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One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel: HP = 25/71, PP = 71, EP = 1/148, Status = About ready to keel over

Attack: Hit.
Resistance: Big surprise, Anthriel wins.

Gain 8 experience!

As her chains warped and part of a mask formed over Anthriel's face, the girl that had wiped the seal from her forehead and broken her from her chains recoiled away. That only gave Anthriel a better shot at the flailing opponents, however, and she timed her strike perfectly. Her gaze fell upon the demoness, and a ray of light struck her in the back. Her form stiffened, perhaps in surprise as the power began to do its work. Anthriel could only guess at what transpired on the demon's face during her final moments, as she couldn't see it, but her body swiftly solidified into a statue. Mere stone was no match for the strength of a dragon's jaws, and the sculpture of the woman became powder and chunks as the massive silverscaled creature bit down.

Giving a satisfied grunt, the dragon's head withdrew from the wall of the tower, and the sound of its claws scraping against stone and another quake going through the tower signaled its take off. "Are you... Alright?" The girl who had been on the dragon's head asked hesitantly, her gaze sweeping over the transformed Anthriel. She was, at least as far as Anthriel could tell, completely human, and right now she looked highly concerned.

The rest of the room was mostly empty save for assorted other torture devices, not all of which were of a sexual bent. Most of them showed signs of use. There was a door directly behind them, and sunlight was streaming in through the hole that the silver dragon had torn into the wall. A roar sounded from outside, and was met by a chorus of other roars, though the return sounds were all lower in volume on their own.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel watched withing nothing short of absolute joy as her enemy turned first to stone, and then to dust in the jaws of her new ally. The victory was short-lived however as a wave of fatigue washed over her and she struggled to her feet and looked at the woman who had come to her aid, her shock white eye encircled in silver, her other eye regaining the golden strikes as she calmed down. "I'm alive, and for that I'm grateful... Thank You." For some reason the words came hard to her lips, the Angel wasn't as calm as she thought and she was still in a mild form of shock from the events that had transpired in this room.

Moving forward towards the gaping hole in the wall Anthriel looked out and simply stared at the sky, trying to get a grip on things. "We need to get out of here... Please" Despite the last embers of her rage still cooling this last statement came out as more of a plea, She was desperate to be away from here so she could think and try and get a better handle on things. There was much to consider.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel: HP = 25/71, PP = 71, EP = 1/148, Status = About ready to keel over

"You're welcome, and yeah lets get the hell out of here." Her rescuer replied, slightly put off by her change in appearance and the odd way in which Anthriel spoke. Moving to stand beside her, the brunette in dark leather glanced out of the hole in the wall, first glancing down at the ground some two hundred feet below, and then up at the sky.

In the air, not one dragon, but four were circling, the massive silver one joined by the black one she had seen in the village when she'd been captured, which Anthriel now noted was much smaller than the other, as well as two blue ones that were also smaller. "Can you fly on your own? If you can, could you go up there and tell one of them to come and get me? Their Lady might be dead, but there are other demons in here, and I would much rather not have to fight my way through them to get down."
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

"Anything to be gone from this place..."
Anthriel beat her wings a few times, stretching the muscles and getting ready before she dared try in her exhausted state, the Angel stepped into thin air beating her wings and finding a thermal. Even dead tired she still knew how to ride the currents and although it took awhile she mad it up to her circling rescuers.
"Your companion needs a ride... and in honesty so do I, I cannot thank you enough" she gasped out, her lack of energy causing her to become winded quickly.
"Please let us be away from this place..."
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel: HP = 25/71, PP = 71, EP = 1/148, Status = About ready to keel over

The titanic silver dragon hung in the air before her as Anthriel rose up to meet it, and though it did not respond verbally a slight bob of its entire body seemed as good an answer as any. The beast allowed Anthriel to rest upon it, and then descended back down to the tower while the other dragons circled above. The young human woman was waiting for them, and quickly climbed onto the dragon's head without another word, expressing only a hint of surprise upon seeing Anthriel on the dragon as well, likely having expected her to walk. "Thanks Isi. Lets get out of here." She said into the dragon's ear, or at least into the side of its head, and the beast took off immediately.

The ride was rocky certainly, and the air was freezing cold so high up, but it wasn't much of a problem for Anthriel. The girl was shivering immediately of course, but they only went a short way before the dragon began to descend again, its lesser kin following it, until they landed in a field. Anthriel had spotted the village from before below as they passed over it, and the place that the dragons landed were right next to it. The girl in dark leather helped Anthriel climb down off of the dragon if she needed it, and the four beasts began to glow softly, their forms shifting until four people stood before them rather than four dragons.

The silver dragon became a woman with long white hair, tall and imperious and possessing of piercing sky blue eyes. A long white toga wrapped around her body, but did nothing to hinder the curves that hovered beneath the garment. "Are you well, angel? I have never seen one of your kind change in this manner." The silver dragon in human form said, some concern in her stern voice.

The two blue dragons had turned into a pair of girls, long blue hair that fell to their lowers backs the only distinguishing feature about them. They looked like twins, their facial features almost identical, and even though they were reasonably pretty they were otherwise fairly unremarkable. The black dragon, meanwhile, shifted form into a young man in dark leather armor, not very dissimilar from the girl that had ridden on the back of the dragon.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel took the offered assistance climbing down from her rescuer, exhausted as she was the angel may very well have collapsed otherwise. Watching the dragons transform was a rare treat in and of itself and Anthriel was honored, but at the question regarding her appearance and whether she was well... Anthriel clenched and unclenched her manacled arm, the chains clinking softly with the motion as she looked down, to forestall the question would be rude, but the answer...

Looking at the woman who had just hours ago saved her, she drew in a deep breath and let her wings sag a little, her shoulder hunched as her arms crossed to cover herself. "I... I am not pure like my kin, I am a half-breed. And in their infinite wisdom my 'Family' chained me with this." Anthriel said quietly, her hand moving up to brush the collar. "It makes the outer reflect the inner, as I am corrupted in soul, so shall I be corrupted in body. Its reversible but it takes time, and patience." finished answering questions for now as far as Anthriel was concerned, the angel wrapped her wings around herself and stood there, awaiting a response...
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel: HP = 25/71, PP = 71, EP = 1/148, Status = Nap time approaches

"A half breed? Should you not be just an angel yourself then?" The white haired woman asked, tilting her head. "If your own kindred did such to you, then they are not like the angels whom I have known."

Before more could be said, however, the girl beside Anthriel said; "Wait, so you're a she?" The silver dragon turned to her and nodded, "Yes."

"Right... Glad we got that cleared up."

"Anyway.... Your village should be out of danger for now Elise, and I believe that you owe this angel-kin a meal and a place to rest at least for the aid against the demon's attack. With her dead, perhaps your village will have some peace for a time, hrm?"

The girl hesitantly nodded and said; "Errr, right. Yeah, I guess I can do that." She turned to Anthriel and continued; "You want to get some rest? I'm not sure when or even if this lot will show up again, so if you've got anything to say to them, best do it now."
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel nodded solemnly at the silver dragon, knowing and understanding were two different things and the offer of rest was sounding truly heavenly. "Before you go I would like to thank you all one last time, I'd have fallen without you. As for other angels... Family matters can get complicated, we shall leave it at that for now. I look forward to the time when we cross paths again, Thank You.

Turning towards Elise with nothing more then pleading in her eyes, "Anywhere to sleep would be a most welcome gift, please. My humbling and rescue have exhausted me and I feel as if I may collapse." she asked quietly.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel: HP = 25/71, PP = 71, EP = 1/148, Status = Nap time approaches

"You are welcome, angel. Fare thee well, until next we meet." The dragoness replied evenly, and then she and the two twins shifted once more into dragon form and took wing. The one in black remained in human form and silently approached the two of them as Anthriel turned to Elise. The human girl nodded at Anthriel's desire to rest, and said; "Sure. I'm not gonna pretend to understand any of that, but I'm sure Mom can put you up for a bit. She's put up with Dori for almost twenty years now." She grinned a little, and the dragon gave her a very flat look before he spoke for the first time; "She's put up with you for longer than that, dummy. C'mon, before the creepy angel passes out on her feet and I end up having to figure out how to carry her without touching any naughty bits."

A short walk through the woods later, and Anthriel was led into a small house, larger than a cottage but certainly no mansion. They stepped into the kitchen as they entered, the smell of cooking food and a bit of smoke from a fire heavy in the air, and a portly woman with hair just starting to turn grey turned toward them and smiled. Well, she smiled at Elise and Dori, she seemed quite startled upon viewing Anthriel's half masked visage, and said; "Heavens! What happened to her! She looked almost normal when she first appeared, now.... I'm sorry, I shouldn't talk about you as if you aren't here. You look exhausted! Why don't you go and lie down. Anything I have to ask can wait. You can have Dori's room!"

The dragon-man did not look pleased at this, but beckoned for her to follow and led her through the fairly messy house into a small, dark room. "Make yourself at home. You can sleep as long as you need, just try not to break anything." He grunted, and pointed toward a small bed nestled in the corner, and then promptly left the room.
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Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel listened silently to the exchange, too tired anymore to really be of much use. The black dragon, apparently named Dori seemed to have a slight attitude problem and his lack of manners stirred in anger in the angel that hadn't been there before. Catching herself before opening her mouth and saying something she would regret, she followed Elise, her wings wrapped around her body and her eyes low as she was led through the forest a ways before coming to a small house. Being greeted at the door by an elderly woman who seemed genuinely worried about her condition, and Anthriel got a small measure of satisfaction as she was given Dori's room. In the quietness of the small room Anthriels chains could be heard clearly with every motion of her arm, and as she collapsed into the small bed Anthriel slept the sleep of the dead.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel: HP = 71, PP = 71, EP = 148, Status = Fine

Anthriel vaguely recognized Dori leaving the room and shutting the door behind him before she blacked out, but that was more or less the last thing that she remembered. When she came to an unknown amount of time later, the room was pitch black around her, and the house was silent. The cries of the night creatures outside was the only sound that Anthriel could hear besides the clinking of her chains. She had been half covered in a blanket while she slept, but with her wings and all it hadn't covered her fully.

As far as she could tell, she was alone in Dori's room, free to go back to sleep or to rise.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel decided now was as good a time as any to come to grips with a few things and rose stretching and yawning. Smoothing out her feathers and rubbing the sleep from her eyes Anthriel moves out of the room and heads straight for the front door, hoping the night air will give her some comfort while she digested recent events, the least of which was the forced transformation that had taken hold. Something inside her was broken, that much was certain, but whether or not it could be fixed or reversed was another question entirely. Spreading her wings and flapping lazily to the roof the Angel takes a seat and wraps her wings around her body, watching time pass in the night sky and listening to the music of the evening creatures as she fully comes to grips with what happened. She would survive, that was all it came down to in the end and with that thought in mind Anthriel let her mind blank for the time being, truly relaxing for the first time, in a long time... Right up until she noticed she was a little uncomfortable and shifted, exposing a long thin tail with a small spade on the end. "What in the name of all things holy, unholy, and blasphemous is this shit!" she said alarmed, pulling at the thing and yelping as she realized that it was definitely attached, definitely hers, and definitely weird...

Spending 8 exp on Natural Succubus: Spunky as Anthriel has rested. For the lulz
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Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel: HP = 71, PP = 71, EP = 148, Status = Fine

Anthriel encountered no one as she made her way out of the small house, and easily took up a seat on the building's slanted roof. The moon was full, and with the season it was larger than it might normally have been and had a slightly orange tint to it. Hunters moon. The cicadas of summer hadn't begun to die off yet, so she occasionally heard their long chittering cries amidst the chirping of the crickets and the squeaks of the bats flying around above her. She could see fireflies dancing along the tall grass outside, and an owl silently crossed over above, no doubt hunting for prey in the fields below.

"That would be a tail." Dori suddenly quipped, his voice coming from the opposite side of the roof. She hadn't sensed him before now, but how the dragon could have remained hidden given the powerful nature of his spirit, almost on par with her own metaphysical strength. "I found that you'd grown it when I came in to check on you, and to cover you up. You probably grew it because the demon raped you. I've heard that angels corrupt abnormally fast in that sort of situation." He explained, saying everything in the same casual voice as she'd heard him use up until that point.

If she chose to climb over, she would find him lying on his back, his legs crossed and his hands folded behind his head.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel jumped slightly at the sound of Dori's voice and after listening to him for a bit she moved over, and remembering his comments regarding her modesty, did her best to cover up, wrapping her wings around her body before going over and laying down next to him.

"Its true, just shocking is all, But I guess given how the rest of me looks like now I guess its not all that bad or surprising. Heh, I hardly qualify as an Angel at this point. Beaten by a demon and mutating into a monster, what a day." the Angel said with a half defeated voice and a little false bravado. Even she had been shocked by the extent of her own transformation.

"Thank you, for letting me stay here, I appreciate it" she said quietly content to either lie out here all night or continue this conversation, regardless the ball was in his court.
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel: HP = 71, PP = 71, EP = 148, Status = Fine

"Heh, I suppose that it must be shocking. I know I was really surprised the first time that I changed into my real form." Dori replied wryly, but then looked at Anthriel searchingly for a long moment, "Hardly an angel? You look as much like one as I've ever seen, despite the mask and the tattoos." He smirked slightly, "Love those by the way. They suit you."

The dragon in human form turned away from to gaze back up at the stars above, and met her thanks with silence for another long moment before sighing and replying; "Don't mention it, you've not been any trouble. I don't sleep in there very often these days anyway. And really, I should be thanking you, I suppose." He turned his head back toward her, "So.... Thanks."
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

"Don't mention it, Dragons are like Angels, a force unto themselves. and the way things seem to be going, sticking together is only getting more important." She said quietly. The battle that raged inwards on the otherhand was anything but. The Angel was violently fighting to keep a swirl of negative emotions in check, urges and drives for cruelty ranging from wounded pride to a loss of something she couldn't describe. Thankfully she had won this round and kept her eyes locked on the stars.

Although she longed to go into town for a distraction it was just too dangerous, for her and everyone else, until she had a tighter reign on her own thoughts, and the recent events warned against a flight as well. Her balance was off, the chains on her arm making it difficult to maneuver until she had more time to get used to the extra weight. As much as Anthriel longed to feel the air under her wings, she longed more for guidance which she knew would never come. She was on her own as far as her kin were concerned and the dragon next to her was currently an enigma, unreadable and conflicted. Despite herself Anthriel edged closer to Dori and was comforted by his presence, using the time and the temporary peace to plan her next move. Her mission as of yet had not been revealed fully and she was certain that everything that had happened thus far had been for a reason. The Angels breathing slowed and she closed her eyes, trying to plot the course, to find her way, if she reached no conclusions she would simply have to assume that she was where, and as, she was supposed to be and put trust in faith for the time being...
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel: HP = 71, PP = 71, EP = 148, Status = Fine

"I suppose that's true enough. Us vaguely non-evil immortal superpowers gotta stick together, eh? Else the other immortal superpowers with fewer scruples might eat us." Dori replied, and the dragon edged closer in turn as Anthriel moved closer to him, until their sides brushed together slightly. He kept his eyes trained up, but he held a peaceful expression on his face, the serene smile that he wore comforting in itself for some reason.

"You don't hang out around people very often, do you? I know angels aren't exactly a common sighting, but I just... I don't know, I always thought they'd be more... Pleasant. Not that you've been unpleasant, of course!" He said, stopping just sort of babbling and sighing instead. "It's just.... You seem pretty, well... Blunt. It's nice, really. I'm used to that sort of thing, Mom's a lot like that too, I just expected an angel to try and seem a lot more wise. Preachy, I guess is what I expected." He glanced at her out of the corner of his eye and smirked, "I'm glad you didn't meet my expectations."

Then, he slapped himself on the forehead and laughed at himself, saying; "Heh, I only just realized that I don't know your name yet! What are you called?"
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel flushed a violent crimson as she felt him make contact. Listening to Dori talk and taking comfort in his smile Anthriel answered his questions as honestly as she could, ashamed of some answers, proud of others. "No, I'm not used to being around people, or even other Angels. My fellows are ashamed of me and looking at myself I can't fault them for their precautions or reserve. As for being Preachy I see no point in being so, people should be free to make their own decisions without outside influences trying to force them, but it seems that this world is fading, I came to try and stop that, but it seems I'm out of my depth alone. My name is Anthriel, and I'm glad for your company" This was all said quietly and without rush or nervousness, the Angel finding it easy to speak to Dori as if she had known him for much longer then seemed possible, and without thinking she found herself snuggling closer to the man, wrapping an arm and a wing around him and pulling him close. "Thank you, really"
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel: HP = 71, PP = 71, EP = 148, Status = Fine

Dori's smile briefly became slightly nervous as Anthriel wrapped herself around him, one wing and an arm folding over him, but he turned and met her gaze, smiling warmly despite the mask covering half of her face. "Ahhh, well I can appreciate that, at least a little. My mother... My real mother, not Mom, thinks I should have moved out a long time ago, but.... I like it here." He sighed slightly, and then asked; "I heard that, people don't need to be told how to live. And it's not like people listen even when you try to tell them what to do. No sense in trying to shove sense down the throats of the senseless, eh? Or morals on those without either, I suppose."

He paused and eyed her again, one of his arms slipped around her back just a bit below her wings and pulling her a little bit closer. "Well, Anthriel, I'm glad to have met you. Like I said, I owed you already for helping me out with that ogre, so as far as I'm concerned we're square. As far as scores go, at least. Besides, no one can save the world all by themselves!" He smiled, and this time it wasn't a smirk as he said; "Anything after this is one friend to another, eh?"
Re: One in Three Thousand (Courage Wolf)

Anthriel just smiled as she listened and adjusted herself to make reaching around her more comfortable. "Anything after this is one friend to another, eh?" At these words Anthriel buried her face in his shoulder and hugged him for all she was worth. A friend, it was almost too much to believe. "I'd like that" the Angel said softly, hiding the tears she was fighting back as she held him close and breathed him in, tasting him, wanting nothing more then to melt into him, to keep him as close as possible, for the moment to last. Simply laying there Anthriel didn't see any reason to say anything else for now, letting her actions do all of the talking for her as she didn't trust herself to speak.