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Overquest campaign

Re: Overquest campaign

Tag:Sekla, Yenna

"Humnn.. so you say what we call 'The Blessings of the Overlord' are magic? .. ugh, I'm not one for thinking all this nonsense through, tell it to Black.. err.. the other rebel, he's the thinky type. Or better yet go meet with the rebels at ... No, no.. defeat the Dick and I will trust you with just where to find our headquarters.. a lot of good people have.. gone trying to protect this secret.

Anyway. What did Black say.. oh yes.

'I fear the Overlord himself believes he is doing the right thing. He has eradicated war, famine, monster attacks, made everyone equal in servitude' .. and some nonsense about roads to hell I didn't get, anyway, The DICK whole heartedly believes that she is doing the right thing and we, the rebels are the ones that are wicked.. I doubt there is any talking sense to her, if you follow."
Sangria shrugged. She didn't seem the bloodlusty type, if anything, she was gloomy.
Re: Overquest campaign

Tag: All

Sekla nods, listening."Prudent. And not all equal clearly, since he obviously has a hierarchy. In any case, it almost certainly is magic. I'd need time to study what kind."

She nods and adjusts her belt. "Capture is also possible, but if you really have so few numbers, holding her may not be possible, and I'm certain that the spellcasters he controls probably have some sort of beacon to track her whereabouts if she dies or doesn't report in. So we'd best make this fast. Given they already know there's rebels here, I think you and your friend might want to escape here as well when we are done. If I were in charge, my response to losing an agent would be a swift crackdown by the local governor. But this requires to do this first. The DICK did this section already. If she's doing a circuit, we might be able to get ahead of her. And I'm sure given everyone of the citizens reactions that they all will know if they saw her and be eager to bubble over that they did. Then we just need to catch her in an alley swiftly. If anyone knows how to construct traps, seeding the battlefield before hand would be useful too. We do this hard, fast, then disappear swiftly."

She reached into her back and pulled a tanglefoot bag out and handed it to Sangria. "Here. This is a tanglefoot bag. It's a nonmagical rapid use adhesive. Or put simply, it's a bag of superglue. Hit her with it and she'll get gummed up. Either stuck to the floor or not, but always gummed up until a minute passes or she takes the time to scrape it all off. Either way gives us an advantage. Are you the type who's good at stabbing from surprise or more direct in combat, Miss Sangria?"
Re: Overquest campaign


"Okay, so we're likely not to convince the DICKs because they're truly interested in this mass dystopia. Security and equality at the expense of freedom and condemnation to humiliating slavery and objectification - a paradise only for a tyrant and their cronies. Let's cause some trouble."

Yan Yenna grinned as they slipped back into the alley and spoke to one another. She was happy that Sekla had managed to find them. Now they stood their best chance of overcoming the DICK.

"I thought you said that Black's plan was to assassinate the Mayor first. I'm on board with making sure of that. Then, once he's dead, we can corner the DICK maybe? Our goal needs to be that serum. We must get it to the girls who are capable, but mind controlled. If we free them, we bolster our numbers and increase the rebellion's agency."

She waited to see how Sangria would respond.

"My guess is we might need to seduce the Mayor or con him into staying put while Black sets things up. Although I would like to know what sort of defenses he's got in place around him to avoid direct assassination. If he were to let us close to him, we could easily gank him."
Re: Overquest campaign

Tag:Sekla, Yan-Yenna

Sangria rubbed her forehead."Listen, I don't get half of what you're talking about. If you wanna do your tactical shit, go ahead, I'm just gonna beat up our opressors." She did take the tanglefoot bag. She also kind of answered the direct combat question. "I mean, I agree with freeing the capable ones.. forget about the priestess though, they're so brainwashed you could bathe them in serum and.. DAMN it!"

The Rebel had glanced down the alleyway. You had been using a lot of words that no normal woman in this village would use, and one of the bimbos must have heard.."Alright. Hard and fast and NOW. We can deal with a DICK, but not a DICK and backup. If we follow the normal girls they should lead us straight to the DICK... they love to be praised and always default to the highest authority around unless told otherwise, try not to run into the guard captain along the way.." Sangria adviced.
Re: Overquest campaign

Tag: All

Yenna blinked. She'd thought they had retreated far enough into an alley not to have been overheard. She was also a little confused by what Sangria and Black actually wanted to be done. She had intended to collect Sekla and then just go along with their original plan.

Apparently now they were taking on the DICK. Damnit, this was feeling rushed. She didn't like it, but turned towards Sekla.

"I guess if it's possible, then yes, let's jump the DICK and get this over with as fast as we can. Sekla. Seems like we're dealing with a warrior. You've got some swarms that can handle her yeah? I can sing a little and go to town on her with my whip if need be."
Re: Overquest campaign

Tag: All

Sekla winces as it seemed they'd been overheard. "I thought I was whispering. Right, let's get going then. Keep out of the swarm, alright? It doesn't distinguish targets. If she's in a crowded area I'll switch options."

She moved alongside the other two rebels, mentally planning out her tactics.
Re: Overquest campaign

The DICK, Bimbos, Kiyomi
Tag: All

You make your way after the blonde eavesdroppers, Kiyomi unusually silent, perhaps a bit shy after her recent blunders.

"And they were like.. totally weird and junk and.." Its easy to follow the bimbos, or infact, hear the bimbos talk in the distance. There was no doubt that this was the DICK, for Yan Yenna who hadn't seen her.. a muscular woman with, well.. the name implied it. Checking her out there were a few small vials on her belt, perhaps that was what Yan had been told to look for.

Though, she didn't have the time to long muse around, as the Dick looked up and Sangrias hand wandered to a short sword, hidden on her...

"You there! Tell me who you are in the name of the Overlord!" The Dick demanded, pointing at the three of you, the bimbogirls worriedly backing off.

You are at a corner in an about 20 ft wide village street. The DICK is 50 ft away from you and 6'2 in size. She seems rather suspicious but is not attacking yet as you don't directly look like rebels in your current outfit. She bears a clear signet, and her uniform identifies her as servant of the Overlord. Her eyes and general behaviour indicate she is a lot more.. aware than everyone else you met so far.
Re: Overquest campaign

Tag: All

Yan Yenna attempted to appear confused yet simple-minded, looking around and then pointing dumbly at herself. Then she began to skip inanely in the direction of the DICK, letting her bust bounce up and down and her hands be held limply out to her side as she headed towards the flexing futa.

"My name's Leafa, cutey DICK lady, miss! Hail the Overlord!" She said in a sugary sing song voice meant to be devoid of thought or concern about the sour and suspicious look she was being given.

"What's up? Do you want to fuck us? I haven't gotten to play with you before!" Yenna reached up to her breasts and began to knead and play with them. Doing her best to hold the warrior's attention.

Her bluff was meant to give Sekla time to start casting without being noticed... possibly to regain the element of surprise for her companions simply by making an alluring spectacle of herself. She knew that the DICK had normal perceptions that might put her above the normal haze of sexual addiction that everyone else clearly had, but with a cock like that, Yenna assumed that this lady was used to having her way liberally with any piece of fuckmeat she chose. Maybe if Yenna could distract her even with thoughts of having some fun, it would give Sekla and Sangria and Kiyomi the drop on this woman that they all could desperately use.

[Approach 30 feet and use bluff skill: .

Oh dear, that's a natural 3. Even with a plus 6 that's only a 9 total. WEEEELP. Gonna get f'd one way or the other.]
Re: Overquest campaign

The DICK, Bimbos, Kiyomi
Tag: Combat

While simple sexual distraction worked with most denizens of this strange realm.. future? The DICK was a different callibre. There seemed to be a reason the Rebels feared them, as her only reaction to Yennas seduction attempt was for her to take on a combat stance... going by how she moved, she had some martial experience, though she showed no weapon.

"You dare approach me so disrespectfully.. Thats enough of your nonsense. I can tell a bad actor when I see one." In response to this, Sangria drew her weapon, quickly telling Yenna. "Enough of this, let me at her!" Kiyomi hissed foxily and moved to the right.

Sangria: 9 (holding her action. Seems to want to charge at the DICK if Yenna sidesteps.)
Kiyomi: 7
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Re: Overquest campaign

Streets of RAAAAAAGE
Tag: All

(Initiative 20 )

Sekla mentally cursed as their opponent seemed to catch on immediately. There were bystanders she didn't want to get consumed by the swarm. That meant adjusting tactics then.

She drained a bit of her arcane pool to cast Barkskin on Sangria. "Here, this will help if you're going to get in her face."

(+2 ac for Sangria!)

She'd wait until the battle lines were drawn and she had a better measure of the enemy, and if reinforcements were coming before committing to anything too deadly.
Re: Overquest campaign

Mortal Kombat
Tag: All

"Aww fekkity fek," Yan Yenna muttered then cleared her voice and sidestepped as Sangria geared up to charge straight at the DICK with bark growing on her skin from Sekla's boost. No reason that Yan couldn't follow suit and continue to bulk up their chosen fighter. She smirked and sang an oldie but a goodie.

"Where have all the good women gone and where are all the gods?~ Where's the streetwise planetar to even up the odds? Isn't there a white knight upon a shining steed? Late at night I toss and I turn and I dream of what I need~ I NEED A HERO!"

She cast heroism on Sangria as she rushed by her, twirling and gesturing to her hands to the fighter.

[Sangria gains +2 to hit, saves and skill checks]
Re: Overquest campaign

Combat Round 1

Sangrias skin turned a deep shade of brown as Seklas transmutive energies enhanced her, she hesitated for but a moment, but felt heroically encouraged by Yenna as well, charging forward and cutting her priorly hidden longsword into the DICKS shoulder.

Your opponent stumbles back, suprised as she inquired.."What the.. spellcasters?" Before a splash of acid from Kiyomi forces her to dodge back further.

"Impossible.." the DICK complained, rushing forward and striking at Sangria. One hit to the stomach, another one to her Sternum, both from open fists, though the second one only send the wooden armor around her revibrating. Still, Sangria doesn't look as if she can hold her own against this opponent forever, even with empowering magic.

Initative: Sekla-> Yenna -> Sangria(Injured) -> Kiyomi -> DICK (Injured)
Re: Overquest campaign

Tag: All

A pugilist. Sekla figured as much. Not an easy nut to crack. She'd need to back Sangria up further.

Sekla cast Magic Missle on the enemy as she maneuvered closer. She wasn't liking these odds right now. Pity they couldn't cast anything prior without the obvious effects drawing all the eyes earlier. No time to spend on improving her defenses too much, they just had to shoot her down fast since chances were once Sangria went down, she was next.
Re: Overquest campaign

Tag: All

Yan Yenna unhooked her scorpian whip and decided that Sangria needed some help. Taking aim, Yenna attempted to use her whip to target the DICK's legs, pulling sharply to trip the pugilist up and give Sangria an easier time of hitting the foe and finishing her off.

http://orokos.com/roll/494873 +6(+8 if Dex allowed with whip Trip attack instead of strength) = 20 or 22 result.

If she's successful, then the DICK is knocked prone
Re: Overquest campaign

Combat Round 2

Sekla readied her blade, and gave the DICK another nasty cut, pushing her back. This was followed by the same feeling her legs pulled out under her, slamming onto the ground under Yennas whip, only to jolt slightly under the impact of a magic missile from Sekla. "Impossible.. I got to.. ugh!" She growled out as Kiyomi had drawn forth a dagger, stabbing into her side as well. With the non-magic'd foxgirl and Sangria up close the Dick growled, jumping up from her prone position, gripping Kiyomi, lifting her hand.. and knocking the fox-girl out with a blow to the neck, leaving the foxgirl to drop down like a heavy sack of potatoes. She seems out of it, but is still breathing.

"What is this.. no.. no. I can not fail, I am the fist of the Overlords will!" She exlcaimed, glaring at you in fury. She doesn't seem like the type of enemy that surrendered easily. That said, one of you was out of combat too, even if your foe looks battered now.

(Taking Kiyomi out to 'heal' and show off the DICK's strength as I've not heard anything back from Tenta and they seem to have lost interest in continuing.)

Initative: Sekla-> Yenna -> Sangria(Injured) -> Kiyomi(unconscious) -> DICK (heavily Injured)
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Re: Overquest campaign

Tag: all

Sekla hisses as Kiyomi went down! Stubborn enemy, but they had her on the ropes!

She let another Magic Missle fly at her target, not going to give her a chance to get away!

( 4 damage)
Re: Overquest campaign

Tag: All

Her attack had worked... sort of. She'd managed to trip up the fighter, but still Kiyomi had fallen. That meant her trip attack hadn't done what she'd set out to do. It would be better if she simply attacked... and so brandishing her whip, she slid it out to the side and while the fighter was concentrating on Sangria, she lanced the scorpion barb across the woman's face, hoping to bring her down by the neck if she were lucky.

http://orokos.com/roll/495188 Attack hits on a 24. Damage: 7

Her aim struck home just as the pugilist took another magical dart from Sekla. Hopefully with another heroic strike from Sangria, the DICK would be eliminated.

"Hnnh! Take that!"
Re: Overquest campaign

Backstreet fighting
Tag: all

Once more, Sangria gets a sucessful hit in, empowered by magic, which Sekla follows up with a magical bolt and Yenna with a nasty stinger cut, the DICK squirms, growls, reaching out, for you, struggling.. and falling over, expiering on the spot.

Searching her you discover three vial of a crystaline liquid, a symbol of the overlord in metal, perhaps some sort of insignia, and the wrist-bands the fightress used actually seem to be magical.

"Your friend seems out of it, I should return to the hideout with her and.." but before Sangria can continue, there is a loud explosion in the distance. "What.. damn it, Black must have decided to continue the plan on his own.. Oh well, it was that or setting of the alarm." An alarm? Perhaps the rebels forgot to tell you about something.

Before you can inquire, one thing after the other happening now, The guard captain arrives, lead by a worried looking blonde. "Don't worry, I will .. like.. omg.. what was that noise.. wh.. why is the DICK on the ground.. h.. halt evildoers! I wont let you get away with this!"

Corgana has joined the fight!
Corgana initiative: 20

Corgana moves forward and draws her longsword as a weapon. She stares at Yenna shocked. "Did you do this? Answer me!"

Sangria stands up. "Ugh, damn it.. lets assume Black did it.. please be safe, we can't deal with the guard captain and the priestess after you lot used up your magic. I can keep her busy.. but if you wanted to use your serum, nows your chance."

Sangria is holding her action.
Re: Overquest campaign


Yan Yenna
Tag: Corgana mainly.

Yenna had scooped up the serums immediately after the DICK had fallen. She was surprised, dismayed, but also somewhat enthused that Corgana had shown up... Now it just remained to see how they could get the serum into her...

She gave one serum to Sekla for safe-keeping, and tucked another in her pouch, keeping the third in her hand.

"Corgana. I fought the DICK, yes. And I made sure that she didn't have a chance. But because of the time we shared together... I'll give you a fair shot at avenging her for your Overlord."

She held out the serum.

"You won't be able to defeat me and my friends without the advantages of a DICK. This serum is what we came for. It gives the DICKs their strength. If you really want to defeat me, and make sure I'm punished, then you'll need this.

"Honestly, I would prefer you come with us. I don't want to hurt you. I want to help you instead. But I know you won't do that, because you believe you have no choice. So if we have to be enemies, then I want you at your best. You deserve that much from me... I really did like the time we spent together, even if I am a rebel."

She proffered the serum, taking a step closer to Corgana.

"If you defeat me. Make certain I remember nothing of this, and try to forgive me." She added, attempting her most heartfelt voice to add to her deception.

Deception Roll: Got a 14. Guess it depends on her DC or on her roll... *hopes it's low*

Back up plan if she rejects this is to try and disarm/disable her with the whip and call to Sangria and Sekla to hold her down while Yan jams it down her throat.
Re: Overquest campaign


Corgana Ironsoul
Back ally
Tag: Yan-Yenna, Sekla

(Keep in mind your disguise self magic didn't end. I'll have it run out soonish. ^^)

"Alright, enough of this." Corgana readied her weapon. "You're talking blasphemously and I like.. need to stop you, one way or the other. If you don't resist I promise your enslavement will be most pleasant, well, it will be either way."

Sangria seemingly had enough of it, and whilest Corgana was distracted, rushed to grab her sword arm, giving Yenna a chance to grab her other arm. With Sekla coming to assist, namely, prying Corganas mouth open as that seemed to be the goal of the game, Yenna could force the potion down the guardwomans throat, causing an almost immediate reaction.

Corgana coughed, staggering if let go of and blinking, her expression clearly shifting.
"Ugh.. wha..? Where am I? Who are you? What is this scandalous outfit. Unhand me at once!" She rushed into Sangria, driving her up to a wall with a painful uff from the same, then looked about, seeming confused for a long moment. Then, however, her eyes looked over each of you with a new focus and clarity, a calm, determined mind as she recounted..

"Damn it.. I got captured and then.. no no.. .. I have to tell the rebellion.. damn it.. how long have I been here.. " She pondered.. "One month.. two, perhaps three, its so hard to judge the time.. I have to..

Anyway.. where are my manners. It seems you took some effort to save me from my predicament. Please give me the other bottles of soldiers serum you have.. regrettably it is only a short term fix of.. what has been done to me. Without it, within a day I will have.. relapses, and within two days I'll .. not be.. myself.."
She gritted her teeth, shaking her head.

"I need to go to the rebels.." "You just beat up one of them." "Anna? Huh. You were a rebel.. damn it, don't let me know these things.. thats the most terrible part, as soon as I revert, I'll sell you out, you better relocate now. Where there any others with you?" "...Damn.. shit, Black.. I have to see if he's alright!" Without further warning, Sangria rushed on, hesitating only for one moment.. "Go back to the sanctuary with your new 'Friend', I have to... your foxy ally will be save there, I have to see..."

...A while later.

With your disguises dropped or ending, Corgana recognizes you, though she claims everything is like a sweet dream she didn't want to wake up out of. She blushes a little at Yan Yenna, though getting to savety and clearing her mind is more important.

Yan Yenna lead Sekla and Corgana to the sanctuary, where the same seems intend on leaving this little village soon,.. all the same, really, everyone is on high alert.

"More will be coming if she doesn't report in, so unless you want to fight three of those, we should move on.. but finally I have time to properly introduce myself. You know my name and.. what became of me, but, before that I was a scout for the rebellion. I actually managed to use an old supply tunnel to spy upon the Overlord himself, and.. well, his plans are.. ruling the world apparently is not enough.

Our foe can be beaten, if he were removed from his staff and the crown of kings, another powerful artifact he uses to enhance his magic and he knows that. He is in the process of creating a.. device. Already I am sure you saw the citizens of these lands worship him like a deity, but.. the worship of those compelled to serve has little value, and the Overlord feels the sting of time upon him. He wants to forcefully accelerate what would happen naturally, him becoming a deity.. thats what I found out and then.. damn it, worst case almost half a year has passed and he has already begun...

The city of Silverpine is not far from this village and the rebels secret headquarters.. at least I hope it still is, I can't believe they've all been .. taken like I have. I'd like to think that me being stationed here, so close and with the luck to meet you was fate, but.. I'm afraid it was only dumb luck. Either way, I'm... out of my time since my enslavement and could use a helping hand.. and you seem to want to help?"

You both have reached the next level for defeating the DICK and freeing Corgana!