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Nym (Ranger9000)

Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

Nym: 10(-1) vs 10 (miss)

Slix: 8 vs 5(-1) (success)

Slix snorted and struggled briefly as he regained his bearings. Then, he suddenly grinned as Nym pressed herself against him. "Nah. I's gonna have fun without that, I thinks." Suddenly, the girl felt his fingers brush against her skin as he began to tickle her, quickly finding vulnerable spots and teasing them mercilessly. As she spasmed and tried to maintaing her composure, the goblin quickly reversed the situation, rolling her over before pinning her down. "See? I can have fun with you now just fine."

Nym: 3/5 FP, 2/10 AP, 0/2 CP, grappled

Slix: 3/5 FP, 0/10 AP, 2/2 CP
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

Nym was still grinning, but didn't even give another reply, instead trying to carry the roll, and see if she couldn't get on top again. At this point she figured she could atleast delay the fight a bit with this ground battle, and catch her breath again, hopefully get a bit of relief for her sore muscles before she had to get back to the punching.
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

Nym: 7(-1) vs 9 (fail)

Slix: 5 vs 3(-1) (hit)

Unfortunately, Slix had the girl pinned firmly to the ground, preventing her from trying to turn the tables on him. The goblin had a very good position this time, keeping her down on the ground while being able to reach around. Soon enough, Nym could feel him run his fingers across her pussy, eliciting a response she couldn't quite keep down. "Mmm, nice and soft. You's gonna feel good on my cock." He taunted her, making it pretty obvious what he was going to do to her unless she managed to win.

Nym: 3/5 FP, 3/10 AP, 0/2 CP, grappled

Slix: 3/5 FP, 0/10 AP, 2/2 CP
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

"Don't touch there in the middle of a fight dammit!" Nym said as she gave up on trying to reverse the grapple, and instead just tried to get her legs up and kick the goblin off of her so that she could get back to her feet.
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

Nym: 7(-1) vs 6 (success)

Slix: miss

"Ouf!" Slix grunted as the kick struck home, pushing him away but otherwise doing little damage besides inconveniencing him long enough for Nym to get up. "You know... I's planned to make ya feel nice." He growled, raising his fists. "But if you wanna have a fight, you's gonna get a fight." The goblin began to approach, body set in a combat stance. "You's better fight well, or you's gonna be serving me all night!" The crowd seemed to get particularly agitated at this turn of events. They've all realized this was the final part of this fight and were now awaiting the outcome with trepidation. Fist against fist, until only one was left standing. This was Nym's last chance.

Nym: 3/5 FP, 3/10 AP, 0/2 CP

Slix: 3/5 FP, 0/10 AP, 2/2 CP
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

"Feeling good should be something that waits till after the fight anyways," Nym said as she brought her fists up, then the girl moved in, trying to throw a diversionary left hand punch to the head that was just meant to cover the girl moving into position to throw a right hand uppercut.
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

Nym: 4(-1) vs 7, 4(-1) vs 2, 9(-1) vs 8, 9(-1) vs 8 (3 hits)

Slix: 6 vs 5(-1), 7 vs 8(-1), 4 vs 4(-1), KO (2 hits)

In front of the cheering audience, two combatants clashed. After a long, difficult, painful and in some cases humiliating struggle, they've rushed each other for the last time, each determined to finally bring the other one down for good. Both Nym and Slix were focused entirely on one thing - beating the other one into submission. All pretense of defending against each other's blows was abandoned. By now, the goblin and the human were just slugging it out, desperately trying to hold onto consciousness and what little strenght they've still had while swinging their fists as fast as they could, praying for that critical blow that'd finally render the other one unable to fight any longer.

Slix was the first to score a hit, but faltered for a split second after that, leaving himself open. Nym capitalized on that, and then the two of them were just smashing into each other with the last of their power, the audience swept up in the moment as the assembled goblins cheered both of them on, unable to hold their enthusiasm back any longer, going crazy where they stood. Then, after what felt like hours, it finally happened. Nym struck for the n-th, time, expecting her feeble strike to be about as effective as the rest of her now weak punches... But instead of the familiar resistance, she felt Slix give way under her fist. Whether it was exhaustion or because she finally hit something important, she had no idea. What she was certain of was the sight that played out before her eyes.

The goblin took a step back, eyes unfocused. Then his gaze sharpened, and for a second Nym felt fear. He was going to get back into this, already he was stepping forward and getting ready to swing... And then he tripped, falling forward, his arm reaching out towards her in a futile gesture as he hit the ground. Everybody went silent at this. The audience, Ozin, the shaman and the warrior at his side, all of them stared in complete silence at the arena for what felt like an eternity. Standing there, Nym would finally realize how sore her body felt, and just how exhausted she was. Every muscle in her body ached and she was barely able to remain on her feet. But in the end, even if just for this moment, she was still standing.

The silence dragged on, almost uncomfortably. Suddenly, it was broken as the scarred warrior next to the chieftain moved, the quiet sound ringing out like a gunshot. "That..." He began in an emotion-laden tone, looking deeply moved. "That was fucking beautiful." And like a charm, those words broke the spell of silence as the crowd erupted in a storm of frenzied activity. Howling, cheering, shouting, clapping, thumping, stomping. And above everything else, chanting a single name like a mantra. "Nym! Nym! Nym! Nym!"
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

A flurry of blows, punch answering punch, everything Nym had was focused on just finishing this fight, hopefully as the winner, but at the minimum at the best she could do. Finally as she was on her last legs, she landed one blow, and it almost looked like the goblin was going come back from it. Then Slix collapsed, and Nym could only stand there semi-dumbfounded that it was finally done, the adrenaline starting to wear out of her body as the pain from the various hits started to make itself known.

She barely heard the scarred warriors words, but she did hear the crowd after that, and Nym, still half dazed, looked around, before her face broke out in an ear to ear grin and she held her hands in the air. The girl basking in the feeling of victory, and by this point had totally forgotten her nudity. Though now she was almost wondering what would come next, mostly because she was so sore she wasn't sure she could make it out of the ring under her own power.
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

After a moment, Ozin finally stood up from his throne, the goblins in the audience growing quiet as they've waited for the chieftain to speak. "The battle is over!" He declared in a strong voice, and Nym could swear she saw him smiling for a second. "Slix is no longer able to continue fighting. Challenger Nym is victorious! She has proven herself worthy of our respect!" A chorus of cheers rose up in response to those words. "From now on, she is an honorary warrior and friend to our tribe!" And with that, Ozin finished, letting his kin shout and chant again to get the excitement out of their system. Meanwhile, Nym would realize that while the scarred warrior was still there, giving her an approving look, the shaman was gone. Where did that one go?

"Bah, young ones. Far too hot-blooded, all of you." A grumpy voice came from behind her back. Turning around, Nym would notice that the shaman somehow made his way down the arena and was now poking at Slix, inspecting him for injuries. Glancing up at the girl, the goblin sighed and shook his head as he took in her state. "Right. I'd ask you to walk with me, but you look ready to keel over right where you stand. Couldn't have tried to at least dodge some of those hits, could you?" He asked dryly, muttering as he stood up before calling upon a few greenskins milling nearby. "You four! Get over here and help me drag those two to my hut! I've got to patch those knuckleheads up." Moments later, two goblins came into the arena with a stretcher for Slix, while two others approached Nym, offering help with walking. And trying not to stare much.
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

Well, now she was an honourary member of the goblin tribe, or atleast that was what Nym thought she heard between the blood still pumping through her ears as it moved to her many sore spots. Though she did manage to notice the goblin shaman had gone somewhere, and if her muscles had the strength in them she might have jumped into the air when the shaman seemed to appear behind her.

"I tried, though Slix here didn't let me dodge as often as I would have liked," Nym said in response to the shaman, and when the goblins came over to help she was quite grateful for the assistance. Letting the two goblins help her walk off to the shaman's hut, not even really noticing their attempts to not look at her nude form.
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

"Next time, try harder. I'll have less work to do." The shaman replied dryly before setting out, followed by the two goblins carrying Slix on their stretcher and finally by Nym and her helpers. The two greenskins have proven themselves quite able, likely used to helping others out of the arena judging by the ease with which they've acted. Altough the position of their hands could be considered... Questionable, a couple times. Still, soon enough the small group found itself making way out of the area, past the wild crowd and towards a quieter part of the village, though the occasional fan followed them partway.

Eventually, they've come to a stop before a small wooden house, not all that different from the others in shape or height. What made it stood out were the various strings and racks placed around seemingly haphazardly, with odd plants and other things drying on them. The smell was quite strong, if impossible to describe clearly, and grew stronger as they went inside. The hut was pretty cluttered, lots of shelves and tables filled with all sorts of ingredients and equipment for making potions, salves, medicine, poisons and probably a quite mean stew, too.

"Place him over there." The shaman pointed at a bed near the wall as they've entered the main room of the house, only slightly less cluttered than the rest. "And bring her here." He pointed at an old couch. The four helpers nodded, quickly placing Slix on the bed and letting Nym sit down on the couch before leaving, clearly not needed. Meanwhile, the shaman spent a few moments looking for something among a stack of papers before giving up with a sigh and approaching the girl. "Before I do anything, quick question. Can you still use those arms to do something by yourself? After that beatdown, I wouldn't be suprised if you couldn't."
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

Nym still failed more or less entirely on noticing the goblins touching, mostly because she was still rather number and exceedingly tired. When they got to the Shamans house, she had to admit it looked exactly like she expected it to, with plants and various alchemical ingredients laying everywhere.

Then she was seated on a couch, and she for some reason she was somewhat surprised at the Shaman having the piece of furniture. Then the Shaman asked her a question, and she took a moment to register the question, and then she tried to lift her arms. They moved like jello, but she could lift them, slowly and had some issues holding them up, but still!

"Kinda?" She said, tilting her head a bit, "I do not know how long I can keep them going though before they limp out again."
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

"Yeah, guess not." The shaman concluded. Shaking his head, he walked up to a shelf and picked up a jar, then opened. Another strong smell assaulted Nym as he approached, this one reminiscent of fresh herbs. "Right then, stick them out. This one is for the bruises, so you won't look like tenderized meat tomorrow." He stated, putting his fingers inside to get some salve on them before moving to apply it. "Can you feel them all? I hope you do, it'll make it easier to locate them. Just let me know if I miss a place." As soon as the girl allowed him, the goblin began to work on applying the medicine, quickly locating and dealing with the places where she got hit. Once he was done, he put the jar away before walking out of the room for a moment, returning with a thick blanket.

"Right then. Lie down and cover yourself up." He instructed. "It ain't perfect, but heat should help with those muscles of yours. I'll make something to keep you warm and help numb the pain." With those words, the shaman sparked a flame in the fireplace, putting a small kettle on after filling it with fresh water. Meanwhile, Nym would begin to feel the first delayed aftereffects of the fight. With adrenaline long gone from her system, the various pains and aches that plagued her overworked body were now coming to the fore, demanding her attention. As the post-combat ailments began to hit, the girl would notice a single goblin ducking into the room. A female one, judging by the dress and build. She looked around, noticing Nym, then bowed her head and walked up to the couch, dropping off the adventurer's backpack and axe nearby, then left.
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

"I can feel most of them now," Nym said, grimacing as the pain started to come back to her with the wearing out adrenaline. She really hoped this bruise cream would work, and once she was eventually rested under the blanket on the couch she would start to nod off a bit. Her body trying its hardest to relax and rest so it could heal itself, but she did manage to stay awake for whatever the Shaman was making up, and gave a grin of thanks to the female goblin that delivered her backpack and axe.
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Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

The shaman was busy cooking, bringing the water to a boil before tossing some kind of dried leaves in, a mix of several different types from the looks of it, as well as some spices and a dash of honey. After stirring for a bit and judging that the mixture was ready, he took it off the fire, let it cool for a moment, then poured some of the golden-greenish liquid into a mug and brought it to Nym. "Here. Drink up, and rest up. It ought to make sure you won't be dying from pain later. You can leave the mug anywhere once you're done. Floor's good enough." The goblin stated before moving to check up on Slix. The drink had a pleasant, rich taste and was suprisingly mild. It was effective, though. The girl could feel heat spreading through her body fast. The pleasant warmth combined with her exhaustion quickly sent Nym to sleep.

Nym had no idea for how long she was asleep. What she did know is that by the time she woke up, the sun was in a very different position. Her body felt sore, still aching a little here and there, but it was bearable. She could move around without much trouble, but it was unlikely she would be able to fight or perform very demanding tasks without problems. Suddenly, a female goblin - different from the one that brought her backpack - walked into the room, noticing her immediately. "Ah, you're finally awake!" She called out, pleased. She was the only greenskin in the room, both the shaman and Slix were nowhere to be seen. "Good. You've slept through morning, but it's still fairly early here. I've brought you some soup, care to try?" She asked, proudly presenting a pot she was carrying to Nym. The brew inside was thick, very brown and murky, with chunks of... Something in it. But it also smelled really good.
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

Nym was grateful for the tea, it tasted surprisingly good and it sent her to the land of dreams very quickly. All in all, as she started to drift off, Nym considered her second day of adventuring as a success. Maybe not the best success ever, but one none the less.

When she woke the next morning, the redhead had to blink a fair bit of sleep out of her eyes. The pain she was feeling was alot less then she had expected too, as she had personally been expecting to be bedridden for atleast another day even with the stuff the goblins gave her, but then she remembered that healing potions probably existed somewhere in this world so being up and running faster then expected shouldn't be a surprise.

The female goblin walking in finally brought her attention to the rest of the room, and she noticed that the two male goblins had vacated the area. She wouldn't have been entirely surprised if the goblins healed faster then she did which would explain Slix's absence.

"Ahh sure, I'll have some," Nym said when she was offered the soup, the girl was a bit to hungry to turn down a meal, and it smelled really good so she could only hope the chunks were just something like boar meat or something, "Did I happen to miss anything interesting while I was asleep?"
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

The soup had a very complex taste, with fat, meat, vegetables and spices mixed together and complimenting each other quite well, despite the somewhat disturbing appearance. The broth was quite thick and the chunks turned out to be not only meat, but also various veggies like potatoes, carrots and a few things she couldn't quite identify. "Oh, not much. Just the usual post-fight drinking party, which consists of everybody going off to down a few beers because any excuse is good. Slix woke up earlier and went home, and uncle is outside gathering herbs." The goblin woman explained. "By the way, I'm Bakra. One of the hunters. I've heard what you did for us from those three you nabbed yesterday." She smiled. "You're pretty good. By the way, how are your clothes? I've heard they got torn to pieces. Do you need spares?"
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

"Nice to meet you Bakra, and thank you for the soup," Nym said, enjoying the soup which was proving to be quite good tasting. Then the goblin brought up her clothes situation, and Nym actually took a moment to remember, and then looked under the blanket.

"Ahh, my clothes got trashed again," Nym said with a bit of a whine, "But I have a back up dress in my backpack," Nym began rooting around in her bag for her clothes to change in to, then with a smile she added, "I wouldn't mind getting some extras though if you feel like handing them out."

Getting her dress she would put the soup aside for the moment, and after checking to make sure there were no males around, she'd strip off the damaged remains of her clothes, now mostly just her arm and leg covers, and slipping into her dress. Then she would be going back to the soup, devouring it with hunger born of the healing process.
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

"I don't have that many spares myself, to be honest, so I could only lend you something for a short while. Until your clothing got repaired, at least." Bakra chuckled. "You tend to take some clothing damage fairly often when you hunt around these parts. And I'm glad you like the soup." The huntress smiled as she watched Nym devour the meal. Once she was done eating, the goblin would collect the pot before heading out, presumably to wash it. "Oh, and by the way. Chief Ozin wanted to see you once you wake up. Something about bringing a message to our neighbours, from what I recall." The green-skinned woman called out. "I think he wants to have that meeting with them. Wouldn't be suprised if you got invited to it too, as a witness."
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

"No kidding, my clothes haven't survived a day yet without being torn to shreds," Nym said as she finished off the soup and handed it back to Bakra with another thanks. The girl listened to Bakra's last comment and said back, "Okay, I'm coming along right now."

With that she stood herself up, trying to ignore all the pains it brought, which was still surprisingly easy to do. She then grabbed her bag and her axe and moved to head outside, and from there to the chieftain's hut. The girl eager to complete her second quest, and a small bit in the back of her mind wondered how long it would be till she leveled up. Or if leveling up even happened in this game, maybe she should have read the brochure more.