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Nym (Ranger9000)

Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

Walking through the village, Nym was greeted by several of the goblins she passed by, some of them congratulating her on her victory and complimenting her tenacity. As she neared the chieftain's home, she'd notice a pair of guards standing in front of it. They've made way for her as she approached, informing her that Ozin would see her in the main hall. And indeed, once she went inside she found him sitting on his throne, quietly chatting about something with the scarred warrior from yesterday. Upon noticing her, the tall goblin smiled slightly, standing up to greet her. "Ah, Nym. Good to see you're up again." He chuckled. "Feeling better, I hope? I'd like to have my message to the mayor delivered today, if possible. Think you can manage to make the distance? Baldur here said he's willing to accompany you to make sure you're safe." The scarred goblin nodded at the girl.
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

Nym would return any of the goblins greetings, the redhead pleased that she wouldn't have to deal with the goblins trying to bash her for setting foot on their territory anymore. Once she reached the chieftains house, and the guards let her through to the main hall, she was greeted with the sight of the chieftain and the scarred goblin from yesterday quietly talking among themselves though it didn't last long before she was noticed, "I am feeling much better then I expected to be feeling, and I think I can make the distance," She turned to the scarred warrior and continued, "And an escort is greatly appreciated. I doubt we'll run into anything on the way back, but I couldn't fight my way out of a paper bag at the moment so better to be safe."
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

"Excellent. I've already written a letter to miss Elsa." Ozin approached Nym, handing her the same envelope she recieved yesterday from the elf. It contained a different piece of paper from what she could tell, however. "It contains the details of when and where we'd be willing to meet. Specifically, I've agreed to do so later this day, just as she proposed, in a place we've set up for such meetings. It's a little out of the way, but not too far." The chieftain explained. "Also, since you're technically a third party, you have the right to participate in the talks as well. I doubt it'll be much more than a simple ceremony, though. Maybe with a small party to celebrate the occasion, if nothing goes awry. I doubt the elves will object to your presence or a bit of booze." The goblin chuckled. "And don't worry. Baldur will keep you safe for sure."
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

Nym took the envelope and slid it into her bag, the girl making sure it wouldn't get damaged or crumpled in any way there, "Sounds like it will be a fun time, I might just come along. Been a while since I've had a any beer."

Then she would start turning to the door with a grin, "Though if I want to make it in time we'd better start going now. Don't want anyone to be late just cause I was a bit to slow due to some lingering stiffness, and thanks again for providing escort Baldur."

If there was nothing else she would start heading to the door, figuring Baldur would follow along at his own pace.
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

"Don't mention it." The scarred goblin replied, moving out as well. He walked alongside the girl as the two of them left the goblin village, going into the forest. Despite his bulky body, the warrior moved with suprising grace, each movement fluid like water. Clearly he had to train a lot to reach such a level of skill. Nym found him easily keeping up with her regardless of the pace, though he didn't seem to be all that eager to start up a conversation. It'd be up to her to start talking first if she wanted to kill time that way. Regardless of her choice, the two of them soon found themselves leaving the forest and following the road that led to the elven village.

After a short march, Nym would finally see the elven settlement emerge from between the trees. Vali was, as usual, guarding the gate. He quickly noticed her and the goblin to her site, calling out from a distance. "Nym! Good to see you!" He shouted as they've approached. "We were a little worried when you haven't returned yesterday. Elsa claimed you're probably just dealing with some kind of challenge before being given an audience, or something similiar. You seem to be in one piece, though, so I guess everything went well?" He eyed the scarred warrior with a hint of wariness and some respect, nodding politely in greeting and recieving a similiar nod in turn.
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

Nym was fine without talking on the way back, the girl was able to amuse herself by watching the forest going by. Time seemed to fly by and soon they were near the village, the voice of the gate guard Vali coming from the distance, "Yes everything went well! I just had to spend the night recovering from said challenge, and even then I needed a bit of an escort just to make sure I got here safely, remind me to never have a fist fight with a goblin. Regardless, I got a note here for Elsa so let us in."
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

"Huh, so you went fist to fist against a warrior and won? Pretty impressive." Vali replied, a little suprised. "And sure, go ahead. You'll probably find Elsa in the town hall, working on the ledger. She decided to go over out stock all over again now that we've recovered what the satyr had stolen. At least, all the things he didn't eat." The guard sighed. "We've put him to work for now, and while we still need to keep an eye on him it seems that he's no longer trying to cause trouble, for now. Anyway, I've kept you here long enough. Go on." Waving, he let Nym and Baldur pass.

Walking through the town, the pair attracted quite a lot of stares. Mostly because of the goblin's presence, who was quite the intimidating sight, to be honest. Still, he did his best to alleviate some of that impression by bowing politely to those who looked at him. His efforts were met with mixed results. Either way, soon enough the two of them found themselves at the doorstep of the town hall. Entering, Nym would come across a young man carrying a stack of papers. Altough he was very suprised to see Baldur, he seemed to recognize the adventurer and helpfully pointed her in the direction of Elsa's office, located behind a rather unimpressive door on the upper floor.
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

Nym grinned at Vali's compliment, and headed in, not to worried about the looks that were being thrown Baldur's way. After all she really doubted anyone was suddenly going to attack anyone else in the middle of the village, and Baldur was pretty intimidating with all those scars.

Once they got to the town hall it was easy going from there, thanks to a young man, who Nym wondered if he was actually young or just young for an elf. Did the elves here live ultra long? Thoughts for another time.

Regardless, they reached Elsa's door, and Nym lead off with a polite, if reasonably heavy knock, "Elsa, I'm back, and I got a response from the chieftain." She'd more or less lead her way with the note, handing it to Elsa as soon as she could.
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

"Come in." The woman's voice came from behind the door almost immediately. Walking inside, Nym would find Elsa pouring over a large book and many papers, crunching numbers. After making some final checks, she closed the tome with a satisfied look and stood up. "Ah, Nym. Glad you're all right." She walked around her desk, approaching the adventurer. "And Baldur... I admit I didn't expect you here." She added, giving him a suprised glance to which the goblin responded with a shrug. Accepting the letter, the elf quickly opened it and began to read, nodding to herself a couple times, before sighing as she finished.

"Well, I guess everything went as well as I hoped to. Thanks again for helping us, Nym." She turned to the goblin, bowing slightly. "And thank you for listening to our request." Baldur merely shrugged, however, before replying. "Thank Ozin, not me." With that, Elsa turned her attention back to Nym. "Anyway, if you feel that you've got enough strenght to sit through a meeting, I'd be glad to see you accompany us. Chieftain Ozin apparently has no reservations against letting you participate in this if you're willing."
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

"Not a problem Elsa," Nym said with a small grin "And do not think I will miss out on the chance to see the results of my work."

Nym was actually grinning, the girl was really quite excited at how well her first quests had gone. Also cause she was looking forward to that party after that Ozin promised would happen.
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

For a moment, Elsa gave Nym a strange look, as if trying to figure out something before sighing and shaking her head. "Well... I'm glad to hear that, I guess." The elf replied, turning around for the moment to get the stacks of papers on her desk organized. "No point in waiting. You can go downstairs and back to the gate. Vali will be coming with us as one of representatives, so you can join him and wait for me there. I'll be with you as soon as I'm done sorting this mess. Shouldn't take more than a few minutes." She stated, letting the two of them leave the room while she finished up her work.
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

"Okay then, have fun with the paper work," Nym said jokingly. Before the girl started to make her way out of the room. If Baldur followed she would actually try to engage the goblin in a bit of talking before they got back to the gate, "So Baldur, whats the biggest thing you've ever fought?" Nym was honestly curiously, with how scarred up the goblin was, Nym could only assume he had some quite impressive fights under his belt.
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

"A chimera." The goblin replied as he walked alongside Nym. "Nasty piece of work. Tenacious, too. Absolutely refused to die. Gave me these." Baldur pointed to a row of scars on his forehead, several marks that were apparently made by a set of claws. "Barely grazed me, thankfully. You generally don't get monsters like those around these parts, but sometimes a big one will wander in from somewhere and become a problem. Fortunately, it's been rather quiet lately." He explained as the two of them walked through the village, stopping by the gates. Vali greeted them politely, joining Nym in listening as Baldur began to relate short stories about how he gained his various scars, most of them from some kind of aggressive wildlife.

After spending some time listening to the stories, Nym would finally hear Elsa calling out to them as she approached. She was followed by Dakon who came to take over Vali's position for the duration of the trip. As soon as everybody was ready, they set out, going into the forest. The adventurer would note that they were taking a different path than before, going off to the side rather than heading directly to the goblin settlement. After a good march, they've emerged in a large clearing. It was all empty, save for a wooden building at the end of it. As the whole group entered, they'd find themselves in a simple room with a table and some chairs, likely set up for negotiations. They also found Ozin inside, waiting for them. "Ah, mayor Elsa, Vali. And Nym." He greeted them. "Good to see you."
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

"Thank god for that," Nym said as Baldur talked about the chimera, and about the lower amounts of giant monsters that were coming into the area. She was pretty sure she couldn't handle such a thing at the level she was currently at. As they waited for Elsa, the girl would listen attentively to the goblin's stories. Trying to file away anything useful for later incase she encountered such a thing.

Once Elsa showed up Nym fell into step behind the elf mayor, following her all the way to the meeting area, which she hadn't expected to be an actual building
but she guessed the two towns must have met officially quite regularly for them to need to construct an embassy for it. Being the third wheel more or less in this meetings, Nym responded to Ozin with just a nod and a grin. The girl feeling a bit awkward and not wanting to delay anything by saying things.
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

"Chieftain Ozin." Elsa and Vali nodded politely. Soon enough, all the assembled people found themselves seated at the table. Ozin and Baldur on one side, Vali and Elsa on the other. Nym was in the middle, as a "neutral" party and acting as a witness. "Now then. Since we're all familiar with each other here, I propose we skip the formalities." The goblin chief suggested, speaking first. "I trust that now that the thief was caught, we can move on and leave this mess behind us. Out of curiosity, what happened to him?" He asked, prompting a sigh from Elsa. "He's working the fields, for now. And I guess you're right. I'm sorry for my earlier accusations. It was wrong for me to act the way I did, especially when I should have listened instead." The elf produced a document. "Here. I've drafted an official apology for you and the tribe."

Picking up the paper, Ozin scanned the page before nodding. "Well. Everything is in order, I suppose. Still, that leaves the matter of compensation. Our laws demand one, as you're well aware." He smirked, a sight that made Elsa flinch slightly as she groaned, putting her head in her hands. "You're not going to let me live this down, aren't you... Fine. As representative of the village, it falls onto me to compensate you. Just please tell me this isn't going to be what I think it is." In response, the goblin produced a small bag from under the table, handing it over to the woman who peeked inside before glaring at him. Ozin merely smiled innocently while Baldur rolled his eyes. Vali, who also stole a glance at the contents, merely shook his head. "Well... Since that's all, I guess the meeting's over? Nym, Baldur, how about we go oversee the preparations for the party? I imagine people have begun to gather by now."
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

Nym was quite curious as to what was in the bag, but she didn't get a chance to look into it, even if she did try to non-obviously peak. Either way everything had gone as easy as she had thought, and now it was time for her first adventuring party! Now she can get drunk and then head off the next day with a giant hangover.

"Sounds good," Nym said, ready to follow Ozin and help with the party preparations.
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

(Should have been more clear, but it was Vali talking at the end.)

The scarred goblin grunted affirmatively in response to Vali's question. Going outside with the two men, Nym would find that both elves and goblins had began to gather in the clearing, a little wary of each other but amicable enough to interact. They were bringing in furniture, tables and chairs mostly, as well as a variety of food and drinks. Campfires were being set up, with a makeshift kitchen being constructed nearby to keep the party supplied. Vali and Baldur went their separate ways, mostly to help out with organizing and making sure both elves and goblins were civil to each other. Nym was left to her own devices for the time being, though she was welcome to help anyone if she wanted to. The only ones who'd politely reject offers were the cooks, masters of their craft and thus a bit prideful.

Eventually, the party was set up - two long rows of tables, goblins on one side of the clearing and elves on the other. There was a fair bit of free space left between each side, likely for dancing considering the presence of various musicians from both settlements. Once things were ready, everybody settled down, waiting for Ozin and Elsa to emerge... And soon they did, the goblin with a badly hidden smirk and the elf glaring daggers at him. Probably because of what she was wearing. Instead of her usual clothing, she was now clad in nothing but a leather wrap around her chest, a pair of panties and a collar around her neck. Sweeping a gaze so hard that it'd likely kill anyone who tried to laugh at her around, the mayor let out a sigh and began to speak.

"Citizens of Elshold, our esteemed allies of the Darkwood tribe... As you all know, lately we've been plagued by a slippery thief who had stolen our food and fooled us into thinking that our neighbours were responsible. Though chieftain Ozin had found it in him to understand why we thought so, I have still insulted him and his tribe gravely, and did so while representing the village no less. Thus, it falls onto me to hereby apologize and offer reparations, in hopes of setting right what I've done wrong." Finishing her speech, Elsa stepped back and allowed Ozin to speak up. "In the name of Darkwood tribe, I accept the apology and your willingness to atone. Though your insults were harsh, they were mere insults in the end. It'd be foolish to fight over them, and though our law demands retribution, punishment needs to match the crime. A foolish outfit for a day, in exchange for foolish words said another day." He chuckled, somehow shrugging off the murderous glare the elf sent him.

"Now that our tribe and Elshold are square, I feel it'd be best to forget this unfortunate incident and focus on the good times." The goblin continued, smiling cheerfully. "And to celebrate the repaired relationship between us, we've all gathered here to feast, drink and dance. So, without further ado: let us enjoy ourselves!" And with those words, the goblins cheered enthusiastically. The elves seemed to have mixed feelings, but the sight of Elsa simply sighing, walking up to the table and grabbing a beer, then chugging the entire thing before calling for food seemed to get them going. The musicians began to play, the kitchen fires were roaring and food and drinks were coming fast and hard. Nym would be able to find a spot for herself wherever she wished, be it among goblins or elves.
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

Nym had helped with what little she could, which was mostly just helping bring some raw food for the others. She also had to try reasonably hard to avoid giggling at Elsa, after Ozin's explanation, as before that she was still to confused as to just what Elsa was going to be expected to do.

Once the party had actually started though, Nym took to it somewhere in the middle of the goblins excitement and the elves more reserved attitude to the party. As part of that Nym would flit between the elves and the goblins occasionally. Dropping in and out of interesting conversation, and mostly just listening as she didn't exactly have any real things to talk about due to the whole still new to the EGG thing. Though after a drink or two she did go off to see if she could find Slix, just to see how the goblin was faring after the fight, and maybe also find Bakra, she seemed nice enough.
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

As booze began to flow freely, the elves seemed to warm up to the party too, their initial reservations about Elsa's state of dress forgotten. No one dared to joke about it, though, mostly to avoid being hit by the glare of doom. Eventually, as people became more and more boozed up and the first dances started, the elves and the goblins slowly began to mingle. In a way, Nym helped that happen - while initially some gave her suprised looks as they watched her switch between the tables regularly, sooner or later a few bolder souls began to follow her example. The number grew with the amount of beer consumed and soon enough, the party was in full swing.

Elsa and Ozin were off to the side, discussing something over drinks and meat, the goblin clearly appreciating how much skin she was showing much to her embarrassment. Vali was entertaining a pair of elven and goblin ladies with some stories of the things he's seen as a guard, mostly comedic events. Bakra was found in a congregation of hunters from both villages that gathered around Baldur, all of them taking turns and sharing stories about their exploits. Slix was a bit harder to spot, but after a good while Nym saw him chugging beer at the table as if his life depended on it, cheered on by other men as he showed off his ability to hold his liquor. He seemed to be well. Also a little blitzed by now. Nym certainly had the option to follow his example, considering how much alcohol was available.
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

Nym looked at the various groups. She figured she would feel like she probably would be a third wheel for whatever Ozin and Elsa were talking about, and she figured that Vali already had enough girls on his hands, Bakra and Baldur were exchanging stories with other goblins, and she didn't have any real stories to share, so that left Slix and the drinking contest, or screwing with Vali.

In the end she decided to go join in on the drinking contest. She didn't know why, but she thought it would be fun atleast.