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ACT Abandoned Vore Loli Guro [Noisy Crown] クロノスフィアー / Chronos Fear (development halted)


Demon Girl
Jun 2, 2011
Reputation score
Re: クロノスフィアー [Chronos Fear]

Well, dashed hopes aside, does anyone know how to download audio from Nicovideo, where the remix was uploaded? The website that came up when I searched for a Downloader failed to get the song, and I don't trust downloading a standalone program for this.

Also, in the same blogpost the dev says he plans to continue the story of Fia from Hanakanmuri, so even if that's a bit off topic here, at least we have another thing to look forward to... in maybe a DECADE at this rate.


Demon Girl Pro
Aug 24, 2011
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Re: クロノスフィアー [Chronos Fear]

I thought it was ready :(:(:(:(


Tentacle God
Jun 22, 2011
Reputation score
Re: クロノスフィアー [Chronos Fear]

Funny that I just checked his site yesterday before the new non update, rip.


Grim Reaper
Jul 26, 2013
Reputation score
Re: クロノスフィアー [Chronos Fear]

For those of you whose hopes and dreams were taken away, I have them right here!



Jungle Girl
Jan 30, 2013
Reputation score
Re: クロノスフィアー [Chronos Fear]

Doesn't surprise me with this developer. I wonder what irrelevant thing they'll be posting about next. What will be their next excuse to not address concerns over the completion of their game?

But to be more productive than the developer, since we effectively have all we're probably going to get of the game... Has anyone tried poking around inside the game files or screwing with it?
I remember back in 2014 someone found that you could encounter enemies not included in the demo by going into the game's data folder and renaming the files for enemies NOT included in the game to the names of enemies that ARE in the game. All of the non-included enemies are half-baked, of course, and are usually missing animations.
But, has anyone gone any deeper than that? Has anyone tried looking IN the game files? How about modding the game?

I looked into a bunch of the game files a long time ago, and I think that I found that each .swf file for each enemy contains a copy of the sprites for the main character within them, but other than that... Nothing interesting.

Edit: Oh yeah, and going by scrumpy's post #196, this means that we shouldn't see another blog post (whether it relates to the game or not) until some time between... August and October. F*cking wonderful.
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Grim Reaper
Jul 10, 2012
Reputation score
Re: クロノスフィアー [Chronos Fear]

Doesn't surprise me with this developer. I wonder what irrelevant thing they'll be posting about next. What will be their next excuse to not address concerns over the completion of their game?

But to be more productive than the developer, since we effectively have all we're probably going to get of the game... Has anyone tried poking around inside the game files or screwing with it?
I remember back in 2014 someone found that you could encounter enemies not included in the demo by going into the game's data folder and renaming the files for enemies NOT included in the game to the names of enemies that ARE in the game. All of the non-included enemies are half-baked, of course, and are usually missing animations.
But, has anyone gone any deeper than that? Has anyone tried looking IN the game files? How about modding the game?

I looked into a bunch of the game files a long time ago, and I think that I found that each .swf file for each enemy contains a copy of the sprites for the main character within them, but other than that... Nothing interesting.

Edit: Oh yeah, and going by scrumpy's post #196, this means that we shouldn't see another blog post (whether it relates to the game or not) until some time between... August and October. F*cking wonderful.
Came back yet again hoping for an update. How disappointing in waiting these many months.

I never bothered attempting with that. been keeping my hopes up since they did some fantastic animations and enemies. Though the longer the delay, the more alluring the idea of a homebrew version becomes.

Thus far, I've only done some quick captures for the animated files.



Jun 12, 2011
Reputation score
Re: クロノスフィアー [Chronos Fear]

Saw a new post for this. Hopes it's an update.

I should have seen this coming since it happened to many times on this thread but nop nop nope.

dammit why u have to get my hopes up T.T


Jungle Girl
Jan 30, 2013
Reputation score
Re: クロノスフィアー [Chronos Fear]

Unfortunately, I think it's time for an update. Not from the developers of course; we know that probably won't happen for at least another 6-8 months.

I think someone needs to speak up about the game's current situation, so that the people who only check up on Chronos Fear once every so often will know what's really going on.

It doesn't look good. As of my writing this post, the last update on the developer's blog is still the one posted on April 4th, 2017. That is a full five months since the last update. At this point, this is par for the course for this developer, but remember that they did say that they were acknowledging this as a major problem, and they said that they were going to start posting more frequent updates for the fans. Actually, when did they say that? Wasn't that two years ago? One year ago? I don't remember.
It's okay to have a little hiccup here and there, but nothing has changed. Nothing ever did change.

At this point, it looks like the metaphorical dung is starting to literally hit the fan on the dev's blog, too. Up to this point, I will admit that I have personally been extremely pessimistic about this game and its developer, but I have been doing that in hopes of jinxing myself and superstitiously kick-starting the development. (You never know, hopefully the developers will see this thread and get their asses in gear)

But, the (natively Japanese) fans that have been posting on the developer's blog have been extremely calm and patient this whole time. For what has now been FOUR years of constantly being kept in the dark. You almost get the impression that the Japanese fanbase are devout pacifists. From what I recall, if you go back and look at the comments on all the blog posts through Google Translate, there are a lot of comments essentially saying "Oh, I see the game isn't out yet. Good luck. I will be waiting patiently."
So many fans waiting so patiently. For four years.

Now, if you go to the blog and look at some of the newer comments on the latest post, it looks like a lot of the Japanese fanbase are starting to get angry at the developers. Through Google Translate, it looks like people had started arguing at some point, people were talking about Adobe's announcement about Flash Player, and some saying they are still waiting patiently.

Which also reminds me; this game, and this developer's previous games (Hanakanmuri, etc), are all made in Flash. Adobe recently announced that they are essentially killing Flash Player. Flash Player will still be supported until 2020, but with the outright laughable development pace for this game, it looks like a realistic obstacle.

And with so much time being left in the dark, one can't help but wonder... I currently have two theories on my mind.

My first theory is that the developers may have been leading us along, creating "fake" updates about the game. Maybe the development version of the game is no more complete than the 2014 demo, with one or two cutscenes like we've seen posted over the last few years. My first theory is, essentially, there is no game. Maybe the developers aren't showing anything because they have nothing to show.

And then there was the whole situation about a year ago, where a blog post was put up revealing that the developer, Noisy Crown, is actually two people. I don't remember all of the details, but basically it's a guy and a girl, where the guy basically just manages the blog, but the girl, Rina, does most of the work on the game (if I recall correctly.) By the guy's description, Rina does not like to be bugged (since people were asking for an update on development progress), she would be very angry if she found out that he made a blog post without consulting her first, and that Rina likes to be left alone to work at her own pace. Rina just seems like a very... Bitter, angry, uncooperative person. I can only think that maybe there is some catastrophic uncooperativeness going on between the two of them, and perhaps this is the cause of the problems that plague Noisy Crown.

By this point, anyone who was going to lose hope, should have lost said hope LONG ago. I'm still going to wait in hopes that this game actually sees the light of day.

For those who came from a notification and saw my wall of text hoping that something important had happened, I'm sorry they've let you down yet again. (Don't shoot the messenger)


Jungle Girl
Aug 25, 2010
Reputation score
Re: クロノスフィアー [Chronos Fear]

Bro, calm down. Who are you even talking to? The game devs will never see that rant. Have you stopped to consider that perhaps the reason the Japanese people commenting on the game's blog are calm and patient is because normal people don't get this emotionally invested in some porn game that may or may not ever come out? It'd be nice if it did, considering the brief demo has more and better sprite animations than most full releases, even if the fetish content is definitely not for everyone, but it's nothing to lose your shit over.


Oct 20, 2012
Reputation score
Re: クロノスフィアー [Chronos Fear]

Bro, calm down. Who are you even talking to?
I for one appreciate the detailed update on the situation, as will probably a lot of others who are patiently waiting for this game. You're the one getting overly agitated over this even though it has nothing to do with you.


Demon Girl
Jun 2, 2011
Reputation score
Re: クロノスフィアー [Chronos Fear]

Okay so I see someone actually read into that post I made months ago, trying to find a pattern on when the blog will update next. To be honest, I was way too obsessed at the time cause I had just finished 100% completing Hanakanmuri Circle (a real masterpiece by the way). Anyways I can get the impatience because this game has been teased for so long, but to try and suggest a way to be patient: Consider that if you can't beat your meat to this game since it's not done yet, why not just look at the other terabytes upon terabytes of porn on the net? If you want ryona and guro in a platformer with girls of ambiguous age, why not just play Recover the Restarts? If you want a very complex and engaging story why not play Monmusu Quest? We can do nothing but wait, complaining to a dev who probably can't read English accomplishes nothing.


Demon Girl Master
Feb 14, 2012
Reputation score
Re: クロノスフィアー [Chronos Fear]

These girls have always very rarely updated their projects until finish. Hell didn't even know about hanakanmuri 2 until it actually released. I've no doubt it'll be finished, but im hoping the next update is that, a finished product.

P.S., how can we post any updates about a game without any updates for the game, da fk.


Jungle Girl
Jan 30, 2013
Reputation score
Re: クロノスフィアー [Chronos Fear]

Woah, it seems like some people are taking shots at me now, for some reason.

It's common courtesy on internet forums like these for people to be non-judging and polite, so I shouldn't have to defend myself like this, but let me clarify a few things for those offended (?) by my post.
And in order to not offend anyone else with another wall of text, I'll try spoilering the rest.
... To be honest, I was way too obsessed at the time cause I had just finished 100% completing Hanakanmuri Circle (a real masterpiece by the way)... Consider that if you can't beat your meat to this game since it's not done yet, why not just look at the other terabytes upon terabytes of porn on the net? If you want ryona and guro in a platformer with girls of ambiguous age, why not just play Recover the Restarts? If you want a very complex and engaging story why not play Monmusu Quest? We can do nothing but wait, complaining to a dev who probably can't read English accomplishes nothing.
I'm going to be honest here, guro is not my forte. Games like Kurovadis are much more my type. When I found out about Chronos Fear, it seemed to have most of what I do like (in an H-game); a large, open world with an apparent element of exploration, character leveling, action/fast pace, grapple/struggle mechanic, different items/equipment, etc. I usually judge/rate these games based on their "wasted potential." Kurovadis had no guro, so in my eyes, no wasted potential. Chronos Fear, still in development, looks like it has a lot of potential. Let's hope that "potential" doesn't go to waste.

And in case you've seen my posts in the Recover the Restarts thread... I'm not really sure why I even play that game. I think it's more-so because the game is an infuriatingly difficult action game, and I just want to beat it as an accomplishment. It has some of the things I look for in an H-game, but so much "wasted potential" as I would put it. Maybe the developer of that game has a thing for it. It's their game, and their choice of content. I won't complain, but if the developer starts adding more H-content and less guro, that's okay with me.

And yes, there are terabytes' worth of other games with much less "wasted potential" out there on the internet. Those are what I, and probably everyone else, spend the majority of their H-game playtime, playing.
Bro, calm down. Who are you even talking to? The game devs will never see that rant. Have you stopped to consider that perhaps the reason the Japanese people commenting on the game's blog are calm and patient is because normal people don't get this emotionally invested in some porn game that may or may not ever come out? It'd be nice if it did, considering the brief demo has more and better sprite animations than most full releases, even if the fetish content is definitely not for everyone, but it's nothing to lose your shit over.
Who's emotionally invested here? Look at you, taking direct shots at someone like a youtube commenter. You have a problem with me for writing a sitrep, complaining about some "emotional investment," but what about scrump's post about Hanakanmuri? I never played Hana Circle because it wasted too much of its potential, but other people played it, and they loved it. You're delirious.
I wrote that post for the who-knows-how-many fans of this game that will come by to read this thread. There may only be a small number of contributors to this thread on this website, but consider the amount of lurkers and people (without accounts) who will probably arrive here through Google, especially over time. I thought that a good number of people might be "out of the loop" and would appreciate a nice, detailed update on the current state of development. Although, I know you probably have difficulty comprehending such large numbers anyway.

If you're here to have temper tantrums and virtually yell at people for updating the silent majority, then the moderators just might decide to show you to the door.
Regardless of whether of not I like the visual content of this game (character appearance, guro), I just thought that some people would have liked a situation report on the status of the game. If you don't care enough about the game's development to read a wall of text, then my last post was not intended for you. Ignore it, move along, and get this thread back on topic.
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Tentacle God
Feb 5, 2012
Reputation score
Re: クロノスフィアー [Chronos Fear]

Don't be emo guys.

I just check thread if it gets updated or not, if not I go on and do other things.

If updated I check to see fi its worth talking about or not. ;P


Jungle Girl
Dec 14, 2011
Reputation score
Over a year since the last update. This may be the end.
"Until we meet again", indeed.


Jungle Girl
May 18, 2012
Reputation score
Sorry for the necro, the blog is updated at 26th of September.
Running it through google translate state that one of his personal work will get released soon and he apologize for the lack of update on the progression on Chronos Fear


Demon Girl Master
Feb 14, 2012
Reputation score
It is actually not that good. Chronos fear is scrapped and his other project is being worked on. It sounds like the devs had a falling out. Trial is all we are getting of this one.


Feb 11, 2010
Reputation score
That's sad. I still sometimes play the demo just for some of the scenes.