to his slave, who by now was kneeling in the grass, looking down. His voice came out in a strangled yell, "WHAT did you GIVE me!?"

"The lady gave you... something from a bottle. You were dying... This one tried to heal you, but failed..." A tear welled up in her eye, and when he spun again to face Ayame, she shuffled back in front of him and started undoing his belt.

He glared at the Alraune, then with visible effort softened his expression. "Well I suppose I have you to thank that I wasn't torn apart minutes ago, but I must know what it was you gave me. My life may still depend on it." He had sheathed his literal sword, but by now the woman had freed his more metaphorical sword, and seemed about to take it into her mouth then and there.
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

‘Huh, it worked...’ Ayame mused to herself as the man flailed around, chuckling at the obvious erection making itself known beneath his pants. When he had finished and turned back to face the plant-woman, she remained seated there on her knees and looked back at him with a simple smile as he addressed her.

“Whatever was in this,” Ayame replied simply, holding up the small bottle between her fingers for the man to see. “It was around the neck of one of your companions over there,” she finished, pointing to where the two deceased men’s bodies rested.
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

"Oh. Well, fuck." The man stood there for a moment, the only sound that of the woman who was vigorously deepthroating his cock and making the occasional pleasurable sound herself. "That's a poison. Delivered to the blood it kills almost instantly, makes the heart explode. Ingested it'd wake you from anything... shortly before it killed you. Empty Night. At least I'll spend my last few minutes horny."

He touched the top of the woman's head, and grunted, "Bend over." She did so, holding her ankles and presenting him with her slim bottom. He grabbed her hips, and starting thrusting into her pussy. A few seconds later he exploded inside her, but didn't pull out. Instead he just slowed down, and Ayame could see that he was still perfectly hard. "Well, thank you for the effort, and a few extra minute awake instead of dying, but I think I'd like to spend my last few minutes fucking. Maybe I'll get lucky and knock her up, even." A guilty look appeared on the girl's face, but she bit her lip and didn't make a sound except the periodic moan of pleasure.
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

‘A poison?’ Ayame thought as the contents of the bottle was revealed. ‘What a stupid thing for someone to carry around their neck,’ she mused as she watched the woman suck hungrily at the man’s hardness. She then grinned as he ordered his slave to bend over, grabbed her hips, and thrust inside, cumming deep inside her moments later. He didn’t stop there, though, his cock still rock hard and not showing any signs of fading. ‘Looks more like an aphrodisiac to me...’ Ayame thought offhand, grinning to herself as the man continued his thrusts.

“Well, thank you for the effort, and a few extra minute awake instead of dying, but I think I'd like to spend my last few minutes fucking,” he said to the plant-woman, continuing to pound his cock into his slave’s already well-fucked folds. “Maybe I'll get lucky and knock her up, even.”

“Well, you won’t be impregnating her. Those slimy tentacled creatures will have already accomplished that,” Ayame replied plainly, pausing for a moment as she considered what he’d said about the poison. “If swallowing that liquid is going to kill you, though, why just not induce vomiting to get it out of your stomach? It might not help, but if you’re going to die anyway it can’t hurt to at least try, right?” she said, smiling kindly as she finished. “Maybe you’ll get lucky and live.”
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

The man frowned, and paused. The slave, clearly on the edge of climax cried a soft protest, but he ignored her. Then he shook his head, and started pumping again, pushing the human woman over the edge. "No. You might take one drop for the side effects, if you were stupid, but to survive two you'd need a better healer then this one." He slapped the slave's butt, making her let out a yelp, "But the best I could hope for now would be a few hours of agony instead of a few minutes of fun. Fuck that."

He grunted, cumming again, then continued at a faster pace then before. Ayame could see a vein throbbing on his forehead, far too fast for a normal heartbeat. "I... I was going to give the slave to my kid, but I guess that plan's fucked. You can have her then, when I die. Don't have anything else worth shit." The woman looked increasingly distressed as he spoke, and Ayame could tell that the man's time was getting very short as his pulse and thrusts both accelerated. If she wanted anything from him, it would have to be quick.
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

“You fool,” Ayame remarked in a scolding tone. “I was more interested in you than her. If vomiting up the liquid might spare you a few hours, it could buy enough time for us to get you to a proper healer,” she said, standing up and making her way towards the man. “But if you’re the type of man that just resigns himself to death then you’re not as interesting as I thought you were. In fact, maybe I’ll just end it for you myself right now,” the Alraune continued threateningly, flaring out her now thorn-covered vines in preparation to strike. “There’s no sense in letting a dead man continue to violate my newest servant, after all...”

With that, Ayame would give the man a chance to consider his options. If he conceded and made an effort to vomit out the poison, she would withdraw her vines and allow him to do so. If he did not, and either simply continued pounding into the woman or turned to fight back against Ayame herself, she would retract the thorns on her vines and attempt to grapple the man with them, and then force one of her vines down his throat in order to try and make him vomit on her own.
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

Final-last-ditch-roll: 1d4=2 -> He dies.

OOC: Okay, explanation: if Ayame is going to be trying to build a harem, and her thread is going to be anything like as long as Vira's, success is going to have to be a reasonably low-percentage thing. Two in one battle shouldn't ever be likely.

The man looked outraged at Ayame's threat, his face turning bright red and a snarling expression coming over his face. As he didn't look like backing down, Ayame advanced, grabbing him with her vines. She looked at his eyes and saw fear, and wondered if perhaps the outraged snarl was entirely voluntary. Then three things happened at once.

Firstly, Ayame managed to pry his jaws apart, and stuffed a vine down his throat in an effort to make him expel the poison. Secondly, his body seized in an orgasm, spurting a third load into the woman bent over between him and Ayame. And thirdly, he died. His eyes glazed over, blood started leaking from his nose, his eyes, his ears. He toppled backwards with the force of Ayame's efforts, sparing the girl the indignity of having a dead man inside her, and she toppled forward, ending up face up on the ground looking up at the Alraune.

When she realized that he was dead, the slave got back on her knees and stared at Ayame's feet, looking shaken. "Mistress?"
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

That’s fine. I’m not upset or anything if that’s what you’re worried about. Having been given the opportunity to potentially save the man, I obviously wanted to try and keep him alive, so I just tried to express that through Ayame and have her feel/think/do what I thought would make sense for her to feel/think/do at each step.

Ayame grumbled in disgust as she gently lowered the man’s body onto the ground, being a little less gentle than perhaps she should have due to her lingering annoyance at the man. She then took a deep breath as she recoiled her vines, letting go of the frustration that had built up inside her over the last several minutes.

With a long sigh, she softened her features and turned back to face her new servant, who looked shaken by the ordeal. “I am sorry that you had to go through all of this, my dear,” she said sincerely, slowly reaching out with one of her vines to stroke the girl’s cheek. “You have a kind heart, and I know that you cared for this man dearly. If you would like to say goodbye to him, you may,” Ayame finished, turning and walking back towards where the majority of the battle had taken place to search the various remains for objects of value.

Field-strip the various human, lizard, and grabber corpses lying around (except for the slave girl’s ex-master) and collect whatever armor, weapons, or other valuables (or body parts, in the case of the aliens, I guess) they have on them. I didn’t do any of this with Vira last time, so I’m going to make up for it with Ayame. ^_^
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

You find (intact):
3x Chameleon's skin
2x Greyheart
30 denarii

Also notably present but too worn for sale or without sale value:
2 one-handed swords
2 badly damaged sets of leather armor.

"Yes Mistress. This one is thankful, Mistress." The girl turned to her former master and knelt over his body while Ayame went to loot the corpses. There was surprisingly little of value. Alchemists and enchanters would pay for the hides of Hunters, but between the various injuries they had taken, the Alraune was only able to salvage three usefully large chunks of hide. And while she knew that the grabbers often had valuable greyhearts inside them, these ones were only small and several of the dead slavers' strokes had evidently been very well aimed. Only 2 could be found intact and sufficiently large for sale.

The dead men proved even poorer pickings. There was no way to know how much that little bottle might have sold for, as either poison or aphrodisiac, but it may very well have been the most valuable single object between the two men. Belt pouches turned up a measly 30 denarii between the two, and their armor and swords were all far too beat up to be worth trying to sell. The other supplies the two had carried for their journey were only worth a few denarii altogether, and far too bulky for lugging to civilization.

Ayame's new slave, meanwhile, had straightened her former master's clothing, and set him up in a traditional funeral pose, hands crossed on his chest, holding his sword. She had also scoured a few meters around him with wind, and as Ayame turned back to her was looking up at the clear sky directly above him. She had also moved to the edge of the cleared circle, and now held out her hand and whispered "Goodbye..."

With that, a pencil thin line of white-hot fire burst from the palm of her outstretched hand, expanding to larger then a man's head and turning red and orange by the time it reached the corpse. Ayame could feel the heat from where she stood, and in seconds the entire body was burning. The girl raised her other hand and while the bar of fire died away, the existing flames suddenly burned hotter and climbed higher and higher. A few seconds later they burned out, and only the glowing gleam of melted metal remained in a circle of blackened dirt. The girl collapsed to her knees, sweat gleaming on her body, tired by this effort on top of everything else.
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

As Ayame ransacked the various corpses, the severity of the fighting that had taken place before she arrived on the scene was made apparent by the level of damage present on the bodies, which made the pickings relatively slim considering the number of them strewn about. The precision – or perhaps luck – of the strikes made against the tentacled creatures was especially clear, with only two of the things’ hearts remaining well enough intact to be of any value. She’d managed to collect three decent-sized strips of the chameleonic skin from the reptilian beasts, though, which was good.

The most disappointing loot came from the remains of the two men, however, their pair of armor and blades being far too damaged to be of value, making the coin pouches on their belts the only things even worth the effort of looting. ‘Oh well,’ Ayame thought to herself, stowing the recovered items away in her pack. ‘Maybe the leader will have had something valuable on his body,’ she mused as she turned to watch her new servant put the finishing touches on what looked to be a funeral ceremony of sorts.

A moment later, Ayame’s new servant whispered her final goodbye and sent a powerful burst of flame out of her outstretched hand, setting her former master’s entire corpse ablaze. Seconds later, the slave girl raised her other hand to the sky and intensified the flames, making them burn hotter and higher than before. Within moments the scorching flames burned out, leaving nothing but the glow of molten metal – which had presumably been the man’s sword – surrounded by a circled of blackened dirt, with any trace of what the man might have had in his possession having been cremated along with him.

With the ceremony finished, Ayame made her way over to the visibly exhausted slave girl and gently stroked her back with one of her vines. “Hmm... I wish you would have removed anything of value from his body before doing that, but due to the circumstances I’ll forgive you,” she said, pausing for a couple minutes to allow the red-haired woman time to recover from her fairly impressive display of power before continuing. “Now then, I know you must be tired from everything that’s happened, dear, so if you’d like we can stay here for a while to rest and get to know each other,” she said, smiling thoughtfully at the other woman. “Otherwise, I would like to move on, but I don’t want to push you if you need to rest.”
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

After the fires died away, the girl continued kneeling, breathing hard. She shivered slightly at the feel of Ayame's vines stroking her back, and bowed her head at the chastisement. When she had caught her breath, she turned around to speak. "Thank you, Mistress. This one might better serve you with a few minutes rest."

She continued kneeling, but looked up at her new Mistress, smiling and shifting her shoulders in a way that brought her rounded breasts into greater prominence. "How would the Mistress like to know Her slave?"
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

Ayame nodded at the slave girl’s response, then shifted her feet slightly and set the earth directly behind her into motion, causing a small mound to rise up and slowly reshape itself as it grew. When it reached about waist-height out of the ground, the shape was by then clearly that of a chair – complete with armrests, and after another foot of growth it stopped, leaving a modestly-decorated earthen throne sprouting out of the ground directly behind where the Alraune stood. Ayame then casually sat down and leaned back in her earthen seat, resting her arms on the available armrests before slowly crossing her legs, obscuring her new servant’s previously unhindered view of her nether-lips.

The plant-woman grinned as the slave girl smiled back up at her and shifted her shoulders slightly in a way that put her shapely breasts on better display. “Hmm... I believe I would know you personally, for now,” Ayame said, stroking the red-haired woman’s cheek with one of her vines. “Then, perhaps later tonight,” she continued, allowing that same vine to drift down and encircle one of her servant’s breasts, “...we can get to know each other more...intimately,” she finished, giving the girl’s breast a gentle squeeze with her vine before letting go.

Following that, Ayame would set upon questioning her latest harem member, asking firstly for a name or something that her former master called her. She would then ask what duties she performed in service of the man, and when and how she came to be in his service. Ayame would then ask what skills she possessed, including combat, magical, or other skills.
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

The woman smiled in a pleased way at the suggestion that they would be having sex in the evening, and let out a mildly aroused sound at the squeeze of her breast, accompanied by a stiffening of her nipples. Then she straightened and begun answering her new Mistress's questions.

She hesitated for a moment at the question about her name, but then answered as best she could. "This one's most recent master only called her 'slave' or 'girl', but her first master had many slaves and called her Molly. Mistress can call this one Molly or anything else if it pleases Her."

"This one was born and raised a slave. She preformed household chores for servants and other slaves until she was old enough, when she was taught the ways of sex. She learned many ways to please men and women, and demonstrated them for a few months before the invasion. The invaders killed her master and took her from her cell, but she was rescued by other slaves, who were fleeing. She knew that she was a slave and needed a master, so she found slave traders and gave herself to them. They sold her privately to her next and most recent master." She paused for a moment, considering her thoughts. "She serviced her master whenever he was wanting, preformed chores for him, and healed for him, his friends, and his family. When he set out with his companions, she serviced them as well, and fought at their side against bandits and invaders."

"This one is a good slave, and will do anything her Mistress asks to the best of her ability. She is experienced in the bedroom with both men and women. She also knows how to cook and do household chores. In combat she is gifted with fire, and knowledgeable about minor magic in other areas, including healing. She is not skilled with any weapon or in hand-to-hand combat." She looked up at her enthroned Mistress helpfully.
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

Ayame sat and listened thoughtfully as the slave girl, Molly, as she was apparently once called, explained her history to her new mistress. The fact that she was born and raised as a slave would make things relatively simple for the plant-woman, because it meant that she wouldn’t have to worry about keeping the girl enthralled to ensure her obedience. She was disappointed to learn that Molly had no aptitude for physical combat, which solidified the two worn blades and suits of armor she’d left on the men’s bodies as well and truly useless, but the fact that she had experience in combat with her magic – which Ayame had already witnessed as being fairly impressive – made up for it. Her other assorted skills, both sexual and otherwise, were also a plus.

Ayame smiled approvingly as her servant finished speaking and looked up at her. “Hmm... You are indeed a good slave, Molly. From your display earlier, your magical abilities appear to be quite impressive, and I look forward experiencing your skill in other areas tonight as well...” she cooed, slowly uncrossing her legs before crossing them again in the reverse manner. “Tell me, though, is there anything in particular that you enjoy when it comes to sex? Something that really makes you feel good when you’re performing the act or having it performed on you?”
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

Molly looked down humbly. "This one is happiest doing what pleases her Mistress. But her previous masters have tried tying her up and using her as punishment, and found that this only excites her." She looked back up, mildly aroused and bothering to hide it. "Mistress? This one has rested as much as she needs to, if the Mistress wishes to move on." She remained kneeling before the earthen throne.
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

“Oh, so you’re that type, are you? Someone who likes being restrained and...taken against their will?” Ayame mused, teasing the human woman as she uncrossed her legs again and rose to her feet, reshaping her earthen throne back into the ground. “Alright then, if you are ready to go then we shall be off. I would like to make more progress towards this Acheron place before dark, and we have to stop to give birth,” she said, setting her pack down next to Molly for the slave girl to carry. “Oh, and I almost forgot,” the Alraune paused, glancing back down at her new servant. “You may call me ‘Ayame-sama’,” she said, smiling sweetly before turning and starting off.
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

"This one is honored, Ayame-sama." Molly picked up her Mistress's pack and followed her into the jungle. The journey through the jungle was surprisingly uneventful, with Molly proving reasonably adept at following in Ayame's footsteps and not making too much noise. For that reason or another none of the jungle's native creatures came out to play, and the pair didn't happen on any further expeditions by sapient creatures, denying the Alraune the chance to expand her new harem.

As they walked, both women's bellies grew at an alarming rate. An hour after they left the bulge of pregnancy was unmistakable, and as the sun began to set it was starting to be a trial to walk normally and at full speed. Just as she was considering finding a good place to stop for the night, Ayame smelled the distinctive scent of a shorn weed. And sure enough, she quickly spotted the body of the plant, and its mobile flower. As an alraune herself, she was immune to its ability to ensnare women, but Molly would have no such protection. Still, Ayame felt that she would be planting her own seeds within the hour, and apparently one of her kind had thought this an acceptable place at some point.

Molly looked uncomfortable with her advanced pregnancy, but so far hadn't uttered a word of complaint. The slave looked around and completely failed to notice the shorn weed, though she was still out of its range by a safe margin. "Is this where you wish to stop, Ayame-sama? This one is not sure how much longer she can walk before she must stop to give birth."
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

“Hmm... Yes, dear, I believe this place will do,” Ayame said, turning back towards Molly and ushering her a few more feet away from the Shorn Weed.

When she was satisfied with the distance, the Alraune looked for a good spot between two nearby trees and set to work, projecting her will into the surrounding earth and tree roots as she began reshaping them, a massive bulge soon appearing out of the ground between the trees. As Ayame worked more of her energy into earth, the mound grew taller and taller and began to take shape as rounded corners began to appear on four sides, with roots emerging from the ground to help frame the structure. After about a minute the earth’s movement slowed to a halt, with what clearly appeared to be a small cottage – complete with a simple root-hinged door and two small windows – having been formed between the two trees, framed and supported by those trees and their roots and filled out by the surrounding earth.

With their shelter for the night complete, Ayame moved forward and pushed open the door to the cottage and stepped inside, taking a look at the simple furnishings she’d shaped out of environment as well, including a pair of plain earthen chairs, a table, and even a bed framed by the tree’s roots and using a layer of risen, but otherwise unblemished grass as the mattress. “Come on inside, dear,” Ayame said, calling Molly into the cottage. “Place my things on the table and have a seat in the corner near the bed, please. I will prepare for your birthing,” she said, closing the door to the cottage and locking it with the root-formed latch. Can’t let the slimy little tentacled monsters escape, after all.

Activate Reshape: X=3, forming a cottage out of the nearby trees, underground roots, and the earth itself.

Also, in case it’s relevant for your next post, the windows in the cottage are not large or open enough for anything to get through. They’re only about head-sized and crossed or barred shut by roots (sort of like this [+]). Ayame will also be attempting to kill the baby grabber(s) as quickly as she can, if that wasn’t already apparent.