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Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

April looked up questioningly at her still silent sister, then turned back to Ayame and shrugged. "She's studying - Ow! You kicked me! Right in the butt! Look, sis, this would be much easier if you'd just talk! If I'm not mad I don't see how you have any right to be, at least not with her!"

Molly tried unsuccessfully to stifle a giggle with one hand, then turned eagerly to her mistress. "This one saw her learning healing, but was never paired with her enough to learn more because this one was too distracting." The slave demonstrated, making May turn away blushing with a few understated movements.

In the mean time, April fidgeted on the ground a little bit more before suddenly pulling her dress off. Underneath she was nude, and it was clear that she hadn't been lying about her arousal. She blushed and immediately turned slightly such that Kitty and Sally, off to one side, couldn't see her front. "Sorry, it was getting uncomfortably tight."

Her sister spun around, saw what had just happened, and let out a gasp, and visibly swallowed several words. Now that besides herself and kitty the only stitch of "clothing" was Molly's collar, she didn't seem to know where to look, and settled on a blank patch of grass.
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

Ayame watched plainly, blinking at the sisters’ antics as May stubbornly remained silent, then prevented April from answering the question for her. The plant-woman remained quiet herself as April spoke up in disapproval of her sister’s attitude and confirmation that she wasn’t upset with the plant-woman. Molly then giggled briefly before turning and answering her mistress’s question herself, re-demonstrating the distraction she had apparently been to May during the classes and causing the other woman to turn away blushing again.

“Healing magic? My, what an admirable field to study,” Ayame replied, turning her attention to May again. “I would love to hear more...perhaps see a demonstration of what sort of things that branch of magic is capable of,” she said, pausing for a moment when she saw April fidgeting out of the corner of her eye before the woman suddenly removed her own dress as well, leaving only Kitty and her sister May in any semblance of clothing.

The Alraune could only chuckle and grin at the woman’s explanation, and more so at her sister’s shocked and flustered reaction. “Hmm... It’s alright, dear, there’s nothing to be ashamed of. We’re all friends here,” Ayame said kindly, although which sister she was talking to that time was difficult to tell.
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

"Well, I suppose I can hardly give birth while dressed anyway. And I don't really know how well I can explain healing magic. Maybe if May was speaking..." She glanced at her sister, who pointedly continued not speaking, then let out a groan of frustration. "Gods, this is uncomfortable." A thought seemed to occur to her, and she glanced slyly at her sister before turning back to Ayame and spreading her legs to reveal her aroused sex. "I don't suppose you could..."

May let out a gasp and stepped between her sister and Ayame. "April!"

"What? She promised not to go knocking us up without permission anymore, and it's not like I can get more pregnant anyway. And I've never been so horny in my life! Also, I thought you weren't talking."

Molly licked her lips and smiled happily at her mistress, while Kitty's little prick got visibly harder under her dress, and even Sally walked towards the action with a slightly distracted smile. A torn look crossed May's face, as she darted glances at Ayame, her sister, and Molly. "I don't..." The smell of feminine arousal in the air was almost overpowering, even without whatever Ayame might contribute.
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

Ayame’s interest peaked for a moment when April glanced up at her sister with a sly look on her face, and then back at Ayame before shifting and spreading her legs for the plant-woman, offering herself to her to help relieve the arousal that had clearly built up within her. Before she could respond with anything more than a knowing grin, however, May jumped in between the Alraune and her sister and called out April’s name in shock at her display.

As April spoke up in defense of Ayame again, the plant-woman took a moment to glance around again, seeing Molly briefly lick her lips, Kitty’s penis grow noticeably harder under her dress, and Sally smiling distractedly as well as she gradually made her way over to the others.

Looking back at May, then, Ayame could see the torn look in her eyes as her gaze darted quickly back and forth between the plant-woman, Molly, and her sister, the overall smell of female arousal in the air clearly taking it’s toll on the woman as she muttered out a couple of nonsensical words. “Hmm...? You don’t ‘what’, dear?” Ayame asked kindly, grinning playfully at the woman. “It’s as I said, we’re all friends here. No one is going to pressure you into doing anything if you don’t want to, but neither should you feel the need to deny anyone else or yourself if you do,” she said, pausing a moment to reach out again and pat the grass in front of her, signaling to May that she was welcome to sit if she so wanted. “What do you say?”
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

A stubborn look came over May's face, and she turned to face her sister. Then, blushing significantly more, she faced a few feet off to one side of her sister. April let out a sigh that was almost a moan. "I know you just want what's best for me, but I NEED this, sis. You can protect me once I give birth."

She turned back to Ayame, a pleading tone in her voice. "I don't want to be pushy, but I could really use some, um, help. Please?" She spread her legs further, making sure the alraune could see the needy region.

Kitty had both hands on the hem of her dress, lifting it nearly enough to expose herself. "Just... don't cum inside this time. And... maybe this is enough... friends?"

Molly, meanwhile, was almost bouncing with anticipation. There was a damp trail running down both of her thighs, but from the strain in her voice she was still shy of orgasm. "How can this one best please her Mistress?" She glanced hungrily at one of Ayame's vines, but also at the other women with only a little less enthusiasm.

Sally grinned. "Well, I'm certainly not letting you off without showing me a good time. But the cat is right, I can't get pregnant again."

That left only May. The young healer suddenly couldn't seem to keep her eyes off the other womens' nude forms, and her nipples became more distinct under her dress. She was also holding the hem tightly in both hands, but unlike Kitty seemed to be holding it down rather then lifting it up. She was only a few feet from Ayame, facing the other direction. She took a step backwards and to one side, no longer quite between her sister and the Alraune, and also now close enough for Ayame to reach out and touch. She focused on Molly, slightly confused. The slave was making a strange gesture with both her hands, like someone taking a deep smell of a large flower, and grinning hopefully. "I'm sure you're all very... attractive... but I'm not... I've never..."
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

Ayame let out a light sigh of her own as May still refused to sit and chat with her, resigning herself to the idea that the young woman simply wasn’t interested in them getting to know each other. She smiled softly at April again as the sister stuck up for her again, even going so far as to emphasize how much she needed some relief for her growing arousal, which prompted an impish grin from the plant-woman as April faced her again, opening herself up and asking the Alraune to take her again.

Before she could offer a response, however, Ayame noticed Kitty and Sally offhand gradually approaching with the former teasing the hem of her skirt up slightly, almost – but not quite – exposing herself to the others and shyly making it clear that she was in the mood as well. Molly expressed the same sentiment almost immediately thereafter and with much more...enthusiasm, glancing hungrily at both the plant-woman’s vines and the other woman’s bodies. Even Sally voiced her desires for a good time, leaving Ayame literally surrounded at this point by four women whose fruits were all primed and ripe for the picking.

Ayame herself could only look around at them a bit surprised. “Oh, my~! Well, this is certainly unexpected... But, I suppose if you all insist~” she said, the scent of arousal only growing stronger around her, seeming to have more and more of an impact on May as she shifted uncomfortably and tugged down on the hem of her dress. As May finally spoke again, however, the last part of what she’d muttered caught Ayame’s attention. “I see...” she muttered under her breath.

With May having taken a step back closer her, the plant-woman reached up gently rested her hand on the other woman’s forearm and smiled kindly up at her. “Hmm... So you have never had sex before? I can understand a little of your nervousness in that case, I think,” Ayame began, only very gently beginning to try and pull May down onto the grass beside her once she had turned to look at her, although she would not force the human woman to sit if she resisted. “While my kind do not place value in such a thing, I have found that many young women do seem to value their virginity as something that they wish to give to someone special to them. Is that the case with you, as well? Is there someone...special who you desire to share yourself with?” the plant-woman finished, brushing her hand gently along May’s forearm.
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Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

"Ugh!" April's sister looked confused and aroused, but she let Ayame sit her down. "Ye- N- I don't know!" She also didn't seem to know where to look, with more and more of her field of vision filled with nude flesh that she couldn't seem to look away from.

"Ugh, she promised not to knock everyone up again. Spread your legs and join the fun, everyone can see you want to! There's nobody you're saving yourself for, you don't even like men!" April covered her mouth and crossed her eyes trying to look at it, looking incredibly surprised at herself. Her sister looked equally surprised, but didn't try to deny it. She was breathing very heavily, and leaned slightly into the alraune's gentle touch on her arm.
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

“Oh, you like women as well, do you~?” Ayame cooed, continuing to brush her hand gently along the short-haired woman’s arm. “Hmm... In that case, you’re certainly not alone here in that regard. Come now, there’s no need to be shy. Be honest with yourself...” the plant-woman said, leaning in a bit closer to May’s ear. “Be honest with what it is you really want~” she finished, planting a feather-light kiss on the other woman’s neck.
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

"I didn't say that!" May was anxious, breathing in deeply. Given the nearly-overpowering scents in the air, it was hardly surprising that this didn't do anything to calm her down. She let out a low moan, and closed her eyes. Her left hand went to her breasts, tugging on the fabric of the dress where it was pressed against her erect nipples. Her right hand was still gripping the hem of her dress, but now it was slowly moving upward.

Meanwhile, Molly was on her hands and knees facing away from her Mistress, her ass swaying back and forth gently as she offered herself to the Alraune. Kitty, nude and fully erect was walking towards the slave almost entranced, a drop of pre matching the bead of lubrication running down her thigh.

"I want... just don't..." she licked her lips, unable to take her eyes off what Molly was showing. Kitty had her package in her hands and was positioning herself with clear intent near Molly's head, while Sally arrived within feet of Ayame with a hungry smile.

"As long as you promise... can't get pregnant with..." May didn't wait for a reply, but all at once tugged her dress up over her head. Below it she wore a pair of conservative white panties with a growing damp spot. Her breasts were only slightly more generous then her sister's.

April smiled. "Finally! Now can you please...?" she spread her legs and gestured at her pussy, glistening below her heavily pregnant belly.
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

“Hmm... There’s a good girl~” Ayame hummed as May finally gave in and pulled her dress up over her head and off, leaving her in nothing more than a pair of plain white panties that were already visibly damp with arousal. The plant-woman then gently cupped the short-haired sister’s cheek in her hand and turned her head to face her before capturing her lips with her own, wasting no time in pressing her lengthy tongue into the other woman’s mouth in a deep, passionate kiss. As April spoke and presented herself before the Alraune again, she broke her kiss with May and grinned back at her longer-haired sister, her vines already beginning to come to life. “Mmm... With pleasure~” she cooed, plunging one of her vines into April’s gleaming love-tunnel before resuming her heated kiss with May.

At the same time, Ayame hovered another one of her vines up a few inches in front of Sally’s face, waiting for the Night Elf to take it into her hands and mouth while a third – having snaked its way up the maid’s leg – gently prodded at her nether-lips before pressing inside. Two more of the plant-woman’s vines had worked their way up and around Molly’s legs as well, and by the time the slave-girl had taken Kitty’s erect member into her mouth they would have eased their way inside the red-haired woman’s pussy and ass and begun thrusting, as the Alraune’s sixth vine hovered in front of April’s soft lips as well.

Ayame’s last two vines then wrapped around each side of May’s panties and slowly pulled them down, with the plant-woman gently cupping her hands over the short-haired blonde’s modest breasts and massaging them as she continued to wrestle the human woman’s tongue with her own. Once removed, one of Ayame’s vines would toss the simple underwear towards her pack before returning and snaking its way around May’s waist and up along her chest while the last one began gently pressing and rubbing itself against the woman’s virgin pussy-lips, running its length up and down along her flower and coating itself in a thin layer of the blonde-woman’s juices, but never pushing its way inside.
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

Despite everything, May seemed surprised by Ayame's kiss. Still, she didn't resist and when Ayame moved in for her second kiss May returned it enthusiastically. Meanwhile, April's eyes went vacant as she let out a full-body sigh as her needs were finally fulfilled.

The alraune's vines spread around the group quickly. Sally's face assumed a sullen expression as a vine rose to her mouth, only reluctantly taking it inside until she noticed the second one pressing against a different set of lips. Once the phallic organ was pumping in and out of her she started attending to the one in her mouth with practiced skill.

Molly's blowjob was as enthusiastic as ever even before two more of the plant-woman's vines found her well-used holes. The twin penetrations brought the slave to immediate orgasm, and the obvious and vocal (even with Kitty's petite member all the way into her mouth) arousal afterward only served to enhance the experience. Ayame let another tentacle hover in front of April's mouth, but the pregnant woman was apparently too overcome by what was going on between her legs to notice.

But the biggest reaction was to come from May. The blonde woman gasped with pleasure simply at the feeling of her panties being peeled away, the touch of the cool night air on her virgin cunt. By the time Ayame started rubbing her vine at the so-far-unused entrance, the formerly-silent sister was letting out little screams of uncontrolled arousal. She embraced the alraune more and more tightly as she became more aroused, and she was still well short of release.

After the fiery slave, the next to cum was Kitty, who spilled her cream into Molly's mouth. She was left panting, feminine juices running down her thighs. She glanced at each of the other women, all squirming in pleasure on one or more of Ayame's vines, jealous both of the attention they were getting and that she wasn't the one giving it. Her member was already fully erect again, and visibly throbbing, and her thighs were wet with arousal. She shook her head at Molly rejecting a second blowjob, and the slave looked over her shoulder at her mistress, mouth slightly open. It wasn't entirely clear if she was offering to pleasure her owner orally in addition to the twin vines already working between her legs, or showing that while every drop of the cat-woman's cum had gone into her mouth, she hadn't yet swallowed it.

But Ayame had a more immediate worry. With all eight of her vines pleasuring a total of four other women, there was no way to hold back anymore, it was time to cum. She could withhold her seed if she so decided, and was sure that the second time wouldn't be so quick, but for now there was no avoiding it. She could only choose exactly how it would happen.
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

Unable to hold herself at bay for very long with the level of stimulation being caused to her vines, Ayame moaned into May’s mouth as she withdrew each of her vines from whatever orifice they occupied at the time, just as they began spewing their syrupy blue cum onto the women’s respective chests, back, and waists. As she recovered, the plant-woman rolled over slowly so that May was positioned on her back beneath her, and then motioned for both Molly and Kitty to come over to her as she moved back and positioned herself between the short-haired sister’s legs, her vines still gently rubbing her chest and virgin slit.

Once there, Ayame would pulled Molly into a deep kiss and immediately begin pulling some of the cat-woman’s white seed into her own mouth with her tongue, sharing the load messily back-and-forth with her slave before pulling away, holding her portion of it in her mouth for a moment to savor the taste before swallowing it down. She then nudged the red-haired woman up into a kneeling position over May’s head with one of her vines, leaving the slave-girl’s dripping pussy mere inches away from the blonde-woman’s lips. The Alraune then bent over and began kissing lightly at May’s belly, waist, and thighs, pausing only to look over at Kitty and wiggle her butt suggestively at the cat-woman, using the vines that she had used on Molly earlier to gently spread her own now moistened flower.

The plant-woman then pulled the vine rubbing against May’s pussy-lips away, leaving a strand of the human’s arousal connecting them momentarily before licking the vine, giving herself a taste of the short-haired sister’s virgin juices. Then, with a lustful grin, Ayame finally leaned in and planted her lips on the blonde-woman’s untouched nethers, using her tongue to gently lick along May’s sensitive entrance before slowly pushing inside, but stopping and gradually withdrawing when she reached her hymen, careful not to burst the fragile barrier.

As she began her gentle oral ministrations, Ayame repositioned her remaining vines amongst the four other women, with one going to each of their mouths and gently easing past their lips while the two still waiting at Sally and April’s dripping entrances pushed back inside and resumed their deep, rhythmic thrusting. The last two then coiled up lightly around May’s modest breasts, squeezing them gently and using their tips to tease at her hardened nipples as the Alraune went to work with her mouth at May’s virgin pussy.
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

Ayame's sticky seed splattered around the orgy, with Molly's back getting the largest load but none of the women free of the warm goo. Pulling out earned the alraune an approving nod from Sally, who accepted the vine that hovered in front of her face and resumed her blowjob with renewed vigor. Molly, on the other hand, almost looked disappointed for a moment, before her mistress summoned her.

The slave eagerly accepted Ayame's kiss, letting the cat-girl's spunk flow freely once it was clear that the alraune wanted to taste it. After only a moment's rest, though, the plant-woman turned her attentions back to May, signaling her slave to position her pussy for the lesbian virgin's attentions. Molly moved herself quickly, lowering her ass until her sex was nearly pressing against May's face, plant-cum dripping down over the woman's breasts and upper belly. Ayame was already working on the lower belly by then, kissing her way towards the main attraction.

The other attractions weren't going to wait while Ayame teased, though. She felt Kitty's soft hands on her thighs only a moment before penetration, which came hard and fast, the cat-girl almost panting as she started going at the alraune for all she was worth. By the time Ayame started probing May's depths with her tongue, she could feel the dick inside her starting to throb, ready to release its second load.

She was snaking her vines everywhere by then, but Ayame had to look up to find April's entrance, as the heavily-pregnant woman had scooted across the grass. She was now sitting only a few feet from her sister, spread legs in danger of touching May's shoulder. The blonde woman cupping one breast as Molly teased the other with her tongue and teeth. That didn't get in the way of the vines heading for April's mouth or pussy, and even that stopped as soon as the slave found the vine intended for her own mouth.

May was quivering with arousal by then, and Ayame saw her hands reach up and cup the redheaded slave's ass holding it firmly as her tongue started sending shivers of pleasure through Molly's body. Seconds later a muffled moan came out, as the virgin was brought to orgasm, filling Ayame's mouth with what she had sampled on her vine. Sally was also collapsed to her knees in orgasmic bliss, and unless the plant-woman was mistaken April was almost to at least her second orgasm by now. Kitty was moaning and clearly straining not to have exploded already, and even Ayame could feel her second orgasm coming up.
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

Ayame moaned into the virgin sister’s nether-lips as she felt Kitty’s eager penetration of her waiting flower, her body tingling as the cat-woman began pumping away at the Alraune with everything she had, the sheer vigor behind her thrusts making up for whatever she may have lacked in the way of size. The plant-woman felt the young seamstress’s cock starting to throb all too soon as she went to work on the four other women around her, but she did nothing to halt or otherwise discourage her pleasurable thrusts, more than willing to allow Kitty to use her to her hearts content and to cum when and wherever she pleased, inside or out.

Under the plant-woman’s tender ministrations, it wasn’t much longer before May finally reached her peak, letting out a muffled cry of ecstasy into Molly’s pussy as her own cunt began gushing her virgin juices into Ayame’s mouth, which she happily gulped down. The pleasant taste of her nectar, combined with the feeling of April and Sally’s inner-walls clamping down in orgasm around the vines embedded within them, as well as the pleasure from the ones in both their and Molly’s mouths, the Alraune felt her second climax rapidly approaching as well, with Kitty’s continued pounding into her only driving her higher and higher. “Oh Kitty~! That’s it... Cum... Cum for me, Kitty~!” Ayame moaned, looking back over her shoulder at the lovely cat-woman and grinding her hips back in time with her thrusts.

When the plant-woman finally felt her orgasm wash over her, she pulled the vines out of April and Sally’s pussies just in time to thrust them back into each of their rear entrances before her vines finally exploded, filling their asses, as well as their and Molly’s mouths with another batch of her syrupy blue cum, at the same time giving May’s breasts a fresh coating before withdrawing her vines and rolling off onto her back, looking to take a few moments to catch her breath.
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

Pregnancy (Ayame): ???

The cat-woman let out a choked squeak of ecstasy as she reached climax, her thrusts growing jerky as she started spewing strings of hot cum into Ayame's love tunnel. Between that, the taste of May's pleasure, and two other women clamping down on her vines in orgasm, Ayame found herself reaching her own second peak in record time.

There was no holding it back, but the alraune once again managed to override her instincts, this time switching from cunt to ass at the last second. By now the women seemed almost too far gone to notice, both only giving a needy sigh as the vines withdrew.

But while Ayame took a moment to recover, the orgy seemed willing to continue without her. Molly took up position where the alraune had left off, softly rubbing at May's clit with one hand while she licked her Mistress's cum off the woman's breasts.

Kitty looked longingly at Molly, but her position didn't seem conducive to helping her out, so she turned to Sally. The maid's eyes were still glazed over with orgasm, and as she finally finished she found herself locking mouths with the tailor's assistant, wildly groping at each others bodies as they rolled around on the grass.

April let out a frustrated moan and flopped on her back, pushing her pussy out in front of her, still desperately horny despite all she had gotten so far, blue cum dripping from her ass and her own from her pussy. Her pregnant belly loomed large over it, blocking her own sight of what was happening down there, and she didn't even bother looking, just arched her back and moaned, hoping someone would help her out.

And May, driven to distraction by first Ayame and now Molly, already moving towards her second orgasm while still technically a virgin, did much the same thing. She arched her back, tilting her head back until she could nearly see the grass behind her. Or she would have done if there hadn't been a dripping pussy in the way. Horny beyond belief and ready to do her part for the group sex, she stretched until she could reach it with her tongue, lapping up the other woman's arousal with every sign of enjoyment, teasing the clit and even cautiously dipping in and out of the inviting entrance.

Molly turned to her mistress for a moment, grinning and tilting her head to make sure Ayame noticed May eating her sister out. Then she wiggled her ass, drawing attention to her own dripping pussy and tight asshole, before returning to licking up the last of the cum from May's taut breasts.
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

“Mmm~” Ayame cooed, lying on her back with her legs spread as the cat-woman’s warm seed dribbled out of her pussy, watching as the impromptu orgy happily continued on without her. “Such a naughty kitty~ So willing to seed me when I’m not allowed to do the same~” she hummed in mocking complaint, dipping a couple of fingers into her snatch and collecting a bit of the tailor assistant’s cum before bringing them to her lips and licking them clean of her tasty spunk.

The plant-woman then closed her eyes and took a moment to shutdown her body’s reproductive system before Kitty’s seed could take hold...although if she was too late she couldn’t say that she would particularly mind... Either way, once she was done Ayame would open her eyes and glance over at Molly just in time to see the slave-girl gesture towards the two sisters, causing a mischievous grin to form across the Alraune’s lips as she looked to see May eagerly eating out her sister.

After taking a moment to watch, Ayame extended a few of her vines again and wrapped them around Molly and May’s waists, pausing only a second before gently lifting the red-haired slave up and off of the virgin sister entirely and slowly pulling her over to her. Four of the Alraune’s vines then replaced the one around the woman’s waist and coiled up around each of Molly’s wrists and ankles, leaving the slave-girl suspended in mid-air a few feet above where her mistress still lay. The plant-woman then used the vine around May’s waist to lift her up off the ground as well, but leaving the short-haired woman’s head buried between April’s legs as she was repositioned so that her own virgin pussy was in full view of her sister’s, free for the pregnant sibling’s taking.

Ayame then glanced up at Molly with an impish grin as the vine around May’s waist retracted, joining the remaining three that had begun hovering in front of and rubbing up against the red-haired slave’s form. Without a word, the Alraune then plunged a vine into each her servant’s holes while the fourth coiled around her dangling breasts and began thrusting, each one separate but in perfect rhythm with the others, penetrating as deeply as they could with each thrust without causing the slave-girl too much discomfort. Ayame then began to gently masturbate herself and kneed her own perfect breasts with her free hands for Molly’s viewing pleasure, letting out gentle moans and squirming lightly under her own touch even as her vines went to work on her servant’s suspended body, not so much as slowing down until she had pumped the slave-girl full of her now benign blue cum several times and not caring how much of the excess ended up dribbling back down onto her own green skin.
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

May let out a confused exclamation as she was suddenly lifted into the air, but it was muffled by her continued eating out. Her heavily pregnant sister hesitated only long enough to moan loudly once more before letting her tongue go to work on the dripping pussy she found suddenly hovering in front of her face.

While the incestuous sixty-nine continued enthusiastically, Molly found herself suspended in mid air by all four limbs. Ayame could see her slave realizing what was about to happen, shivering slightly as she grew visibly more aroused at the mere preparations. As vines began rubbing against Molly's body she let out scream of orgasm, dripping her own juices mixed with Ayame's cum down onto the plant-woman. Then one vine coiled around the redhead's breasts while three more simultaneously penetrated her. Between the bondage, the fondling, and the multiple penetrations, the slave was putty in Ayame's hands, cumming hard twice and letting out a constant stream of breathless pleasure noises around the vine in her mouth before Ayame couldn't hold herself back and started pumping the woman full of her denatured goo.

Seedless cum dripped all over the alraune's body as she gave her servant a few last almost absentminded thrusts to bring her to a final orgasm, another gentle splattering of juices down onto her chest. She lowered her slave back over the soft grass before withdrawing her vines, watching as more cum came pouring out of her thoroughly used cunt and ass. Molly coughed slightly, swallowed with obvious relish, and relaxed in her vine restraints, panting. For once she looked sated.

Before anything further could happen, though, April let out a pained grunt and pushed her partner away. She gave her sister a confused look, then closed her eyes and spread her legs with a louder pained exclamation. Her labor had begun.

Sally pulled away from kitty, and only at the last was Ayame able to see that the maid had been servicing the tailor's assistant. Kitty gave a frustrated cry and started to pull the maid's head back before noticing the birthing. Her cat-prick looked painfully erect, and feminine juices dripped down her thighs, clearing having been denied release by the start of the final woman's labor.

May stood staring open-mouthed at her sister, the latter's juices still dripping from her chin, blinking, until the first seedling passed April's lower lips. Then the virgin woman managed to pull her dress back on with remarkable speed, and knelt next to her sister, offering soft encouragement and glaring at Ayame in turn. Her sister didn't offer any obvious sign that she heard, but birthed a total of fourteen seedlings, left to wash downriver and away from the city, before she laid on her back, belly flat and exhausted.
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

With Molly for once appearing thoroughly satisfied, the Alraune withdrew her vines and sat up, cooing softly as she ran a finger up along her cum-splattered body and collected a bit of the mixture of her’s and Molly’s juices before sucking it clean. The sudden cry from April drew her attention over to the pair of sisters just in time to see her push May way, with both of them looking stunned for a moment as they looked at each other before April cried out again and spread her legs, her own batch of Ayame’s seedlings now ready to be spawned.

As May rushed to her sister’s side for support, Sally moved to help shortly thereafter, having apparently left a still very hard and very flushed Kitty hanging and painfully close to release. Ayame couldn’t help but giggle softly at the sight for some reason, before moving to assist with her seedlings birth as well, her face, chest and thighs still splattered with various sexual fluids. The plant-woman tilted her head slightly in confusion when she noticed May had gone back to giving her hard looks once again, but didn’t think much of it, focusing her attention back on April and her seedlings.

As they came, Ayame helped usher them to the stream before stepping into the water with the last few, releasing them and watching them float downstream as she cleansed herself of the juices that had collected on her body. The Alraune then casually climbed back out of the water and made her way back over towards where April rested – her belly now flat again and clearly exhausted from the whole ordeal, using her vines to both slip May’s discarded panties into her pack and retrieve April’s dress and bring it over to her, setting the garment down on the grass nearby as she sat down on her knees next to her.

“Well done, April, dear~” Ayame said softly. “You did wonderfully~!” she finished, smiling down at the tired blonde woman as she delivered her praise.
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

perception: 21+13 = 34

Also, Ayame has renewed her enthrall bonus over each woman. Especially Molly.

April accepted her dress, but didn't yet put it back on. "That... wasn't as bad as I thought. Not exactly painless, but somehow fulfilling..." She shot her sister a guilty look.

"You can't be serious! You saw what she's like!" She pulled her reluctant sister to her feet, and April finally pulled on her dress.

"Well... yes. We asked her not to get us pregnant, and the only people with cum in them are Ayame and her slave. And even you enjoyed the sex!"

May blushed and turned away, but didn't respond.

Kitty and Sally had both moved to the water's edge to clean off. The cat-woman, still throbbing erect, was holding her dress over one arm and looking longingly back and forth between Molly and Ayame, Sally having pulled her dress back on as well.

Molly was still flat on her back and starry-eyed, still slowly leaking her mistress's cum, but she was starting to make movement towards cleaning herself off.

"It's time to be heading back. I'd like to get some sleep in my own bed before I have to start work in the morning."
Re: Mistress of the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

Ayame smiled reassuringly at April’s reaction to her own unique experience, although that turned into a bit of a disappointed sigh when her sister May replied with words of disapproval for the plant-woman, in spite of the fact that it had really been May who had ultimately given herself over to he pent-up desires with no real urging from Ayame herself. She then nodded in agreement with April’s rebuttal. “Mm-hmm... From what I recall, you enjoyed yourself quite a bit, dear~” the Alraune cooed, grinning softly at the short-haired blonde. “And besides, I thought upheld my promise quite...honorably, if I say so myself. Not only did I not release inside any of your lovely flowers, but the nectar that I did release inside of Molly is inert, so it can’t fertilize her anyway. I thought that I would be considerate and preserved your virginity for you as well, because of how nervous you seemed.”

The plant-woman paused then after saying her piece, but her attention shifted as she saw Sally and Kitty move to clean themselves off in the stream again as well, grinning with amusement at the sight of the cat-woman’s still throbbing erection and giving her teasing wink. Ayame then looked up at the now re-dressed Sally as she approached, but she tilted her head curiously when the maid announced that it was time to head back to the city. “Oh? I thought the guard at the gate said that we would not be allowed back into the city until morning...” she said, confused by the conflicting information. “Or was I mistaken?”