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Nope (SirOni) (GMed by GargantuaBlarg)

Re: Nope (SirOni) (GMed by GargantuaBlarg)

Angie Winchester
Hit Points (HP): 40/48
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 38
Spirit Energy (EP): 55/66

Status: Not too shabby.

Magnetic-Alloy Coil, 20 denarii
Tempered Glass Tubes, 35 denarii
Check back tomorrow

Both the Mongrels and the Starlings had told her she could requisition denarii to put forward to the completion of their gadgets, so it was unlikely to be difficult to get the money for them. Of course, if she couldn't... well, Taylor wasn't the only one that took payment in souls and sex. The metalsmith was also a succubus - a woman (or at least, woman-shaped - pretty hard to tell with demons sometimes), though her figure was hard to discern due to the heavy leather apron she wore as she worked, despite her race's natural tolerance of heat. Even her face was usually obscured with some sort of protective mask, with a darkened visor for her eyes. What could be discerned was that she had charcoal-black skin, muscular arms, a long, muscular tail, and reverse-jointed and rather monstrously clawed feet. The glassblower was a little goblin man - scrawny, with blue eyes and slightly-longish red hair that he usually kept in a ponytail, who had occasionally ordered work from Angie before. Besides the practical bottles, window paning, beakers, lenses, phials and other such things he carried, he seemed to also make and sell a few fancy baubles in his shop - artful glass sculptures of birds and squirrels and other mundane critters you could find anywhere... along and less innocent sculptures of various naked men and women. While he might not be able to sustain himself on her soul's energy, it was a rare demon who'd pass on an offer of sex - at least, so went the stereotypes. Perhaps she could even model for his sculptures?

At any rate, it was a matter for later. Angie packed up her bag and headed off - quite prepared for her little rendezvous later on.


Both Benny and Clyde were still at their posts - the big demon still standing with his arms crossed and looking intimidating, while Benny continued to yammer in his general direction. Upon noticing her arrival, the loud demon did a doubletake when he realized that it was Angie walking up in a crisp, tailored suit. "'Ey, dol- whoah-hoh! Ey, you clean up pretty nice, babe!" Benny said, recoiling with shock. "...Heheh. Get it?" He chuckled off-handedly, the scrawny demon jabbing the goliath next to him with an elbow as he waved his hands over his face, clearly making a remark about Angela's lack of the soiling of her trade. The beefy demon responded merely by squeezing his eyes shut for a second.

"Well eh, you're pretty early, but dat ain't no big deal - I can probably go see m'friend 'bout dem feathers a' yas' now instead a' later! Arright - jes' cover fer me 'till I get back, yeah? 'bout two hours to... to eh, broker my 'deal'." The demon gave a little cough.

While the big one rolled his eyes as Benny continued to try to uphold his charade of having some important business to attend to (Who knew? He was so bad at concealing it, maybe he did have some sort of shady business deal going down? He didn't seem smart enough to pull of a double-bluff like that... but then, wasn't that how double-bluffs worked?), Benny turned and trotted off. Before he got too far, the mountain of a demon called after him, checking that he had 'his potion'. Benny patted himself down before pulling out a vial of red liquid and returning a thumbs up, and disappeared down the street.

Surprisingly, the shift did pass by relatively peacefully - a few drunks or deadbeats ejected, assholes turned away with little conflict, nothing especially major happening. There was a tense moment when a few demon women came up - each outfitted in fine clothing, but all incorporating something roughly the same color as Angela's eyes, and each with at least one gun of one sort or another, on their backs or in their belts. Angela could feel dislike between the big bodyguard and the little clique of women - but the moment eventually passed without incident, Clyde letting them through into the gambling parlor. "Damn Starlings," he grumbled after they'd passed.

Taylor appeared shortly after that, holding a purse and wearing her same dress, but having put her mint hair into a long braid, through which was laced a red ribbon. She fluttered her fingers at the mechanic as she walked by... and when she was close, quickly lifted the hem of her skirt to flash Angela with her continued lack of any form of underwear, and giggled to herself as she went in to gamble and drink.

People went in and went out, and though there were a great deal of demons of all manner of appearance and bearing, there were also not a few of the other races - a tall elven man with a pair of Su-Ku-Ta women clinging to his arms, a tanned, fellow human (also in a suit), who bore a half-cocked smile and was handsome despite his age-silvered hair, and an orcish man who looked far more bookish than orc might have, with massive spectacles, standing out to the mechanic's eyes.

Eventually, Benny came back, right around when the sun was about to vanish beyond the horizon... looking pretty awful. For one, his bony physique was exposed - his shirt and jacket were draped over his arm. Probably due to his chest bearing long and slightly bloody scratches from his collarbone all the way down to his waist. There was a little burn mark on his left nipple, he had a black eye and a lump swelling out of the top of his head, more bruises covering his torso and arms, and his red neck had a shiny purple ring around it. He was also limping, which was probably caused by the solid expanse of purple bruising that was visible above his belt and pants waistline. At the same time, though, there were also lighter patches of pink all over him... which, upon closer inspection, turned out to be kiss-mark lipstick prints.

"What the hell, man?" Clyde shouted at him as he approached. "What happened to your health potion?"

"Oh, dat? She smashed me ova da head wit' it." Benny leaned forward, presenting them with his head-lump, the surrounding hair having a few shards of glass in it. "Can I bum a match, man?" He asked, pulling a cigarette whose end had been blackened, but didn't look to have actually been smoked out of his jacket's front pocket. "She ehh... well." He brushed off his blackened nipple.

He leaned against a wall while his compatriot fished out a match and a spare healing potion for him (after indulging himself with a facepalm for a few moments). Once he'd lit up, he let the potion work it's magic, fixing his myriad pains while he enjoyed a few puffs, muttering something about 'good times'. "Oh yeah," he said when he was halfway through his smoke, before wandering over to Angela. "My buddy said there's a guy who's been lookin' ta sell a few angel feathers 'round the market district. He's a pretty shady lookin' guy, but a few guys what bought from 'em say his stuff seems legit. Big dude wit' a purple cloak, got some kinda weird accent n' keeps babblin' 'bout high prices and askin' ya what ya wanna buy." He took another puff, continuing. "'E also said somethin' 'bout a real, live one, in some village outside da city. Not too far, maybe three, four miles, eh? Could maybe eh, 'convince' da lady to part wit' a few of 'em, you know? 'Course... where dere's an' angel, dere's prob'ly trouble, too."
Re: Nope (SirOni) (GMed by GargantuaBlarg)

Angie decided to remain atop her turret for the shift, her arms crossed over her chest, her brow furrowed and her eyes squinted as she eyed everyone up as they entered. Though as the group of intimidating women came along Angela couldn't help but falter, the young mechanic's gaze dropping as they passed by her, and only when they passed through the door did she look back up, briefly turning to watch them disappear out of her sight. And when Clyde called them 'Starlings' Angie couldn't help but look surprised. "They're part of the Starlings? The young woman thought to herself, her attention briefly falling from the patrons of the club. Hmm... maybe I should find out what the group is like... if a guy like Clyde considers them trouble..."

Her attention back on the punters, Angela resumed her mock-tough gal impression, glaring at the odd person every now and again, as if she was expecting them to cause trouble. Though it was only to unnerve them and to give herself a laugh. And as Taylor came by a large smile stretched across the young woman's face, returning the demoness' wave. As Taylor flashed Angela her smile stretched even wider, and was half tempted to jump off her sentry and leave it alone for a while. Though she quickly fought off that urge and instead gestured to the bag full of sex toys, saying "I've got some fun stuff for us tonight~" perhaps a bit louder than she had intended. Realising this brought a tinge of redness to her cheeks and an awkward titter to escape her. Once Taylor had entered Uun's she turned and watched her until she disappeared from view.

Once more things returned relatively normal, the various patrons coming and going as they pleased and for the most part she paid them no mind, though as the unconventional orc came through she raised an eyebrow in surprise.

Though when Benny arrived back from his little rendezvous Angie sat there, mouth agape at the state of him. She sat there quietly listening to the exchange between the two demons, wondering what kind of person did that much damage to Benny. Sure, he looked scrawny, but Angela assumed that like most other demons Benny's physical appearance belied his true strength and endurance. After all, he is in one of the more renowned mercenary groups. His state pushed out all other thoughts from Angela's mind for a moment, a thought that would have probably alarmed the woman if she had time to realise it, but when the topic turned to angel feathers she quickly remembered why she had taken up this position in the first place.

"A guy?" Angela repeated, looking incredulous. She spent a fair bit of time in the market district for parts and gear, and she had yet to hear of any man that had access to that kind of gear. Still, perhaps it was worth a look into. "Hm... I could look into it, see what this guys deal is. I try to stay away from the more shady characters in the market district, can never tell if their stuff is genuine or not. Or what kind of hidden deals are stuck onto your purchases. But... if it means I don't have to leave the city to get some then it's worth a look. And if it doesn't turn out to be a good deal then I can always check out that angel." Angela added at the end, a cheerful note in her voice. She hadn't seen an angel before, and truth be told the young mechanic wouldn't mind skipping the shady merchant just to see her. But, the merchant had to come first as she wanted to get the Tesla done as soon as possible. Not just because the Starlings wanted it, but because Angie's motivation to get the gun to work properly had come back to her. And perhaps she could take the knowledge gained from it and use it to finally get a few other projects finished as well.

"Thanks for the help, I really appreciate it."
Re: Nope (SirOni) (GMed by GargantuaBlarg)

Angie Winchester
Hit Points (HP): 40/48
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 38
Spirit Energy (EP): 55/66

Status: Not too shabby.

P. sure I forgot to answer, but yes! Corruption happened and is a thing. But it wasn't enough to mutate, so I didn't bother mentioning it. I'm tracking it all veiledly and misterious GM-y style. Eyup. Totally remembered that, just like I remember to track clothing damage.

"Ooooh~?" Taylor cooed with interest, glancing at the bag with a raised eyebrow. "I don't know what goodies you've brought, but I'm sure I'll have plenty of fun if you're there, regardless~"

The seamstress smiled at the mechanic - at first, bright, but quickly devolving into a coy little grin. Silently, the seamstress brought up on hand to more or less eye-height, and, looking Angela directly in the face with a mischievous grin, started slowly twirling her finger. Angie's clothes evidently remembered their master, for suddenly, the tinker felt her silken bra push against her tender breast-flesh, just like Taylor's finger, running in little circles around one of her nipples.

Taylor continued the little motion for a short while, before adopting an all-too-innocent expression and simply swaying her hips from side to side, humming a wordless tune while her Angela's clothing molested her just that little bit. After a few minutes, though, the tailor's strange magic started to slow and dissipate, before stopping altogether. Taylor giggled again, and just blew her a kiss. "See you!" she said with a smile, before disappearing off into the gambling den...

When Taylor was no longer insight, Angie suddenly became aware of a very attractive purple-skinned, slim-yet-busty demoness - wearing a rather silly and very revealing getup of strangely-golden hotpants and a tight-fitted shirt cut so high you could see the undersides of her breasts, with shortish-black hair that covered one eye - trying to sneak a peek into her bag... though when Angie turned to confront her, she simply looked up and - after a short moment - smiled the sort of smile you made when you were caught touching something that wasn't yours. Still, it didn't look like she had stolen anything... she started to wander off into the gambling den as well, and apparently started fondling herself... particularly, the same boob Angela had just gotten clothes-groped... Angela could stop her if she wished.

Glancing over at Clyde, he raised an eyebrow at her. Evidently she had been a little louder than she might have liked. He appeared not to think too much of it, though, quickly returning to his duties.

"Ey, no problem doll," Benny replied when she thanked him for his help. "I got a lot mo' outta dis dan you did, believe me. Ey, and if ya want some backup when ya go check that guy or the angel out - jes' lemme know, yeah?"
Re: Nope (SirOni) (GMed by GargantuaBlarg)

Angie watched Taylor curiously, her head tilting to one side as the demoness brought a hand up level with her face, a knowing smile appearing on her face. For a second Angela didn't realise what was happening, and then it hit her. The young woman began moaning softly as the fabric of her bra teased and played with her sensitive nipples, and quickly bit her lower lip to stifle her pleasured sounds. Though despite that her slight quaking and crimson face would give off the pleasure Angela was currently feeling.

Though after several minutes 'torture' Angie was released from her clothes molesting touch, which the girl was thankful for. It wouldn't look good if she suddenly had an orgasm in the middle of her shift. But she didn't hold it against Taylor, and as the demoness walked inside Angie waved goodbye, mentally plotting to get her back later on.

Turning back to continue with her shift Angie noticed the oddly garbed, and strangely attractive purple-coloured demoness eye up the contents of her bag. Perhaps it was from her earlier session with Taylor that was the cause of it, but Angie couldn't help but take her eyes from the woman's barely concealed chest, even when it came to confronting the demoness. Though it appeared as if she didn't need to even say a word, as when the demoness had caught Angie catching her sneaking a peek in her bag she wandered off, touching herself in what is probably a less than coincidental place. Again, Angie watched the odd woman walk into the building, wondering what was up with her, and that she should probably track her down before heading off to find Taylor, before turning her attention back to the work she was supposed to be doing.

"That sounds like a good idea, actually. I'll be sure to come give you a call when I head off to see them." Tapping the top of her sentry Angie directed it to turn to face the entrance to Uun's, before turning her head to face Benny and Clyde. "Well, if I'm done here now I'm going to head in. I've got a friend to track down. Seeya both later." Waving goodbye Angela made her way into Uun's, hoping to track that purple demoness down before looking for Taylor.
Re: Nope (SirOni) (GMed by GargantuaBlarg)

Angie Winchester
Hit Points (HP): 40/48
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 38
Spirit Energy (EP): 55/66

Status: Not too shabby.

"Yeah! Don't hesitate ta look me up baby." With one last exhalation and cloud of smoke, Benny flicked the remnants of his cig off somewhere, and then proceeded to make himself decent and covered up again. They both gave her a little wave as she and her metallic companion trundled into Uun's.

The inside of Uun's looked far different from it's exterior, which didn't differ too much from the rather plain brick that Artmirst used to be. Sleek silks and breezy gauzes of many different hues hung from the ceiling and draped along the walls, pearl-like Lightstones hanging scattered amongst the decorations and on the walls providing light - some glowing lonesome like stars, while others hung clustered, like bunches of luminescent grapes. The floor was covered with richly-embroidered carpets, artful patterns and geometric designs woven into existence with vibrant shades of reds, creams and golds, many other colors present in accents. The air was smoky, scented with incenses that burned from braziers scattered around the room. Tables littered the room, accommodating many different games of chance - at some, patrons played cards, while others held roulette wheels or craps tables, and nigh all of them were surrounded by all manner of beings. A flight of stairs led up to a second level that overlooked the ground floor, which held more of the same plus a bank of machines Angela had worked on before, wherein one could insert denarii, pull a lever, and gamble on three spinning wheels lining up in a certain way. Nearly half the ground floor looked to be taken up with rather closed off seating, separated with walls, dividers, and more drapes... a large demon handling a succulent-looking rotisserie over a fire, carving off things for patrons to eat, while on the other side a bar stood to relieve comers of their sobriety. Women of all sorts - humans, elves, Su-Ku-Ta, and - of course, demons - roamed the floor, holding boxes filled with goodies one could buy - ranging from snacks to drugs of all sorts - cigarettes like Benny had had, to strange golden powder, as well as the smoking pipes and elsewise that might be needed to ingest such things. They seemed to for the most part be invariably dressed - if you could call it that - in the barest of coverings, skimpy tops just barely covering their nipples - some even going bare-breasted - covered with yet more of that same, filmy gauze, a veil of the same stuff covering their mouths as well. Others roamed dressed just the same, though not appearing to be selling anything...

It didn't take long for Angela to find her person of interest... the woman looked to be at a poker table, fidgeting a little... and, once Angela got closer, it became evident why. One of what looked to be the house's girls looked back up at Angela, her face buried in the purple demon's shaven crotch, the woman's pants undone and open.

The woman turned around, and seemed to pale and look panicked. Still in her suit and on her gun with legs attached, Angela undoubtedly looked like another guard for the casino. "Eek! I-I was just looking, I swear, I didn't take anything!" she exclaimed.
Re: Nope (SirOni) (GMed by GargantuaBlarg)

As she entered Uun's Angie couldn't help but stop and admire the place. She had been here a few times previously for contractual work, though the young mechanic never had time to stop and really look at the interior of the place. It was far more extravagant than she expected it to be for a gambling club/brothel, with rich colours and expensive looking fabrics adorning the entire building, with an assortment of gambling machines and tables, many of which Angela had only really read about and heard talk of. She wondered if she'd ever get the chance to see the inner workings of one of the slot machines. That would be really nice.

And then there were the servants and patrons, both equally as undressed as each other. The sight of them walking about in their sheer outfits, loose garments barely concealing their modesty, and some not even bothering with any clothing at all brought a brilliant red blush to Angela's features, the young woman's eyes widening in surprise. Angela wondered what they must've thought of her. She must've looked a sight, a suited woman sitting on top of a mechanic, three legged auto-gun amongst this barely clothed, openly sexual group of people.

Angie diverted her eyes from the nearest people, not wanting to be distracted by the sight of them what with her libido threatening to go into overdrive, and scans around for the purple demoness that seemed mighty interested in her 'little' toys. It didn't take the mechanic to spot her, and once she did she quickly made her way towards the demoness, still riding atop her sentry. Again, Angela's eyes opened slightly wider in surprise as she spots the woman performing oral sex on the purple demoness, though by now she had gotten mostly used to it. She briefly wondered if that was a bad thing.

The demoness' reaction to Angela suddenly appeared brought a wicked idea to the young mechanic. "She thinks I'm actually a member of staff." Angela thought to herself, the faintest of smiles pulling at the corners of her mouth.

"Oh really?" Angela cocked her head to the side, her gaze never leaving the purple demoness as she raps on the top of the sentry. A few moments later the walking gun lets off a sequence of beeps. "Well, well, well. It would seem as if this believes you're lying. See, this sentry has a built-in lie detector, all the better to take out filthy criminals. So you're going to have to leave that table and come with me so I can see what my superiors want done with you." Angie knows it was a blatant lie, but she was hoping that the demoness was too panicked to question her authority. After all, Angela did look the part enough to startle the demoness once already, perhaps it would be possible to push it a bit further. The other factor that Angie wondered about was the actual security force of Uun's. While she was manning the door earlier she still isn't on the payroll, so she wondered if they'd interfere. Though maybe her barely concealed smirk was enough to let them know it was all in good fun? Either way, Angela could barely contain herself as she put the pressure on the demoness.
Re: Nope (SirOni) (GMed by GargantuaBlarg)

Angie Winchester
Hit Points (HP): 40/48
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 38
Spirit Energy (EP): 55/66

Status: Not too shabby.

"W-w-what??" the demoness sputtered, even more panicked than before. "B-but... wh-where would I have put whatever you had? I-I'm not even wearing enough to hide it anywhere!"

...It was kinda true. Neither of her towellete-sized articles of clothing were concealing by any stretch of the imagination... her shiny pants stopping practically as soon as her legs started, while her top revealed all of her arms and looked to only just barely cover her nipples.

Nevertheless, she started to get up. The Blood Mongrels were not known for being gentle or patient, so she must have figured it would be less awful if she just went along with it... and, unfortunately for her, the girl under her table stopped her, an iron grip squeezing the demonesses' plush thighs. "Can this wait a minute?" she said, eyeing Angie, face glistening. "I only just started and I'm hungry. I'll make it quick." The 'thief''s attendant immediately resumed burying her face in the demonesses' nethers, eliciting a gasp from the scantily-clad customer. Torn between nervousness at making a Mongrel annoyed with her, her inability to escape Uun's girl, and delighting in the casino pleasure girl's undoubtedly skilled ministrations, she kept glancing from between her legs to back up at Angie and her gun-with-legs that was pointed at her, whining with panic and yet quivering with pleasure, her hands having dropped her cards to hold the head between her thighs. The others at the table kept glancing in her direction, as well... one of the male patrons even snagging a passing pleasure girl for himself. "I'll have what she's having," he said, before she disappeared underneath the tablecloth with a smile.
Re: Nope (SirOni) (GMed by GargantuaBlarg)

"Who says you have it on you now, hmm?" Angela was enjoying this too much, and found it almost too much to hide her amusement as she made the purple demoness squirm and panic under her 'interrogation'. "For all I know you hid your ill-gotten goods somewhere just in case you were caught out."

Angela feigned annoyance as the working girl asked if she could continue, and sighing loudly she crossed her legs as she waited for them to finish. Angie's eyes never left the two women, their act only furthering her desire to meet up with Taylor and feel the warmth of her new lover's body against her own. Still, the young mechanic never let her irritated expression fall, no matter how difficult the two of them and her own lust made it, a finger tapping on the top of her sentry as she waited for them to finally finish.
Re: Nope (SirOni) (GMed by GargantuaBlarg)

Angie Winchester
Hit Points (HP): 40/48
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 38
Spirit Energy (EP): 55/66

Status: Not too shabby.

"N-no, I- ooh. Nnh!" The demoness making her life hard started to practically worship the panicky demon-girl's clit, forcing her to stop her pleadings of innocence. Her head lolled, eyes rolling up and looking at Angie unfocused, as she tried to slur out a finish and failed. "I di-aah! Aahha! Din...haah! Hssss, nnnh!"

She shut up and tried to milk her ride like it were the last one she'd ever get, finally creaming herself and sending a torrent of girlcum running down her partner's face, toes curling and unable to stop herself from letting out a loud, throaty moan. "That's the stuff," the scantily clad slut muttered quietly, as her meal hung limp in her chair, trying hard to catch her breath. Licking her lips, she spoke up again, louder, adopting a huskier timbre that hadn't been there before: "Have I pleased you, o Mistress? Can this servant pleasure you mo-" "Nogeddof!" "This slave humbly obeys," she responded immediately, crawling away and standing up.

As she passed by, she patted Angela and whispered so that she could hear: "She's tasty. Don't be too rough and scare her off, eh? I want to have her again sometime." Evidently she thought Angie worked for the Mongrel security staff, too.

Legs robbed of their strength, the demoness tried to stand... and, after an extended match display of non-equilibrium, teetered over, sprawling on the ground with a smack and a clatter, her chair as she tried to (and failed) using it as a support.

Once she'd managed to pick herself up, she whined, "I-I'm not resisting, see? R-re-really!" Assuming Angie didn't let her off the hook right there, she complied with whatever Angie asked her to do, wobbling unsteadily in whatever direction Angela prompted, her shiny pants dripping with her nectar.
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Re: Nope (SirOni) (GMed by GargantuaBlarg)

Angie's face continued to grow even more red as the working girl continued her attack on the purple demoness' clit, Uun's worker hungrily lapping at her womanhood, as if the demoness' juices were the only thing that would satiate her. As the sight continued Angela bit her lower lip and moaned quietly to herself, a hand wandering to between her crossed legs, a finger beginning to gently rub against her crotch. The mechanic's wetness had already stained her panties and was now threatening to make a mess of her nice new suit pants, though thankfully Angie didn't have time to pleasure herself any longer than necessary as the purple demoness finally reached her orgasm.

"Well that's a good start," Angie replied, more lust in her voice than she had wanted as she recomposed herself. "If you're too weak to walk you can sit on here. Don't worry, he won't hurt you unless I say so." With the purple demoness in her 'custody' Angie set off to find a quiet spot, a nice corner or perhaps an empty room.

Once in a quiet area Angie turned to the demoness. "So, did you like what you saw in my bag?" The young mechanic asked accusingly. Kneeling up on her sentry she rounded on the demoness and leant in close, her face centimetres from the demon woman's. "Did you get a good look? Was there anything in particular you liked enough to pilfer? Where did you hide... hide... h-" Unable to contain herself any longer Angie doubled up and burst into fits of laughter, an hand resting on the shoulder of the demoness to support herself. "I... I'm so sorry about that," Angie finally said after several minutes laughing, wiping tears from her eyes with her free hand. "But you should've seen the look of your face when I came in. Don't worry, I know you didn't steal anything from me, I just wanted to have a bit of fun."

"The name's Angela Winchester, but people just call me Angie," The young woman offered her hand to the purple demoness. "Though I did have a reason to pull you away. You liked what you saw, right? Well, I created all these myself, and if you're interested you can swing by my workshop tomorrow and see if there's anything there that catches your fancy. And just so you know what the quality is like feel free to help yourself to one. Kind of a freebie and for me apologising for that prank." Angie grabbed her bag and opened it, revealing the assorted collection of sex toys to the purple demoness. "Look for Angie's Workshop. It shouldn't be too hard to find."
Re: Nope (SirOni) (GMed by GargantuaBlarg)

Angie Winchester
Hit Points (HP): 40/48
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 38
Spirit Energy (EP): 55/66

Status: Not too shabby.

Angela led her victim over to one of the private booths, and was treated to one more close-up of abject terror before her she was no longer able to contain her laughter and broke her act completely. The confused demonesses' expression quickly turned from fear to anger, and she started looking around, glaring at random spots in the walls and drapes. "Devourerer dammit! Cliff if that's you, I told you it was a mistake, okay?! She said she wanted to fuck you - I didn't know she meant 'with her dick, up your ass'!" The demoness glared at Angie when she managed to compose herself enough to start speaking again - her evil eye growing ever more malevolent when she learned she'd just been fucking with her of her own accord. "That's really sadistic, you know?! I thought I was gonna get my shit stomped in!"

She only managed to continue being mad for just a moment, though, a good pranking not being lost on her. She started explaining her strange outburst, once Angie had calmed down some. "Fuck... see, uh, I set up a buddy with a dat a coupla days back, and it turned out bad... well, for him, anyway. Hehe. He likes to pull bullshit like this, so I figured..."

"I didn't get to see, actually..." she said, when Angie broached the subject of her toys. "It was kinda dark..."

Upon being offered one, though, her eyes lit up and she started looking through Angela's bag, until she picked out a metal vibrator - the shaft about average-sized, though Angie had put special work into it, stamping bumps into it's surface for extra stimulation. The motor inside was especially powerful, too - a fact which the demoness discovered when she switched it on, when it tore its way out of her grasp to kathunk clatter clatter on the floor. "Ooooo, this one looks fun. I'll take it!"

The artifical phallus disappeared into her bosom - to Angie's amazement, it seemed she really could hide one of those things in spite of her complete lack of clothing - and she leaned down, hands draping over Angie's shoulders. "You know sugar, with all those people watching... maybe it was because you were rushin' her, but I've never got it that good from the girls here before. And now I get something for later, too? Best night out ever!"

She planted a big kiss on Angie's cheek, leaving her with a big, blue imprint.

"Except for the mortal peril part, anyway."
Re: Nope (SirOni) (GMed by GargantuaBlarg)

"Heh, well I don't know anyone named Cliff so you don't have to worry about that with me," Angie let out another chuckle, glad that the demoness didn't take her prank to badly. "Though I could see why he'd send someone after you. I bet that was a surprise to him."

Angela sat patiently on her sentry as the demoness went through her bag, checking out all the sex toys she had on offer before finally settling with a metallic vibrator. One Angie had made specifically for herself, with little bumps along its shaft for extra pleasure, and an extra powerful vibrating setting. Which, to the young mechanic's amusement, the purple demoness had quickly discovered as it dropped to the floor and began scuttling around wildly on its own. Angie's giggling renewed as the demoness quickly retrieved it and deposited it into her seemingly cavernous cleavage. Though Angela was taken by surprise as the demoness draped herself over the mechanic's shoulders.

"Well if that's the case perhaps I should pop in more often, eh?" Angie teased the demoness. "And I'm glad you're happy with your choice. It was hand-made, so you won't find another of its kind. And don't forget to visit my shop, okay?" Angie also didn't expect the kiss on her cheek, and blushed as the demoness pulled away, leaving a lipstick mark on her cheek, which the mechanic hadn't noticed. "Heh, sorry again about that. No hard feelings, eh?"

With their business concluded, and once the two of them say their farewells, Angie set off once more. This time to track down Taylor.
Re: Nope (SirOni) (GMed by GargantuaBlarg)

Angie Winchester
Hit Points (HP): 40/48
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 38
Spirit Energy (EP): 55/66

Status: Not too shabby.
"Yeah. She usually wears less than I am right now, so like... I have no idea where she hid it. And, well, I dunno what he was so mad about - I mean, I think anal's hot, and he got it from some cute girlie, too! I mean... what's there to hate about that, you know?"

Following her reminder to peek in on the mechanic later on, the demoness looked up and to the right, giving a long, drawn-out "Hmmm". "I dunno... I might just be too busy playing with this thing to ever remember to stop by..."

"As for hard feelings... well. It's definitely feeling hard right now." She squished her tits between her arms, leaning forward, and Angela's vibrator peeked out from the demonesses' cleavage. Flicking the contraption's switch, it started shaking violently, and Angela was treated to quite a display as the demonesses' bust started to vibrate, while she simply stared sidelong at the mechanic, looking pleased with herself.

"See you later hon ♥," she said, straightening back up and fluttering her fingers as she walked off, Angela's mechanical cock still going to town on the woman's pillows.


The crowds and hubbub, not to mention being stopped every so-often by one of the scantily-clad girls of the house, made it hard to find Taylor... but find her Angela did. Through sheer luck, she spotted the seamstress at a card table, looking mildly inebriated as the dealer dealt her and the others at the table their cards. "Oh hey! You're done already?" she asked when she noticed Angela ride up on her sentry, looking up with a cocked half-smile on the clothing-maker's lips, her eyes flicking to Angie's cheek. "And you even had time to get fresh with someone, I see! I was actually expecting your shift to last a lot longer... you mind if I play a few more hands? You could pull up a chair and join me for a bit, if you want." Scarcely as she finished her sentence, however, a grunt sounded from one of the other players at the table, and Taylor's grin suddenly wided. "Ooh... unless... maybe, you'd like to start right away...? ♥" She lifted the tablecloth draped over the table they were sitting at, still smiling at Angie. Underneath it, on the other side of the table, in the darkness, she could see a feminine pair of hips wiggling - their owner's fingers pumping in and out of herself, the silhouette facing the man who'd grunted...
Re: Nope (SirOni) (GMed by GargantuaBlarg)

Angie frowned in annoyance as she pushed past the gathering of people, the large crowds reminding the young mechanic exactly why she hated travelling through the city. Too many people and not enough room, and not to mention the serving girls stopping Angela every so often made the task of tracking down Taylor a very tedious job indeed, though fortunately she didn't have to wander too long as she spotted the demoness at a table enjoying a game of cards.

"Yeah, Benny arrived earlier than I expected, so he took over," At the comment of Angie 'getting fresh' with someone Angela blushed and rose a hand to the lipstick stained cheek. "Oh, ha... This. I decided to pull a bit of a prank on another demoness. Caught her looking at my bag when I was on guard duty, so when I finished up I tracked her down and made it look like she was in trouble. You should've seen her reaction, it was priceless. Anyway, after clearing things up with her I let her take one of my toys, and hopefully I'll have gained a new customer."

Angie's face flushed an even darker shade of red as Taylor suggested the two of them start now, her eyes falling onto the serving girl currently pleasuring the man whilst teasing herself. "Not sure about doing it in front of all these people..." Angie muttered out quietly, obviously misunderstanding Taylor's meaning. "Though a game or two of cards sounds like a good idea for now. I haven't really allowed myself time to have much fun, what with working everyday."
Re: Nope (SirOni) (GMed by GargantuaBlarg)

Angie Winchester
Hit Points (HP): 40/48
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 38
Spirit Energy (EP): 55/66

Status: Not too shabby.

Gamblan roll!
Basically, I just rolled a d6. 1-3 indicates a loss of 30-10 denarii, while 4-6 means you win 10-30.
...And you rolled a 5!

20 denars get.

Taylor pouted at her refusal... though, she only seemed let down for a few moments, cheering up when Angie took a seat next to her at the table, evidently eager to play a while longer here before moving on to more carnal forms of entertainment for the night. As she was dealt in, Angie felt her seamstresses' hand on her thigh, stroking it... though when she looked up, both of Taylor's hands were on her cards! If she were to look, sure enough, her pants looked to have a hand-shaped depression in them, rolling up and down the inside of her leg...

The sensation stopped once the others started to bet, though - Taylor probably didn't want to distract Angie from the game, after all.


Even if she was familiar with the rules of "Shry-Kuth-Lus Hold 'em", it had been a fairly decent while since the last time she'd played it, so Angela was rusty at best... and completely clueless at worst. She quickly got into the rhythm of things, though, and - whether through inadvertent intimidation again with her Mongrel-like appearance, hidden talent, or sheer dumb luck - by the time she and her clothes-making fuckbuddy got up, Angie's coinpouch was 20 denarii heavier!

...Judging from Taylor's pouting expression, though, it seemed like she struck out. The demoness seemed to be eyeing Angie's pouch, and a smile played out across her lips. "Hehe. Hehehe. C'mon!" She said, grabbing Angie's hand and dragging her along, back down the fancy, carpeted stairs, though the gamblers and whore there, to the little area with seating - each booth somewhat isolated from the others with some combination of dividers, plants, and drapes and films hanging from the ceiling. Finding an unoccupied booth was a bit of a problem, and Angie got several eyefuls as she navigated the maze of semi-private tables - only of silhouettes, as the drapes did their jobs, though that didn't stop the shock of how openly lewd this place was. Several of the houses' girls, as well as a few that lacked the curves of a woman's, dancing on the tables, or squirming on their patron's laps. Every now and then, she found a splayed leg sticking out from underneath the tablecloths... though, more often than not, the gasping and shivering of patrons alone and unoccupied at their tables was more than enough to tell they were not, in fact, alone. Smoke Angie had never smelled before hung in the air, and she could see people with pipes and other devices behind their gauzes. Rarely, amidst the tables, she saw patrons simply partaking in a meal - unusual purely in it's mundaneness, in this den of vice.


Finally locating an empty one, she pulled Angie into it, taking a seat... and then doing nothing, outside of snuggling up to her mechanist comrade. After a few moments, the petite clothing maker looked up at Angela, and smiled.

"Perhaps you should eat something? I don't want you getting tuckered out too fast tonight... ♥"
Re: Nope (SirOni) (GMed by GargantuaBlarg)

Hopping off her sentry, though keeping it active to stand guard, Angie squeezed into a seat next to Taylor, smiling at the company around the table as she sat down. A light blush appeared on the mechanic's cheeks as her thigh was groped, Taylor's invisible touch teasing Angela through the fabric of her suit pants, the sensations sending small waves of pleasure through her body, setting her on edge. Though despite enjoying the groping she was glad that it was cut short as the game started, she didn't need any distractions if she wanted to win after all.

Despite playing an unfamiliar game Angela silently watched the other players, quickly picking up the rules and in a short amount of time began racking up some pretty nice wins, Angie's purse quite a bit heavier than before she started playing once she and Taylor decided to call it quits with the card games. Though it was with a slight pout that Angie left the table, she was quite enjoying the taste of winning. And she really could do with the money. But at the sight of Taylor's hungry expression, and the demoness' eyes lingering on Angie's bag, she was more than happy to leave the gambling table to go somewhere a little more private with Taylor.

Half running to stop herself from falling to the ground and literally being dragged along the floor of Uun's Den, Angie allowed Taylor to guide her to wherever the clothes maker intended on taking the mechanic, her sentry frantically beeping as it chased after the two of them. Which seemed to be a section divided into booths for customers and their 'entertainment'. During her brief glimpses of each booth, and from the sounds accompanying the silhouette's, Angie's face tinged a little more red, the young woman continually being amazed by how lewd this place was. And amazed by how much it didn't actually bother her. Which, if the desire to fuck wasn't currently rushing through her entire being, would have troubled Angie.

"Oof~" Once the two of them had found a booth, and Angie was pushed in, she fell backwards onto the seat, perhaps with a bit more force than she had intended. Angela's hands slid over Taylor's waist as the two of them began to cuddle up, Angie's hands lightly groping her partners ass as she pulled Taylor onto her lap.

"Oh?" Angela looked at Taylor in confusion for a second before her stomach let out a low growl. "That... actually sounds like a good idea." The demoness did have a point, since leaving her shop earlier in the day Angela hadn't had anything to eat. Though despite that Angela didn't let go of Taylor's ass.
Re: Nope (SirOni) (GMed by GargantuaBlarg)

Hit Points (HP): 40/48
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 38
Spirit Energy (EP): 55/66

Status: Not too shabby.
"Ooh? I think so to." The seamstress turned in Angela's lap, straddling it, and then cupped the engineer's head with both of her hands. She started to nibble and kiss the sensitive parts of Angie's neck, working her way from her collarbone, up along the side of her throat, to finally twine her tongue with the sharp-dressed Angie's own. Angie started to feel her clothes come alive again - silk undergarments vibrating ever so gently against her nethers and chest, while her suit stroked her all over - her back, her arms, her legs - as if Taylor might, had her real pair not been so-occupied with holding Angela's uncovered head to hers, one slowly combing through her hair as they kissed.

As they grew intimate, the drapes, veils and curtains that hung over the booth slowly started to shift, gently falling and twirling around Angela and Taylor, the shifting lightstones and colorful cloths making it as if a shimmering, multi-color night sky - untainted with the lights and smoke of Acheron - grew close and spun around the two of them. When the demoness finally pulled away, Angie found them cocooned within a heavy layer of cloth - the myriad racket of the casino still reached her, but it was practically impossible to see out of it - and presumably, in. Whatever silhouettes that might have appeared, from inside out or vice versa, were hidden by the lights hanging from the cloth.

When Taylor finally pulled away, panting, she made a trail of kisses down Angie's cheek to her ear, nibbling gently on her soft lobe. Angie felt a hot, breathy sigh tickle her ear - but wordless, it was not.

"If you're hungry... why don't you start..."

Taylor pulled herself away from Angie, getting to her feet - but did not step off the booth's chair, placing her feet on either side of the mechanic on the cushions. She stood, and Angie found the tailor's crotch right in her face, her dresses' skirt only a few inches lower than the split of her legs - and, if Angela remembered... nothing hiding them besides that skirt. She felt one of the demonesses' palms come down to rest on her head.

"...By eating me? ♥"

The other calm down as well, and if Angela looked up, she would see an eager grin on Taylor's face, and her skin flushed red with excitement.

"Well? You said there were too many people earlier, right? But I made it so no one else can see us now. ♥ Even though the whole casino's out there, and even though they can see the curtains, they can't see us, and they can wonder all they like about what we're doing... but they don't get to see it, or be a part of it, or anything. Isn't that just... so exhilarating? ♥"

Taylor was starting to pant with arousal, now, and she started to stroke her hair while she waited to see if Angela would continue or not - even as she looked down into Angie's eyes. "What do you say? Hmm? ♥"
Re: Nope (SirOni) (GMed by GargantuaBlarg)

Angela arched her head back as Taylor straddled her lap and leant forward, moaning quietly as the seamstress' lips caressed her neck, kissing and playfully nibbling at the engineers flesh before their lips locked and passionately kissed, their tongues locked in an erotic dance. The young woman's moans grew more intense as their kiss drew on and her clothes sprung to life once more, their gentle vibrations sending waves of pleasure throughout Angie's body.

With her attention focused solely on their kiss Angela didn't notice the shifting of the curtains, the nearby materials coming together to form a protective cocoon of privacy for the two women to enjoy each other's company. It was only when the shimmering light of the lightstones illuminating the various coloured cloth caught Angela's misted eyes did she notice what was happening around the two of them, her gaze absent-mindedly catching a random lightstone and followed its trail, barely paying attention to it as the two separated from their kiss. A hand rested on the demoness' shoulder, the other draped over onto Taylor's back as she kissed Angie's cheek and trailed up to her ear. Soft moaning accompanied with playful giggling came from the lust-drunk mechanic as Taylor nibbled her earlobe, though the seamstress' words quickly put a smile on Angela's lips.

Angela looked up at Taylor as the demoness stood up over her as her smile stretched wide, Taylor's legs spread to reveal once more that she neglected to wear any form of panties, her womanhood mere inches away from the young woman's face. Drunk on the heady aroma emanating from between the seamstress' legs Angie couldn't hold herself back any more. Her hands slid up Taylor's legs, the woman's fingertips lightly teasing the demoness' flesh as they snaked their way upwards, until finally she came to Taylor's buttocks. Leaning forward Angela's tongue glanced along Taylor's slit, her tongue briefly flicking against the clothes makers sensitive clit before Angie locked her mouth over Taylor's womanhood, the mechanic's tongue pushing through her folds as she hungrily lapped at the demoness' innerwalls. Deep moans came from Angie as she fed on Taylor's sex, gently kissing her nether lips as the mechanic's tongue reached as far as it could go inside of her demonic lover, all the while her hands had taken hold of the demoness' buttocks, roughly fondling her ass flesh in time with her moans.
Re: Nope (SirOni) (GMed by GargantuaBlarg)

Hit Points (HP): 40/48
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 38
Spirit Energy (EP): 49/66

Status: Not too shabby.
The demonesses' legs shuddered when Angie ran her tongue over her button, matched by a delighted gasp. Angie was treated to several more of those as she ate Taylor out, the seamstresses' juices tasting surprisingly sweet as she explored her nethers. The hands in her hair continued to stroke and hold her at first, but as Angela continued to bring the tailor drew ever closer to orgasm she felt the hands start to clench and unclench in her hair, gripping locks of Angie's blonde hair firmly, but not too tightly. As her peak drew nearer, Angela felt the hands start to push on the back of her head as well - drawing her tongue deeper into Taylor's folds. Angela's clothing grew rougher with her as her lover grew more excited, rubbing her quicker, massaging her harder, vibrating faster. At last, Taylor's walls started to spasm, mere moments from her peak, and-

"Stop!" she cried, pulling Angie away from her sensitive, soaking slit, it's juices coating Angie's face. Her eyes were closed and she was biting her lip - Angie knew she hadn't cum... though, it was a slightly difficult topic to focus on, now that her clothing had gone into overdrive in their efforts to molest her, playing at her sensitive areas harder than ever.

After a few moments - seconds, really - Angela looked up to see Taylor lick her lips, and then stuck her ass out and bent, to kiss Angela on the lips - tongue exploring hers, as if she wished to sample her own taste... which she did thoroughly, the kiss lasting several minutes, before Taylor broke away panting, to whisper in Angela's ear again. "Mmm... that was fun, babe! And, if you're wondering why I stopped you... well..."

"I just love edging. That itch that just builds, when you're sooo close, and then stop? And how it gets bigger, and bigger, and bigger, until you just need to cum? And then, when you finally do..." The girl shivered. "Ooo-o-ohhh..."

"After Lucy left, I spent the rest of the time fingering myself to the thought of you tonight, but I never let myself tip over the edge. It's been hours, now, Angie, and I want a few hours more, before I want you to mess me up..."

Suddenly, the cocoon around them spun away, drapes and veils tucking themselves back into the places they were meant to be. Taylor dropped back into the seat, but for a split second, it seemed like her bare ass was sticking out for anyone in the casino to see, pointing out, as she stood over Angela. "But! I really was serious about you eating something, you know?" she said cheerily. "Hey! One lamb and a goblet of wine for the lady over here!" As soon as she finished calling out, she slid underneath the tablecloth.

Very soon, an exceptionally busty specimen of one of the topless serving women came by, looking almost completely human save for her slitted eyes. With her, she bore a rack of lamb on a bed of leafy greens, a fresh knife and fork, and a crystal goblet of red-colored wine. "Enjoy, hot stuff!" she said with a wink.

At the same time, Angie suddenly felt her slacks undo themselves and her panties force themselves down, revealing her pink flower, which immediately had the sensation of hot breath, and then a suckling mouth and dexterous wet tongue upon it.

"Oo... I'm a little busy now, but maybe I could give you a little 'service' later, hm? I love me a smart-dressed lady. Especially you humans... I didn't know the Mongrels took anyone but demons, but whatever! ♥"

Taylor sealed her lips around Angie's button, sucking gently on it even as she lipped it and tasted every nook and cranny of it with her tongue.

"You guys get 40 minutes for lunch, right? I'm sure I could do you twice in that time, after I clear some a' these orders... don't hesitate to call, hmm? ♥"

With that, the waitress blew Angie a kiss, heading back off to deal with more customers, while Angie got a little head over her own...
Re: Nope (SirOni) (GMed by GargantuaBlarg)

Angie moaned into Taylor's womanhood, her tongue now working frantically inside the demoness, lapping at the sweet nectar that poured from her lover even as her clothes appeared to be determined to molest her senselessly, waves of pleasure rippling throughout the mechanics body. Angela's hands clung desperately onto Taylor's buttocks, fingers digging into flesh as the demoness' hands pushed back on her head, burying Angie's face even deeper into Taylor's crotch, her tongue sliding further into Taylor's womanhood. As Taylor's convulsions grew more erratic Angie too could feel her own orgasm nearing, the intense pleasure threatening to take her over completely.

And then, quite suddenly Taylor had ordered Angie to stop, pulling her head away from the demoness's sex. The mechanic looked up at her lover, wondering whether she had done something wrong, though her expression didn't show it. Not that she could show much expression as her clothes continued to assault her body, each wave of pleasure eliciting a soft, almost desperate moan from the young woman. Though her moans became muffled as Taylor bent over, her naked ass sticking out as her lips locked with Angie's own, their tongues exploring each other's mouth as the demoness sampled her own sweet taste.

Angela's hands hung onto Taylor's shoulders as the demoness pulled away and explained why she had stopped Angie, and how she had been pleasuring herself all day shortly after that rambunctious customer had left to the thought of the two of them tonight, though never letting herself reach her orgasm. The confession brought a redness to Angie's cheeks, and a smile pulled at the corners of her mouth as a warm glow filled the mechanic up. She had never had anyone say such a thing to her, to confess such feelings. Though, could demons feel such things? Angie didn't know, all she knew then was the warm feeling Taylor had put inside her.

"H-hey, where are you go-" Angie stopped midsentence as Taylor called out an order for her and slid under the table, the waistress appearing with her food just as her bottoms and panties slid down and Taylor's warm breath, followed by her mouth and eager tongue enveloped, and prodded and teased the mechanic's womanhood. Gripping the table, Angie's breathing became ragged once more as pleasure racked her body, her moans coming in quick, short bursts as she was slowly brought closer to the edge.

"S-sure," Is all the mechanic could mutter out at the waitress' suggestion of her joining the two of them, Angie's concentration mostly focused on fighting against her nearing orgasm as she wrapped her legs around Taylor's neck, forcing the demoness further between her legs just as Taylor did to her. "S-sounds l-like fun." With almost closed eyes, her vision clouded from intense pleasure, she watched as the waitress walked off and left her sight before Angie finally stopped fighting and let her orgasm take her over completely.

A sense of euphoria filled Angela as was brought to her first orgasm of the night, the mechanic arching her back as her legs slackened around Taylor's neck, her own sweet nectar pouring forth and flooding the demoness' mouth as her cries escaped the confines of their booth and flooded into the casino. Her body weak Angela fell forward, barely missing the food as she landed on the table, a satisfied look on the woman's face as she let out a soft moan.