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Nym (Ranger9000)

Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

The wolf was startled by the piece of meat landing in front of it. He turned his head, staring at Nym for a while, then glanced at the scrap again. After a long while, he finally picked it up, then ran away as fast as he could. Meanwhile, the girl would extract the bandages from her bag, along with what looked to be a small medicine they were contained in. Within it, she found a bunch of jars and small boxes and pouches, along with a note describing each medicine so she knew what she had available to her. There were some salves for sore muscles, burned skin and worn feet, a painkiller herb that was apparently very strong according to the warning as well as a simple cleansing potion for disinfecting wounds and a clean rag.

Nym would probably want to clean up her scratches before bandaging them. Once her wounds were properly dressed, she could go to sleep without being bothered by any other nocturnal creatures. By the time she was up, the sun was beginning to rise over the horizon and the birds were chirping loudly. There was little but ash left in the fireplace, cooling slowly, though she could probably restart the fire if she fancied cooking something from her ration packs over it. The scratches on her body were still there, but they looked a bit better now and likely wouldn't impede her much as long as she watched out for them. Overall, she was in decent condition... If one ignored the torn clothing up top.
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

Nym couldn't help but stare back at the wolf a little bit as it looked at her for a reasonable amount of time. Then she would get back to bandaging herself, which she preluded with cleaning the various wounds so they wouldn't get infected by whatever garbage the wolves had on their claws.

Her sleep ended up being restful once she was done, the adrenaline having left her system had left her sleepy enough that she barely even dreamed over the night. Once it was morning she would remember that her clothes had been torn again, and would switch out her clothes for the backup dress, again, and made another note to herself to learn how to sew or pick up some extra coverings.

She wouldn't restart her fire though, the girl figuring the effort wouldn't be worth it when she had some instant rations to chew on. After she finished her breakfast she would break camp, and grab her axe and bag and prepare to set off again.
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

Nym encountered no issue during her preparations for the road ahead, short as they were, and managed to get back on the trail quickly. Once more walking in the direction of the next town, she'd face a rather uneventful trip through the rest of the forest, surrounded by the noise that wild nature typically tended to produce. Mostly a lot of birds singing. By the time it was noon, she finally managed to reach the edge of the forest, trees giving way to a vast, grassy plain. In the distance, she could see farmlands with large swathes of wheat and other plants growing in large, regular formations. Far away, at the very edge of the horizon, she could see the faint outline of a city, though she couldn't tell any details from her current position. The distance was simply too great at the moment.

As she moved beyond the treeline, Nym would notice that something was off. The first sign was the fact that all the birds suddenly seemed to grow quiet. The second was a soft sound of something moving through the bushes. Glancing in that direction, she'd notice a large, humanoid shape burst out of the foliage and charge at her. Dodging out of the range of a wild swipe, she'd realize she was being attacked by what appeared to be a wolf-woman. A naked humanoid with long, messy gray hair, a pair of wolf-like ears on her head and a furry tail. She seemed rather pissed off and was trying to claw the girl, forcing her to evade. "You! It's your fault!"
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

It would be an easy morning for Nym, as she trecked through the woods without any further encounters and made quite good progress. Though as she finally saw the end of the trees, and began to move into much less dense vegetation she would sense something bad was coming, she remembered her scout classes where they warned that quiet birds meant there was a predator about!

It was only thanks to that that she was aware enough to dodge the swipe aimed at her, and gave her enough time to catch a view of her attacker. Said attacker being a wolf girl, which helped Nym draw the lines to what the girl was referencing as she shouted at her, still dodging away and pulling out her axe incase she couldn't talk this girl down she said, "If you are talking about the wolves that attacked me yesterday then they started it! I was just trying to camp out for the night."
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

"Who cares about that!" The wolf girl shouted, pausing in her attacks. "You beat them up! I was going to make them my underlings and start a pack, but now they run away from me because I look like a human! I've spent weeks following them and trying to make them my minions and you just made it harder!" She ranted. "A little more and maybe I'd get them to pay attention to my orders! But you just went and ruined it! I'm going to beat you up and make you my bitch for this!" Done with her whining, the wolf-girl tensed as she prepared to resume her attacks. She didn't appear to be willing to listen to reason... Hell, she didn't seem to have much common sense either. Mostly she seemed to be whining and venting like a child. Still, she could definitely give Nym a fight.

Nym: 5/5 FP, 0/10 AP, 1/1 CP (backup dress is not very strong)

Wolfgirl: 5/5 FP
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

"I don't think so! Also who follows around a pair of wolves for weeks!?" Nym would say, as she yanked her axe up and charged in, aiming to catch this wolfgirl with a blunt hit to the side, hoping for a solid first hit to tilt this in her favour right from the start.
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

Nym: 5 vs 3 (hit)

Wolfgirl 11 vs 3 (critical)

"Shut up you-" The wolfgirl began, clearly looking to respond to Nym's question. This cost her, as she was caught off-guard by the blow which. Wincing as the blunt side of the axe hit her in the side, she lunged at the adventurer with a look of absolute fury. "CHEATER!" Crying out indignantly, she began to wrestle with Nym, tearing into her dress before pushing her away viciously, knocking the breath out of her lungs. "You don't even fight fair!"

Nym: 4/5 FP, 0/10 AP, 0/1 CP

Wolfgirl: 4/5 FP
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

"You're the one that answered my rhetorical question!" Nym wheezed out as she tried to suck back in air after the blow that shred her clothes, again. Once her air was back she would strike back at the wolf girl, even as she growled out "And dammit why does everyone around here aim for my clothes!"
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

Nym: 7 vs 6 (hit)

Wolfgirl: 6 vs 6 (miss)

"Just shut up!" Nym's opponent shouted before throwing a punch. However, being rather unskilled, she swung too wide and telegraphed her attack too much. This allowed the girl to both dodge the attack and land another hit, bruising the wolfgirl. Judging by the glare, she wasn't ready to back down yet, but she definitely felt that one.

Nym: 4/5 FP, 0/10 AP, 0/1 CP

Wolfgirl: 3/5 FP
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

Nym would once again go on the offensive, aiming to take advantage of the last blow. The girl refused to go silent though, "Why should I? Unless you can make me!"
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

Nym: 5 vs 11 (counter)

Wolfgirl: 3 vs 8 (counter)

"I will make you eat those words!" The naked woman howled, enraged beyond reason. She lunged at Nym, bringing her to the ground as the two of them wrestled for dominance. After a few moments of futile struggle, she decided she had enough and headbutted the adventurer. The girl's skull was ringing from the blow, but considering the wolfgirl yowled in pain and pulled herself off, allowing both of them to recover, she likely felt that blow just as harshly as Nym did.

Nym: 3/5 FP, 0/10 AP, 0/1 CP

Wolfgirl: 2/5 FP
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

"Who the hell actually headbutts in a fight without armour!" Nym ground out as she recovered from the pain of the headbutt, though as she rolled up from the wrestling match she picked up a handful of dirt, and threw it into the wolfgirl's face, hoping to distract her long enough to land another hit in.
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

Nym: 9 vs 9 (hit)

Wolfgirl: distracted

"YOU BITCH!" The wolfgirl yelled as Nym managed to get some of the dirt in her eyes, then shouted in pain as another blow struck home while she was flailing around. It was unlikely this trick would work again, but it certainly gave her an opening to do more damage. The adventurer was close to winning now, her opponent was on her last legs. Another good strike would put her out of commission.

Nym: 3/5 FP, 0/10 AP, 0/1 CP

Wolfgirl: 1/5 FP
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

Nym would have felt bad about the sand attack, but honestly all is fair in war after all. The solid blow she landed thanks to it also helped. Now with the wolfgirl on her last legs Nym would go in and try to shoulder the girl over, throwing her whole weight behind a push that she was hoping would send the girl to the ground hard enough that she'd stop trying to fight back.
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)


At the very moment Nym moved to execute her attack, the wolfgirl attempted to lunge at her. Rather than fall, however, the girl managed to turn the extra momentum into an improvised throw... One that very nearly buried her opponent head-first into the ground. As it stood, the beaten path was a bit too packed for this to happen. It certainly allowed for a flip that ended with a spectacular crash-landing, followed by a violent tumble that stopped only because the predatory woman found a tree blocking her path. In the aftermath of this mess, Nym found herself standing victorious over an opponent that was knocked the fuck out so hard she couldn't possibly be knocked out any harder. Which left her with a dilemma: what to do now that she nearly brutalized the beastgirl on accident?
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

....."I didn't mean to do that much damage," Nym said to no one after the wolfgirl's tumble into unconsciousness finally ended. Now though she had to deal with a rather out cold beastgirl, and she felt that she atleast had to make sure she hadn't done any brain damage.

Figuring she could atleast stop for lunch, Nym would try to pick up the beastgirl and move her off the road, and find a place to sit down and rest for a bit. The redhead snacking a bit as she waited for the beastgirl to come around.
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

Nym would be long done with her lunch by the time the wolfgirl began to stir. Groaning in pain, she slowly opened her eyes, looking around unsteadily as she tried to work her limbs, the movements clumsy and shaky. "Damn it..." She muttered as she noticed the adventurer sitting nearby. "Just what the Hell do you want? You've beaten me already, why are you still here?" She asked, looking rather unhappy. She didn't seem angry anymore, though. Rather, she appeared sad, bitter. Apparently she wasn't taking her loss well and wasn't happy to see the person who beat her up sitting around for some reason. "Going to gloat? Tell me how pathetic I am for not being able to beat even a single human? Go ahead. I don't care."
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

"Well, I felt bad about the end there. I didn't mean to hit you that hard..." Nym said well scratching the back of her head, and pushing some of her food over to the wolf girl, "Also I figured you might be hungry, it is around lunchtime."

If the wolf girl stuck around instead of leaving, she'd also say, "I'm not going to apologize for the wolves though, they attacked me first."
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

"Whatever, not like it matters anymore." The wolfgirl sighed, looking sour despite the offer. Slowly, she seemed to be regaining strenght, managing to sit up after a while. "Why are you doing this? I don't want pity." She questioned, staring at the ground. "I jumped you and hit you because I was feeling mad. Why would you even offer me food? Why are you sticking around?" She seemed to be having trouble wrapping her head around this. "Strong prey on the weak. That's what it's like in the forest. What kind of reason would someone like you have for giving food to someone like me, after winning a fight no less?"
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

"Didn't keep me from giving the less aggressive wolf some food after I beat him up either," Nym said matter of factly, "And I know how people can get when angry, I ruined a plan you put alot of effort into so it was understandable you might have wanted a pound of flesh."

Then Nym's eyes narrowed, "But now that I've won you better drop that understand?" Then Nym would go back to being friendly, "Also because you interested me! I've never seen wolf-girl before. I almost was wondering if you wanted to adventure with me."

Nym's voice carried something unspoken though, if the wolf girl refused her offer out of hand, then Nym might get her back on that 'Make you my bitch' comment from earlier.