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ADV Patreon Active [NEW, Sombionic] Sombionic v0.2 – Sex Combat 'n Monsters! (3D)


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Dec 25, 2023
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Shoot monsters and have sex with them during combat! In Sombionic you play as a female scientist fighting monsters and genetically engineered humans, harvesting their rare genes and organs for your own inventory.

ADVANCED TREE-BASED SEX SYSTEM. (Media below has NSFW variant in-game)
The animation system allows you to dive deeply within the tree structure and select animations based on parent nodes. Additionally, users can alter camera perspectives, explore various angles, execute abilities, engage in mini-games, and compete against AI opponents to score points.


Harvest a biomechanical heart, a muted brain and synthetic lungs among various other organs to enhance your stats. Your body serves as your inventory.

Personalize your DNA by customizing colors, body shape, tattoos, skin markings, makeup and hair to create a unique appearance.

Once pristine habitats are now overrun by genetically enhanced species, their presence transforming these landscapes into biopunk arenas of rivalry.

  • Campaign
  • Roleplay
  • Boss War
  • Erotic Gallery



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I’ll be active on the forum daily and I’m looking forward to your feedback and suggestions! Do you have any ideas about Biopunk enemies you’d like to see In the game? What sex animations you’d like me to include during combat? Are there any organs you want me to add in the game and what stats they could influence (currently added are: heart - max hp, lungs - speed, brain - fire rate)

Comment below any Biopunk abilities you’d like to see in the game for the main character or enemies or just anything else!

Thanks for reading my post ♥

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Harvest a biomechanical heart, a muted brain and synthetic lungs among various other organs to enhance your stats. Your body serves as your inventory.

Personalize your DNA by customizing colors, body shape, tattoos, skin markings, makeup and hair to create a unique appearance.

Lol, this isn't a suggestion or anything so don't take it as such. But there's one specific organ a female doesn't have, will your protagonist be able to loot and equip one?
Concept's interesting.
Questions that may or may not already be answered:

H wise: will gangbangs be a thing? I presume some creatures will engage in pack tactics in "more than one way".

Gameplay wise: will the extent of harvesting be limited to organs or can we take more? Thinking of the likes of spore. Harvest a wolf? You can sprint faster for a limited being. A fish? You can swim underwater at the cost of land ability. Etc etc. Go wild with it.

As I said earlier. I like the concept I'll be keeping an eye out on this one
Concept's interesting.
Questions that may or may not already be answered:

H wise: will gangbangs be a thing? I presume some creatures will engage in pack tactics in "more than one way".

Gameplay wise: will the extent of harvesting be limited to organs or can we take more? Thinking of the likes of spore. Harvest a wolf? You can sprint faster for a limited being. A fish? You can swim underwater at the cost of land ability. Etc etc. Go wild with it.

As I said earlier. I like the concept I'll be keeping an eye out on this one

Gangbangs will definitely be a thing just need to get more characters or animations with the existing ones, the animation system I built supports that.

The inventory is mainly about organs, but let me hear your ideas! Currently the lungs make you run faster. Honestly I've thought about the fish thing because Ive planned levels underwater but will see how that can be done. I was thinking about adding hormones at one point, but it's nothing I've fully committed yet so it may not happen.

Also I will give you a list of some of the organs I have in mind (a few are already in there such as lungs, heart, brain)

Lungs - increase speed
Heart - increase max hp
Brain - increase gun fire rate
Spine - reduce damage taken, reduces speed?
Guts - increase body inventory space? Liver - heal with % of max health once you reach critical / Health Regen? Health regend when reaching critical?
Tonsil - defend against toxic enemies and enviros
Spinal Cord
Bone (will have armored mech verison) - armor?
Eye - Minimal aim assist?
Kidney (kidney stones when damaged)

Those are things I have in my docs and nothing I have fully committed to. If you got more ideas or a functionality of existing ones I will be very happy to hear!
Teeth - eat corpses?

Lol, this isn't a suggestion or anything so don't take it as such. But there's one specific organ a female doesn't have, will your protagonist be able to loot and equip one?

There will be at least one female enemy that will have a futa variant.

When designing female characters I always add a male genitals just in case, because its really hard to add one later on without breaking my rigs. The problem here is with the animation scenes. As an example most of the scenes with Melany will be vaginal or anal penetration, but if you turn on that dick item the vaginal penetration will not work correctly.

Anyways, as I've said above she already has a dick, just not visible in any way in game unless I turn it on.

Welcome to v0.2 of Sombionic! Many new things were added including user reqested features, read below!

Don't forget to Wishlist the game on !

• New H-Scene
• Enemies can romance you during combat
• Customize your character’s equipment – equip and unequip individual items: hair, glasses, gloves etc etc.. [read more about in the Steam's community hub]
• New Character type – Mutant.
• New Character type – Slime.
• Navigation System – Compass Points of Interest.


And much more…

Week 1:

• Skippable prologue (while playing it and from the menu).
• Checkpoints are now working correctly.
• Hold ‘E’ is converted to just Press ‘E’ in most of the cases, where it’s still hold, you will see a UI popup letting you know you should hold.
• The shooting range tutorial has only 1 task, which is a combination of the static & dynamic targets.
• The shooting targets count for the tutorial is reduced from 30 to 10 (but its repeatable if you wish).
• Enemy difficulty is toned down during the first level.
• If you break the collision in the cave level you won't fall down, but be teleported inside the cave again.
• Saving your progress after the level has been completed is fully working.
• Fixed full screen and windowed mode not switching.
• Small localization errors were fixed.
• Fixed small bugs in the UI.

Week 2 + 3:

• A new AI that stays in place and attacks – it will be used for tentacles and tanky characters that are optional to kill, but drop a decent loot.
• A new AI with low health, low movement speed, and a small target detection radius – Oh, am I making this guy weak on purpose? Exactly! This will be used as a pretty much lvl 1 creep that you can easily kill to heal yourself and it won’t be required to be eliminated in order to progress the level. I thought this could be much better than just spawning a lot of health packs you can freely pick.
• Added a default inventory when you first start the game – Melany’s Pigtails + Lab Girl’s outfit + M4 Rifle (+ A UI Update) – This will prepare it for v0.3 when you will be able to customize each individual item from your inventory and take it off.
• Pressing the “I” key opens the inventory rather than pressing ESC and then opening it manually.
• Updated the controller’s physics to be more consistent – should solve some going through walls issues while dashing.
• Changes to the romance scenes ability UI.

Week 4:

• Enemies can drop items that heal you upon interaction.
• Limit the amount of enemies and enemies of the same type that can attack you concurrently.
• Default crosshair, which is always visible even if you don’t aim with a gun. You can turn it off from the game settings, if you don’t want to see it.
• The player camera was moved to the right to give you a better view and going from non-ADS to ADS mode easier.
• Changes to lvl 1 in the Campaign's combat during quest 'Find the Lead' - added health pickups, decreased the amount of enemies on wave 3 and spawned more lower health creeps that drop health pickups when killed.
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