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Orchrios - Old Version

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Re: Orchrios

Anthony snarled again. "The damn Jokers. They're sort of like dark versions of the Personas, except that they possess the 'user' instead of manifesting as a separate entity. About the only way to handle one is to try to beat it out of the victim."
Re: Orchrios

"So in other words we walk in there and street gang style jump his ass and wail the crap out of him until it leaves? Sounds a bit too easy if you ask me. Hell this whole thing reeks of a trap, something feels off here. If he knows we're here, why hasn't he come looking for Bell yet? It can't be that he's afraid."
Re: Orchrios

"Because he's not thinking coherently any more. If he really did summon one... It's likely making him think that if Bell is forced to come to him, then she'll fall for him."

By this point, the group is actually out on the catwalks...And are over the arena itself. Numerous tendrils of...something lash out of the darkness, and somehow manage to pull all of the weapons away from the trio...However, Bell's blades somehow manage to slice several of the catwalk supports, making things somewhat precarious.

Standing slightly away from the group is a , about the right size to be Atlaend. "So, you've come. Just like the voices said." He trails off, repeatedly whispering the word 'voices'.
Re: Orchrios

"Motherfucker that was my favorite.... ah son of a cocksucker."

Jack goes rigid, seeing the man there, every ounce of him wanting to just pounce the guy, his common sense telling him that if this guy had an active persona, then he probably would see it coming.

"Ok boss... now what's the plan here?"
Re: Orchrios

"This." Anthony snarled as he charged in, ducked under Joker Atlaend's right arm, and then jumped off of the catwalk, carrying the madman with him...

...and then slamming their foe into the exact center of the wrestling ring below.

"Welcome to...What the fuck?!?" The announcer had just started into his introduction when the unlisted combatants slammed into the center of the ring, and the one in black clothes stood up and moved away slightly.

((For those who actually know something about "professional wrasslin'"...Anthony just Rock Bottomed Joker-boy from the catwalks. And I did warn that you guys were going to be seeing a glimpse of what Anthony had been like.))
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Re: Orchrios

Jack shook his head then said to Bell, "well, what the hell, if he can do it and we're souped up now, may as well try something. Power bomb."

Jack jumps off the catwalk, aiming both fists downward. When he lands, one impacts the solar plexus of Atlaend, the other power slams into the guy's crotch, likely doubling the breath loss and pain if he could even still be harmed by that. After impact, Jack rebounds off of him and flips to his feet, then says, "well, the last time I had that much fun doing a power bomb it was Anderson who suffered the pain at basic training camp."
Re: Orchrios

The Joker entity seems to be pretty well stunned.

The announcer, on the other hand, is groaning and cringing in pain as if he was the one that was hit in the balls.
Re: Orchrios

Bell slowly drops down from the catwalk, hanging off the edge first to shorten the distance. She lands off to the side lightly enough and looks over to the stunned joker in the center of the ring, not attackng just yet. "Atlaend? Are you in there?" She asks slowly, keeping her distance.
Re: Orchrios

Her only answer is one of the knives that was stuck in the entity getting thrown at her. About the only reason it didn't hit was that Anthony saw the move, and had enough reaction time to plant his boot in the Joker creature's elbow, throwing off its aim.
Re: Orchrios

Bell yelped as the knive went through the air beside her head, trying to move to avoid it far too late for it have been any help. She wanted to just go over there and give him a kick for it, but... this whole thing was her fault, in a way. It's because of her that Atlaend was like this, and she just couldn't bring herself to hurt the poor man. She settled with moving a bit firther off and keeping a close eye on him while she tried again to reach him verbally. "Atlaend, why are you doing this?" She asks quietly, becoming extremely conscious of the crowd surrounding them.
Re: Orchrios

The creature manages to get up, this time launching itself back up to the catwalks, then vanishing into the shadows.

Anthony looks up, and snarls "Roof. Now." before charging off to the nearest access point for the roof.
Re: Orchrios

Bell follows, still unsure how much she wanted to go through with all this. Atlaend was a nice guy at heart, she really didn't want to hurt the man, whether or not he was being possesed by some... thing.

((Also, off again, back in... 4.5-5 hours))
Re: Orchrios

Jack muttered some kind of curse, stopping just long enough to flash his false id to the announcer and add, "this fucker just keeps resisting."

He then took off at a run after the others.
Re: Orchrios

When the trio gets to the roof...They don't find the creature they were chasing. Instead, there's a masked human male, dressed in what appears to be a fairly nice suit. With the mask, the man almost gives off a 'Phantom of the Opera'-vibe...And the mask's left eye has some manner of scanner-looking device over it. "So...The thorns show up."

Anthony stops as soon as the figure speaks, but then slowly moves to one side, starting to put some distance between himself and the others.
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Re: Orchrios

Jack tilts his head. "Well that's the first time I've been called a thorn. Been called a pesky pain in the ass before, but never a thorn."
Re: Orchrios

Bell looks the man up and down. "Where's Atlaend?" She demands, planting her feet angrily.
Re: Orchrios

The man merely snorts. "That won't matter now."

Anthony caught movement, turned, then dashed at Bell.

Bell would suddenly realize that there were four different...almost drum beats. One was slow. Two were slightly fast. The last was rapid. There was movement to one side of her, and behind her. Suddenly, Anthony crashed into her, throwing her down, only to get knocked flying towards the man. Anthony landed and limply rolled.

The man glanced at Anthony's form, and snorted again. "Well, one of the thorns has been dealt with. The remaining ones are mere nuisances." With that said, he vanishes.

Bell would realize that the calm beat was gone...And the rapid beat was, as well. In its place was a barely there quiet one. The two slightly fast beats were faster, and she would realize that one of the beats was coming from her.

Anthony has yet to move.
Re: Orchrios

Jack started to react far too late to the movement, and the other man was gone before he had even taken two steps. "FUCK!"

His face was burning with anger now as he knelt beside Anthony, checking for a pulse.
Re: Orchrios

There was a pulse...Faint, but it was there. There was also something wet there.

Even in the dim light, Bell could see that there was a sizable bump on the side of Anthony's head on the side that was up. There was also a damp, red, growing spot.
Re: Orchrios

Bell picked herself up and looked at Anthony and jack, then back at the man as he disappeared. She ran over to the other two, checking Anthony to see how injured he was. The beat from her increased pace again, and she realized that she was hearing heartbeats, which caused her to stop for a second. But she didn't have time to ponder, the beat coming from Anthony was too weak already...
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